예제 #1
        public void InitInputArrays(NativeArray <PointAndIndex> points, NativeArray <Aabb> aabbs, NativeArray <CollisionFilter> filters)

            const int posRange       = 1000;
            const int radiusRangeMin = 1;
            const int radiusRangeMax = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                float3 pos;
                pos.x     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                pos.y     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                pos.z     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                points[i] = new PointAndIndex {
                    Position = pos, Index = i

                float3 radius = new float3(Random.Range(radiusRangeMin, radiusRangeMax));
                aabbs[i] = new Aabb {
                    Min = pos - radius, Max = pos + radius

                filters[i] = CollisionFilter.Default;
예제 #2
        public void InitInputWithCopyArrays(NativeArray <PointAndIndex> points, NativeArray <Aabb> aabbs,
                                            NativeArray <CollisionFilter> filters, NativeArray <bool> respondsToCollision)

            const int posRange       = 1000;
            const int radiusRangeMin = 1;
            const int radiusRangeMax = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                float3 pos;
                pos.x     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                pos.y     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                pos.z     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                points[i] = new PointAndIndex {
                    Position = pos, Index = i

                float3 radius = new float3(Random.Range(radiusRangeMin, radiusRangeMax));
                aabbs[i] = new Aabb {
                    Min = pos - radius, Max = pos + radius

                points[i + 1] = new PointAndIndex {
                    Position = pos, Index = i + 1

                aabbs[i + 1] = new Aabb {
                    Min = pos - radius, Max = pos + radius

                filters[i] = new CollisionFilter
                    GroupIndex   = 0,
                    BelongsTo    = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16),
                    CollidesWith = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16)

                filters[i + 1] = new CollisionFilter
                    GroupIndex   = 0,
                    BelongsTo    = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16),
                    CollidesWith = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16)

                respondsToCollision[i]     = true;
                respondsToCollision[i + 1] = true;

예제 #3
 void SortRange(int axis, ref Range range)
     for (int i = range.Start; i < range.Length; ++i)
         PointAndIndex value = Points[i];
         float         key   = value.Position[axis];
         int           j     = i;
         while (j > range.Start && key < Points[j - 1].Position[axis])
             Points[j] = Points[j - 1];
         Points[j] = value;
        public void InitInputWithCopyArrays(NativeArray <PointAndIndex> points, NativeArray <Aabb> aabbs, NativeArray <CollisionFilter> filters)

            const int posRange       = 1000;
            const int radiusRangeMin = 1;
            const int radiusRangeMax = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                float3 pos;
                pos.x     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                pos.y     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                pos.z     = Random.Range(-posRange, posRange);
                points[i] = new PointAndIndex {
                    Position = pos, Index = i

                float3 radius = new float3(Random.Range(radiusRangeMin, radiusRangeMax));
                aabbs[i] = new Aabb {
                    Min = pos - radius, Max = pos + radius

                points[i + 1] = new PointAndIndex {
                    Position = pos, Index = i + 1

                aabbs[i + 1] = new Aabb {
                    Min = pos - radius, Max = pos + radius

                filters[i] = new CollisionFilter
                    GroupIndex   = 0,
                    CategoryBits = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16),
                    MaskBits     = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16)

                filters[i + 1] = new Physics.CollisionFilter
                    GroupIndex   = 0,
                    CategoryBits = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16),
                    MaskBits     = (uint)Random.Range(0, 16)

    void Explode(Vector2 mousePosition)
        // indexes selected are the ones you want to destroy

        //		Vector3 mousePositionTemp = Camera.mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
        //		//optimize for if sircle is no where near terrain possibly, just return
        //		if (mousePositionTemp.y < 1.0f)
        //		{
        //			return;
        //		}
        //		Vector2 mousePosition;
        //		mousePosition.x = mousePositionTemp.x;
        //		mousePosition.y = mousePositionTemp.y;
        //used to determine if the line segment and next line segment touch the circle but stay on the same side
        bool previousHadOneEqualTo = false;
        bool previousStartInsideRadius = false;

        //first pass through Points, determines all Left, Right, and Circle Intersections
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
            //used to determine if the line segment and next line segment touch the circle but stay on the same side
            bool thisStartsInsideRadius = false;
            bool thisEndsInsideRadius = false;
            bool thisHadOneEqualTo = false;

            float leftExplosionRadiusX = mousePosition.x - explosionRadius;
            float rightExplosionRadiusX = mousePosition.x + explosionRadius;
            float percentageAcrossRightX = (rightExplosionRadiusX - points[i].x) / (points[i + 1].x - points[i].x);
            float percentageAcrossLeftX = (leftExplosionRadiusX - points[i].x) / (points[i + 1].x - points[i].x);

            //left circle upwards Intersections
            //uses end points if they are equal to
            if (((points[i].x < leftExplosionRadiusX && points[i + 1].x >= leftExplosionRadiusX) || (points[i].x > leftExplosionRadiusX && points[i + 1].x <= leftExplosionRadiusX)) && (points[i + 1].y - points[i].y) * percentageAcrossLeftX + points[i].y > mousePosition.y)
                float intersectLeftX = leftExplosionRadiusX;
                float intersectLeftY = ((leftExplosionRadiusX - points[i].x) / (points[i + 1].x - points[i].x)) * (points[i + 1].y - points[i].y) + points[i].y;
                // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(intersectLeftX, intersectLeftY), i + 1);
                leftExplosionIntersects[leftExplosionIntersectsCount].point.x = intersectLeftX;
                leftExplosionIntersects[leftExplosionIntersectsCount].point.y = intersectLeftY;
                leftExplosionIntersects[leftExplosionIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
            //right circle upwards Intersections
            //uses start points if they are equal to
            if (((points[i].x <= rightExplosionRadiusX && points[i + 1].x > rightExplosionRadiusX) || (points[i].x >= rightExplosionRadiusX && points[i + 1].x < rightExplosionRadiusX)) && (points[i + 1].y - points[i].y) * percentageAcrossRightX + points[i].y > mousePosition.y)
                float intersectRightX = rightExplosionRadiusX;
                float intersectRightY = ((rightExplosionRadiusX - points[i].x) / (points[i + 1].x - points[i].x)) * (points[i + 1].y - points[i].y) + points[i].y;
                // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(intersectRightX, intersectRightY), i);
                rightExplosionIntersects[rightExplosionIntersectsCount].point.x = intersectRightX;
                rightExplosionIntersects[rightExplosionIntersectsCount].point.y = intersectRightY;
                rightExplosionIntersects[rightExplosionIntersectsCount].index = i;

            //line segment Circle intersections
            float x0 = points[i].x - mousePosition.x;
            float y0 = points[i].y - mousePosition.y;
            float x1 = points[i+1].x - mousePosition.x;
            float y1 = points[i+1].y - mousePosition.y;
            float r = explosionRadius;

            if (Mathf.Sqrt (x0*x0 + y0*y0) < explosionRadius)
                thisStartsInsideRadius = true;
            if (Mathf.Sqrt (x1*x1 + y1*y1) < explosionRadius)
                thisEndsInsideRadius = true;

            float x2 = points[i+1].x - mousePosition.x;
            float y2 = points[i+1].y - mousePosition.y;
            bool nextFirstIsOnLineSegment = false;
            bool nextSecondIsOnLineSegment = false;
            bool firstIsOnLineSegment = false;
            bool secondIsOnLineSegment = false;
            float dX = x1 - x0;
            float dY = y1 - y0;
            float dR = Mathf.Sqrt (dX*dX + dY*dY);
            float d = x0*y1 - x1*y0;
            float rSquared = r*r;
            float dRSquared = dR*dR;
            float dSquared = d*d;
            float incidence = r*r * dR*dR - d*d;
            float sqrtMath = Mathf.Sqrt (rSquared * dRSquared - dSquared);
            float resultingX1 = 0;
            float resultingX2 = 0;
            float resultingY1 = 0;
            float resultingY2 = 0;

            if (incidence > 0)
                resultingX1 = (d * dY + Sgn(dY) * dX * sqrtMath) / (dRSquared);
                resultingY1 = -(d * dX - Mathf.Abs (dY) * sqrtMath) / (dRSquared);
                resultingX2 = (d * dY - Sgn(dY) * dX * sqrtMath) / (dRSquared);
                resultingY2 = -(d * dX + Mathf.Abs (dY) * sqrtMath) / (dRSquared);

                float distance01 = Mathf.Sqrt((resultingX1 - x0) * (resultingX1 - x0) + (resultingY1 - y0) * (resultingY1 - y0));
                float distance02 = Mathf.Sqrt((resultingX2 - x0) * (resultingX2 - x0) + (resultingY2 - y0) * (resultingY2 - y0));

                bool D1greaterthanD2 = false;
                if (distance01 > distance02)
                    D1greaterthanD2 = true;
                    float tempResultX = resultingX1;
                    float tempResultY = resultingY1;
                    resultingX1 = resultingX2;
                    resultingY1 = resultingY2;
                    resultingX2 = tempResultX;
                    resultingY2 = tempResultY;

                //if x is = both then just check if its in between the ys, same for the other way 'round(because vertical lines wont be greater than start x it will be equal to, but it checks > start and<=end)
                if (resultingX1 <= x0 + EPSILON && resultingX1 >= x0 - EPSILON && resultingX1 <= x1 + EPSILON && resultingX1 >= x1 - EPSILON)
                    if (resultingY1 > y0 && resultingY1 <= y1 || resultingY1 >= y1 && resultingY1 < y0)
                        firstIsOnLineSegment = true;
                if (resultingX2 <= x0 + EPSILON && resultingX2 >= x0 - EPSILON && resultingX2 <= x1 + EPSILON && resultingX2 >= x1 - EPSILON)
                    if (resultingY2 > y0 && resultingY2 <= y1 || resultingY2 >= y1 && resultingY2 < y0)
                        secondIsOnLineSegment = true;
                if (resultingY1 <= y0 + EPSILON && resultingY1 >= y0 - EPSILON && resultingY1 <= y1 + EPSILON && resultingY1 >= y1 - EPSILON)
                    if (resultingX1 > x0 && resultingX1 <= x1 || resultingX1 >= x1 && resultingX1 < x0)
                        firstIsOnLineSegment = true;
                if (resultingY2 <= y0 + EPSILON && resultingY2 >= y0 - EPSILON && resultingY2 <= y1 + EPSILON && resultingY1 >= y1 - EPSILON)
                    if (resultingX2 > x0 && resultingX2 <= x1 || resultingX2 >= x1 && resultingX2 < x0)
                        secondIsOnLineSegment = true;

                if (!firstIsOnLineSegment && secondIsOnLineSegment || firstIsOnLineSegment && !secondIsOnLineSegment)
                    thisHadOneEqualTo = true;

                //ignore the starts of the linesegments and only use the ends if equal to
                if ((resultingX1 > x0 && resultingX1 <= x1 && resultingY1 > y0 && resultingY1 <= y1) || (resultingX1 < x0 && resultingX1 >= x1 && resultingY1 < y0 && resultingY1 >= y1) || (resultingX1 < x0 && resultingX1 >= x1 && resultingY1 > y0 && resultingY1 <= y1) || (resultingX1 > x0 && resultingX1 <= x1 && resultingY1 < y0 && resultingY1 >= y1))
                    firstIsOnLineSegment = true;
                if ((resultingX2 > x0 && resultingX2 <= x1 && resultingY2 > y0 && resultingY2 <= y1) || (resultingX2 < x0 && resultingX2 >= x1 && resultingY2 < y0 && resultingY2 >= y1) || (resultingX2 < x0 && resultingX2 >= x1 && resultingY2 > y0 && resultingY2 <= y1) || (resultingX2 > x0 && resultingX2 <= x1 && resultingY2 < y0 && resultingY2 >= y1))
                    secondIsOnLineSegment = true;
            //if two Intersections
            if (firstIsOnLineSegment && secondIsOnLineSegment)
                thisHadOneEqualTo = false;
                // if Count is even
                if (firstPassCircleIntersectsCount % 2.0 == 0.0)
                    // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX1 + mousePosition.x, resultingY1 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX1 + mousePosition.x;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY1 + mousePosition.y;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                    if (resultingX2 == x1 && resultingY2 == y1)
                        // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX2 + mousePosition.x, resultingY2 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX2 + mousePosition.x;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY2 + mousePosition.y;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                        // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX2 + mousePosition.x, resultingY2 + mousePosition.y), i);
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX2 + mousePosition.x;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY2 + mousePosition.y;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i;
                //if Count is odd
                    // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX1 + mousePosition.x, resultingY1 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);//i
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX1 + mousePosition.x;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY1 + mousePosition.y;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                    // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX2 + mousePosition.x, resultingY2 + mousePosition.y), i);//i+1
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX2 + mousePosition.x;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY2 + mousePosition.y;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i;
            // if only first Intersection
            if (firstIsOnLineSegment && !secondIsOnLineSegment)
                if (firstPassCircleIntersectsCount % 2.0 == 0.0)
                    // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX1 + mousePosition.x, resultingY1 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX1 + mousePosition.x;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY1 + mousePosition.y;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                    if (resultingX1 == x1 && resultingY1 == y1)
                        // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX1 + mousePosition.x, resultingY1 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX1 + mousePosition.x;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY1 + mousePosition.y;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                        // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX1 + mousePosition.x, resultingY1 + mousePosition.y), i);
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX1 + mousePosition.x;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY1 + mousePosition.y;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i;
            //if only second intersection
            if (!firstIsOnLineSegment && secondIsOnLineSegment)
                if (firstPassCircleIntersectsCount % 2.0 == 0.0)
                    // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX2 + mousePosition.x, resultingY2 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX2 + mousePosition.x;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY2 + mousePosition.y;
                    firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                    if (resultingX2 == x1 && resultingY2 == y1)
                        // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX2 + mousePosition.x, resultingY2 + mousePosition.y), i + 1);
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX2 + mousePosition.x;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY2 + mousePosition.y;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i + 1;
                        // = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(resultingX2 + mousePosition.x, resultingY2 + mousePosition.y), i);
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.x = resultingX2 + mousePosition.x;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].point.y = resultingY2 + mousePosition.y;
                        firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount].index = i;
            //in order to ignore the intersect if it doesnt fully cross butt-just lands on an endpoint and then goes back the way it came
            if (previousHadOneEqualTo && previousStartInsideRadius && ((!firstIsOnLineSegment && secondIsOnLineSegment || firstIsOnLineSegment && !secondIsOnLineSegment) || ((!firstIsOnLineSegment && !secondIsOnLineSegment) && thisEndsInsideRadius)))
            if (previousHadOneEqualTo && !previousStartInsideRadius && (!firstIsOnLineSegment && !secondIsOnLineSegment) && !thisEndsInsideRadius)
            previousStartInsideRadius = thisStartsInsideRadius;
            previousHadOneEqualTo = thisHadOneEqualTo;

        //had to do 666 thing because below this it cant use unassigned even though it would never go into that loop unless it has already gone through this one
        PointAndIndex lowestLeftPoint = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(666,666), 666);
        PointAndIndex lowestRightPoint = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(666,666), 666);
        //if leftExplosionIntersects are odd number above, set lowest Point
        if (leftExplosionIntersectsCount % 2.0 != 0.0)
            lowestLeftPoint = leftExplosionIntersects[0];
            for (int j = 1; j < leftExplosionIntersectsCount; j++)
                if (leftExplosionIntersects[j].point.y < lowestLeftPoint.point.y)
                    lowestLeftPoint = leftExplosionIntersects[j];
        //if rightExplosionIntersects are odd number above, set lowest Point
        if (rightExplosionIntersectsCount % 2.0 != 0.0)
            lowestRightPoint = rightExplosionIntersects[0];
            for (int k = 1; k < rightExplosionIntersectsCount; k++)
                if (rightExplosionIntersects[k].point.y < lowestRightPoint.point.y)
                    lowestRightPoint = rightExplosionIntersects[k];

        //if circleIntersects gets odd number of intersects you are going to want to ignore the shot
        //it's sad, i know, but it's basically perfect except when you click the same spot a bunch of times so f**k you
        //may want to eventually gowith left andrightbreak if !=666, miunno
        if (firstPassCircleIntersectsCount % 2 !=0.0)
            Debug.Log ("ODD # of circleIntersectssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss");
            //previousPoints.Clear ();
            firstPassCircleIntersectsCount = 0;
            //fullMagicList.Clear ();
            newBreakListCount = 0;
            leftExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
            rightExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < fullMagicListCount; i++)
                fullMagicListCountArray[i] = 0;
            fullMagicListCount = 0;

        //if circle is completely in between two indexes on points
        if (lowestRightPoint.index != 666 && lowestLeftPoint.index !=666 && lowestRightPoint.index < lowestLeftPoint.index)
            newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(lowestLeftPoint, lowestRightPoint);
            //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
            deletePoints (newBreakList, mousePosition, newBreakListCount);
            //fullMagicList.Clear ();
            firstPassCircleIntersectsCount = 0;
            newBreakListCount = 0;
            leftExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
            rightExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < fullMagicListCount; i++)
                fullMagicListCountArray[i] = 0;
            fullMagicListCount = 0;

        //if no circleIntersects then it's an easy break and quit
        if (firstPassCircleIntersectsCount == 0)
            if (leftExplosionIntersectsCount % 2.0 == 0.0 && rightExplosionIntersectsCount % 2.0 == 0.0)
                //fullMagicList.Clear ();
                firstPassCircleIntersectsCount = 0;
                newBreakListCount = 0;
                leftExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
                rightExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < fullMagicListCount; i++)
                    fullMagicListCountArray[i] = 0;
                fullMagicListCount = 0;
                newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(lowestLeftPoint, lowestRightPoint);
                //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
                deletePoints (newBreakList, mousePosition, newBreakListCount);
                //fullMagicList.Clear ();
                firstPassCircleIntersectsCount = 0;
                newBreakListCount = 0;
                leftExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
                rightExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < fullMagicListCount; i++)
                    fullMagicListCountArray[i] = 0;
                fullMagicListCount = 0;
        //			Debug.Log (firstPassCircleIntersectsCount + "COUNT");
        //			//for debug purposes: turns on circle intersect debug information
        //			for (int l = 0; l < firstPassCircleIntersectsCount; l++)
        //			{
        //				//Debug.Log("circleI x" + firstPassCircleIntersects[l].point.x + " y" + firstPassCircleIntersects[l].point.y + " index" + firstPassCircleIntersects[l]);
        //				GameObject PooChain11 = (GameObject)Instantiate(PooChainClone, new Vector3(firstPassCircleIntersects[l].point.x, firstPassCircleIntersects[l].point.y, -9.0f),Quaternion.identity);
        //				PooChain11.renderer.material.color = Color.Lerp (Color.green, Color.red, 1.0f);
        //				PooChain11.transform.localScale += new Vector3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
        //			}

        //second pass through Points, finding "magic" points
        //			//might want to only use magic points if its the top half of the circle thats intersected, the way it is now is if any
        //			//circle intersection has a magic point, might be able to cut performance but it works fine
        for (int m = 0; m < points.Count - 1; m++)
            for (int n = 0; n < firstPassCircleIntersectsCount; n++)//could be fullMagicList.Count
                //fixes it so it wont try to put a magic point at bottom left or bottom right index
                if (firstPassCircleIntersects[n].index == 0 || firstPassCircleIntersects[n].index == points.Count - 1)
                //ignoring starts of line segments
                if ((points[m].x <= firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.x && points[m + 1].x > firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.x) || (points[m].x > firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.x && points[m + 1].x <= firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.x))
                    float intersectX = firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.x;
                    float intersectY = ((firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.x - points[m].x) / (points[m + 1].x - points[m].x)) * (points[m + 1].y - points[m].y) + points[m].y;
                    if (intersectY > firstPassCircleIntersects[n].point.y + .1f) //.01f needs to be epsilon maybe
                        fullMagicList[n,fullMagicListCountArray[n]] = (new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(intersectX, intersectY), m + 1));

        //go through fullMagicList to see if there are any odd Counts and if so, determine the lowest Y value to use as
        //the magic value, then break every magic number to the number it was determined from

        //have to assign it or it wont work, ask zeb bout better waytadodis
        PointAndIndex magicFoundFromThisPoint = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), 1);

        for (int o = 0; o < firstPassCircleIntersectsCount; o++)//could use fullMagic.Count
        {	//if odd Count
            if (fullMagicListCountArray[o] % 2.0 != 0.0)
                PointAndIndex lowestCircleIntersect = fullMagicList[o,0];

                for (int i = 0; i < fullMagicListCountArray[o]; i++)
                    if (fullMagicList[o,i].point.y < lowestCircleIntersect.point.y)
                        lowestCircleIntersect = fullMagicList[o,i];

                magicFoundFromThisPoint = firstPassCircleIntersects[o];

                if (lowestCircleIntersect.index > magicFoundFromThisPoint.index)
                    newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(magicFoundFromThisPoint, lowestCircleIntersect);
                    //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
                    newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(lowestCircleIntersect, magicFoundFromThisPoint);
                    //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
        //for enter and exit angle determination
        Vector2 firstEnter = new Vector2(firstPassCircleIntersects[0].point.x - mousePosition.x, firstPassCircleIntersects[0].point.y - mousePosition.y);
        float lastExitX = firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount - 1].point.x - mousePosition.x;
        float lastExitY = firstPassCircleIntersects[firstPassCircleIntersectsCount - 1].point.y - mousePosition.y;
        Vector2 fromVector2 = firstEnter;
        Vector2 toVector2 = new Vector2(lastExitX, lastExitY);
        float firstEnterToLastExitAngle = Vector2.Angle(fromVector2, toVector2);
        Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(fromVector2, toVector2);

        //cross.z>0 would be for clockwise angle?
        if (cross.z < 0)
            firstEnterToLastExitAngle = 360 - firstEnterToLastExitAngle;

        //have to assign it or it wont work, ask zeb bout better waytadodis
        PointAndIndex startBreak = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), 1);

        bool lowestRightPointUsed = false;
        bool lowestLeftPointUsed = false;
        bool startBreakIsLeftPoint = false;

        //			//it appears that i could combine this loop with the fullMagicList one above
        for (int s = 0; s < firstPassCircleIntersectsCount; s = s + 1)
            Vector2 currentExitVector2 = (firstPassCircleIntersects[s].point - mousePosition);
            float firstEnterToCurrentExitAngle = Vector2.Angle(firstEnter, currentExitVector2);
            Vector3 cross1 = Vector3.Cross(firstEnter, currentExitVector2);
            if (cross1.z < 0)
                firstEnterToCurrentExitAngle = 360 - firstEnterToCurrentExitAngle;
            //if final pass through loop and lowestRight has not been used and does exist
            if (s == firstPassCircleIntersectsCount - 1 && !lowestRightPointUsed && lowestRightPoint.index != 666)
                newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(startBreak, lowestRightPoint);
                //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
            //if final pass through loop and lowestRight has been used or does not exist
            if (s == firstPassCircleIntersectsCount - 1 && (lowestRightPointUsed || lowestRightPoint.index == 666))
                newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(startBreak, firstPassCircleIntersects[s]);
                //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
            //if first pass through loop, sets start break
            if (s == 0)
                if (leftExplosionIntersectsCount % 2.0 != 0.0 && lowestLeftPoint.index <= firstPassCircleIntersects[0].index)//firstpasscircleintersects.count > 0
                    startBreak = lowestLeftPoint;
                    lowestLeftPointUsed = true;
                    startBreakIsLeftPoint = true;
                    startBreak = firstPassCircleIntersects[0];
            //if accesing an exitCircle and is CounterClockwise(but not last exit circle because it would go into other if statement above)
            //if there is a problem with weird terrain after an explosion, this is the cause, probably just want to completely rethink this whole section, also recently changed MagicPoitnsto Array instead of arrayLIst, but i went back in time and saw thtat it was having the problem before that but i figured i would just mention it
            if (s % 2 != 0.0 && firstEnterToCurrentExitAngle < firstEnterToLastExitAngle)
                if (!lowestRightPointUsed && lowestRightPoint.index != 666 && firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1].index > lowestRightPoint.index && firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1].index < firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 2].index)
                    newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(startBreak, lowestRightPoint);
                    lowestRightPointUsed = true;
                    //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
                    if (!lowestLeftPointUsed && firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1].index >= lowestLeftPoint.index)
                        Debug.Log ("should never happen?================lowestLeft = startBreak but not first break");//maybe?
                        startBreak = lowestLeftPoint;
                        lowestLeftPointUsed = true;
                        startBreak = firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1];
                    //might need to put OR statement in its own if statement it appears to work, for now, need more thinking
                    if ((startBreakIsLeftPoint == true) || (!lowestRightPointUsed && lowestRightPoint.index != 666))
                        if (points[firstPassCircleIntersects[s].index + 1].y < mousePosition.y)
                            newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(startBreak, firstPassCircleIntersects[s]);
                            //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
                            startBreak = firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1];
                            startBreakIsLeftPoint = false;
                    newBreakList[newBreakListCount] = new BreakObject(startBreak, firstPassCircleIntersects[s]);
                    if (!lowestLeftPointUsed && lowestLeftPoint.index != 666 && firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1].index >= lowestLeftPoint.index)
                        //Debug.Log ("used my kewl tricks");
                        startBreak = lowestLeftPoint;
                        lowestLeftPointUsed = true;
                        startBreak = firstPassCircleIntersects[s + 1];
                    //Debug.Log (newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].start.index + "to" + newBreakList[newBreakListCount - 1].end.index);
            //if accessing an exitCircle and is !CounterClockwise
            if (s % 2 != 0.0 && firstEnterToCurrentExitAngle > firstEnterToLastExitAngle)
            //if accessing an enterCircle and is not first pass through loop
            //i dont think this ever happens, it would be an exit circle since start circle would
            //have been added earlier and then s++ to skip to exit
            if (s % 2 == 0.0 && s != 0)
                Debug.Log ("jew===========================------------===============================");

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            previousPoints.Add (points[i]);

        deletePoints (newBreakList, mousePosition, newBreakListCount);
        previousPoints.Clear ();
        firstPassCircleIntersectsCount = 0;
        //fullMagicList.Clear ();
        newBreakListCount = 0;
        leftExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
        rightExplosionIntersectsCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < fullMagicListCount; i++)
            fullMagicListCountArray[i] = 0;
        fullMagicListCount = 0;
 public BreakObject(PointAndIndex tempStart, PointAndIndex tempEnd)
     start = tempStart;
     end = tempEnd;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            firstPassCircleIntersects[i] = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(999,999), 999);
            //newBreakList[i] = new BreakObject(new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(999,999), 999),new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(999,999), 999));
            leftExplosionIntersects[i] = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(999,999), 999);
            rightExplosionIntersects[i] = new PointAndIndex(new Vector2(999,999), 999);

        segmentWidth = width/numSegments;
         	bool success = false;
         	int count = 0;
         	while(success == false && count < 10)
           		if(count > 0) Debug.Log("Terrain generation failed, trying again");
            success = buildTerrainMesh();