예제 #1
        public IPoEItemParser GetParser()
            if (_rawItem == null || !_reItemFormat.IsMatch(_rawItem))
                throw new FormatException("Item text is not in the correct format");

            IPoEItemParser parser       = null;
            PoEItemType    itemCategory = Utils.FindItemType(_rawItem);

            if (itemCategory == PoEItemType.Currency)
                parser = new CurrencyParser(_rawItem);
            else if (itemCategory == PoEItemType.Gem)
                parser = new GemParser(_rawItem);
            else if (itemCategory == PoEItemType.Flask)
                parser = new FlaskParser(_rawItem);
            else if (itemCategory == PoEItemType.Map)
                parser = new MapParser(_rawItem);
            else if (itemCategory.IsArmor())
                parser = new ArmorParser(_rawItem, itemCategory);
            else if (itemCategory.IsAccessory())
                parser = new AccessoryParser(_rawItem, itemCategory);
            else if (itemCategory.IsWeapon())
                parser = new WeaponParser(_rawItem, itemCategory);
            else if (itemCategory == PoEItemType.Fragment ||
                     itemCategory == PoEItemType.Prophecy)
                parser = new PoEItemParser <PoEItem>(_rawItem, itemCategory);

예제 #2
 public ModdableItemParser(string rawItemText, PoEItemType type) : base(rawItemText, type)
예제 #3
 public WeaponParser(
     string rawItemText,
     PoEItemType itemCategory = (PoEItemType)200) : base(rawItemText, itemCategory)
예제 #4
 public ArmorParser(
     string rawItemText,
     PoEItemType itemCategory = (PoEItemType)400) : base(rawItemText, itemCategory)
예제 #5
        public static bool IsArmor(this PoEItemType type)
            int val = (int)type;

            return(val >= 400 && val < 500);
예제 #6
        public static bool IsAccessory(this PoEItemType type)
            int val = (int)type;

            return(val >= 300 && val < 400);
예제 #7
        public static bool IsWeapon(this PoEItemType type)
            int val = (int)type;

            return(val >= 200 && val < 300);
예제 #8
 public PoEItemParser(string rawItemText, PoEItemType type) : this(rawItemText)
     _item.Category = type;
예제 #9
 public AccessoryParser(
     string rawItemText,
     PoEItemType itemCategory = (PoEItemType)300) : base(rawItemText, itemCategory)
예제 #10
        public static PoEItemType FindItemType(string item)
            PoEItemType type   = PoEItemType.Fragment;
            var         fields = GetItemFields(item);

            if (!fields.ContainsKey("Rarity"))

            string rarity = fields["Rarity"];

            if (rarity.Equals("Currency"))
                type = PoEItemType.Currency;
            else if (rarity.Equals("Gem"))
                type = PoEItemType.Gem;
            else if (fields.ContainsKey("Attacks per Second"))
                int firstSectionEndIndex = item.IndexOf(new string('-', 8)) + 8;
                // ignore first 2 characters of the section
                int    endIndex   = item.IndexOf('\n', firstSectionEndIndex + 2);
                string weaponType = item.Substring(firstSectionEndIndex, endIndex - firstSectionEndIndex).Trim();

                type = ItemTypeUtils.StringToItemType(weaponType);
            else if (fields.ContainsKey("Chance to Block"))
                type = PoEItemType.Shield;
            else if (item.Contains("Right-click to add this prophecy to your character"))
                type = PoEItemType.Prophecy;
                var    lines = SplitItemSection(item);
                string itemBase;

                // If the third line is a section separator
                if (lines[2][0] == '-')
                    itemBase = lines[1];
                    itemBase = lines[2];

                if (_reAmulet.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Amulet;
                else if (_reRing.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Ring;
                else if (_reBelt.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Belt;
                else if (_reQuiver.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Quiver;
                else if (_reJewel.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Jewel;
                else if (_reHelmet.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Helmet;
                else if (_reGloves.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Gloves;
                else if (_reBoots.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Boots;
                else if (_reBodyArmor.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.BodyArmor;
                else if (_reFlask.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Flask;
                else if (_reMap.IsMatch(itemBase))
                    type = PoEItemType.Map;

 public EnchantableItemParser(string rawItemText, PoEItemType type) : base(rawItemText, type)