예제 #1
        private static void InitializeCore()
            var isFullTrust = WebHelper.GetTrustLevel() == AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Unrestricted;

            if (!isFullTrust)
                throw new ApplicationException("Smartstore requires Full Trust mode. Please enable Full Trust for your web site or contact your hosting provider.");

            using (var updater = new AppUpdater())
                // update from NuGet package, if it exists and is valid
                if (updater.TryUpdateFromPackage())
                    // [...]

                // execute migrations

            // adding a process-specific environment path (either bin/x86 or bin/x64)
            // ensures that unmanaged native dependencies can be resolved successfully.


            var incompatiblePlugins = (new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).AsSynchronized();
            var inactiveAssemblies  = _inactiveAssemblies.AsSynchronized();
            var dirty = false;

            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            _shadowCopyDir = new DirectoryInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DynamicDirectory);

            var plugins           = LoadPluginDescriptors().ToArray();
            var compatiblePlugins = plugins.Where(x => !x.Incompatible).ToArray();
            var hasher            = new PluginsHasher(compatiblePlugins);

            Logger.DebugFormat("Loaded plugin descriptors. {0} total, {1} incompatible.", plugins.Length, plugins.Length - compatiblePlugins.Length);

            var ms = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Logger.DebugFormat("INIT PLUGINS (LoadPluginDescriptors). Time elapsed: {0} ms.", ms);

            // If plugins state is dirty, we copy files over to the dynamic folder,
            // otherwise we just reference the previously copied file.
            dirty = DetectAndCleanStalePlugins(compatiblePlugins, hasher);

            // Perf: Initialize/probe all plugins in parallel
            plugins.AsParallel().ForAll(x =>
                // Deploy to ASP.NET dynamic folder.
                DeployPlugin(x, dirty);

                // Finalize

            //// Retry when failed, because during parallel execution assembly loading MAY fail.
            //// Therefore we retry initialization for failed plugins, but sequentially this time.
            //foreach (var p in plugins)
            //	// INFO: this seems redundant, but it's ok:
            //	// DeployPlugin() only probes assemblies that are not loaded yet.
            //	DeployPlugin(p, dirty);

            //	// Finalize
            //	FinalizePlugin(p);

            if (dirty && DataSettings.DatabaseIsInstalled())
                // Save current hash of all deployed plugins to disk

                // Save names of all deployed assemblies to disk (so we can nuke them later)

            IncompatiblePlugins = incompatiblePlugins.AsReadOnly();

            ms = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            Logger.DebugFormat("INIT PLUGINS (Deployment complete). Time elapsed: {0} ms.", ms);

            void DeployPlugin(PluginDescriptor p, bool shadowCopy)
                if (p.Incompatible)
                    // Do nothing if plugin is incompatible

                // First copy referenced local assemblies (if any)
                for (int i = 0; i < p.ReferencedLocalAssemblies.Length; ++i)
                    var refAr = p.ReferencedLocalAssemblies[i];
                    if (refAr.Assembly == null)
                        Probe(refAr, p, shadowCopy);

                // Then copy main plugin assembly
                var ar = p.Assembly;

                if (ar.Assembly == null)
                    Probe(ar, p, shadowCopy);
                    if (ar.Assembly != null)
                        // Activate (even if uninstalled): Find IPlugin, IPreApplicationStart, IConfigurable etc.

            void FinalizePlugin(PluginDescriptor p)
                _referencedPlugins[p.SystemName] = p;

                if (p.Incompatible)

                var firstFailedAssembly = p.ReferencedLocalAssemblies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ActivationException != null);

                if (firstFailedAssembly == null && p.Assembly.ActivationException != null)
                    firstFailedAssembly = p.Assembly;
                if (firstFailedAssembly != null)
                    Logger.ErrorFormat("Assembly probing failed for '{0}': {1}", firstFailedAssembly.File.Name, firstFailedAssembly.ActivationException.Message);
                    p.Incompatible = true;

                if ((!p.Installed || firstFailedAssembly != null) && p.Assembly.Assembly != null)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This checks if any of our plugins have changed, if so it will go
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if there were changes to plugins and a cleanup was required, otherwise false is returned.
        /// </returns>
        private static bool DetectAndCleanStalePlugins(IEnumerable <PluginDescriptor> plugins, PluginsHasher hasher)
            // Check if anything has been changed, or if we are in debug mode then always perform cleanup
            if (hasher.HasChanged)
                PluginChangeDetected = true;
                Logger.DebugFormat("Plugin changes detected in hash.");

                var lastAssemblies = GetLastPluginsAssemblies();

                // We need to read the old assembly list and clean them out from the shadow copy folder
                var staleFiles = lastAssemblies
                                 .Select(x => new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_shadowCopyDir.FullName, x)))

                // If that fails, then we will try to remove it the hard way by renaming it to .delete if it doesn't delete nicely
                if (staleFiles.Length > 5)
                    staleFiles.AsParallel().ForAll(f => TryDeleteStaleFile(f));
                    staleFiles.Each(f => TryDeleteStaleFile(f));


            // No plugin changes found