internal async void GetPokemon() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //makes new accesable HTTP client //calls website, sending the user entry, website responds and sends back data //var uri = new Uri(string.Format( $"{PokemonEnteredByUser}/")); var uri = new Uri("" + PokemonEnteredByUser + "/"); //THERE IS AN ERROR HERE WHERE THE APP BREAKS FOR NO REASON I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX IT //I looked into the data the API is sendiong me and have decided to abandon this project and work on a different API //This pokemon one give a LOT of useless information that is far too comp[icated to display var response = await client.GetAsync(uri); PokedexItem PokedexData = null; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); PokedexData = PokedexItem.FromJson(content); } PokedexCollection.Add(PokedexData); //adds recived data to collection }
static public void SetHArmorData(PokedexItem item, int id) { item.armor = float.Parse(ODSetting.hArmorTable[id]["baseArmor"]); item.damageDerate = HyperbolaArmorComponent.CalculateDamageDerates(ODSetting.settingDic["damageHArmorModifiedValue"], new float[1] { item.armor })[0]; }
//navigate to new page //sends all dta data currently in the model to the new page private async void NavToMoreInfoPage(PokedexItem pokedexItem) { var navParams = new NavigationParameters(); navParams.Add("PokedexItemInfo", pokedexItem); await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("MoreInfoPage", navParams); }
public void ChooseStartPokemon(PokedexItem item) { ODGame.isFirstStart = false; Log.WriteLog("你选择了 " + item.characterName + " 作为你的初始神奇宝贝!"); ODUI.instance.ShowFirstStartPanel(false); pokemons[ - 1].discovery = true; ODData.OwnPokemon(; }
static public void SetAttackData(PokedexItem item, int attackId, int attackSpeedId, int attackDisId) { item.attack = new float[1] { float.Parse(ODSetting.attackTable[attackId]["attacks"]) }[0]; item.attackInterval = AttackSpeed.GetAttackInterval(float.Parse(ODSetting.attackSpeedTable[attackSpeedId]["baseAttackInterval"]), ODSetting.settingDic["attackSpeedTimeModifiedValue"], ODSetting.settingDic["baseAttackSpeed"]); item.minAttackDis = float.Parse(ODSetting.attDisTable[attackDisId]["min"]); item.maxAttackDis = float.Parse(ODSetting.attDisTable[attackDisId]["max"]); }
private void SetupButtons() { for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count; i++) { Pokemon item = itemList[i]; GameObject newButton = buttonObjectPool.GetObject(); newButton.transform.SetParent(contentPanel); PokedexItem sampleButton = newButton.GetComponent <PokedexItem>(); sampleButton.Setup(item); } }
static public PokedexItem GetPokedexItemById(int id) { PokedexItem item = new PokedexItem(); = id; item.characterName = ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["name"]; SetHpData(item, int.Parse(ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["hp_id"])); SetAttackData(item, int.Parse(ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["attack_id"]), int.Parse(ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["attackspeed_id"]), int.Parse(ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["att_dis_id"])); SetHArmorData(item, int.Parse(ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["h_armor_id"])); SetMoveData(item, int.Parse(ODSetting.pokemonsTable[id]["move_id"])); item.discovery = Sql.IsHavePokemon(id); return(item); }
public static string ToJson(this PokedexItem self) => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(self, Converter.Settings);
public void SetUIDate(PokedexItem item, bool discoveryMask = true) { bool undiscovery = !(discoveryMask || item.discovery); string undiscoveryText = "未知"; this.item = item; if (icon) { icon.sprite = item.icon; if (undiscovery) { icon.color =; } else { icon.color = Color.white; } } if (characterNameText) { characterNameText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.characterName; } if (maxHpText) { maxHpText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.maxHp + ""; } if (hpRecoverText) { hpRecoverText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.hpRecover + ""; } if (attackText) { attackText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.attack + ""; } if (attackIntervalText) { attackIntervalText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.attackInterval + ""; } if (minAttackDisText) { minAttackDisText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.minAttackDis + ""; } if (maxAttackDisText) { maxAttackDisText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.maxAttackDis + ""; } if (armorText) { armorText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.armor + ""; } if (damageDerateText) { damageDerateText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.damageDerate + ""; } if (moveSpeedText) { moveSpeedText.text = (undiscovery)?undiscoveryText:item.moveSpeed + ""; } if (chooseButton) { chooseButton.onClick.AddListener(() => Pokedex.instance.ChooseStartPokemon(item)); } }
private void TestingFunc() { PokedexItem PokedexData = null; }
static public void SetMoveData(PokedexItem item, int id) { item.moveSpeed = float.Parse(ODSetting.moveTable[id]["baseMoveSpeed"]); }
static public void SetHpData(PokedexItem item, int id) { item.maxHp = float.Parse(ODSetting.hpTable[id]["baseMaxHp"]); item.hpRecover = float.Parse(ODSetting.hpTable[id]["baseHpRecover"]); }