public void Call_Die()
            _Status = PluginStatus.Stopped;
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Message, "Calling die, stopping process, sending UNLOAD...  from: " + _pluginName));
            PluginEventAction actionCommand = new PluginEventAction();

            actionCommand.ActionToTake = PluginActionType.Unload;
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Action, null, actionCommand)); // make a generic "reboot / update service" event handler ?!
        public void Call_Die()
            _Status = PluginStatus.Stopped;
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Message, "Calling die, stopping process, sending UNLOAD...  from: " + _pluginName));
            PluginEventAction actionCommand = new PluginEventAction();

            actionCommand.ActionToTake = PluginActionType.Unload;
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Action, null, actionCommand)); // telling controller it can no unload me....
 public void ProcessEnded()
     if (_terminateRequestReceived) // plugin has been asked to notify on process so it can be terminated, therefore send "unload" message
         if (counter != null)
         PluginEventAction actionCommand = new PluginEventAction();
         actionCommand.ActionToTake = PluginActionType.Unload;
        // OnTimer event, process start raised, sleep to simulate doing some work, then process end raised
        public void OnCounterElapsed(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            _Status = PluginStatus.Processing;
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Message, "Counter elapsed from: " + _pluginName));
            if (_terminateRequestReceived)
                DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Message, "Counter elapsed, terminate received, stopping process...  from: " + _pluginName));

            // TEST FOR DIE...
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Message, "*** Sending UPDATE SERVICE WITH INSTALLER COMMAND ***"));
            PluginEventAction actionCommand = new PluginEventAction();

            actionCommand.ActionToTake = PluginActionType.TerminateAndUnloadPlugins; // TEST !!!! ... this should ONLY be used to signal the HOST/CONTROLLER to flag a DIE....
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Action, null, actionCommand));
            DoCallback(new PluginEventArgs(PluginEventMessageType.Message, "*** Sending UPDATE SERVICE WITH INSTALLER COMMAND - COMPLETE ***"));
            // end test