public string MakeNewRule() { var dv ="R"); Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass newDevice = (Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass); newDevice.set_InterfaceInstance(,; newDevice.set_Name(, "Type Meter Calc " + dv); //newDevice.set_Location2(, "ScratchpadRule"); newDevice.set_Location(, "Utilities"); newDevice.set_Location2(, "Calcs"); //newDevice.set_Interface(, "Modbus Configuration");//Put here the registered name of the page for what we want in the Modbus tab!!! So easy! newDevice.set_Interface(, Util.IFACE_NAME); //Needed to link device to plugin, so the tab calls back to the correct hardcoded homeseer function //newDevice.set_InterfaceInstance()'' SET INTERFACE INSTANCE newDevice.set_Relationship(, Enums.eRelationship.Not_Set); newDevice.MISC_Set(, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG); newDevice.MISC_Set(, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES); // newDevice.MISC_Set(, Enums.dvMISC.HIDDEN); HomeSeerAPI.PlugExtraData.clsPlugExtraData EDO = new PlugExtraData.clsPlugExtraData(); // EDO = newDevice.get_PlugExtraData_Get(; string ruleString = makeNewRules(); string userNote = newDevice.get_UserNote(; userNote = userNote.Split("PLUGIN EXTRA DATA:".ToCharArray())[0]; userNote += "PLUGIN EXTRA DATA:" + ruleString.ToString(); newDevice.set_UserNote(, userNote); EDO.AddNamed("SSIDKey", ruleString); newDevice.set_PlugExtraData_Set(, EDO); // newDevice.set_Device_Type_String(, makeNewModbusGateway()); var DevINFO = new DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo(); DevINFO.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In; newDevice.set_DeviceType_Set(, DevINFO); Instance.Devices.Add(new SiidDevice(Instance, newDevice)); MakeStewardVSP(dv); return("refresh"); }
private int CreateBasicDevice() { try { //Creating a brand new device, and get the actual device from the device reference var fullName = Location + GetName() + Location2 + GetName() + Name + Unique; var dv = (DeviceClass)_hs.GetDeviceByRef(_hs.NewDeviceRef(fullName)); var dvRef = dv.get_Ref(_hs); //Setting the type to plugin device var typeInfo = new DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo { Device_Type = (int)DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In, Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In, Device_SubType_Description = Name }; dv.set_DeviceType_Set(_hs, typeInfo); var pluginExtraData = new PlugExtraData.clsPlugExtraData(); //var pluginExtraData = new PlugExtraData.clsPlugExtraData(); if (PEDStorage.Count > 0) { //PED storage got something foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in PEDStorage) { Console.WriteLine("Found PED"); pluginExtraData.AddNamed(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.ToString()); } } dv.set_PlugExtraData_Set(_hs, pluginExtraData); dv.set_Interface(_hs, GetName()); //Don't change this, or the device won't be associated with your plugin dv.set_InterfaceInstance(_hs, InstanceFriendlyName()); //Don't change this, or the device won't be associated with that particular instance dv.set_Device_Type_String(_hs, Name); dv.set_Can_Dim(_hs, false); //Setting the name and locations dv.set_Name(_hs, Name); dv.set_Location(_hs, Location); dv.set_Location2(_hs, Location2); //Misc options dv.set_Status_Support(_hs, true); //Set to True if the devices can be polled, False if not. (See PollDevice in hspi.vb) dv.MISC_Set(_hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES); //If not set, device control options will not be displayed. //dv.MISC_Set(_hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG); //As default, we don't want to Log every device value change to the Log //Committing to the database, clear value-status-pairs and graphic-status pairs _hs.SaveEventsDevices(); _hs.DeviceVSP_ClearAll(dvRef, true); _hs.DeviceVGP_ClearAll(dvRef, true); Id = dvRef; return(dvRef); //Return the reference } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error creating basic device: " + ex.Message, ex); } }
public string addSubrule(string data) { //Make a new rule, but make it in service to an existing rule: var dv ="R"); Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass newDevice = (Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass); newDevice.set_InterfaceInstance(,; newDevice.set_Name(, "Type Meter Rate" + dv); // newDevice.set_Location2(, "ScratchpadSubRule"); newDevice.set_Location(, "Utilities"); newDevice.set_Location2(, "Rates"); //newDevice.set_Interface(, "Modbus Configuration");//Put here the registered name of the page for what we want in the Modbus tab!!! So easy! newDevice.set_Interface(, Util.IFACE_NAME); //Needed to link device to plugin, so the tab calls back to the correct hardcoded homeseer function //newDevice.set_InterfaceInstance()'' SET INTERFACE INSTANCE newDevice.set_Relationship(, Enums.eRelationship.Not_Set); newDevice.MISC_Set(, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG); newDevice.MISC_Set(, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES); // newDevice.MISC_Set(, Enums.dvMISC.HIDDEN); HomeSeerAPI.PlugExtraData.clsPlugExtraData EDO = new PlugExtraData.clsPlugExtraData(); // EDO = newDevice.get_PlugExtraData_Get(; string ruleString = makeNewRules(); string userNote = newDevice.get_UserNote(; userNote = userNote.Split("PLUGIN EXTRA DATA:".ToCharArray())[0]; userNote += "PLUGIN EXTRA DATA:" + ruleString.ToString(); newDevice.set_UserNote(, userNote); EDO.AddNamed("SSIDKey", ruleString); newDevice.set_PlugExtraData_Set(, EDO); // newDevice.set_Device_Type_String(, makeNewModbusGateway()); var DevINFO = new DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo(); DevINFO.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo_m.DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In; newDevice.set_DeviceType_Set(, DevINFO); Instance.Devices.Add(new SiidDevice(Instance, newDevice)); MakeStewardVSP(dv); StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder(); var page = this; string GatewayID = data.Split("_".ToCharArray())[1]; SiidDevice GateWay = SiidDevice.GetFromListByID(Instance.Devices, Convert.ToInt32(GatewayID)); Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass Gateway = GateWay.Device; //Should keep in gateway a list of devices Gateway.AssociatedDevice_Add(, dv); //This is totally working actually return("refresh"); stb.Append("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content = \"0; URL='/deviceutility?ref=" + dv + "&edit=1'\" />"); // stb.Append("<a id = 'LALA' href='/deviceutility?ref=" + dv + "&edit=1'/><script></script> "); page.AddBody(stb.ToString()); return(page.BuildPage()); }