예제 #1
        private void joinShapes(List <Point2Dmm[]> shapes, int shape1Index, Point2Dmm shape1Point, int shape2Index, Point2Dmm shape2Point)
            var shape1 = shapes[shape1Index];
            var shape2 = shapes[shape2Index];

            for (var i = 0; i < shape1.Length; ++i)
                var point = shape1[i];
                if (point != shape1Point)

                var reorderedShape2 = reorderClosedShapeTo(shape2, shape2Point);

                var newShape     = shape1.Take(i + 1).Concat(reorderedShape2).Concat(new[] { reorderedShape2.First() }).Concat(shape1.Skip(i)).ToArray();
                var targetShape1 = shapes[shape1Index];
                var targetShape2 = shapes[shape2Index];
                for (var j = 0; j < shapes.Count; ++j)
                    if (shapes[j] == targetShape1 || shapes[j] == targetShape2)
                        shapes[j] = newShape;

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Join was not successful");
예제 #2
        private IEnumerable <Point2Dmm> joinParts(IEnumerable <Point2Dmm[]> parts)
            var closedParts = new List <Point2Dmm[]>();

            foreach (var part in parts)
                //for joining we need closed parts
                var closedPart = part.Concat(new[] { part[0] }).ToArray();

            //fill table of join length between shapes
            var joinLengthSqr = new double[closedParts.Count, closedParts.Count];
            var joinStart     = new Point2Dmm[closedParts.Count, closedParts.Count];
            var joinEnd       = new Point2Dmm[closedParts.Count, closedParts.Count];

            for (var shape1Index = 0; shape1Index < closedParts.Count - 1; ++shape1Index)
                joinLengthSqr[shape1Index, shape1Index] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                var shape1 = closedParts[shape1Index];
                for (var shape2Index = shape1Index + 1; shape2Index < closedParts.Count; ++shape2Index)
                    var shape2 = closedParts[shape2Index];

                    joinLengthSqr[shape2Index, shape1Index] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    joinLengthSqr[shape1Index, shape2Index] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                    for (var shape1PointIndex = 0; shape1PointIndex < shape1.Length; ++shape1PointIndex)
                        for (var shape2PointIndex = 0; shape2PointIndex < shape2.Length; ++shape2PointIndex)
                            var shape1Point = shape1[shape1PointIndex];
                            var shape2Point = shape2[shape2PointIndex];

                            var diffX     = shape1Point.C1 - shape2Point.C1;
                            var diffY     = shape1Point.C2 - shape2Point.C2;
                            var lengthSqr = 1.0 * diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY;
                            if (lengthSqr < joinLengthSqr[shape1Index, shape2Index])
                                joinLengthSqr[shape1Index, shape2Index] = lengthSqr;
                                joinStart[shape1Index, shape2Index]     = shape1Point;
                                joinEnd[shape1Index, shape2Index]       = shape2Point;

            //join shapes by the shortest joins

            for (var i = 0; i < closedParts.Count - 1; ++i)
                //n shapes will have n-1 joins
                var bestShape1Index = 0;
                var bestShape2Index = 0;
                for (var shape1Index = 0; shape1Index < closedParts.Count - 1; ++shape1Index)
                    for (var shape2Index = shape1Index + 1; shape2Index < closedParts.Count; ++shape2Index)
                        var shape1 = closedParts[shape1Index];
                        var shape2 = closedParts[shape2Index];
                        if (shape1 == shape2)
                            //shapes are already joined

                        if (joinLengthSqr[shape1Index, shape2Index] < joinLengthSqr[bestShape1Index, bestShape2Index])
                            bestShape1Index = shape1Index;
                            bestShape2Index = shape2Index;

                var shape1Point = joinStart[bestShape1Index, bestShape2Index];
                var shape2Point = joinEnd[bestShape1Index, bestShape2Index];
                joinShapes(closedParts, bestShape1Index, shape1Point, bestShape2Index, shape2Point);
                joinLengthSqr[bestShape1Index, bestShape2Index] = double.NaN;

            //all slots should contain same shape
예제 #3
        // if the two points p1 and p2 are both on the same side of the line a,b, return true
        private static bool PointsOnSameSide(Point2Dmm p1, Point2Dmm p2, Point2Dmm a, Point2Dmm b)
            // these are probably the most interesting three lines of code in the algorithm (probably because I don't fully understand them)
            // the concept is nicely described at http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/default.html
            double cp1 = CrossProduct(VSub(b, a), VSub(p1, a));
            double cp2 = CrossProduct(VSub(b, a), VSub(p2, a));

            return((cp1 * cp2) >= 0);  // they have the same sign if on the same side of the line
예제 #4
 // subtract the vector (point) b from the vector (point) a
 private static Point2Dmm VSub(Point2Dmm a, Point2Dmm b)
     return(new Point2Dmm(a.C1 - b.C1, a.C2 - b.C2));
예제 #5
 private static bool IsSamePoint(Point2Dmm pt1, Point2Dmm pt2)
     return(pt1.C1 == pt2.C1 && pt1.C2 == pt2.C2);
예제 #6
 // find the cross product of two x,y vectors, which is always a single value, z, representing the three dimensional vector (0,0,z)
 private static double CrossProduct(Point2Dmm p1, Point2Dmm p2)
     return((p1.C1 * p2.C2) - (p1.C2 * p2.C1));
예제 #7
        void _statusTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var currentU  = Cnc.EstimationU;
            var currentV  = Cnc.EstimationV;
            var currentX  = Cnc.EstimationX;
            var currentY  = Cnc.EstimationY;
            var positionU = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * (currentU - _positionOffsetU);
            var positionV = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * (currentV - _positionOffsetV);
            var positionX = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * (currentX - _positionOffsetX);
            var positionY = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * (currentY - _positionOffsetY);

            PositionU.Text = positionU.ToString("0.000");
            PositionV.Text = positionV.ToString("0.000");
            PositionX.Text = positionX.ToString("0.000");
            PositionY.Text = positionY.ToString("0.000");

            positionU = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * currentU;
            positionV = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * currentV;
            positionX = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * currentX;
            positionY = Configuration.MilimetersPerStep * currentY;

            var uv = new Point2Dmm(positionU, positionV);
            var xy = new Point2Dmm(positionX, positionY);

            Workspace.HeadUV.Position = uv;
            Workspace.HeadXY.Position = xy;

            if (_isPlanRunning)
                var remainingTicks   = Cnc.RemainingPlanTickEstimation;
                var remainingSeconds = (int)(remainingTicks / Configuration.TimerFrequency);
                if (_lastRemainingSeconds > remainingSeconds || Math.Abs(_lastRemainingSeconds - remainingSeconds) > 2)
                    _lastRemainingSeconds = remainingSeconds;
                    var remainingTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, _lastRemainingSeconds);
                    var elapsedTime   = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, (int)(DateTime.Now - _planStart).TotalSeconds);

                    if (remainingTime.TotalDays < 2)
                        ShowMessage(elapsedTime.ToString() + "/" + remainingTime.ToString());

            if (Cnc.CurrentState.IsHomeCalibrated)
                Calibration.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
                var blinkFrequency = 1000;
                if (DateTime.Now.Millisecond % blinkFrequency > blinkFrequency / 2)
                    Calibration.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
                    Calibration.Foreground = Brushes.Green;
예제 #8
 private static double diffProduct(Point2Dmm p1, Point2Dmm p2)
     return((p2.C1 - p1.C1) * (p2.C2 + p1.C2));
예제 #9
        private static int[] getTriangleIndexes(bool needClockwise, Point2Dmm p0, int i0, Point2Dmm p1, int i1, Point2Dmm p2, int i2)
            var isClockwise  = diffProduct(p0, p1) + diffProduct(p1, p2) + diffProduct(p2, p0) >= 0;
            var isClockwise2 = diffProduct(p2, p1) + diffProduct(p1, p0) + diffProduct(p0, p2) >= 0;

            if (isClockwise == isClockwise2)
                //throw new NotSupportedException();
                return(new int[0]);

            if (!isClockwise)
                needClockwise = !needClockwise;

            var triangleIndexes = needClockwise ? new[] { i0, i1, i2 } : new[] { i2, i1, i0 };
