예제 #1
            //  the function TestPerformance() measures the running time of
            //  the nearest neighbor search in an ordered dataset of points;
            //  the test emulates the computation of the distance transform;
            //  it calculates the minimum distance from each point in
            //  the given rectangle to a point in the input dataset;
            static public cv.Mat TestPerformance
                int rect_width,
                int rect_height,
                List <Point> test_points
                cv.Mat        dist         = new cv.Mat(rect_height, rect_width, cv.MatType.CV_32F);
                PointComparer pnt_comparer = new PointComparer();


                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


                for (int x = 0; x < rect_width; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < rect_height; ++y)
                        float nextVal = (float)MinDistanceOrderedSet(new Point(x, y), pnt_comparer, test_points);
                        dist.Set <float>(y, x, nextVal);

                Console.WriteLine("execution time of ordered dataset algorithm = {0} ms ;", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        public void AddMethod_PointWithComparer_BinaryTree()
            var point1 = new Point(12, 10);
            var point2 = new Point(20, 10);
            var point3 = new Point(6, 8);
            var point4 = new Point(3, 5);
            var point5 = new Point(5, 1);
            var point6 = new Point(3, 10);

            var comparer = new PointComparer();

            BinarySearchTree <Point> tree = new BinarySearchTree <Point>(new Point[]
                                                                         { point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6 },
            List <Point> actual = new List <Point>();

            foreach (var item in tree)

            List <Point> expected = new List <Point>()
                point5, point4, point6, point3, point1, point2

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #3
        private bool WasTargetWalked(IList <Point> currentRoute)
            var pointComparer = new PointComparer();

            foreach (var foundRoute in _foundRoutes)
                if (foundRoute.Count == currentRoute.Count)
                    var areSame = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < foundRoute.Count; i++)
                        if (!pointComparer.Equals(foundRoute[i], currentRoute[i]))
                            areSame = false;

                    if (areSame)

예제 #4
        public void Initialize()
            List <Point> points = new List <Point> {
                new Point()
                    X = 6, Y = 5
                new Point()
                    X = 1, Y = 4
                new Point()
                    X = 2, Y = 7
                new Point()
                    X = 6, Y = 6
                new Point()
                    X = 3, Y = 3

            PointComparer pointComparer = new PointComparer();

            PointTree = new Tree <Point>(pointComparer);

            foreach (Point point in points)
예제 #5
        public void CorrectBoundingBoxesFlexPoints()
            PointComparer pointComparer = new PointComparer(new DoubleComparer(3));

            var documentFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "..", "..", "..", "Integration", "Documents"));

            var filePath = Path.Combine(documentFolder, "data.pdf");

            using (var doc = PdfDocument.Open(filePath))
                var page = doc.GetPage(1);

                var letters = page.Letters;

                // check 'm'
                var m = letters[0];
                Assert.Equal("m", m.Value);
                Assert.Equal(new PdfPoint(253.4458, 658.431), m.GlyphRectangle.BottomLeft, pointComparer);
                Assert.Equal(new PdfPoint(261.22659, 662.83446), m.GlyphRectangle.TopRight, pointComparer);

                // check 'p'
                var p = letters[1];
                Assert.Equal("p", p.Value);
                Assert.Equal(new PdfPoint(261.70778, 656.49825), p.GlyphRectangle.BottomLeft, pointComparer);
                Assert.Equal(new PdfPoint(266.6193, 662.83446), p.GlyphRectangle.TopRight, pointComparer);
예제 #6
        private void HighlightRoute(IList <Point> route)
            var pointComparer = new PointComparer();

            for (int i = 1; i <= _targetPosition.Y; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= _targetPosition.X; j++)
                    var gridData = tilesContainer.Children.GetData(new Point {
                        X = j,
                        Y = i

                    if (route.Any(r => pointComparer.Equals(r, gridData.Position)))
                        gridData.Background  = Utilities.CurrentAreaTileColor();
                        gridData.BorderBrush = Utilities.CurrentAreaBorderColor();
                        gridData.Background  = Utilities.InnerAreaTileColor();
                        gridData.BorderBrush = Utilities.InnerAreaBorderColor();
예제 #7
 public SelectionService(Terminal terminal)
     this.terminal = terminal;
     comparer      = new PointComparer();
     nullString    = NStack.ustring.Make(CharData.Null.Rune);
     spaceString   = NStack.ustring.Make(" ");
예제 #8
            //  the function LowerBound() implements a binary search,
            //  which in terms of operator < returns the first position
            //  that satisfies the following condition:
            //      ! ( points_ordered[pos] < point_in ) == true ;
            //  the computational complexity is O(log N),
            //  where N is the number of points in a dataset;
            static protected int LowerBound
                List <Point> points_ordered,
                PointComparer pnt_comparer_in,
                Point point_in
                int i_low  = 0;
                int i_high = points_ordered.Count;
                int i_mid  = 0;

                while (i_low < i_high)
                    i_mid = (i_low + i_high) / 2;

                    if (pnt_comparer_in.Compare(points_ordered[i_mid], point_in) < 0)
                        i_low = i_mid + 1;
                        i_high = i_mid;

 public void TreeWithPointProvider(CustomPoint[] point, CustomPoint[] resultPoint, IComparer<CustomPoint> comparer)
     var tree = new BinaryTree<CustomPoint>(point, comparer);
     var pointCompare = new PointComparer();
     var enumeratorBook = tree.Preorder().ToArray();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(enumeratorBook, resultPoint, pointCompare);
예제 #10
        public void CanAddHelloWorldToSimplePage()
            var path    = IntegrationHelpers.GetDocumentPath("Single Page Simple - from open office.pdf");
            var doc     = PdfDocument.Open(path);
            var builder = new PdfDocumentBuilder();

            var page = builder.AddPage(doc, 1);

            page.DrawLine(new PdfPoint(30, 520), new PdfPoint(360, 520));
            page.DrawLine(new PdfPoint(360, 520), new PdfPoint(360, 250));

            page.SetStrokeColor(250, 132, 131);
            page.DrawLine(new PdfPoint(25, 70), new PdfPoint(100, 70), 3);
            page.DrawRectangle(new PdfPoint(30, 200), 250, 100, 0.5m);
            page.DrawRectangle(new PdfPoint(30, 100), 250, 100, 0.5m);

            var file = TrueTypeTestHelper.GetFileBytes("Andada-Regular.ttf");

            var font = builder.AddTrueTypeFont(file);

            var letters = page.AddText("Hello World!", 12, new PdfPoint(30, 50), font);


            var b = builder.Build();

            WriteFile(nameof(CanAddHelloWorldToSimplePage), b);


            using (var document = PdfDocument.Open(b))
                var page1 = document.GetPage(1);

                Assert.Equal("I am a simple pdf.Hello World!", page1.Text);

                var h = page1.Letters[18];

                Assert.Equal("H", h.Value);
                Assert.Equal("Andada-Regular", h.FontName);

                var comparer      = new DoubleComparer(0.01);
                var pointComparer = new PointComparer(comparer);

                for (int i = 0; i < letters.Count; i++)
                    var readerLetter = page1.Letters[i + 18];
                    var writerLetter = letters[i];

                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.Value, writerLetter.Value);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.Location, writerLetter.Location, pointComparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.FontSize, writerLetter.FontSize, comparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Width, writerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Width, comparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Height, writerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Height, comparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.GlyphRectangle.BottomLeft, writerLetter.GlyphRectangle.BottomLeft, pointComparer);
예제 #11
        public void PointComparer_MustReturn2()
            var point1 = new Point(1, 3);
            var point2 = new Point(3, 1);
            var result = new PointComparer().Compare(point1, point2);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 0);
예제 #12
        public static List<Point> GetCircle(int Xc, int Yc, int R)
            List<Point> points = new List<Point>();
               int x = 0;
               int y = R;
               int d = 2 * (1 - R);
               while (y >= 0)
               points.Add(new Point(Xc + x, Yc + y));
               points.Add(new Point(Xc + x, Yc - y));
               points.Add(new Point(Xc - x, Yc + y));
               points.Add(new Point(Xc - x, Yc - y));
               if (d < 0)
                   if (2 * (d + y) - 1 <= 0)
                       d += 2 * x + 1;
                       d += 2 * x - 2 * y + 2;

                   if (d > 0)
                       if (2 * d - 2 * x - 1 <= 0)
                           d += 2 * x - 2 * y + 2;
                           d = d - 2 * y + 1;

                       d += 2 * x - 2 * y + 2;

               PointComparer pc = new PointComparer();
               var buf = (from p in points
                      select p).Distinct(pc);
               return buf.ToList();
        public void BinaryTree_CustomTypeCustomComparer_ExpetedResult()
            Point p1 = new Point()
                x = 7, y = 10, z = 10
            Point p2 = new Point()
                x = 4, y = 5, z = 5
            Point p3 = new Point()
                x = 5, y = 3, z = 2
            Point p4 = new Point()
                x = 9, y = 4, z = 6
            Point p5 = new Point()
                x = 7, y = 13, z = 15
            Point p6 = new Point()
                x = 2, y = 22, z = 18
            Point p7 = new Point()
                x = 13, y = 9, z = 9

            PointComparer      comp = new PointComparer();
            BinaryTree <Point> tree = new BinaryTree <Point>(comp.Compare);


            Point[] expected = { p3, p2, p4, p1, p7, p5, p6 };

            Point[] actual = new Point[expected.Length];
            int     i      = 0;

            foreach (Point point in tree.InorderTraversal())
                actual[i++] = point;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
    public static List <List <Point> > Dist(List <List <Point> > points)
        var results  = new List <List <Point> >();
        var comparer = new PointComparer();

        foreach (var lst in points)
 private void WriteObstaclePort(Shape shape, Port port)
     Validate.IsFalse(portToIdMap.ContainsKey(port), "Duplicate entries for port in the same or different shape.Ports list(s)");
     var relativePort = port as RelativeFloatingPort;
     if (null != relativePort)
         Validate.IsTrue(PointComparer.Equal(shape.BoundingBox.Center, relativePort.CenterDelegate()),
                         "Port CenterDelegate must be Shape.Center for file persistence");
         Validate.AreEqual(shape.BoundaryCurve, port.Curve, "Port curve is not the same as that of the Shape in which it is a member");
     portToIdMap.Add(port, NextPortId);
     WritePort(port, shapeToIdMap[shape]);
예제 #16
        public virtual void OneColumn(IEnumerable <TItem> items, AlignerOptions options)
            var comparer = new PointComparer {
                Order = options.PointOrder, Delta = options.PointOrderDelta
            var colItems = items.OrderBy(item => Locator.GetLocation(item), comparer);
            var bounds   = new Rectangle(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 0, 0);

            MeasureColumn(colItems, options, ref bounds);
            var colPos  = bounds.Location;
            var locator = new LocateVisitBuilder <TItem>(this.Locator);

            LocateColumn(colItems, bounds, bounds, ref colPos, locator, options);
예제 #17
        public void LineIntersection_Smoke_Test()
            var pointComparer = new PointComparer();

            var line1 = new Line(new Point(1, 1), new Point(10, 1));
            var line2 = new Line(new Point(1, 2), new Point(10, 2));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(null, LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(10, 0), new Point(0, 10));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(0, 10), new Point(10, 10));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(0, 10), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(0, 0), new Point(10, 10));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(0, 10), new Point(10, 10));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(10, 10), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(10, 0), new Point(0, 10));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(0, 0), new Point(10, 10));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(5, 5), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(-5, -5), new Point(0, 0));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(1, 1), new Point(10, 10));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(default(Point), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(3, -5), new Point(3, 10));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(0, 5), new Point(10, 5));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(3, 5), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(0, 5), new Point(10, 5));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(3, -5), new Point(3, 10));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(3, 5), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(0, 5), new Point(10, 5));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(3, -5), new Point(5, 15));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(4, 5), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));

            line1 = new Line(new Point(0, -5), new Point(0, 5));
            line2 = new Line(new Point(-3, 0), new Point(3, 0));

            Assert.IsTrue(pointComparer.Equals(new Point(0, 0), LineIntersection.Find(line1, line2)));
        public void BinarySearchTree_Point_Remove_NegativeTest()
            var point1 = new Point(10, 10);
            var point2 = new Point(20, 20);
            var point3 = new Point(30, 30);
            var point4 = new Point(40, 40);

            Point[] items    = new Point[] { point1, point2, point3, point4 };
            var     comparer = new PointComparer();
            var     testTree = new BinarySearchTree <Point>(items, comparer);
            var     point5   = new Point(50, 50);


            Assert.AreEqual(items.Length, testTree.Count);
        public void BinarySearchTree_Point_Remove_PositiveTest()
            Point point1 = new Point(10, 10);
            Point point2 = new Point(20, 20);
            Point point3 = new Point(30, 30);
            Point point4 = new Point(40, 40);

            Point[] items    = new Point[] { point1, point2, point3, point4 };
            var     comparer = new PointComparer();
            var     testTree = new BinarySearchTree <Point>(items, comparer);


            Assert.AreEqual(items.Length - 1, testTree.Count);
예제 #20
        IList <Rectangle> CalculateFreeSpace(Point start, Size sizeNeeded, Dimension dimension, IEnumerable <TItem> ignore, double distance)
            var h     = dimension == Dimension.X ? sizeNeeded.Height : GraphScene.Shape.Size.Height;
            var w     = dimension == Dimension.X ? GraphScene.Shape.Size.Width : sizeNeeded.Width;
            var iRect = new Rectangle(start, new Size(w, h));

            var comparer = new PointComparer {
                Order = dimension == Dimension.X ? PointOrder.X : PointOrder.Y
            var loc = new GraphSceneItemShapeLocator <TItem, TEdge> {
                GraphScene = this.GraphScene
            var elems = GraphScene.ElementsIn(iRect)
                        .Where(e => !(e is TEdge)).Except(ignore).OrderBy(e => loc.GetLocation(e), comparer);

            return(new Rectangle[0]);
예제 #21
        private void display(List <Advanced.Algorithms.Geometry.Line> lines,
                             List <Advanced.Algorithms.Geometry.Point> expectedIntersections,
                             List <Advanced.Algorithms.Geometry.Point> actualIntersections)

            var canvas = new Canvas();

            foreach (var line in lines)
                // Add a Line Element
                var myLine = new System.Windows.Shapes.Line();
                myLine.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.LightSteelBlue;

                myLine.X1 = line.Left.X;
                myLine.X2 = line.Right.X;
                myLine.Y1 = line.Left.Y;
                myLine.Y2 = line.Right.Y;

                myLine.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                myLine.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                myLine.StrokeThickness     = 2;

                setPoint(canvas, line.Left, true);
                setPoint(canvas, line.Right, true);

            var comparer = new PointComparer(tolerance);

            .RemoveAll(x => actualIntersections.Any(y => comparer.Equals(x, y)));

            foreach (var point in expectedIntersections)
                setPoint(canvas, point, false);

            foreach (var point in actualIntersections)
                setPoint(canvas, point, true);

        public void BinarySearchTree_Point_Comparer_TraverseTest()
            var point1 = new Point(10, 10);
            var point2 = new Point(20, 20);
            var point3 = new Point(30, 30);
            var point4 = new Point(40, 40);
            var point5 = new Point(50, 50);
            var point6 = new Point(60, 60);
            var point7 = new Point(70, 70);

            Point[] items       = new Point[] { point2, point1, point6, point3, point5, point4, point7 };
            var     comparer    = new PointComparer();
            var     testTree    = new BinarySearchTree <Point>(items, comparer);
            var     inOrderTree = new Point[testTree.Count];
            int     i           = 0;

            foreach (var item in testTree.InOrder())
                inOrderTree[i] = item;

            var preOrderTree = new Point[testTree.Count];

            i = 0;
            foreach (var item in testTree.PreOrder())
                preOrderTree[i] = item;

            var postOrderTree = new Point[testTree.Count];

            i = 0;
            foreach (var item in testTree.PostOrder())
                postOrderTree[i] = item;

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new Point[] { point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6, point7 }, inOrderTree);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new Point[] { point2, point1, point6, point3, point5, point4, point7 }, preOrderTree);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new Point[] { point1, point4, point5, point3, point7, point6, point2 }, postOrderTree);
예제 #23
            //  the function MinDistanceOrderedSet() implements
            //  the nearest neighbor search in an ordered set of points;
            //  its average computational complexity - O ( sqrt(N) ) ,
            //  where N is the number of points in the set;
            static protected uint MinDistanceOrderedSet
                Point point_in,
                PointComparer pnt_comparer_in,
                List <Point> points_ordered
                uint dist_min    = uint.MaxValue;
                int  i_start     = 0;
                int  i_end       = points_ordered.Count;
                int  i_low_bound = 0;

                i_low_bound = LowerBound(points_ordered, pnt_comparer_in, point_in);

                FindForward(point_in, i_low_bound, i_end, points_ordered, ref dist_min);
                FindBackward(point_in, i_low_bound, i_start, points_ordered, ref dist_min);

예제 #24
        public virtual void Columns(IEnumerable <TItem> items, AlignerOptions options)
            var comparer = new PointComparer {
                Order = options.PointOrder, Delta = options.PointOrderDelta

            var walk = items.Select(item => new { location = comparer.Round(Locator.GetLocation(item)), item });

            var bounds = new Rectangle(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 0, 0);
            var cols   = new Queue <Tuple <IEnumerable <TItem>, Rectangle> >();

            foreach (var col in walk.GroupBy(row => row.location.X).OrderBy(row => row.Key))
                var colItems = col.Select(r => r.item).OrderBy(item => Locator.GetLocation(item).Y);
                cols.Enqueue(MeasureColumn(colItems, options, ref bounds));

            LocateColumns(cols, bounds, options);
예제 #25
        public override int GetHashCode()
            PointComparer comparer = new PointComparer();

예제 #26
 public SelectionService(Terminal terminal)
     this.terminal = terminal;
     comparer      = new PointComparer();
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数,参数为大地坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">大地坐标</param>
        /// <param name="end">大地坐标</param>
        public LineCrossGrid3D(Point start, Point end)
            this.isCalc = this.Init();
            if (!this.isCalc)
            GridHelper.getInstance().getMaxGGridXY(ref this.maxgxid, ref this.maxgyid);

            this.isCalc = !PointComparer.Equals1(start, end) && GridHelper.getInstance().PointXYZToGrid3D(start, ref this.cur);
            if (!this.isCalc)

            Vector3D dir = Vector3D.constructVector(start, end);

            this.line.setLine(start, dir);

            this.stepx = (this.line.paraEqua.X < 0 ? -1 : 1);
            this.stepy = (this.line.paraEqua.Y < 0 ? -1 : 1);
            this.stepz = (this.line.paraEqua.Z < 0 ? -1 : 1);

            Point ingrid = new Point();

            this.isCalc = GridHelper.getInstance().PointXYZInGrid3D(start, ref ingrid);
            if (!this.isCalc)

            if (Math.Round(this.line.paraEqua.X, 3) == 0)
                this.tx = this.dx = maxlength;
            else if (this.line.paraEqua.X > 0)
                this.dx = this.gridlength / this.line.paraEqua.X;
                this.tx = (this.gridlength - ingrid.X) / this.line.paraEqua.X;
                this.dx = this.gridlength / (0 - this.line.paraEqua.X);
                this.tx = ingrid.X / (0 - this.line.paraEqua.X);

            if (Math.Round(this.line.paraEqua.Y, 3) == 0)
                this.ty = this.dy = maxlength;
            else if (this.line.paraEqua.Y > 0)
                this.dy = this.gridlength / this.line.paraEqua.Y;
                this.ty = (this.gridlength - ingrid.Y) / this.line.paraEqua.Y;
                this.dy = this.gridlength / (0 - this.line.paraEqua.Y);
                this.ty = ingrid.Y / (0 - this.line.paraEqua.Y);

            if (Math.Round(this.line.paraEqua.Z, 3) == 0)
                this.tz = this.dz = maxlength;//因为tz太大,dz随便定义
            else if (this.line.paraEqua.Z > 0)
                this.dz = this.vgridsize / this.line.paraEqua.Z;
                this.tz = (this.vgridsize - ingrid.Z) / this.line.paraEqua.Z;
            else if (this.line.paraEqua.Z < 0)
                this.dz = this.vgridsize / (0 - this.line.paraEqua.Z);
                this.tz = ingrid.Z / (0 - this.line.paraEqua.Z);
예제 #28
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            PointComparer comparer = new PointComparer();

            return(comparer.Equals(this, (Point)obj));
예제 #29
        public void WindowsOnlyCanWriteSinglePageHelloWorldSystemFont()
            var builder = new PdfDocumentBuilder();

            builder.DocumentInformation.Title = "Hello Windows!";

            var page = builder.AddPage(PageSize.A4);

            var file = @"C:\Windows\Fonts\BASKVILL.TTF";

            if (!File.Exists(file))

            byte[] bytes;
                bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file);

            var font = builder.AddTrueTypeFont(bytes);

            var letters = page.AddText("Hello World!", 16, new PdfPoint(30, 520), font);

            page.AddText("This is some further text continuing to write", 12, new PdfPoint(30, 500), font);


            var b = builder.Build();

            WriteFile(nameof(WindowsOnlyCanWriteSinglePageHelloWorldSystemFont), b);


            using (var document = PdfDocument.Open(b))
                var page1 = document.GetPage(1);

                Assert.StartsWith("Hello World!", page1.Text);

                var h = page1.Letters[0];

                Assert.Equal("H", h.Value);
                Assert.Equal("BaskOldFace", h.FontName);

                var comparer      = new DoubleComparer(0.01);
                var pointComparer = new PointComparer(comparer);

                for (int i = 0; i < letters.Count; i++)
                    var readerLetter = page1.Letters[i];
                    var writerLetter = letters[i];

                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.Value, writerLetter.Value);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.Location, writerLetter.Location, pointComparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.FontSize, writerLetter.FontSize, comparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Width, writerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Width, comparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Height, writerLetter.GlyphRectangle.Height, comparer);
                    Assert.Equal(readerLetter.GlyphRectangle.BottomLeft, writerLetter.GlyphRectangle.BottomLeft, pointComparer);
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract the <see cref="PageArea"/>, with its text elements (letters) and rulings (processed PdfPath and PdfSubpath).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">The page number to extract.</param>
        public PageArea ExtractPage(int pageNumber)
            if (pageNumber > this.pdfDocument.NumberOfPages || pageNumber < 1)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Page number does not exist");

            Page p = this.pdfDocument.GetPage(pageNumber);
            //ObjectExtractorStreamEngine se = new ObjectExtractorStreamEngine(p);

            /**************** ObjectExtractorStreamEngine(PDPage page)*******************/
            var rulings = new List <Ruling>();

            foreach (var image in p.GetImages())
                if (image.TryGetPng(out var png))

            foreach (var path in p.ExperimentalAccess.Paths)
                if (!path.IsFilled && !path.IsStroked)
                    continue;                                    // strokeOrFillPath operator => filter stroke and filled
                foreach (var subpath in path)
                    if (!(subpath.Commands[0] is Move first))
                        // skip paths whose first operation is not a MOVETO

                    if (subpath.Commands.Any(c => c is BezierCurve))
                        // or contains operations other than LINETO, MOVETO or CLOSE
                        // bobld: skip at subpath or path level?

                    // TODO: how to implement color filter?

                    PdfPoint?     start_pos = RoundPdfPoint(first.Location, rounding);
                    PdfPoint?     last_move = start_pos;
                    PdfPoint?     end_pos   = null;
                    PdfLine       line;
                    PointComparer pc = new PointComparer();

                    foreach (var command in subpath.Commands)
                        if (command is Line linePath)
                            end_pos = RoundPdfPoint(linePath.To, rounding);
                            if (!start_pos.HasValue || !end_pos.HasValue)

                            line = pc.Compare(start_pos.Value, end_pos.Value) == -1 ? new PdfLine(start_pos.Value, end_pos.Value) : new PdfLine(end_pos.Value, start_pos.Value);

                            // already clipped
                            Ruling r = new Ruling(line.Point1, line.Point2);
                            if (r.Length > 0.01)
                        else if (command is Move move)
                            start_pos = RoundPdfPoint(move.Location, rounding);
                            end_pos   = start_pos;
                        else if (command is Close)
                            // according to PathIterator docs:
                            // "the preceding subpath should be closed by appending a line
                            // segment
                            // back to the point corresponding to the most recent
                            // SEG_MOVETO."
                            if (!start_pos.HasValue || !end_pos.HasValue)

                            line = pc.Compare(end_pos.Value, last_move.Value) == -1 ? new PdfLine(end_pos.Value, last_move.Value) : new PdfLine(last_move.Value, end_pos.Value);

                            // already clipped
                            Ruling r = new Ruling(line.Point1, line.Point2); //.intersect(this.currentClippingPath());
                            if (r.Length > 0.01)
                        start_pos = end_pos;

            TextStripper pdfTextStripper = new TextStripper(this.pdfDocument, pageNumber);

            Utils.Sort(pdfTextStripper.textElements, new TableRectangle.ILL_DEFINED_ORDER());

            return(new PageArea(p.CropBox.Bounds,
예제 #31
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public PackingResult PlaceRects(int width, int height, IEnumerable <PPRect> rects, CancellationToken token = default)
            Progress = 0;
            if (width < 0 || height < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"The {nameof(width)} and {nameof(height)} should be non-negative");

            var sortedInput = sorter.SortImages(rects);

            int inputSize   = rects.Count();
            int placedRects = 0;

            int actualWidth  = 0;
            int actualHeight = 0;

            RectComparer       rectComparer              = new RectComparer();
            PointComparer      ptComparer                = new PointComparer();
            SortedSet <PPRect> currentPacking            = new SortedSet <PPRect>(rectComparer);
            SortedDictionary <SKPointI, int> pointsToTry = new SortedDictionary <SKPointI, int>(ptComparer)
                { new SKPointI(0, 0), -1 } //the current packing is empty, so only point to try is point [0,0]

            SKPointI[] pointsToAdd = new SKPointI[2];
            foreach (var x in sortedInput)
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Progress = 0;
                SKPointI?pointToRemove = null;
                foreach (var ptToTry in pointsToTry)
                    PPRect tested = new PPRect(ptToTry.Key.X, ptToTry.Key.Y, ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width, ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height);
                    var    possibleIntersections = currentPacking.AsEnumerable();                                                             //have to test everything
                    if (ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width <= width && ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height <= height && !Intersects(tested, possibleIntersections)) //safe to pack here
                        if (ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width > actualWidth)
                            actualWidth = ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width;

                        if (ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height > actualHeight)
                            actualHeight = ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height;

                        int improved = 0;
                        if (TryImprove(ref tested, currentPacking, 0)) //Try to position it further to the top / left

                        //Add it to the packing
                        tested.Image = x.Image;
                        if (improved == 0)
                            pointToRemove = ptToTry.Key;

                        pointsToAdd[0] = new SKPointI(ptToTry.Key.X + x.Width, ptToTry.Key.Y);
                        pointsToAdd[1] = new SKPointI(ptToTry.Key.X, ptToTry.Key.Y + x.Height);


                if (pointToRemove != null)
                    pointsToTry[pointsToAdd[0]] = -1;
                    pointsToTry[pointsToAdd[1]] = -1;

                    Progress = (int)((++placedRects / (double)inputSize) * 100.0);
                    ProgressChange?.Invoke(this, Progress);
                    Progress = 100;
                    return(null); //we cannot pack it anywhere

            //var result = new PackingResult(width, height, currentPacking.Select(x => (x.Value, x.Key))); // probably better to return result with actual width & height instead of those needed
            //actual height can be lower than height specified, width also BUT THIS IS NOT DESIRED, BECAUSE THIS CAN BE CALLED FROM FIXEDSIZE..? OR chhange size in FixedSize..
            var result = new PackingResult(actualWidth, actualHeight, currentPacking);
