private static void CheckPointsTypeRT(PointsTypeRT pointsType, int expectedPoints) { RunUI(() => SkylineWindow.ShowPointsType(pointsType)); WaitForGraphs(); RunUI(() => { RTLinearRegressionGraphPane pane; Assert.IsTrue(SkylineWindow.RTGraphController.GraphSummary.TryGetGraphPane(out pane)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedPoints, pane.StatisticsRefined.ListRetentionTimes.Count); }); }
public bool IsValidFor(SrmDocument document, int resultIndex, bool bestResult, double threshold, bool refine, PointsTypeRT pointsType) { string calculatorName = Settings.Default.RTCalculatorName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(calculatorName)) { calculatorName = _calculator.Name; } return(IsValidFor(document) && _resultIndex == resultIndex && _bestResult == bestResult && _threshold == threshold && _pointsType == pointsType && _calculatorName == Settings.Default.RTCalculatorName && ReferenceEquals(_calculator, Settings.Default.GetCalculatorByName(calculatorName)) && // Valid if refine is true, and this data requires no further refining (_refine == refine || (refine && IsRefined()))); }
public GraphData(SrmDocument document, GraphData dataPrevious, int resultIndex, double threshold, int?thresholdPrecision, bool refine, bool bestResult, PointsTypeRT pointsType) { _document = document; _resultIndex = resultIndex; _bestResult = bestResult; _threshold = threshold; _thresholdPrecision = thresholdPrecision; _pointsType = pointsType; _peptidesIndexes = new List <PeptideDocumentIndex>(); _peptidesTimes = new List <MeasuredRetentionTime>(); int index = -1; var standards = new HashSet <string>(); if (RTGraphController.PointsType == PointsTypeRT.standards) { standards = document.GetRetentionTimeStandards(); } // CONSIDER: Retention time prediction for small molecules? foreach (var nodePeptide in document.Peptides) { index++; switch (RTGraphController.PointsType) { default: if (nodePeptide.IsDecoy) { continue; } break; case PointsTypeRT.standards: if (!standards.Contains(document.Settings.GetModifiedSequence(nodePeptide))) { continue; } break; case PointsTypeRT.decoys: if (!nodePeptide.IsDecoy) { continue; } break; } float?rt = null; if (!bestResult) { rt = nodePeptide.GetSchedulingTime(resultIndex); } else { int iBest = nodePeptide.BestResult; if (iBest != -1) { rt = nodePeptide.GetSchedulingTime(iBest); } } if (!rt.HasValue) { rt = 0; } _peptidesIndexes.Add(new PeptideDocumentIndex(nodePeptide, index)); string modSeq = _document.Settings.GetSourceTextId(nodePeptide); _peptidesTimes.Add(new MeasuredRetentionTime(modSeq, rt.Value)); } _calculatorName = Settings.Default.RTCalculatorName; RetentionScoreCalculatorSpec calc = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_calculatorName) ? Settings.Default.GetCalculatorByName(Settings.Default.RTCalculatorName) : null; if (calc == null) { // Initialize all calculators Settings.Default.RTScoreCalculatorList.Initialize(null); //This call will pick the best calculator, disqualifying any iRT Calcs that do not have //connected databases _regressionAll = RetentionTimeRegression.CalcRegression(XmlNamedElement.NAME_INTERNAL, Settings.Default.RTScoreCalculatorList, _peptidesTimes, _scoreCache, true, out _statisticsAll, out _calculator); } else { // Initialize the one calculator calc = Settings.Default.RTScoreCalculatorList.Initialize(null, calc); _regressionAll = RetentionTimeRegression.CalcRegression(XmlNamedElement.NAME_INTERNAL, new[] { calc }, _peptidesTimes, _scoreCache, true, out _statisticsAll, out _calculator); //If _regressionAll is null, it is safe to assume that the calculator is an iRT Calc with //its database disconnected. if (_regressionAll == null) { var tryIrtCalc = calc as RCalcIrt; //Only show an error message if the user specifically chooses this calculator. if (dataPrevious != null && !ReferenceEquals(calc, dataPrevious.Calculator) && tryIrtCalc != null) { throw new DatabaseNotConnectedException(tryIrtCalc); } } } if (_regressionAll != null) { _scoreCache = new RetentionTimeScoreCache(new[] { _calculator }, _peptidesTimes, dataPrevious != null ? dataPrevious._scoreCache : null); if (dataPrevious != null && !ReferenceEquals(_calculator, dataPrevious._calculator)) { _scoreCache.RecalculateCalcCache(_calculator); } _scoresRefined = _statisticsAll.ListHydroScores.ToArray(); _timesRefined = _statisticsAll.ListRetentionTimes.ToArray(); } _regressionPredict = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.RetentionTime; if (_regressionPredict != null) { if (!Equals(_calculator, _regressionPredict.Calculator)) { _regressionPredict = null; } else { IDictionary <string, double> scoreCache = null; if (_regressionAll != null && ReferenceEquals(_regressionAll.Calculator, _regressionPredict.Calculator)) { scoreCache = _statisticsAll.ScoreCache; } _statisticsPredict = _regressionPredict.CalcStatistics(_peptidesTimes, scoreCache); } } // Only refine, if not already exceeding the threshold _refine = refine && !IsRefined(); }
public override void UpdateGraph(bool checkData) { GraphHelper.FormatGraphPane(this); SrmDocument document = GraphSummary.DocumentUIContainer.DocumentUI; PeptideDocNode nodeSelected = null; int resultIndex = (ShowReplicate == ReplicateDisplay.single ? GraphSummary.ResultsIndex : -1); var results = document.Settings.MeasuredResults; bool resultsAvailable = results != null; if (resultsAvailable) { if (resultIndex == -1) { resultsAvailable = results.IsLoaded; } else { resultsAvailable = results.Chromatograms.Count > resultIndex && results.IsChromatogramSetLoaded(resultIndex); } } if (!resultsAvailable) { Clear(); } else { var nodeTree = GraphSummary.StateProvider.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode; var nodePeptide = nodeTree as PeptideTreeNode; while (nodePeptide == null && nodeTree != null) { nodeTree = nodeTree.Parent as SrmTreeNode; nodePeptide = nodeTree as PeptideTreeNode; } if (nodePeptide != null) { nodeSelected = nodePeptide.DocNode; } if (checkData) { double threshold = RTGraphController.OutThreshold; bool refine = Settings.Default.RTRefinePeptides; bool bestResult = (ShowReplicate ==; if ((RTGraphController.PointsType == PointsTypeRT.standards && !document.GetRetentionTimeStandards().Any()) || (RTGraphController.PointsType == PointsTypeRT.decoys && !document.PeptideGroups.Any(nodePepGroup => nodePepGroup.Children.Cast <PeptideDocNode>().Any(nodePep => nodePep.IsDecoy)))) { RTGraphController.PointsType = PointsTypeRT.targets; } PointsTypeRT pointsType = RTGraphController.PointsType; if (!IsValidFor(document, resultIndex, bestResult, threshold, refine, pointsType)) { Update(document, resultIndex, threshold, refine, pointsType); if (refine && !IsRefined) { // Do refinement on a background thread. ActionUtil.RunAsync(RefineData, "Refine data"); // Not L10N } } } Graph(nodeSelected); } AxisChange(); GraphSummary.GraphControl.Invalidate(); }
public void Update(SrmDocument document, int resultIndex, double threshold, bool refine, PointsTypeRT pointsType) { bool bestResults = (ShowReplicate ==; Data = new GraphData(document, Data, resultIndex, threshold, null, refine, bestResults, pointsType); XAxis.Title.Text = Data.Calculator.Name; }
public bool IsValidFor(SrmDocument document, int resultIndex, bool bestResult, double threshold, bool refine, PointsTypeRT pointsType) { var data = Data; return(data != null && data.IsValidFor(document, resultIndex, bestResult, threshold, refine, pointsType)); }