public static int bio_fread_1d(BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> > buf, uint el_sz, BoxedValue <uint> n_el, FILE fp, int sw, BoxedValue <uint> ck) { /* Read 1-d array size */ Pointer <byte> array_size = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4); if (bio_fread(array_size, 4, 1, fp, sw, ck) != 1) { err.E_FATAL("fread(arraysize) failed\n"); } n_el.Val = array_size.ReinterpretCast <uint>().Deref; if (n_el.Val <= 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Bad arraysize: {0}\n", n_el.Val)); } /* Allocate memory for array data */ buf.Val = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc <byte>(n_el.Val * el_sz); /* Read array data */ if (bio_fread(buf.Val, (int)el_sz, (int)n_el.Val, fp, sw, ck) != n_el.Val) { err.E_FATAL("fread(arraydata) failed\n"); } return((int)(n_el.Val)); }
public static int swap_check(FILE fp) { Pointer <byte> magic_buf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4); Pointer <uint> magic = magic_buf.ReinterpretCast <uint>(); if (fp.fread(magic_buf, 4, 1) != 1) { err.E_ERROR("Cannot read BYTEORDER MAGIC NO.\n"); return(-1); } if (+magic != BYTE_ORDER_MAGIC) { /* either need to swap or got bogus magic number */ byteorder.SWAP_INT32(magic); if (+magic == BYTE_ORDER_MAGIC) { return(1); } byteorder.SWAP_INT32(magic); err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Bad BYTEORDER MAGIC NO: {0:x8}, expecting {1:x8}\n", magic, BYTE_ORDER_MAGIC)); return(-1); } return(0); }
public static trigger_adapter trigger_create(string modelDir, string dictionaryFile, bool verboseLogging) { //printf(" creating recognizer\n"); Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps = PointerHelpers.NULL <ps_decoder_t>(); Pointer <cmd_ln_t> config = PointerHelpers.NULL <cmd_ln_t>(); config = cmd_ln.cmd_ln_init(config, pocketsphinx.ps_args(), 1, "-hmm", modelDir, "-dict", dictionaryFile, "-verbose", "y"); ps = pocketsphinx.ps_init(config); cmd_ln.cmd_ln_free_r(config); trigger_adapter adapter = new trigger_adapter(); = ps; adapter.user_is_speaking = false; adapter.last_hyp = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(512); adapter.last_hyp[0] = 0; return(adapter); }
public void TestVoidPointerByteToULong() { Pointer <byte> pointer = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(80); Pointer <ulong> voidPointer = pointer.Point(20).ReinterpretCast <ulong>(); pointer[20] = 80; pointer[21] = 226; pointer[22] = 182; pointer[23] = 173; pointer[24] = 76; pointer[25] = 82; pointer[26] = 0; pointer[27] = 0; Assert.AreEqual(90489285435984UL, voidPointer[0]); Assert.AreEqual(0UL, voidPointer[1]); voidPointer[2] = 67823904875254UL; Assert.AreEqual(246, pointer[36]); Assert.AreEqual(226, pointer[37]); Assert.AreEqual(193, pointer[38]); Assert.AreEqual(123, pointer[39]); Assert.AreEqual(175, pointer[40]); Assert.AreEqual(61, pointer[41]); Assert.AreEqual(0, pointer[42]); Assert.AreEqual(0, pointer[43]); }
/* Parse tmat and state.Deref.senone mappings for phone p and fill in structure */ public static void parse_tmat_senmap(Pointer <mdef_t> m, Pointer <byte> line, long off, int p) { int wlen, n, s; Pointer <byte> lp; Pointer <byte> word = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(1024); lp = line + (int)off; /* Read transition matrix id */ if ((stdio.sscanf_d_n(lp, out n, out wlen) != 1) || (n < 0)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing or bad transition matrix id: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); }[p].tmat = n; if (m.Deref.n_tmat <= n) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("tmat-id({0}) > #tmat in header({1}): {2}\n", n, m.Deref.n_tmat, cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; /* Read senone mappings for each emitting state */ for (n = 0; n < m.Deref.n_emit_state; n++) { if ((stdio.sscanf_d_n(lp, out s, out wlen) != 1) || (s < 0)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing or bad state[{0}].Deref.senone mapping: {1}\n", n, cstring.FromCString(line))); } if ((p < m.Deref.n_ciphone) && (m.Deref.n_ci_sen <= s)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("CI-senone-id({0}) > #CI-senones({1}): {2}\n", s, m.Deref.n_ci_sen, cstring.FromCString(line))); } if (m.Deref.n_sen <= s) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Senone-id({0}) > #senones({1}): {2}\n", s, m.Deref.n_sen, cstring.FromCString(line))); } Pointer <ushort> tmp = m.Deref.sseq[p]; tmp[n] = (ushort)s; lp += wlen; } /* Check for the last non-emitting state N */ if ((stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) || (cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("N")) != 0)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing non-emitting state spec: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; /* Check for end of line */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) == 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Non-empty beyond non-emitting final state: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } }
public void TestPointerToBoolean() { Pointer <int> ptr = default(Pointer <int>); Assert.IsFalse(ptr.IsNonNull); ptr = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(10); Assert.IsTrue(ptr.IsNonNull); ptr.Free(); Assert.IsFalse(ptr.IsNonNull); }
public void TestPointerIncrement() { Pointer <int> ptr = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(10); Pointer <int> ptr2 = ptr; for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++, ptr2++) { ptr[c] = c; Assert.AreEqual(c, ptr2.Deref); } }
public void TestPointerDeref() { Pointer <int> ptr = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(10); Assert.AreEqual(0, +ptr); ptr = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(0); try { int x = +ptr; Assert.Fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (Exception) { } }
public static void bcomment_read(FILE fp) { Pointer <byte> iline = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(16384); while (fp.fgets(iline, 16384).IsNonNull) { if (cstring.strcmp(iline, END_COMMENT) == 0) { return; } } err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing {0} marker\n", cstring.FromCString(END_COMMENT))); }
public void TestVoidPointerByteToSbyte() { Pointer <byte> pointer = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(80); Pointer <sbyte> voidPointer = pointer.ReinterpretCast <sbyte>(); pointer[0] = 99; pointer[1] = 128; Assert.AreEqual((sbyte)99, voidPointer[0]); Assert.AreEqual((sbyte)-128, voidPointer[1]); pointer[20] = 53; pointer[21] = 240; voidPointer = voidPointer + 20; Assert.AreEqual((sbyte)53, voidPointer[0]); Assert.AreEqual((sbyte)-16, voidPointer[1]); }
public void TestPointerReallocSmaller() { Pointer <int> pointer = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(8); for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) { pointer[c] = c; } pointer = pointer.Realloc(4); for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { Assert.AreEqual(c, pointer[c]); } }
public static Pointer <byte> arg_resolve_env(Pointer <byte> str) { BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> > resolved_str = new BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> >(PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>()); Pointer <byte> env_name = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(100); Pointer <byte> env_val; BoxedValue <uint> alloced = new BoxedValue <uint>(0); Pointer <byte> i = str; Pointer <byte> j; /* calculate required resolved_str size */ do { j = cstring.strstr(i, cstring.ToCString("$(")); if (j.IsNonNull) { if (j != i) { strnappend(resolved_str, alloced, i, checked ((uint)(j - i))); i = j; } j = cstring.strchr(i + 2, (byte)')'); if (j.IsNonNull) { if (j - (i + 2) < 100) { cstring.strncpy(env_name, i + 2, checked ((uint)(j - (i + 2)))); env_name[j - (i + 2)] = (byte)'\0'; env_val = PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(); } i = j + 1; } else { /* unclosed, copy and skip */ j = i + 2; strnappend(resolved_str, alloced, i, checked ((uint)(j - i))); i = j; } } else { strappend(resolved_str, alloced, i); } } while (j.IsNonNull); return(resolved_str.Val); }
public void TestPointerReallocFree() { Pointer <int> pointer = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(8); for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) { pointer[c] = c; } pointer = pointer.Realloc(0); try { pointer[0].GetHashCode(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } }
public static void fe_warp_affine_set_parameters(Pointer <byte> param_str, float sampling_rate) { Pointer <byte> tok; Pointer <byte> seps = cstring.ToCString(" \t"); Pointer <byte> temp_param_str = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(256); int param_index = 0; nyquist_frequency = sampling_rate / 2; if (param_str.IsNull) { is_neutral = 1; return; } /* The new parameters are the same as the current ones, so do nothing. */ if (cstring.strcmp(param_str, p_str) == 0) { return; } is_neutral = 0; cstring.strcpy(temp_param_str, param_str); parameters.MemSet(0, N_PARAM); cstring.strcpy(p_str, param_str); /* FIXME: strtok() is not re-entrant... */ tok = cstring.strtok(temp_param_str, seps); while (tok.IsNonNull) { parameters[param_index++] = (float)strfuncs.atof_c(tok); tok = cstring.strtok(PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(), seps); if (param_index >= N_PARAM) { break; } } if (tok.IsNonNull) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Affine warping takes up to two arguments, {0} ignored.\n", cstring.FromCString(tok))); } if (parameters[0] == 0) { is_neutral = 1; err.E_INFO ("Affine warping cannot have slope zero, warping not applied.\n"); } }
public void TestPointerPoint() { Pointer <int> ptr = PointerHelpers.Malloc <int>(10); for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) { ptr[c] = c; } Pointer <int> ptr2 = ptr + 6; Assert.AreEqual(6, +ptr2); ptr2 = ptr.Point(6); Assert.AreEqual(6, +ptr2); ptr2 = ptr2 - 3; Assert.AreEqual(3, +ptr2); Pointer <int> ptr3 = ptr + 3; Assert.AreEqual(ptr2, ptr3); }
public void TestScanfSN() { Pointer <byte> d = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(50); int len; int r; r = stdio.sscanf_s_n(cstring.ToCString(" Three "), d, out len); Assert.AreEqual("Three", cstring.FromCString(d)); Assert.AreEqual(7, len); Assert.AreEqual(1, r); r = stdio.sscanf_s_n(cstring.ToCString(" "), d, out len); Assert.AreEqual(0, r); r = stdio.sscanf_s_n(cstring.ToCString("1"), d, out len); Assert.AreEqual("1", cstring.FromCString(d)); Assert.AreEqual(1, len); Assert.AreEqual(1, r); }
public static void bio_verify_chksum(FILE fp, int byteswap, uint chksum) { Pointer <byte> file_chksum_array = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4); Pointer <uint> file_chksum = file_chksum_array.ReinterpretCast <uint>(); if (fp.fread(file_chksum_array, 4, 1) != 1) { err.E_FATAL("fread(chksum) failed\n"); } if (byteswap != 0) { byteorder.SWAP_INT32(file_chksum); } if (+file_chksum != chksum) { err.E_FATAL (string.Format("Checksum error; file-checksum {0:x8}, computed {1:x8}\n", file_chksum, chksum)); } }
public static int FREAD_SWAP32_CHK(Pointer <bin_mdef_t> m, FILE fh, int swap, out int dest, Pointer <byte> filename) { Pointer <byte> buf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4); Pointer <int> buf_int = buf.ReinterpretCast <int>(); if (fh.fread(buf, 4, 1) != 1) { dest = 0; fh.fclose(); ckd_alloc.ckd_free(m); err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to read {0} from {1}\n", dest, cstring.FromCString(filename))); return(-1); } dest = +buf_int; if (swap != 0) { dest = byteorder.SWAP_INT32(dest); } return(0); }
public static void triphone_add(Pointer <mdef_t> m, short ci, short lc, short rc, int wpos, int p) { Pointer <ph_lc_t> lcptr; Pointer <ph_rc_t> rcptr; SphinxAssert.assert(p < m.Deref.n_phone); /* Fill in phone[p] information (state and tmat mappings added later) */[p].ci = ci;[p].lc = lc;[p].rc = rc;[p].wpos = wpos; /* Create <ci,lc,rc,wpos> .Deref. p mapping if not a CI phone */ if (p >= m.Deref.n_ciphone) { if ((lcptr = find_ph_lc(m.Deref.wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][(int)ci], lc)).IsNull) { lcptr = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <ph_lc_t>(1); /* freed at mdef_free, I believe */ = lc; = m.Deref.wpos_ci_lclist[wpos][(int)ci]; Pointer <Pointer <ph_lc_t> > tmp = m.Deref.wpos_ci_lclist[wpos]; tmp[(int)ci] = lcptr; /* This is what needs to be freed */ } if ((rcptr = find_ph_rc(lcptr.Deref.rclist, rc)).IsNonNull) { Pointer <byte> buf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4096); mdef_phone_str(m,, buf); err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Duplicate triphone: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(buf))); } rcptr = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <ph_rc_t>(1); /* freed in mdef_free, I believe */ rcptr.Deref.rc = rc; = p; = lcptr.Deref.rclist; lcptr.Deref.rclist = rcptr; } }
public static int bio_readhdr(FILE fp, BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > argname, BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > argval, out int swap) { Pointer <byte> line = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(16384); Pointer <byte> word = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4096); int i, l; int lineno; argname.Val = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc <Pointer <byte> >(BIO_HDRARG_MAX + 1); argval.Val = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc <Pointer <byte> >(BIO_HDRARG_MAX); lineno = 0; if (fp.fgets(line, 16384).IsNull) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Premature EOF, line {0}\n", lineno)); goto error_out; } lineno++; if ((line[0] == 's') && (line[1] == '3') && (line[2] == '\n')) { /* New format (post Dec-1996, including checksums); read argument-value pairs */ for (i = 0; ;) { if (fp.fgets(line, 16384).IsNull) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Premature EOF, line {0}\n", lineno)); goto error_out; } lineno++; if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(line, word, out l) != 1) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Header format error, line {0}\n", lineno)); goto error_out; } if (cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("endhdr")) == 0) { break; } if (word[0] == '#') /* Skip comments */ { continue; } if (i >= BIO_HDRARG_MAX) { err.E_ERROR (string.Format("Max arg-value limit({0}) exceeded; increase BIO_HDRARG_MAX\n", BIO_HDRARG_MAX)); goto error_out; } argname.Val[i] = ckd_alloc.ckd_salloc(word); if (stdio.sscanf_s(line + l, word) != 1) { /* Multi-word values not allowed */ err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Header format error, line {0}\n", lineno)); goto error_out; } argval.Val[i] = ckd_alloc.ckd_salloc(word); i++; } } else { /* Old format (without checksums); the first entry must be the version# */ if (stdio.sscanf_s(line, word) != 1) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Header format error, line {0}\n", lineno)); goto error_out; } argname.Val[0] = ckd_alloc.ckd_salloc(cstring.ToCString("version")); argval.Val[0] = ckd_alloc.ckd_salloc(word); i = 1; bcomment_read(fp); } argname.Val[i] = PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(); if ((swap = swap_check(fp)) < 0) { err.E_ERROR("swap_check failed\n"); goto error_out; } return(0); error_out: bio_hdrarg_free(argname.Val, argval.Val); argname.Val = argval.Val = PointerHelpers.NULL <Pointer <byte> >(); swap = 0; return(-1); }
public static int ps_start_utt(Pointer <ps_decoder_t> ps) { int rv; Pointer <byte> uttid = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(16); if (ps.Deref.acmod.Deref.state == acmod_state_e.ACMOD_STARTED || ps.Deref.acmod.Deref.state == acmod_state_e.ACMOD_PROCESSING) { err.E_ERROR("Utterance already started\n"); return(-1); } if ( == null) { err.E_ERROR("No search module is selected, did you forget to specify a language model or grammar?\n"); return(-1); } profile.ptmr_reset(ps.Deref.perf); profile.ptmr_start(ps.Deref.perf); stdio.sprintf(uttid, string.Format("{0}", ps.Deref.uttno)); ++ps.Deref.uttno; /* Remove any residual word lattice and hypothesis. */ ps_lattice.ps_lattice_free(; = PointerHelpers.NULL <ps_lattice_t>(); = PointerHelpers.NULL <ps_latlink_t>(); = 0; ckd_alloc.ckd_free(; = PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(); if ((rv = acmod.acmod_start_utt(ps.Deref.acmod)) < 0) { return(rv); } /* Start logging features and audio if requested. */ // LOGAN cut out logging /*if (ps.Deref.mfclogdir) { * char *logfn = string_join(ps.Deref.mfclogdir, "/", * uttid, ".mfc", NULL); * FILE *mfcfh; * E_INFO("Writing MFCC file: %s\n", logfn); * if ((mfcfh = fopen(logfn, "wb")) == NULL) { * E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Failed to open MFCC file %s", logfn); * ckd_alloc.ckd_free(logfn); * return -1; * } * ckd_alloc.ckd_free(logfn); * acmod_set_mfcfh(ps.Deref.acmod, mfcfh); * } * if (ps.Deref.rawlogdir) { * char *logfn = string_join(ps.Deref.rawlogdir, "/", * uttid, ".raw", NULL); * FILE *rawfh; * E_INFO("Writing raw audio file: %s\n", logfn); * if ((rawfh = fopen(logfn, "wb")) == NULL) { * E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Failed to open raw audio file %s", logfn); * ckd_alloc.ckd_free(logfn); * return -1; * } * ckd_alloc.ckd_free(logfn); * acmod_set_rawfh(ps.Deref.acmod, rawfh); * } * if (ps.Deref.senlogdir) { * char *logfn = string_join(ps.Deref.senlogdir, "/", * uttid, ".sen", NULL); * FILE *senfh; * E_INFO("Writing senone score file: %s\n", logfn); * if ((senfh = fopen(logfn, "wb")) == NULL) { * E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Failed to open senone score file %s", logfn); * ckd_alloc.ckd_free(logfn); * return -1; * } * ckd_alloc.ckd_free(logfn); * acmod_set_senfh(ps.Deref.acmod, senfh); * }*/ /* Start auxiliary phone loop search. */ if (ps.Deref.phone_loop != null) { ps_search_start(ps.Deref.phone_loop); } return(ps_search_start(; }
public static int senone_mixw_read(Pointer <senone_t> s, Pointer <byte> file_name, Pointer <logmath_t> lmath) { FILE fp; int byteswap, chksum_present; BoxedValue <uint> chksum = new BoxedValue <uint>(); Pointer <float> pdf; int i, f, c, p, n_err; Pointer <Pointer <byte> > argname; Pointer <Pointer <byte> > argval; err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading senone mixture weights: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); if ((fp = FILE.fopen(file_name, "rb")) == null) { err.E_FATAL_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to open mixture weights file '{0}' for reading", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } /* Read header, including argument-value info and 32-bit byteorder magic */ BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > boxed_argname = new BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > >(); BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > boxed_argval = new BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > >(); if (bio.bio_readhdr(fp, boxed_argname, boxed_argval, out byteswap) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from file '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } argname = boxed_argname.Val; argval = boxed_argval.Val; /* Parse argument-value list */ chksum_present = 0; for (i = 0; argname[i].IsNonNull; i++) { if (cstring.strcmp(argname[i], cstring.ToCString("version")) == 0) { if (cstring.strcmp(argval[i], MIXW_PARAM_VERSION) != 0) { err.E_WARN(string.Format("Version mismatch({0}): {1}, expecting {2}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), cstring.FromCString(argval[i]), cstring.FromCString(MIXW_PARAM_VERSION))); } } else if (cstring.strcmp(argname[i], cstring.ToCString("chksum0")) == 0) { chksum_present = 1; /* Ignore the associated value */ } } bio.bio_hdrarg_free(argname, argval); argname = argval = PointerHelpers.NULL <Pointer <byte> >(); chksum.Val = 0; /* Read #senones, #features, #codewords, arraysize */ byte[] temp_read_buf = new byte[4]; Pointer <byte> temp_read_ptr_byte = new Pointer <byte>(temp_read_buf); Pointer <uint> temp_read_ptr_uint = temp_read_ptr_byte.ReinterpretCast <uint>(); if ((bio.bio_fread(temp_read_ptr_byte, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("bio_fread({0}) (arraysize) failed\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } s.Deref.n_sen = temp_read_ptr_uint[0]; if ((bio.bio_fread(temp_read_ptr_byte, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("bio_fread({0}) (arraysize) failed\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } s.Deref.n_feat = temp_read_ptr_uint[0]; if ((bio.bio_fread(temp_read_ptr_byte, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("bio_fread({0}) (arraysize) failed\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } s.Deref.n_cw = temp_read_ptr_uint[0]; if ((bio.bio_fread(temp_read_ptr_byte, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("bio_fread({0}) (arraysize) failed\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } i = (int)temp_read_ptr_uint[0]; if (i != s.Deref.n_sen * s.Deref.n_feat * s.Deref.n_cw) { err.E_FATAL (string.Format("{0}: #float32s({1}) doesn't match dimensions: {2} x {3} x {4}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), i, s.Deref.n_sen, s.Deref.n_feat, s.Deref.n_cw)); } /* * Compute #LSB bits to be dropped to represent mixwfloor with 8 bits. * All PDF values will be truncated (in the LSB positions) by these many bits. */ if ((s.Deref.mixwfloor <= 0.0) || (s.Deref.mixwfloor >= 1.0)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("mixwfloor ({0}) not in range (0, 1)\n", s.Deref.mixwfloor)); } /* Use a fixed shift for compatibility with everything else. */ err.E_INFO(string.Format("Truncating senone logs3(pdf) values by {0} bits\n", hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT)); /* * Allocate memory for senone PDF data. Organize normally or transposed depending on * s.Deref.n_gauden. */ if (s.Deref.n_gauden > 1) { err.E_INFO("Not transposing mixture weights in memory\n"); s.Deref.pdf = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_3d <byte>(s.Deref.n_sen, s.Deref.n_feat, s.Deref.n_cw); } else { err.E_INFO("Transposing mixture weights in memory\n"); s.Deref.pdf = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_3d <byte>(s.Deref.n_feat, s.Deref.n_cw, s.Deref.n_sen); } /* Temporary structure to read in floats */ pdf = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc <float>(s.Deref.n_cw); Pointer <byte> bytebuf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4 * s.Deref.n_cw); Pointer <float> floatbuf = bytebuf.ReinterpretCast <float>(); /* Read senone probs data, normalize, floor, convert to logs3, truncate to 8 bits */ n_err = 0; for (i = 0; i < s.Deref.n_sen; i++) { for (f = 0; f < s.Deref.n_feat; f++) { if (bio.bio_fread(bytebuf, 4, (int)s.Deref.n_cw, fp, byteswap, chksum) != s.Deref.n_cw) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("bio_fread({0}) (arraydata) failed\n", file_name)); } floatbuf.MemCopyTo(pdf, (int)s.Deref.n_cw); /* Normalize and floor */ if (vector.vector_sum_norm(pdf, checked ((int)s.Deref.n_cw)) <= 0.0) { n_err++; } vector.vector_floor(pdf, checked ((int)s.Deref.n_cw), s.Deref.mixwfloor); vector.vector_sum_norm(pdf, checked ((int)s.Deref.n_cw)); /* Convert to logs3, truncate to 8 bits, and store in s.Deref.pdf */ for (c = 0; c < s.Deref.n_cw; c++) { p = -(logmath.logmath_log(lmath, pdf[c])); p += (1 << (hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT - 1)) - 1; /* Rounding before truncation */ if (s.Deref.n_gauden > 1) { s.Deref.pdf[i][f].Set(c, checked ((byte)((p < (255 << hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT)) ? (p >> hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT) : 255))); } else { s.Deref.pdf[f][c].Set(i, checked ((byte)((p < (255 << hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT)) ? (p >> hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT) : 255))); } } } } if (n_err > 0) { err.E_WARN(string.Format("Weight normalization failed for %d mixture weights components\n", n_err)); } ckd_alloc.ckd_free(pdf); if (chksum_present != 0) { bio.bio_verify_chksum(fp, byteswap, chksum.Val); } if (fp.fread(temp_read_ptr_byte, 1, 1) == 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("More data than expected in {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } fp.fclose(); err.E_INFO (string.Format("Read mixture weights for {0} senones: {1} features x {2} codewords\n", s.Deref.n_sen, s.Deref.n_feat, s.Deref.n_cw)); return(1); }
public static int bio_fread_3d(BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <Pointer <float> > > > arr, BoxedValue <uint> d1, BoxedValue <uint> d2, BoxedValue <uint> d3, FILE fp, uint swap, BoxedValue <uint> chksum) { MemoryBlock <byte> length_buf = new MemoryBlock <byte>(12); Pointer <byte> length = new Pointer <byte>(new BasicMemoryBlockAccess <byte>(length_buf), 0); Pointer <uint> l_d1 = new Pointer <uint>(new UpcastingMemoryBlockAccess <uint>(length_buf), 0); Pointer <uint> l_d2 = new Pointer <uint>(new UpcastingMemoryBlockAccess <uint>(length_buf), 4); Pointer <uint> l_d3 = new Pointer <uint>(new UpcastingMemoryBlockAccess <uint>(length_buf), 8); uint n = 0; Pointer <byte> raw = PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(); uint ret; ret = (uint)bio_fread(length.Point(0), 4, 1, fp, (int)swap, chksum); if (ret != 1) { if (ret == 0) { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Unable to read complete data"); } else { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM("OS error in bio_fread_3d"); } return(-1); } ret = (uint)bio_fread(length.Point(4), 4, 1, fp, (int)swap, chksum); if (ret != 1) { if (ret == 0) { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Unable to read complete data"); } else { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM("OS error in bio_fread_3d"); } return(-1); } ret = (uint)bio_fread(length.Point(8), 4, 1, fp, (int)swap, chksum); if (ret != 1) { if (ret == 0) { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Unable to read complete data"); } else { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM("OS error in bio_fread_3d"); } return(-1); } BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> > boxed_raw = new BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> >(raw); BoxedValue <uint> boxed_n = new BoxedValue <uint>(n); if (bio_fread_1d(boxed_raw, 4, boxed_n, fp, (int)swap, chksum) != n) { return(-1); } n = boxed_n.Val; raw = boxed_raw.Val; SphinxAssert.assert(n == +l_d1 * +l_d2 * +l_d3); // LOGAN changed // Convert byte data to float Pointer <float> float_upcast_buf = raw.ReinterpretCast <float>(); Pointer <float> float_copy_buf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <float>(n); float_upcast_buf.MemCopyTo(float_copy_buf, (int)n); arr.Val = ckd_alloc.ckd_alloc_3d_ptr <float>(+l_d1, +l_d2, +l_d3, float_copy_buf); d1.Val = +l_d1; d2.Val = +l_d2; d3.Val = +l_d3; return((int)n); }
public static int senone_mgau_map_read(Pointer <senone_t> s, Pointer <byte> file_name) { FILE fp; int byteswap, chksum_present, n_gauden_present; BoxedValue <uint> chksum = new BoxedValue <uint>(); int i; Pointer <Pointer <byte> > argname; Pointer <Pointer <byte> > argval; object ptr; double v; err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading senone gauden-codebook map file: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); if ((fp = FILE.fopen(file_name, "rb")) == null) { err.E_FATAL_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to open map file '{0}' for reading", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } /* Read header, including argument-value info and 32-bit byteorder magic */ BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > boxed_argname = new BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > >(); BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > boxed_argval = new BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > >(); if (bio.bio_readhdr(fp, boxed_argname, boxed_argval, out byteswap) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from file '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } argname = boxed_argname.Val; argval = boxed_argval.Val; /* Parse argument-value list */ chksum_present = 0; n_gauden_present = 0; for (i = 0; argname[i].IsNonNull; i++) { if (cstring.strcmp(argname[i], cstring.ToCString("version")) == 0) { if (cstring.strcmp(argval[i], SPDEF_PARAM_VERSION) != 0) { err.E_WARN(string.Format("Version mismatch({0}): {1}, expecting {2}\n", file_name, argval[i], SPDEF_PARAM_VERSION)); } /* HACK!! Convert version# to float32 and take appropriate action */ if (stdio.sscanf_f(argval[i], out v) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: Bad version no. string: {1}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), cstring.FromCString(argval[i]))); } n_gauden_present = (v > 1.1) ? 1 : 0; } else if (cstring.strcmp(argname[i], cstring.ToCString("chksum0")) == 0) { chksum_present = 1; /* Ignore the associated value */ } } bio.bio_hdrarg_free(argname, argval); argname = argval = PointerHelpers.NULL <Pointer <byte> >(); chksum.Val = 0; /* Read #gauden (if version matches) */ byte[] read_single_buf = new byte[4]; Pointer <byte> read_byte_ptr = new Pointer <byte>(read_single_buf); Pointer <uint> read_uint_ptr = read_byte_ptr.ReinterpretCast <uint>(); if (n_gauden_present != 0) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading number of codebooks from {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); if (bio.bio_fread(read_byte_ptr, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("fread({0}) (#gauden) failed\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } s.Deref.n_gauden = read_uint_ptr[0]; } /* Read 1d array data */ BoxedValue <uint> n_el = new BoxedValue <uint>(s.Deref.n_sen); BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> > boxed_ptr = new BoxedValue <Pointer <byte> >(); if (bio.bio_fread_1d(boxed_ptr, 4, n_el, fp, byteswap, chksum) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("bio_fread_1d({0}) failed\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } s.Deref.n_sen = n_el.Val; Pointer <uint> data_as_uint = boxed_ptr.Val.ReinterpretCast <uint>(); Pointer <uint> native_uint_data = PointerHelpers.Malloc <uint>(s.Deref.n_sen); data_as_uint.MemCopyTo(native_uint_data, (int)s.Deref.n_sen); s.Deref.mgau = native_uint_data; err.E_INFO(string.Format("Mapping {0} senones to {1} codebooks\n", s.Deref.n_sen, s.Deref.n_gauden)); /* Infer n_gauden if not present in this version */ if (n_gauden_present == 0) { s.Deref.n_gauden = 1; for (i = 0; i < s.Deref.n_sen; i++) { if (s.Deref.mgau[i] >= s.Deref.n_gauden) { s.Deref.n_gauden = s.Deref.mgau[i] + 1; } } } if (chksum_present != 0) { bio.bio_verify_chksum(fp, byteswap, chksum.Val); } if (fp.fread(read_byte_ptr, 1, 1) == 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("More data than expected in {0}: {1}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), read_single_buf[0])); } fp.fclose(); err.E_INFO(string.Format("Read {0}->{1} senone-codebook mappings\n", s.Deref.n_sen, s.Deref.n_gauden)); return(1); }
public static void parse_base_line(Pointer <mdef_t> m, Pointer <byte> line, int p) { int wlen, n; Pointer <byte> word = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(1024); Pointer <byte> lp; int ci; lp = line; /* Read base phone name */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing base phone name: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; /* Make sure it's not a duplicate */ ci = mdef_ciphone_id(m, word); if (ci >= 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Duplicate base phone: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } /* Add ciphone to ciphone table with id p */ ciphone_add(m, word, p); ci = (int)p; /* Read and skip "-" for lc, rc, wpos */ for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { if ((stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) || (cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("-")) != 0)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Bad context info for base phone: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; } /* Read filler attribute, if present */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing filler attribute field: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; if (cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("filler")) == 0) { m.Deref.ciphone[(int)ci].filler = 1; } else if (cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("n/a")) == 0) { m.Deref.ciphone[(int)ci].filler = 0; } else { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Bad filler attribute field: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } triphone_add(m, (short)ci, -1, -1, word_posn_t.WORD_POSN_UNDEFINED, p); /* Parse remainder of line: transition matrix and state.Deref.senone mappings */ parse_tmat_senmap(m, line, lp - line, p); }
public static Pointer <dict_t> dict_init(Pointer <cmd_ln_t> config, Pointer <bin_mdef_t> mdef) { FILE fp, fp2; int n; Pointer <lineiter_t> li; Pointer <dict_t> d; Pointer <short> sil = PointerHelpers.Malloc <short>(1); Pointer <byte> dictfile = PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(); Pointer <byte> fillerfile = PointerHelpers.NULL <byte>(); if (config.IsNonNull) { dictfile = cmd_ln.cmd_ln_str_r(config, cstring.ToCString("-dict")); fillerfile = cmd_ln.cmd_ln_str_r(config, cstring.ToCString("_fdict")); } /* * First obtain #words in dictionary (for hash table allocation). * Reason: The PC NT system doesn't like to grow memory gradually. Better to allocate * all the required memory in one go. */ fp = null; n = 0; if (dictfile.IsNonNull) { if ((fp = FILE.fopen(dictfile, "r")) == null) { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to open dictionary file '{0}' for reading", cstring.FromCString(dictfile))); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } for (li = pio.lineiter_start(fp); li.IsNonNull; li = pio.lineiter_next(li)) { if (0 != cstring.strncmp(li.Deref.buf, HASHES, 2) && 0 != cstring.strncmp(li.Deref.buf, SEMICOLONS, 2)) { n++; } } fp.fseek(0L, FILE.SEEK_SET); } fp2 = null; if (fillerfile.IsNonNull) { if ((fp2 = FILE.fopen(fillerfile, "r")) == null) { err.E_ERROR_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to open filler dictionary file '{0}' for reading", cstring.FromCString(fillerfile))); fp.fclose(); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } for (li = pio.lineiter_start(fp2); li.IsNonNull; li = pio.lineiter_next(li)) { if (0 != cstring.strncmp(li.Deref.buf, HASHES, 2) && 0 != cstring.strncmp(li.Deref.buf, SEMICOLONS, 2)) { n++; } } fp2.fseek(0L, FILE.SEEK_SET); } /* * Allocate dict entries. HACK!! Allow some extra entries for words not in file. * Also check for type size restrictions. */ d = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <dict_t>(1); /* freed in dict_free() */ d.Deref.refcnt = 1; d.Deref.max_words = (n + S3DICT_INC_SZ < s3types.MAX_S3WID) ? n + S3DICT_INC_SZ : s3types.MAX_S3WID; if (n >= s3types.MAX_S3WID) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Number of words in dictionaries ({0}) exceeds limit (%d)\n", n, s3types.MAX_S3WID)); if (fp != null) { fp.fclose(); } if (fp2 != null) { fp2.fclose(); } ckd_alloc.ckd_free(d); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } err.E_INFO(string.Format("Allocating {0} * {1} bytes ({2} KiB) for word entries\n", d.Deref.max_words, 28, d.Deref.max_words * 28 / 1024)); d.Deref.word = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <dictword_t>(d.Deref.max_words); /* freed in dict_free() */ d.Deref.n_word = 0; if (mdef.IsNonNull) { d.Deref.mdef = bin_mdef.bin_mdef_retain(mdef); } /* Create new hash table for word strings; case-insensitive word strings */ if (config.IsNonNull && cmd_ln.cmd_ln_exists_r(config, cstring.ToCString("-dictcase")) != 0) { d.Deref.nocase = cmd_ln.cmd_ln_boolean_r(config, cstring.ToCString("-dictcase")); } = hash_table.hash_table_new(d.Deref.max_words, d.Deref.nocase); /* Digest main dictionary file */ if (fp != null) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading main dictionary: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(dictfile))); dict_read(fp, d); fp.fclose(); err.E_INFO(string.Format("{0} words read\n", d.Deref.n_word)); } if (dict_wordid(d, S3_START_WORD) != s3types.BAD_S3WID) { err.E_ERROR("Remove sentence start word '<s>' from the dictionary\n"); dict_free(d); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } if (dict_wordid(d, S3_FINISH_WORD) != s3types.BAD_S3WID) { err.E_ERROR("Remove sentence start word '</s>' from the dictionary\n"); dict_free(d); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } if (dict_wordid(d, S3_SILENCE_WORD) != s3types.BAD_S3WID) { err.E_ERROR("Remove silence word '<sil>' from the dictionary\n"); dict_free(d); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } /* Now the filler dictionary file, if it exists */ d.Deref.filler_start = d.Deref.n_word; if (fp2 != null) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading filler dictionary: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(fillerfile))); dict_read(fp2, d); fp2.fclose(); err.E_INFO(string.Format("{0} words read\n", d.Deref.n_word - d.Deref.filler_start)); } if (mdef.IsNonNull) { sil.Deref = checked ((short)bin_mdef.bin_mdef_silphone(mdef)); } else { sil.Deref = 0; } if (dict_wordid(d, S3_START_WORD) == s3types.BAD_S3WID) { dict_add_word(d, S3_START_WORD, sil, 1); } if (dict_wordid(d, S3_FINISH_WORD) == s3types.BAD_S3WID) { dict_add_word(d, S3_FINISH_WORD, sil, 1); } if (dict_wordid(d, S3_SILENCE_WORD) == s3types.BAD_S3WID) { dict_add_word(d, S3_SILENCE_WORD, sil, 1); } d.Deref.filler_end = d.Deref.n_word - 1; /* Initialize distinguished word-ids */ d.Deref.startwid = dict_wordid(d, S3_START_WORD); d.Deref.finishwid = dict_wordid(d, S3_FINISH_WORD); d.Deref.silwid = dict_wordid(d, S3_SILENCE_WORD); if ((d.Deref.filler_start > d.Deref.filler_end) || (dict_filler_word(d, d.Deref.silwid) == 0)) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Word '{0}' must occur (only) in filler dictionary\n", cstring.FromCString(S3_SILENCE_WORD))); dict_free(d); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <dict_t>()); } /* No check that alternative pronunciations for filler words are in filler range!! */ return(d); }
public static Pointer <T> ckd_malloc <T>(int num_elements) where T : struct { return(PointerHelpers.Malloc <T>(num_elements)); }
public static Pointer <tmat_t> tmat_init(Pointer <byte> file_name, Pointer <logmath_t> lmath, double tpfloor, int breport) { int n_src, n_dst, n_tmat; FILE fp; int byteswap, chksum_present; BoxedValue <uint> chksum = new BoxedValue <uint>(); Pointer <Pointer <float> > tp; int i, j, k, tp_per_tmat; Pointer <Pointer <byte> > argname; Pointer <Pointer <byte> > argval; Pointer <tmat_t> t; if (breport != 0) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading HMM transition probability matrices: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } t = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <tmat_t>(1); if ((fp = FILE.fopen(file_name, "rb")) == null) { err.E_FATAL_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to open transition file '{0}' for reading", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } /* Read header, including argument-value info and 32-bit byteorder magic */ BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > boxed_argname = new BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > >(); BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > > boxed_argval = new BoxedValue <Pointer <Pointer <byte> > >(); if (bio.bio_readhdr(fp, boxed_argname, boxed_argval, out byteswap) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from file '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } argname = boxed_argname.Val; argval = boxed_argval.Val; /* Parse argument-value list */ chksum_present = 0; for (i = 0; argname[i].IsNonNull; i++) { if (cstring.strcmp(argname[i], cstring.ToCString("version")) == 0) { if (cstring.strcmp(argval[i], TMAT_PARAM_VERSION) != 0) { err.E_WARN(string.Format("Version mismatch({0}): }1}, expecting {2}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), cstring.FromCString(argval[i]), cstring.FromCString(TMAT_PARAM_VERSION))); } } else if (cstring.strcmp(argname[i], cstring.ToCString("chksum0")) == 0) { chksum_present = 1; /* Ignore the associated value */ } } bio.bio_hdrarg_free(argname, argval); argname = argval = PointerHelpers.NULL <Pointer <byte> >(); chksum.Val = 0; Pointer <byte> fread_buf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(4); Pointer <int> fread_buf_int = fread_buf.ReinterpretCast <int>(); /* Read #tmat, #from-states, #to-states, arraysize */ if ((bio.bio_fread(fread_buf, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } n_tmat = fread_buf_int.Deref; if ((bio.bio_fread(fread_buf, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } n_src = fread_buf_int.Deref; if ((bio.bio_fread(fread_buf, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } n_dst = fread_buf_int.Deref; if ((bio.bio_fread(fread_buf, 4, 1, fp, byteswap, chksum) != 1)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read header from '{0}'\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } i = fread_buf_int.Deref; if (n_tmat >= short.MaxValue) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: Number of transition matrices ({1}) exceeds limit ({2})\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), n_tmat, short.MaxValue)); } t.Deref.n_tmat = checked ((short)n_tmat); if (n_dst != n_src + 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: Unsupported transition matrix. Number of source states ({1}) != number of target states ({2})-1\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), n_src, n_dst)); } t.Deref.n_state = checked ((short)n_src); if (i != t.Deref.n_tmat * n_src * n_dst) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: Invalid transitions. Number of coefficients ({1}) doesn't match expected array dimension: {2} x {3} x {4}\n", cstring.FromCString(file_name), i, t.Deref.n_tmat, n_src, n_dst)); } /* Allocate memory for tmat data */ = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_3d <byte>((uint)t.Deref.n_tmat, (uint)n_src, (uint)n_dst); /* Temporary structure to read in the float data */ tp = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_2d <float>((uint)n_src, (uint)n_dst); /* Read transition matrices, normalize and floor them, and convert to log domain */ tp_per_tmat = n_src * n_dst; for (i = 0; i < t.Deref.n_tmat; i++) { byte[] rawData = new byte[tp_per_tmat * 4]; Pointer <byte> rawData_ptr = new Pointer <byte>(rawData); if (bio.bio_fread(rawData_ptr, 4, tp_per_tmat, fp, byteswap, chksum) != tp_per_tmat) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Failed to read transition matrix {0} from '{1}'\n", i, cstring.FromCString(file_name))); } // LOGAN modified - need to convert byte array to float Pointer <float> tp_tmp = tp[0]; for (int c = 0; c < tp_per_tmat; c++) { tp_tmp[c] = BitConverter.ToSingle(rawData, c * 4); } /* Normalize and floor */ for (j = 0; j < n_src; j++) { if (vector.vector_sum_norm(tp[j], n_dst) == 0.0) { err.E_WARN(string.Format("Normalization failed for transition matrix {0} from state {1}\n", i, j)); } vector.vector_nz_floor(tp[j], n_dst, tpfloor); vector.vector_sum_norm(tp[j], n_dst); /* Convert to logs3. */ for (k = 0; k < n_dst; k++) { int ltp; /* Log and quantize them. */ ltp = -logmath.logmath_log(lmath, tp[j][k]) >> hmm.SENSCR_SHIFT; if (ltp > 255) { ltp = 255; }[i][j].Set(k, (byte)ltp); } } } ckd_alloc.ckd_free_2d(tp); if (chksum_present != 0) { bio.bio_verify_chksum(fp, byteswap, chksum.Val); } if (fp.fread(fread_buf, 1, 1) == 1) { err.E_ERROR("Non-empty file beyond end of data\n"); } fp.fclose(); if (tmat_chk_uppertri(t, lmath) < 0) { err.E_FATAL("Tmat not upper triangular\n"); } if (tmat_chk_1skip(t, lmath) < 0) { err.E_FATAL("Topology not Left-to-Right or Bakis\n"); } return(t); }
/* * Initialize phones (ci and triphones) and state.Deref.senone mappings from .mdef file. */ public static Pointer <mdef_t> mdef_init(Pointer <byte> mdeffile, int breport) { FILE fp; int n_ci, n_tri, n_map, n; Pointer <byte> tag = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(1024); Pointer <byte> buf = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(1024); Pointer <Pointer <ushort> > senmap; int p; int s, ci, cd; Pointer <mdef_t> m; if (mdeffile.IsNull) { err.E_FATAL("No mdef-file\n"); } if (breport != 0) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Reading model definition: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile))); } m = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <mdef_t>(1); /* freed in mdef_free */ if ((fp = FILE.fopen(mdeffile, "r")) == null) { err.E_FATAL_SYSTEM(string.Format("Failed to open mdef file '{0} for reading", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile))); } if (noncomment_line(buf, 1024, fp) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Empty file: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile))); } if (cstring.strncmp(buf, cstring.ToCString("BMDF"), 4) == 0 || cstring.strncmp(buf, cstring.ToCString("FDMB"), 4) == 0) { err.E_INFO(string.Format("Found byte-order mark {0:x4}, assuming this is a binary mdef file\n", buf)); fp.fclose(); ckd_alloc.ckd_free(m); return(PointerHelpers.NULL <mdef_t>()); } if (cstring.strncmp(buf, MODEL_DEF_VERSION, cstring.strlen(MODEL_DEF_VERSION)) != 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Version error: Expecing {0}, but read {1}\n", cstring.FromCString(MODEL_DEF_VERSION), cstring.FromCString(buf))); } /* Read #base phones, #triphones, #senone mappings defined in header */ n_ci = -1; n_tri = -1; n_map = -1; m.Deref.n_ci_sen = -1; m.Deref.n_sen = -1; m.Deref.n_tmat = -1; do { if (noncomment_line(buf, 1024, fp) < 0) { err.E_FATAL("Incomplete header\n"); } if ((stdio.sscanf_d_s(buf, out n, tag) != 2) || (n < 0)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Error in header: %s\n", cstring.FromCString(buf))); } if (cstring.strcmp(tag, cstring.ToCString("n_base")) == 0) { n_ci = n; } else if (cstring.strcmp(tag, cstring.ToCString("n_tri")) == 0) { n_tri = n; } else if (cstring.strcmp(tag, cstring.ToCString("n_state_map")) == 0) { n_map = n; } else if (cstring.strcmp(tag, cstring.ToCString("n_tied_ci_state")) == 0) { m.Deref.n_ci_sen = n; } else if (cstring.strcmp(tag, cstring.ToCString("n_tied_state")) == 0) { m.Deref.n_sen = n; } else if (cstring.strcmp(tag, cstring.ToCString("n_tied_tmat")) == 0) { m.Deref.n_tmat = n; } else { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Unknown header line: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(buf))); } } while ((n_ci < 0) || (n_tri < 0) || (n_map < 0) || (m.Deref.n_ci_sen < 0) || (m.Deref.n_sen < 0) || (m.Deref.n_tmat < 0)); if ((n_ci == 0) || (m.Deref.n_ci_sen == 0) || (m.Deref.n_tmat == 0) || (m.Deref.n_ci_sen > m.Deref.n_sen)) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: Error in header\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile))); } /* Check typesize limits */ if (n_ci >= short.MaxValue) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: #CI phones ({1}) exceeds limit ({2})\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile), n_ci, short.MaxValue)); } if (n_ci + n_tri >= int.MaxValue) /* Comparison is always false... */ { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: #Phones ({1}) exceeds limit ({2})\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile), n_ci + n_tri, int.MaxValue)); } if (m.Deref.n_sen >= short.MaxValue) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: #senones ({1}) exceeds limit ({2})\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile), m.Deref.n_sen, short.MaxValue)); } if (m.Deref.n_tmat >= int.MaxValue) /* Comparison is always false... */ { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("{0}: #tmats ({1}) exceeds limit ({2})\n", cstring.FromCString(mdeffile), m.Deref.n_tmat, int.MaxValue)); } m.Deref.n_emit_state = (n_map / (n_ci + n_tri)) - 1; if ((m.Deref.n_emit_state + 1) * (n_ci + n_tri) != n_map) { err.E_FATAL ("Header error: n_state_map not a multiple of n_ci*n_tri\n"); } /* Initialize ciphone info */ m.Deref.n_ciphone = n_ci; m.Deref.ciphone_ht = hash_table.hash_table_new(n_ci, hash_table.HASH_CASE_YES); /* With case-insensitive string names *//* freed in mdef_free */ m.Deref.ciphone = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <ciphone_t>(n_ci); /* freed in mdef_free */ /* Initialize phones info (ciphones + triphones) */ m.Deref.n_phone = n_ci + n_tri; = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_struct <phone_t>(m.Deref.n_phone); /* freed in mdef_free */ /* Allocate space for state.Deref.senone map for each phone */ senmap = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_2d <ushort>((uint)m.Deref.n_phone, (uint)m.Deref.n_emit_state); /* freed in mdef_free */ m.Deref.sseq = senmap; /* TEMPORARY; until it is compressed into just the unique ones */ /* Allocate initial space for <ci,lc,rc,wpos> .Deref. pid mapping */ m.Deref.wpos_ci_lclist = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc_2d <Pointer <ph_lc_t> >((uint)N_WORD_POSN, (uint)m.Deref.n_ciphone); /* freed in mdef_free */ /* * Read base phones and triphones. They'll simply be assigned a running sequence * number as their "phone-id". If the phone-id < n_ci, it's a ciphone. */ /* Read base phones */ for (p = 0; p < n_ci; p++) { if (noncomment_line(buf, 1024, fp) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Premature EOF reading CIphone {0}\n", p)); } parse_base_line(m, buf, p); } m.Deref.sil = (short)mdef_ciphone_id(m, S3_SILENCE_CIPHONE); /* Read triphones, if any */ for (; p < m.Deref.n_phone; p++) { if (noncomment_line(buf, 1024, fp) < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Premature EOF reading phone {0}\n", p)); } parse_tri_line(m, buf, p); } if (noncomment_line(buf, 1024, fp) >= 0) { err.E_ERROR(string.Format("Non-empty file beyond expected #phones ({0})\n", m.Deref.n_phone)); } /* Build CD senones to CI senones map */ if (m.Deref.n_ciphone * m.Deref.n_emit_state != m.Deref.n_ci_sen) { err.E_FATAL (string.Format("#CI-senones({0}) != #CI-phone({1}) x #emitting-states({2})\n", m.Deref.n_ci_sen, m.Deref.n_ciphone, m.Deref.n_emit_state)); } m.Deref.cd2cisen = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc <short>(m.Deref.n_sen); /* freed in mdef_free */ m.Deref.sen2cimap = ckd_alloc.ckd_calloc <short>(m.Deref.n_sen); /* freed in mdef_free */ for (s = 0; s < m.Deref.n_sen; s++) { m.Deref.sen2cimap[s] = -1; } for (s = 0; s < m.Deref.n_ci_sen; s++) { /* CI senones */ m.Deref.cd2cisen[s] = (short)s; m.Deref.sen2cimap[s] = (short)(s / m.Deref.n_emit_state); } for (p = n_ci; p < m.Deref.n_phone; p++) { /* CD senones */ for (s = 0; s < m.Deref.n_emit_state; s++) { cd = m.Deref.sseq[p][s]; ci = m.Deref.sseq[[p].ci][s]; m.Deref.cd2cisen[cd] = (short)ci; m.Deref.sen2cimap[cd] =[p].ci; } } sseq_compress(m); fp.fclose(); return(m); }
public static void parse_tri_line(Pointer <mdef_t> m, Pointer <byte> line, int p) { int wlen; Pointer <byte> word = PointerHelpers.Malloc <byte>(1024); Pointer <byte> lp; int ci, lc, rc; int wpos = word_posn_t.WORD_POSN_BEGIN; lp = line; /* Read base phone name */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing base phone name: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; ci = mdef_ciphone_id(m, word); if (ci < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Unknown base phone: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } /* Read lc */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing left context: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; lc = mdef_ciphone_id(m, word); if (lc < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Unknown left context: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } /* Read rc */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing right context: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; rc = mdef_ciphone_id(m, word); if (rc < 0) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Unknown right context: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } /* Read tripone word-position within word */ if ((stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) || (word[1] != '\0')) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing or bad word-position spec: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; switch (word[0]) { case (byte)'b': wpos = word_posn_t.WORD_POSN_BEGIN; break; case (byte)'e': wpos = word_posn_t.WORD_POSN_END; break; case (byte)'s': wpos = word_posn_t.WORD_POSN_SINGLE; break; case (byte)'i': wpos = word_posn_t.WORD_POSN_INTERNAL; break; default: err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Bad word-position spec: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); break; } /* Read filler attribute, if present. Must match base phone attribute */ if (stdio.sscanf_s_n(lp, word, out wlen) != 1) { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Missing filler attribute field: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } lp += wlen; if (((cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("filler")) == 0) && (m.Deref.ciphone[(int)ci].filler != 0)) || ((cstring.strcmp(word, cstring.ToCString("n/a")) == 0) && (m.Deref.ciphone[(int)ci].filler == 0))) { /* Everything is fine */ } else { err.E_FATAL(string.Format("Bad filler attribute field: {0}\n", cstring.FromCString(line))); } triphone_add(m, (short)ci, (short)lc, (short)rc, wpos, p); /* Parse remainder of line: transition matrix and state.Deref.senone mappings */ parse_tmat_senmap(m, line, lp - line, p); }