static Pokémon[] GetPokémon(string fileName)
            StreamReader Plist = new StreamReader(fileName);

            Pokémon[] pokémons = new Pokémon[fetchSize(fileName)[1]];
            string[]  line     = new string[] {};
            for (int i = 0; i < fetchSize(fileName)[1]; i++)
                line = Plist.ReadLine().Split(',');
                Pokémon pokémon = new Pokémon();
                pokémon.natNum      = Convert.ToInt32(line[0]);
                poké        = line[1];
                pokémon.type1Num    = Convert.ToInt32(line[2]);
                pokémon.type2Num    = Convert.ToInt32(line[3]);
                pokémon.ability1Num = Convert.ToInt32(line[4]);
                pokémon.ability2Num = Convert.ToInt32(line[5]);
                pokémon.ability3Num = Convert.ToInt32(line[6]);

                pokémon.HP  = Convert.ToInt32(line[7]);
                pokémon.A   = Convert.ToInt32(line[8]);
                pokémon.D   = Convert.ToInt32(line[9]);
                pokémon.spA = Convert.ToInt32(line[10]);
                pokémon.spD = Convert.ToInt32(line[11]);
                pokémon.S   = Convert.ToInt32(line[12]);
                pokémons[i] = pokémon;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the specified move, as invoked by the <paramref name="user"/> on the <paramref name="defender"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The user of the <paramref name="move"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="move">The move being used.</param>
        /// <param name="defender">The defender whom the <paramref name="move"/> is being used upon.</param>
        /// <returns>The amount of damage done by the move.</returns>
        public static int Use(this Pokémon user, Move move, Pokémon defender)
            int initialHP = defender.RemainingHealth;

            move.Use(user, defender);
            int laterHP = defender.RemainingHealth;

            return(initialHP - laterHP);
예제 #3
        private int DoTurn(Pokémon actor, Pokémon enemy, IPokéAgent ai)
            //Perform the turn according to the given AI
            int damageDone = actor.Use(ai.ChooseMove(this), enemy);

            //Print out remaining HP of enemy
            Console.WriteLine("\t" + enemy.Species.Name + " has " + enemy.RemainingHealth + " health remaining.");

예제 #4
        public static int UseMoveOfType(this Pokémon user, Type t, Pokémon defender)
            List <Move> availableMoves = user.Moves.Where(move => move.AttackType == t).ToList();

            if (availableMoves.Count < 1)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Pokémon {user.Species.Name} asked to use a move of a type {Enum.GetName(typeof(Type), t)}, of which it does not have any.");
            Move moveChoice = availableMoves[new Random().Next(availableMoves.Count)];

            return(Use(user, moveChoice, defender));
예제 #5
        private int GetHealthQuadrant(Pokémon p)
            //Get the ratio of pokemon's current health to total health
            double approx = p.RemainingHealth / (double)p.Stats[PokémonAPI.Stat.HP];

            //Put the ratio on a scale of 1 to 4 (instead of 0.0 to 1.0)
            //0 = dead, so we don't have to worry about this case
            //1 = 1-25%
            //2 = 26-50%
            //3 = 51-75%
            //4 = 76-100%
            approx = approx * 4;

예제 #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            Pokémon = await _context.Pokémon.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == id);

            if (Pokémon == null)
예제 #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            Pokémon = await _context.Pokémon.FindAsync(id);

            if (Pokémon != null)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #8
 private static int ComparePokémonSpeed(Pokémon p1, Pokémon p2)
     if (p1.Stats[PokémonAPI.Stat.Speed] > p2.Stats[PokémonAPI.Stat.Speed])
         //First 'mon is faster than second 'mon
     else if (p1.Stats[PokémonAPI.Stat.Speed] < p2.Stats[PokémonAPI.Stat.Speed])
         //First 'mon is slower than second 'mon
         //First 'mon is just as fast as second 'mon
        static double Damage(int level, Move move, Pokémon p1, Pokémon p2, int modifier)
            double damage = (((((2 * level / 5) + 2) * move.power * (p1.A / p2.D)) / 50) + 2) * modifier;

예제 #10
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            /**Region for setting up SARSA function (and possibly parameters)**/

            #region SARSA Setup

            //Set up SARSA object
            var explorationPolicy = new EpsilonGreedyExploration(ExplorationRate);
            var numberOfStates    = 15 * 15 * 15 * 15;
            var numberOfActions   = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Type)).Length;
            var sarsa             = new SARSA(numberOfStates, numberOfActions, explorationPolicy);

            //Prepare the state mapping
            Func <Pokémon, Pokémon, long> getState = (pokémon1, pokémon2) =>
                var moveTypes = pokémon1.Moves.Select(t => t.AttackType).Distinct().ToList();

                    (15 * 15 * 15 * (long)pokémon1.Types[0] +
                     15 * 15 * (long)(pokémon1.Types.Count > 1 ? pokémon1.Types[1] : pokémon1.Types[0]) +
                     15 * (long)pokémon2.Types[0] +
                     1 * (long)(pokémon2.Types.Count > 1 ? pokémon2.Types[1] : pokémon2.Types[0]));

            #endregion SARSA Setup

            using (var sw = new StreamWriter("PineappleExpress.txt"))

            /**Region for setting up the battle itself**/

            #region Battle Execution

            //For the specified number of battles, perform battles and update the policy
            for (var battleNumber = 0; battleNumber < NumberOfBattles; battleNumber++)
                // set exploration rate for this iteration
                explorationPolicy.ExplorationRate =
                    ExplorationRate - (double)battleNumber / NumberOfBattles * ExplorationRate;

                // set learning rate for this iteration
                sarsa.LearningRate = LearningRate - (double)battleNumber / NumberOfBattles * LearningRate;

                //Prepare the Pokémon
                Pokémon pokemon1 = RentalPokémon.RentalPorygon;  //A pre-made Porygon
                Pokémon pokemon2 = RentalPokémon.RentalVenusaur; //A pre-made opponent

                long previousState  = -1;
                var  previousAction = -1;
                long currentState   = -1;
                var  nextAction     = -1;

                var reward    = 0.0;
                var firstTurn = true;

                double percentFinished = 0;

                //Battle loop
                while (!(pokemon1.IsFainted || pokemon2.IsFainted))
                    //Shift states
                    currentState = getState(pokemon1, pokemon2);
                    var validTypes = pokemon1.Moves.Select(m => (int)m.AttackType).Distinct().ToList();
                    nextAction = sarsa.GetAction(currentState, validTypes);

                    //update SARSA
                    if (!firstTurn)
                        sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, currentState, nextAction);
                        firstTurn = false;

                    //Determine who moves first
                    var firstMover = pokemon1.Stats[Stat.Speed] > pokemon2.Stats[Stat.Speed] ? pokemon1 : pokemon2;

                    //Perform actions
                    if (pokemon1 == firstMover)
                        reward = pokemon1.UseMoveOfType((Type)nextAction, pokemon2);
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 1) used a move of type {1}", pokemon1.Species.Name,
                                          Enum.GetName(typeof(Type), (Type)nextAction));
                        Console.WriteLine("Did {0} damage. {1} (Pokémon 2) now has {2} health remaining)",
                                          reward, pokemon2.Species.Name, pokemon2.RemainingHealth);
                        if (!pokemon2.IsFainted)
                            pokemon2.Use(new Random().Next(4), pokemon1);
                            reward += 20;
                        pokemon2.Use(new Random().Next(4), pokemon1);

                        //Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 2) used {1}", pokemon2.Species.Name, pokemon2.Moves[0].Name);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Did {0} damage. {1} (Pokémon 1) now has {2} health remaining)",
                        //    reward, pokemon1.Species.Name, pokemon1.RemainingHealth);

                        if (!pokemon1.IsFainted)
                            reward = pokemon1.UseMoveOfType((Type)nextAction, pokemon2);
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 1) used a move of type {1}", pokemon1.Species.Name,
                                              Enum.GetName(typeof(Type), (Type)nextAction));
                            Console.WriteLine("Did {0} damage. {1} (Pokémon 2) now has {2} health remaining)",
                                              reward, pokemon2.Species.Name, pokemon2.RemainingHealth);

                    previousState   = currentState;
                    previousAction  = nextAction;
                    percentFinished = ((double)pokemon2.Stats[Stat.HP] - pokemon2.RemainingHealth) /

                sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, currentState, nextAction);

                if (pokemon1.IsFainted)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 1) Fainted", pokemon1.Species.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} (Pokémon 2) Fainted", pokemon2.Species.Name);

                //Print score for graphing
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter($"PineappleExpress({ExplorationRate}_{LearningRate}).txt", true))
                    sw.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", battleNumber, percentFinished);

            #endregion Battle Execution
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Uses the specified move, as invoked by the <paramref name="user"/> on the <paramref name="defender"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">The user of the move.</param>
 /// <param name="moveIndex">The index corresponding to which of the <paramref name="user"/>'s moves to use.</param>
 /// <param name="defender">The defender whom the move is being used upon.</param>
 /// <returns>The amount of damage done by the move.</returns>
 public static int Use(this Pokémon user, int moveIndex, Pokémon defender) =>
 Use(user, user.Moves[moveIndex], defender);
예제 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * //TESTING PORTION
             * //A pre-made Porygon
             * Pokémon pokemon1 = RentalPokémon.RentalPorygon;
             * //A pre-made Venusaur
             * Pokémon pokemon2 = RentalPokémon.RentalVenusaur;
             * Console.WriteLine("Porygon health: " + pokemon1.RemainingHealth);
             * Console.WriteLine("Venusaur health: " + pokemon2.RemainingHealth);
             * //An example of Porygon attacking Venusaur
             * int damageDealt = pokemon1.Use(2, pokemon2);
             * Console.WriteLine("Damage dealt by Porygon: " + damageDealt);
             * //Checking remaining health
             * int p1Remaining = pokemon1.RemainingHealth;
             * int p2Remaining = pokemon2.RemainingHealth;
             * Console.WriteLine("Porygon health: " + p1Remaining);
             * Console.WriteLine("Venusaur health: " + p2Remaining);
             * //See if Pokémon has fainted
             * bool hasFainted = pokemon2.IsFainted;
             * Console.WriteLine("Did Venusaur faint? " + hasFainted);

            //Do the experiment a certain number of times
            int numIterations = 30;

            //Perform a number of pokemon battles each iteration
            int numBattles = 20000;

            //Keep track of running sums for averaging later
            List <int>    runningSumOfRewards = new List <int>();
            List <double> averageOfRewards    = new List <double>();

            for (int j = 0; j < numBattles; ++j)

            for (int j = 1; j <= numIterations; ++j)
                //Track stats
                int agentWins    = 0;
                int opponentWins = 0;

                //Create the AI for our battles
                IntelligentPokéAgent agentAi = new IntelligentPokéAgent();

                //Initialize learning algorithm

                //These are for the comparison algorithm, a SARSA algorithm from machine learning library

                 * var epol = new EpsilonGreedyExploration(IntelligentPokéAgent.EPSILON);
                 * var tpol = new TabuSearchExploration(IntelligentPokéAgent.ACTION_SPACE, epol);
                 * var sarsa = new Sarsa(IntelligentPokéAgent.STATE_SPACE, IntelligentPokéAgent.ACTION_SPACE, tpol);
                 * agentAi.comparisonAlgorithm = sarsa;

                //agentAi.qlearn.LearningRate = IntelligentPokéAgent.ALPHA;
                //agentAi.qlearn.DiscountFactor = IntelligentPokéAgent.GAMMA;
                RandomPokéAgent opponentAi = new RandomPokéAgent();
                //SmartPokéAgent opponentAi = new SmartPokéAgent();

                //Borrow some already-created pokemon for the battle
                List <Pokémon> agents = new List <Pokémon>();
                Pokémon        agent1 = RentalPokémon.RentalVenusaur;
                Pokémon        agent2 = RentalPokémon.RentalBlastoise;
                Pokémon        agent3 = RentalPokémon.RentalCharizard;
                Pokémon        agent4 = RentalPokémon.RentalPorygon;
                Pokémon        agent5 = RentalPokémon.RentalGengar;
                List <Pokémon> opponents = new List <Pokémon>();
                Pokémon        opponent1 = RentalPokémon.RentalVenusaur;
                Pokémon        opponent2 = RentalPokémon.RentalBlastoise;
                Pokémon        opponent3 = RentalPokémon.RentalCharizard;
                Pokémon        opponent4 = RentalPokémon.RentalPorygon;
                Pokémon        opponent5 = RentalPokémon.RentalGengar;
                Pokémon agent;
                Pokémon opponent;

                Battle testBattle = new Battle();

                for (int i = 0; i < numBattles; ++i)
                    //Start a new episode

                    //Decrease exploration rate gradually
                    agentAi.variableEpsilon = IntelligentPokéAgent.EPSILON - (i / (double)numBattles) * IntelligentPokéAgent.EPSILON;
                    //agentAi.variableEpsilon *= IntelligentPokéAgent.EPSILON_DECAY;

                     * //TESTING - reset stuff for this battle
                     * epol.Epsilon = IntelligentPokéAgent.EPSILON - (i / (double)numBattles) * IntelligentPokéAgent.EPSILON;
                     * //agentAi.qlearn.LearningRate = IntelligentPokéAgent.ALPHA - (i / (double)numBattles) * IntelligentPokéAgent.ALPHA;
                     * tpol.ResetTabuList();

                    //Get a random agent and opponent
                    agent = agents[rnd.Next(agents.Count)];
                    //agent = agent4;   //porygon is a good agent
                    opponent = opponents[rnd.Next(opponents.Count)];
                    //opponent = opponent1;   //venusaur is a simple opponent
                    while (opponent.Species.Name == agent.Species.Name)
                        //No doubles
                        opponent = opponents[rnd.Next(opponents.Count)];

                    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TESTING: what if pokemon had much more health?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    //agent.Stats[Stat.HP] = 1000;
                    //opponent.Stats[Stat.HP] = 1000;

                    //Print battle text to console
                    Console.WriteLine("~~~~~ITERATION " + j + ", BATTLE " + (i + 1) + "~~~~~");
                    Console.WriteLine("A wild " + opponent.Species.Name + " appears! Go, " + agent.Species.Name + "!");

                    //Do the battle and record the winner
                    Pokémon winner = testBattle.DoBattle(agent, agentAi, opponent, opponentAi);

                    //Print winner to console
                    Console.WriteLine("The winner is " + winner.Species.Name + ", with " + winner.RemainingHealth + " HP left!\n");

                    //Increment stats
                    if (winner == agent)

                    //Refresh pokemon health

                //Print out stats
                Console.WriteLine("Out of " + numBattles + " battles:");
                Console.WriteLine("\tThe agent won " + agentWins + " times.");
                Console.WriteLine("\tThe opponent won " + opponentWins + " times.");

                 * Console.WriteLine("Agent total reward per battle: ");
                 * for (int i = 0; i < numBattles; ++i)
                 * {
                 *  //Write rewards in a cluster
                 *  Console.Write("" + agentAi.myRewards[i]);
                 *  if (i == numBattles - 1) { Console.WriteLine(); }
                 *  else { Console.Write(", "); }
                 *  //Write rewards by line
                 *  //Console.WriteLine("\tBattle #" + (i+1) + ": " + agentAi.myRewards[i]);
                 * }

                //Write rewards to file for graphing
                //String outputFile = "rewarddata" + j + ".txt";
                //using (System.IO.StreamWriter outputWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outputFile))
                for (int i = 0; i < numBattles; ++i)
                    //outputWriter.WriteLine("" + i + ", " + agentAi.myBattleRewards[i]);

                    //Also add to the running sums
                    runningSumOfRewards[i] += agentAi.myBattleRewards[i];

                 * outputFile = "rewarddata" + j + ".csv";
                 * using (System.IO.StreamWriter outputWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outputFile))
                 * {
                 *  for (int i = 0; i < numBattles; ++i)
                 *  {
                 *      outputWriter.WriteLine("" + i + ", " + agentAi.myBattleRewards[i]);
                 *  }
                 * }

            //Finally, go through and average all the rewards from all the iterations
            for (int j = 0; j < numBattles; ++j)
                averageOfRewards[j] = (int)Math.Round(runningSumOfRewards[j] / (double)numIterations);

            //Finally, write the averages to an outfile
            String outputFileAvg = "rewarddata_averages.txt";

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter outputWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outputFileAvg))
                for (int i = 0; i < numBattles; ++i)
                    outputWriter.WriteLine("" + i + ", " + averageOfRewards[i]);

예제 #13
        private async void BtnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var invoer = TxtSearch.Text;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(invoer))
                MessageBox.Show("Gelieve de naam of een id van een Pokémon op te geven...", "Ongeldige invoer", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                PokémonDto        pkmnDto;
                PokémonSpeciesDto speciesDto;

                //haal pokémoninfo uit cache
                if (int.TryParse(invoer, out int pokéId))
                    // gebruiker heeft nummer ingevoerd
                    pkmnDto = pokéCache.PokémonDtos.Where(x => x?.id == pokéId).FirstOrDefault();
                    // gebruiker heeft naam ingevoerd
                    pkmnDto = pokéCache.PokémonDtos.Where(x => x?.name == invoer.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();

                // indien cache geen info over gezochte pokémon bevat, downloaden...
                if (pkmnDto != null)
                    speciesDto = pokéCache.PokémonSpeciesDtos[];
                    // download info van API
                    var pkmnTask    = Task.Run(() => pokemonClient.DownloadString(invoer));
                    var speciesTask = Task.Run(() => pokemonSpeciesClient.DownloadString(invoer));
                    await Task.WhenAll(pkmnTask, speciesTask);

                    // deserialiseren van JSON string naar DTO object
                    pkmnDto    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PokémonDto>(pkmnTask.Result);
                    speciesDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PokémonSpeciesDto>(speciesTask.Result);

                    // DTO opslaan in cache voor hergebruik
                    pokéCache.PokémonDtos[] = pkmnDto;

                currentPokémon = new Pokémon()
                    Name        =,
                    Attack      = pkmnDto.stats.Where(stat => == "attack").Select(stat => stat.base_stat).First(),
                    Defense     = pkmnDto.stats.Where(stat => == "defense").Select(stat => stat.base_stat).First(),
                    HP          = pkmnDto.stats.Where(stat => == "hp").Select(stat => stat.base_stat).First(),
                    Types       = pkmnDto.types.Select(type =>,
                    Description = speciesDto?.flavor_text_entries.Where(x => == "en").Select(x => x.flavor_text).First(),
                    ImageUrl    = pkmnDto.sprites.front_default
예제 #14
        public Pokémon DoBattle(Pokémon agentPokémon, IntelligentPokéAgent agentAi, Pokémon defenderPokémon, IPokéAgent defenderAi)
            //Store variables
            agent    = agentPokémon;
            defender = defenderPokémon;

            //Reset agent state

            //Print log to console
            //Console.WriteLine("RL STATE NUMBER: " + agentAi.currentState);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLevel " + agent.Level + " " + agent.Species.Name + " has " + agent.RemainingHealth + " health.");

             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tAttack " + agent.Stats[Stat.Attack]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tDefense " + agent.Stats[Stat.Defense]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tHP " + agent.Stats[Stat.HP]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tSpecial " + agent.Stats[Stat.Special]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tSpeed " + agent.Stats[Stat.Speed]);
            Console.WriteLine("\tLevel " + defender.Level + " " + defender.Species.Name + " has " + defender.RemainingHealth + " health.");

             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tAttack " + defender.Stats[Stat.Attack]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tDefense " + defender.Stats[Stat.Defense]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tHP " + defender.Stats[Stat.HP]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tSpecial " + defender.Stats[Stat.Special]);
             * Console.WriteLine("\t\tSpeed " + defender.Stats[Stat.Speed]);

            //Perform the battle until one pokemon has fainted
            bool weFainted   = false;
            bool theyFainted = false;

            while (true)

                //Fastest pokemon goes first
                //TODO: what do we do if speed is the same?
                if (ComparePokémonSpeed(agent, defender) >= 0)
                    //We are faster
                    //Agent pokemon's turn
                    agentReward = DoTurn(agent, defender, agentAi);

                    //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TESTING: what if ice beam is much more effective?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    //if (agentAi.lastAction == 0) { defender.Damage += 100; }

                    //Did they faint?
                    if (defender.IsFainted)
                        theyFainted = true;
                        //Opponent pokemon's turn
                        agentReward = DoTurn(defender, agent, defenderAi);

                        //Did we faint?
                        if (agent.IsFainted)
                            weFainted = true;
                    //Console.WriteLine("\t\tFrom state " + agentAi.lastState + " to state " + agentAi.currentState +
                    //" by action " + agentAi.lastAction + " for reward " + agentAi.lastReward + ".");
                    //Opponent is faster
                    //Opponent pokemon's turn
                    agentReward = DoTurn(defender, agent, defenderAi);

                    //Did we faint?
                    if (agent.IsFainted)
                        weFainted = true;
                        //Agent pokemon's turn
                        agentReward = DoTurn(agent, defender, agentAi);

                        //Did they faint?
                        if (defender.IsFainted)
                            theyFainted = true;
                    //Console.WriteLine("\t\tFrom state " + agentAi.lastState + " to state " + agentAi.currentState);

                //If someone fainted, assign additional reward for winning or losing the battle
                if (weFainted)
                if (theyFainted)

                //Update the learner
                //Console.WriteLine("\t\tFrom state " + agentAi.lastState + " to state " + agentAi.currentState +
                //" by action " + agentAi.lastAction + " for reward " + agentAi.lastReward + ".");

                //If someone fainted, break the loop
                if (weFainted || theyFainted)

            //The battle is over
            //Return the winning pokemon
            if (weFainted)
예제 #15
        public async Task PokemonInfo(
            [Summary("Pokémon's name to search. Must be in quotes if there are spaces.")]
            params string[] pokeNameStrings)
            string pokeName = string.Join(" ", pokeNameStrings);

            await this.Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();

            string parsedImageUrl = string.Empty;

                if (PokéDex.InstanceDex == null)
                    new PokéDex();

                if (PokéDex.InstanceDex == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("[Command 'pokeinfo']: Instance is still null!");

                Pokémon requestedPokémon = PokéDex.InstanceDex.AllPokémon.FirstOrDefault(e => string.Equals(e.SpeciesName, pokeName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || int.TryParse(pokeName, out int result) && e.DexNum == result);

                if (requestedPokémon == null)
                    await this.ReplyAsync($"Pokémon '{pokeName}' not found! {(pokeName.ToLower() == "nidoran" ? "\nNidoran Requires '-F' or '-M' to indicate gender." : string.Empty)}");


                EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder
                    Title  = requestedPokémon.SpeciesName,
                    Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder {
                        Text = $"#{requestedPokémon.DexNum}"

                parsedImageUrl = $"{requestedPokémon.SpeciesName}.gif";

                parsedImageUrl = parsedImageUrl.Replace("Mime Jr.", "mimejr").Replace("Mr. Mime", "mrmime").Replace("Type: Null", "typenull").Replace("Nidoran-F", "nidoranf").Replace("Nidoran-M", "nidoranm").Replace("Ho-Oh", "hooh").Replace("Hakamo-o", "hakamoo").Replace("Kammo-o", "kammoo").Replace("Porygon-Z", "porygonz").Replace("Zygarde-10%", "zygarde-10").ToLower();

                // Currently has issues
                // builder.ThumbnailUrl = parsedImageUrl;

                // So we do this instead :^)
                System.Drawing.Image image = null;

                if (HttpHelper.UrlExists(parsedImageUrl))
                    byte[] imageBytes = await Program.Instance.HttpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(parsedImageUrl);

                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes))
                        image = Image.FromStream(ms);

                if (image != null)
                    if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.AppPath, "pokemon.gif")))
                        File.Delete(Path.Combine(this.AppPath, "pokemon.gif"));

                    image.Save(Path.Combine(this.AppPath, "pokemon.gif"));

                    await this.Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(Path.Combine(this.AppPath, "pokemon.gif"));

                // Back to your regularlly scheduled builder
                builder.WithColor(requestedPokémon.Color.Name == "Brown" ? Color.FromArgb(40, 26, 13) : requestedPokémon.Color);

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = true,
                    Name     = "Prevolution",
                    Value    = requestedPokémon.EvolvesFrom == null ? "No prevolution" : string.Join(", ", requestedPokémon.EvolvesFrom)

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = true,
                    Name     = "Evolutions",
                    Value    = requestedPokémon.EvolvesInto == null ? "No evolutions" : string.Join(", ", requestedPokémon.EvolvesInto)

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = false,
                    Name     = "Types",
                    Value    = requestedPokémon.Types == null ? "Error" : string.Join(", ", requestedPokémon.Types)

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = true,
                    Name     = "Size",
                    Value    = requestedPokémon.Height

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = true,
                    Name     = "Mass",
                    Value    = requestedPokémon.Weight

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = true,
                    Name     = "Egg Groups",
                    Value    = $"{requestedPokémon.EggGroups.EggGroup1}{(requestedPokémon.EggGroups.EggGroup2 == null ? string.Empty : "\n" + requestedPokémon.EggGroups.EggGroup2)}"

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = false,
                    Name     = "Base stats",
                    Value    = $"HP: {requestedPokémon.BaseStats.Hp} ATK: {requestedPokémon.BaseStats.Attack} DEF: {requestedPokémon.BaseStats.Defense} SPATK: {requestedPokémon.BaseStats.SpecialAttack} SPDEF: {requestedPokémon.BaseStats.SpecialDefense} SPE: {requestedPokémon.BaseStats.Speed}"

                builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    IsInline = true,
                    Name     = "Abilities",
                    Value    = $"{requestedPokémon.Abilities.Ability1}{(requestedPokémon.Abilities.Ability2 == requestedPokémon.Abilities.Ability1 || requestedPokémon.Abilities.Ability2 == null ? string.Empty : $"; {requestedPokémon.Abilities.Ability2}")}"

                if (requestedPokémon.Abilities.AbilityH != null)
                    builder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        IsInline = true,
                        Name     = "Hidden Ability",
                        Value    = requestedPokémon.Abilities.AbilityH

                await this.ReplyAsync(string.Empty, false, builder.Build());

                /*SvnClient client = new SvnClient();
                 * client.Export(SvnTarget.FromString(""), PathsHelper.CreateIfDoesNotExist(Program.AppPath, "Pokemon-Data"));
                 * string hostName = "localhost";
                 * string cs = @"server=" + hostName + @";userid=jordan;database=pmu_data;password=JordantheBuizel;";
                 * MySqlConnection conn = null;
                 * try
                 * {
                 *  conn = new MySqlConnection(cs);
                 *  conn.Open();
                 *  string stm = "SELECT VERSION()";
                 *  MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(stm, conn);
                 *  string version = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                 *  Console.WriteLine("MySQL version : {0}", version);
                 * }
                 * catch
                 * {
                 *  IUser jordan = await this.Context.Client.GetUserAsync(228019100008316948);
                 *  IDMChannel jordanDmChannel = await jordan.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
                 *  await jordanDmChannel.SendMessageAsync("SQL is down!");
                 *  return;
                 * }
                 * try
                 * {
                 *  int dexNum = 0;
                 *  string eggGroup1 = string.Empty;
                 *  string eggGroup2 = string.Empty;
                 *  bool validPoke = false;
                 *  bool specificForm = pokeName.Contains("-") &&
                 *                      pokeName.Split('-')[1].Length > 3;
                 *  pokeName = !specificForm
                 *      ? pokeName
                 *      : pokeName.Split('-')[0];
                 *  string formName = specificForm ? pokeName.Split('-')[1] : string.Empty;
                 *  EmbedBuilder messageBuilder = new EmbedBuilder();
                 *  int hP = 0;
                 *  int attack = 0;
                 *  int defense = 0;
                 *  int specialAttack = 0;
                 *  int specialDefense = 0;
                 *  int speed = 0;
                 *  double height = 0;
                 *  double weight = 0;
                 *  List<string> abilities = new List<string>();
                 *  Program.PokemonType type1 = Program.PokemonType.None;
                 *  Program.PokemonType type2 = Program.PokemonType.None;
                 *  pokeName = pokeName.Replace("\'", "\'\'").Replace("\\", string.Empty);
                 *  formName = formName.Replace("\'", "\'\'").Replace("\\", string.Empty);
                 *  pokeName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(pokeName);
                 *  List<string> forms = new List<string>();
                 *  MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(
                 *      $"SELECT DexNum FROM `pokedex_pokemon` WHERE PokemonName = '{pokeName}'",
                 *      conn);
                 *  MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                 *  while (reader.Read())
                 *  {
                 *      validPoke = reader.HasRows;
                 *      dexNum = reader.GetInt32("DexNum");
                 *  }
                 *  if (dexNum > 7000)
                 *  {
                 *      dexNum -= 7000;
                 *  }
                 *  if (dexNum > 721 || dexNum <= 0)
                 *  {
                 *      await this.Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Pokémon not found!");
                 *      return;
                 *  }
                 *  reader.Close();
                 *  messageBuilder.Title = pokeName;
                 *  messageBuilder.Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText($"#{dexNum}");
                 *  command = new MySqlCommand(
                 *      $"SELECT EggGroup1, EggGroup2 FROM `pokedex_pokemon` WHERE PokemonName = '{pokeName}'",
                 *      conn);
                 *  reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                 *  while (reader.Read())
                 *  {
                 *      eggGroup1 = reader.GetString("EggGroup1");
                 *      eggGroup2 = reader.GetString("EggGroup2");
                 *  }
                 *  reader.Close();
                 *  command = new MySqlCommand(
                 *      $"SELECT EggGroup1, EggGroup2 FROM `pokedex_pokemon` WHERE PokemonName = '{pokeName}'",
                 *      conn);
                 *  reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                 *  while (reader.Read())
                 *  {
                 *      eggGroup1 = reader.GetString("EggGroup1");
                 *      eggGroup2 = reader.GetString("EggGroup2");
                 *  }
                 *  reader.Close();
                 *  if (!eggGroup2.Contains("Undiscovered"))
                 *  {
                 *      eggGroup2 = ", " + eggGroup2;
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      eggGroup2 = string.Empty;
                 *  }
                 *  messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *  {
                 *      Name = $"Egg Groups:",
                 *      Value = $"{eggGroup1}{eggGroup2}",
                 *      IsInline = false
                 *  });
                 *  if (!specificForm)
                 *  {
                 *      command = new MySqlCommand(
                 *          $"SELECT FormName FROM `pokedex_pokemonform` WHERE DexNum = '{dexNum}'", conn);
                 *      reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                 *      while (reader.Read())
                 *      {
                 *          forms.Add(reader.GetString("FormName"));
                 *      }
                 *      reader.Close();
                 *      List<string> distinctForms = forms.Distinct().ToList();
                 *      if (distinctForms.Count > 1)
                 *      {
                 *          string formsBuilder = string.Empty;
                 *          foreach (string form in distinctForms)
                 *          {
                 *              formsBuilder += " " + pokeName + "-" + form;
                 *          }
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *          {
                 *              Name = "Other forms:",
                 *              Value = formsBuilder,
                 *              IsInline = true
                 *          });
                 *      }
                 *      command = new MySqlCommand(
                 *          $"SELECT HP, Attack, Defense, SpecialAttack, SpecialDefense, Speed, Height, Weight, Type1, Type2, Ability1, Ability2, Ability3 FROM `pokedex_pokemonform` WHERE DexNum = '{dexNum}' AND FormName = 'Normal'",
                 *          conn);
                 *      reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                 *      while (reader.Read())
                 *      {
                 *          hP = reader.GetInt32("HP");
                 *          attack = reader.GetInt32("Attack");
                 *          defense = reader.GetInt32("Defense");
                 *          specialAttack = reader.GetInt32("SpecialAttack");
                 *          specialDefense = reader.GetInt32("SpecialDefense");
                 *          speed = reader.GetInt32("Speed");
                 *          height = reader.GetDouble("Height");
                 *          weight = reader.GetDouble("Weight");
                 *          type1 = (Program.PokemonType)reader.GetInt32("Type1");
                 *          type2 = (Program.PokemonType)reader.GetInt32("Type2");
                 *          abilities.Add(reader.GetString("Ability1"));
                 *          abilities.Add(reader.GetString("Ability2"));
                 *          abilities.Add(reader.GetString("Ability3"));
                 *      }
                 *      reader.Close();
                 *      List<string> distinctAbilities = abilities.Distinct().ToList();
                 *      distinctAbilities.RemoveAll(e => e.Contains("None"));
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("\nAbilities: ").WithIsInline(false));
                 *      if (distinctAbilities.Count == 1)
                 *      {
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value += distinctAbilities[0];
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          foreach (string ability in abilities)
                 *          {
                 *              if (!((string)messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value).Contains(ability) && ability != "None")
                 *              {
                 *                  messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value += ability + ", ";
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value = ((string)messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value).TrimEnd(' ', ',');
                 *      }
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *      {
                 *          Name = "Base stats:",
                 *          Value = $"{hP}/{attack}/{defense}/{specialAttack}/{specialDefense}/{speed}",
                 *          IsInline = false
                 *      });
                 *      if (type2 != Program.PokemonType.None)
                 *      {
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *          {
                 *              Name = "Types:",
                 *              Value = $"{Enum.GetName(typeof(Program.PokemonType), type1)}, {Enum.GetName(typeof(Program.PokemonType), type2)}",
                 *              IsInline = false
                 *          });
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *          {
                 *              Name = "Types:",
                 *              Value = $"{Enum.GetName(typeof(Program.PokemonType), type1)}",
                 *              IsInline = false
                 *          });
                 *      }
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *      {
                 *          Name = "Height:",
                 *          Value = $"{height}",
                 *          IsInline = false
                 *      });
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *      {
                 *          Name = "Weight:",
                 *          Value = $"{weight}",
                 *          IsInline = true
                 *      });
                 *      await this.StopTyping();
                 *      await this.Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, messageBuilder.Build());
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      command = new MySqlCommand(
                 *          $"SELECT HP, Attack, Defense, SpecialAttack, SpecialDefense, Speed, Height, Weight, Type1, Type2, Ability1, Ability2, Ability3 FROM `pokedex_pokemonform` WHERE DexNum = '{dexNum}' AND FormName = '{formName}'",
                 *          conn);
                 *      reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                 *      while (reader.Read())
                 *      {
                 *          hP = reader.GetInt32("HP");
                 *          attack = reader.GetInt32("Attack");
                 *          defense = reader.GetInt32("Defense");
                 *          specialAttack = reader.GetInt32("SpecialAttack");
                 *          specialDefense = reader.GetInt32("SpecialDefense");
                 *          speed = reader.GetInt32("Speed");
                 *          height = reader.GetDouble("Height");
                 *          weight = reader.GetDouble("Weight");
                 *          type1 = (Program.PokemonType)reader.GetInt32("Type1");
                 *          type2 = (Program.PokemonType)reader.GetInt32("Type2");
                 *          abilities.Add(reader.GetString("Ability1"));
                 *          abilities.Add(reader.GetString("Ability2"));
                 *          abilities.Add(reader.GetString("Ability3"));
                 *      }
                 *      reader.Close();
                 *      List<string> distinctAbilities = abilities.Distinct().ToList();
                 *      distinctAbilities.RemoveAll(e => e.Contains("None"));
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("\nAbilities: ").WithIsInline(false));
                 *      if (distinctAbilities.Count == 1)
                 *      {
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value += distinctAbilities[0];
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          foreach (string ability in abilities)
                 *          {
                 *              if (!((string)messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value).Contains(ability) && ability != "None")
                 *              {
                 *                  messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value += ability + ", ";
                 *              }
                 *          }
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value = ((string)messageBuilder.Fields.Last().Value).TrimEnd(' ', ',');
                 *      }
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *      {
                 *          Name = "Base stats:",
                 *          Value = $"{hP}/{attack}/{defense}/{specialAttack}/{specialDefense}/{speed}",
                 *          IsInline = false
                 *      });
                 *      if (type2 != Program.PokemonType.None)
                 *      {
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *          {
                 *              Name = "Types:",
                 *              Value = $"{Enum.GetName(typeof(Program.PokemonType), type1)}, {Enum.GetName(typeof(Program.PokemonType), type2)}",
                 *              IsInline = false
                 *          });
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *          {
                 *              Name = "Types:",
                 *              Value = $"{Enum.GetName(typeof(Program.PokemonType), type1)}",
                 *              IsInline = false
                 *          });
                 *      }
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *      {
                 *          Name = "Height:",
                 *          Value = $"{height}",
                 *          IsInline = false
                 *      });
                 *      messageBuilder.Fields.Add(new EmbedFieldBuilder
                 *      {
                 *          Name = "Weight:",
                 *          Value = $"{weight}",
                 *          IsInline = true
                 *      });
                 *      await this.StopTyping();
                 *      await this.Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, messageBuilder.Build());
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * catch (Exception ex)
                 * {
                 *  Console.Out.WriteLine($"Error \n {ex.Message} \n {ex.StackTrace} \n {ex.Source}");
                 * }*/
예제 #16
 private List <PokémonAPI.Type> GetTypes(Pokémon p)
예제 #17
 private List <Move> GetMoves(Pokémon p)