public async Task Refresh()
            var repoFetch   = PluginMetadataCollection.DownloadAsync();
            var timeoutTask = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            PluginMetadataCollection collection = null;

                var completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(repoFetch, timeoutTask);

                if (completedTask == timeoutTask)
                    MessageBox.Show("Fetching plugin metadata timed-out. Only local plugins will be shown.", MessageBoxType.Warning);
                    collection = await repoFetch;
            catch (HttpRequestException)
                MessageBox.Show("OTD cannot connect to Internet. Only local plugins will be shown.", MessageBoxType.Warning);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show($"Error: {e.Message}", MessageBoxType.Error);
                Log.Write("PluginManager", e.Message);
                collection ??= PluginMetadataCollection.Empty;

            await Refresh(collection);
        public async Task ExpandRepositoryTarballFork()
            var metadataCollection = await PluginMetadataCollection.DownloadAsync("InfinityGhost", PluginMetadataCollection.REPOSITORY_NAME);

            foreach (var metadata in metadataCollection)
예제 #3
        public async Task Refresh(PluginMetadataCollection newRepository = null)
            Repository = newRepository ?? await PluginMetadataCollection.DownloadAsync();

            await App.Driver.Instance.LoadPlugins();


            (Application.Instance.MainForm as MainForm).Refresh();
 protected async Task <PluginMetadataCollection> GetTestRepository()
     if (File.Exists(CollectionTarball))
         using (var stream = File.OpenRead(CollectionTarball))
         return(await PluginMetadataCollection.DownloadAsync());
예제 #5
            public async void Refresh()
                var index = SelectedIndex;

                Repository ??= await PluginMetadataCollection.DownloadAsync();

                var installed = from plugin in AppInfo.PluginManager.GetLoadedPlugins()
                                orderby plugin.FriendlyName
                                select plugin;

                var installedMeta = from ctx in installed
                                    let meta = ctx.GetMetadata()
                                               where meta != null
                                               select meta;

                var fetched = from meta in Repository
                              where meta.SupportedDriverVersion <= AppVersion
                              where !installedMeta.Any(m => PluginMetadata.Match(m, meta))
                              select meta;

                var versions = from meta in installedMeta.Concat(fetched)
                               orderby meta.PluginVersion descending
                               group meta by(meta.Name, meta.Owner, meta.RepositoryUrl);

                var displayQuery = from grp in versions
                                   let meta = grp.FirstOrDefault()
                                              orderby meta.Name
                                              orderby installedMeta.Any(m => PluginMetadata.Match(m, meta)) descending
                                              select meta;

                this.InstalledPlugins = installed.ToList();

                foreach (var meta in displayQuery)

                SelectedIndex = index;
예제 #6
            public async void Refresh()
                if (MetadataReference.TryGetTarget(out var metadata))
                    var contexts = AppInfo.PluginManager.GetLoadedPlugins();

                    Repository ??= await PluginMetadataCollection.DownloadAsync();

                    bool isInstalled = contexts.Any(t => PluginMetadata.Match(t.GetMetadata(), metadata));

                    var updatableFromRepository = from meta in Repository
                                                  where PluginMetadata.Match(meta, metadata)
                                                  where meta.PluginVersion > metadata.PluginVersion
                                                  where driverVersion >= meta.SupportedDriverVersion
                                                  orderby meta.PluginVersion descending
                                                  select meta;

                    var canUpdate = updatableFromRepository.Any();

                    var actions = new StackLayout
                        Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                        Spacing     = 5,
                        Items       =
                            new StackLayoutItem
                                Expand  = true,
                                Control = new Button((sender, e) => RequestPluginUninstall?.Invoke(metadata))
                                    Text    = "Uninstall",
                                    Enabled = isInstalled
                            new StackLayoutItem
                                Expand  = true,
                                Control = new Button((sender, e) => RequestPluginInstall?.Invoke(canUpdate ? updatableFromRepository.First() : metadata))
                                    Text    = canUpdate ? "Update" : "Install",
                                    Enabled = canUpdate || !isInstalled

                    base.Content = new Scrollable
                        Content = new StackLayout
                            Padding = 5,
                            Spacing = 5,
                            HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                            Items =
                                new AlignedGroup("Name",                      metadata.Name),
                                new AlignedGroup("Owner",                     metadata.Owner),
                                new AlignedGroup("Description",               metadata.Description),
                                new AlignedGroup("Driver Version",            metadata.SupportedDriverVersion?.ToString()),
                                new AlignedGroup("Plugin Version",            metadata.PluginVersion?.ToString()),
                                new LinkButtonGroup("Source Code Repository", metadata.RepositoryUrl,                      "Show source code"),
                                new LinkButtonGroup("Wiki",                   metadata.WikiUrl,                            "Show plugin wiki"),
                                new AlignedGroup("License",                   metadata.LicenseIdentifier),
                                new StackLayoutItem(null,                     true),