public static unsafe void DrawScatterSeries1(IntPtr pointer, List <Point2> data, MarkerType mkty, double mksize, byte r, byte g, byte b) { GCHandle handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(pointer); if (handle.IsAllocated) { PlotModel model = handle.Target as PlotModel; if (model != null) { List <double> ydata = new List <double>(); List <double> xdata = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { xdata.Add((double)data[i].X); ydata.Add((double)data[i].Y); } List <double> txdata = new List <double>(); List <double> tydata = new List <double>(); txdata.Add(xdata[0]); tydata.Add(ydata[0]); for (int i = 1; i < data.Count; i++) { if (xdata[i] - xdata[i - 1] > 1.5) { if (txdata.Count > 0) { model.AddLineSeries(txdata, tydata, OxyColor.FromRgb(r, g, b), LineStyle.Dash); txdata.Clear(); tydata.Clear(); } txdata.Add(xdata[i]); tydata.Add(ydata[i]); } else { txdata.Add(xdata[i]); tydata.Add(ydata[i]); } } if (txdata.Count > 0) { model.AddLineSeries(txdata, tydata, OxyColor.FromRgb(r, g, b), LineStyle.Dash); txdata.Clear(); tydata.Clear(); } model.AddScatterSeries(xdata, ydata, OxyColor.FromRgb(r, g, b), mkty, mksize); } } }
OxyPlot.PlotModel CreateColumnResultsModel(double[] x, double[] y, string xtitle, string ytitle) { var model = new PlotModel() { Subtitle = "Column Profile", Title = SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag }; model.TitleFontSize = 14; model.SubtitleFontSize = 11; model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, FontSize = 12, Title = xtitle }); if (Math.Abs(y[0] - 1.0f) < 0.0001) { model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Left, FontSize = 12, Title = ytitle, StartPosition = 1, EndPosition = 0, MajorStep = 1.0f, MinorStep = 0.5f }); } else { model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Left, FontSize = 12, Title = ytitle }); } model.LegendFontSize = 11; model.LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside; model.LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Vertical; model.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter; model.TitleHorizontalAlignment = TitleHorizontalAlignment.CenteredWithinView; model.AddLineSeries(x, y); return(model); }
public static unsafe void DrawLineSeries(IntPtr pointer, List <double> data, byte r, byte g, byte b) { GCHandle handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(pointer); if (handle.IsAllocated) { PlotModel model = handle.Target as PlotModel; if (model != null) { List <double> xdata = Enumerable.Range(0, data.Count - 1).Select(x => (double)x).ToList(); model.AddLineSeries(xdata, data, OxyColor.FromRgb(r, g, b), MarkerType.None, 1.0); } } }
public static unsafe void DrawLineSeries(IntPtr pointer, float *data, int length, byte r, byte g, byte b) { GCHandle handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(pointer); if (handle.IsAllocated) { PlotModel model = handle.Target as PlotModel; if (model != null) { List <double> ydata = new List <double>(); List <double> xdata = Enumerable.Range(0, length - 1).Select(x => (double)x).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ydata.Add((double)data[i]); } model.AddLineSeries(xdata, ydata, OxyColor.FromRgb(r, g, b), MarkerType.None, 1.0); } } }
OxyPlot.PlotModel CreatePFRResultsModel(Reactor_PFR reactor) { var su = SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem; var model = new PlotModel() { Subtitle = "Properties Profile", Title = SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag }; model.TitleFontSize = 14; model.SubtitleFontSize = 11; model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, FontSize = 12, Title = "Reactor Length (" + su.distance + ")" }); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Left, FontSize = 12, Title = "Concentration (" + su.molar_conc + ")", Key = "conc" }); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Right, FontSize = 12, Title = "Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", Key = "temp", PositionTier = 0 }); model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Right, FontSize = 12, Title = "Pressure (" + su.pressure + ")", Key = "press", PositionTier = 1 }); model.LegendFontSize = 11; model.LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside; model.LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal; model.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter; model.TitleHorizontalAlignment = TitleHorizontalAlignment.CenteredWithinView; List <double> vx = new List <double>(), vy = new List <double>(); List <List <double> > vya = new List <List <double> >(); List <string> vn = new List <string>(); foreach (var obj in reactor.points) { vx.Add(((double[])obj)[0]); } int j; for (j = 1; j <= reactor.ComponentConversions.Count + 2; j++) { vy = new List <double>(); foreach (var obj in reactor.points) { vy.Add(((double[])obj)[j]); } vya.Add(vy); } foreach (var st in reactor.ComponentConversions.Keys) { vn.Add(st); } OxyColor color; for (j = 0; j <= vn.Count - 1; j++) { color = OxyColor.FromRgb(Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255)), Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255)), Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255))); model.AddLineSeries(cv.ConvertArrayFromSI(su.volume, vx.ToArray()), cv.ConvertArrayFromSI(su.molar_conc, vya[j].ToArray()), color); model.Series[model.Series.Count - 1].Title = vn[j]; ((OxyPlot.Series.LineSeries)(model.Series[model.Series.Count - 1])).YAxisKey = "conc"; } color = OxyColor.FromRgb(Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255)), Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255)), Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255))); model.AddLineSeries(cv.ConvertArrayFromSI(su.volume, vx.ToArray()), cv.ConvertArrayFromSI(su.temperature, vya[j].ToArray()), color); model.Series[model.Series.Count - 1].Title = "Temperature"; ((OxyPlot.Series.LineSeries)(model.Series[model.Series.Count - 1])).YAxisKey = "temp"; color = OxyColor.FromRgb(Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255)), Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255)), Convert.ToByte(new Random().Next(0, 255))); model.AddLineSeries(cv.ConvertArrayFromSI(su.volume, vx.ToArray()), cv.ConvertArrayFromSI(su.pressure, vya[j + 1].ToArray()), color); model.Series[model.Series.Count - 1].Title = "Pressure"; ((OxyPlot.Series.LineSeries)(model.Series[model.Series.Count - 1])).YAxisKey = "press"; return(model); }
public static void AddLineSeries(this PlotModel model, IEnumerable <DateTime> xSeries, IEnumerable <double> ySeries, OxyColor color) { model.Axes.Add(new DateTimeAxis()); model.AddLineSeries(xSeries.Select(x => DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(x)), ySeries); }
public static void AddLineSeries(this PlotModel model, IEnumerable <DateTime> xSeries, IEnumerable <double> ySeries) { model.AddLineSeries(xSeries, ySeries, OxyColors.Automatic); }
void Init() { DynamicLayout p1, p2; StackLayout t1; p1 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer(); p2 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer(); p1.Width = 380; p2.Width = 380; t1 = new StackLayout(); t1.Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(p1)); t1.Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(p2)); t1.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; Padding = new Padding(10); if (flowsheet.SensAnalysisCollection.Count == 0) { flowsheet.SensAnalysisCollection.Add(new DWSIM.SharedClasses.Flowsheet.Optimization.SensitivityAnalysisCase()); } mycase = flowsheet.SensAnalysisCollection.First(); var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem; var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat; s.CreateAndAddLabelRow2(this, "Use the Sensitivity Analysis tool to study/analyze the influence of a process variable on other variables in the flowsheet."); this.Add(t1); s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(p1, "Case ID"); s.CreateAndAddFullTextBoxRow(p1,, (arg3, arg2) => { = arg3.Text; }); s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(p1, "Case Description"); s.CreateAndAddFullTextBoxRow(p1, mycase.description, (arg3, arg2) => { mycase.description = arg3.Text; }); s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(p1, "Independent Variable"); var objlist = flowsheet.SimulationObjects.Values.Select((x2) => x2.GraphicObject.Tag).ToList(); objlist.Insert(0, ""); var spinner = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(p1, "Object", objlist, 0, null); var spinner2 = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(p1, "Property", new List <string>(), 0, null); List <string> proplist = new List <string>(); spinner.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => { if (spinner.SelectedIndex > 0) { mycase.iv1.objectID = flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]).Name; mycase.iv1.objectTAG = objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]; proplist = flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]).GetProperties(PropertyType.WR).ToList(); proplist.Insert(0, ""); spinner2.Items.Clear(); spinner2.Items.AddRange(proplist.Select(x => new ListItem { Key = x, Text = flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(x) }).ToList()); spinner2.SelectedIndex = (proplist.IndexOf(mycase.iv1.propID)); } else { spinner2.Items.Clear(); } }; if (flowsheet.SimulationObjects.ContainsKey(mycase.iv1.objectID)) { spinner.SelectedIndex = (objlist.IndexOf(flowsheet.SimulationObjects[mycase.iv1.objectID].GraphicObject.Tag)); } var txtLowerLimit = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(p1, nf, "Initial Value", 0, null); var txtUpperLimit = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(p1, nf, "Final Value", 0, null); var txtSteps = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(p1, "0", "Number of Steps", 0, null); txtLowerLimit.Text = mycase.iv1.lowerlimit.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(nf); txtUpperLimit.Text = mycase.iv1.upperlimit.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(nf); txtSteps.Text = mycase.iv1.points.ToString(); var labelUnits = s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(p1, "Property Units", ""); spinner2.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => { if (spinner2.SelectedIndex > 0) { mycase.iv1.propID = proplist[spinner2.SelectedIndex]; mycase.iv1.unit = flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]).GetPropertyUnit(proplist[spinner2.SelectedIndex], su); labelUnits.Text = mycase.iv1.unit; } }; double dummy = 0.0f; txtLowerLimit.TextChanged += (sender2, e2) => { if (double.TryParse(txtLowerLimit.Text.ToString(), out dummy)) { mycase.iv1.lowerlimit = Double.Parse(txtLowerLimit.Text); } }; txtUpperLimit.TextChanged += (sender2, e2) => { if (double.TryParse(txtUpperLimit.Text.ToString(), out dummy)) { mycase.iv1.upperlimit = Double.Parse(txtUpperLimit.Text); } }; txtSteps.TextChanged += (sender2, e2) => { if (double.TryParse(txtSteps.Text.ToString(), out dummy)) { mycase.iv1.points = Int32.Parse(txtSteps.Text); } }; s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(p1); s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(p1); s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(p1); s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(p1); s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(p1); s.CreateAndAddEmptySpace(p1); var btnAddDepVar = s.CreateAndAddBoldLabelAndButtonRow(p2, "Dependent Variables", "Add New", null, null); var ll = new StackLayout { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(2), Spacing = 10 }; ll.RemoveAll(); var sc = new Scrollable { Border = BorderType.None, Content = ll }; s.CreateAndAddControlRow(p2, sc); t1.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => { if (p1.ParentWindow != null) { p1.Width = (int)(p1.ParentWindow.Width / 2 - 10); p2.Width = (int)(p2.ParentWindow.Width / 2 - 10); p1.Height = p1.ParentWindow.Height - 170; p2.Height = p1.Height; sc.Height = p2.Height - btnAddDepVar.Height - 30; foreach (var item in ll.Items) { item.Control.Width = sc.Width - 25; } } }; foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values) { AddDepVar(ll, dvar, objlist); } btnAddDepVar.Click += (sender2, e2) => { var depvar = new DWSIM.SharedClasses.Flowsheet.Optimization.SAVariable(); = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); mycase.depvariables.Add(, depvar); AddDepVar(ll, depvar, objlist); }; var btnRun = s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(this, "Run Analysis", null, null); var btnAbort = s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(this, "Abort Run", null, null); btnAbort.Enabled = false; resulttextbox = new TextArea { Height = 400, Text = "", Font = Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize), ReadOnly = true }; s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(this, "Results"); var btnrt = s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(this, "View Results Report", "View Report", null, (sender, e) => { var form = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Sensitivity Analysis Report", 500, 500, resulttextbox, true); form.Show(); }); btnrt.Enabled = false; resultschart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot { Height = 400 }; var btnrc = s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(this, "View Results Chart", "View Chart", null, (sender, e) => { var form = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Sensitivity Analysis Result", 500, 500, resultschart, true); form.Show(); }); btnrc.Enabled = false; btnRun.Click += (sender2, e2) => { int iv1np, i; double iv1ll, iv1ul, iv1val, iv1val0; string iv1id, iv1prop; List <List <double> > results = new List <List <double> >(); iv1ll = Converter.ConvertToSI(mycase.iv1.unit, mycase.iv1.lowerlimit.GetValueOrDefault()); iv1ul = Converter.ConvertToSI(mycase.iv1.unit, mycase.iv1.upperlimit.GetValueOrDefault()); iv1np = mycase.iv1.points - 1; iv1id = mycase.iv1.objectID; iv1prop = mycase.iv1.propID; flowsheet.SupressMessages = true; Application.Instance.Invoke(() => { btnAbort.Enabled = true; btnrt.Enabled = false; btnrc.Enabled = false; flowsheet.ShowMessage("Starting Sensitivity Analysis, please wait...", IFlowsheet.MessageType.Information); }); var task = new Task(() => { flowsheet.SolveFlowsheet(true); iv1val0 = Convert.ToDouble(flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].GetPropertyValue(iv1prop)); for (i = 0; i <= iv1np; i++) { iv1val = iv1ll + i * (iv1ul - iv1ll) / iv1np; flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].SetPropertyValue(iv1prop, iv1val); flowsheet.SolveFlowsheet(true); List <double> depvarvals = new List <double>(); foreach (var depvar in mycase.depvariables.Values) { depvar.currentvalue = Convert.ToDouble(flowsheet.SimulationObjects[depvar.objectID].GetPropertyValue(depvar.propID)); depvarvals.Add(depvar.currentvalue); } results.Add(depvarvals); } mycase.results = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); foreach (var res in results) { mycase.results.Add(res.ToArray()); } flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].SetPropertyValue(iv1prop, iv1val0); flowsheet.SolveFlowsheet(true); }, GlobalSettings.Settings.TaskCancellationTokenSource.Token); task.ContinueWith((t) => { flowsheet.SupressMessages = false; if (t.Exception != null) { Application.Instance.Invoke(() => { btnAbort.Enabled = false; btnrt.Enabled = false; btnrc.Enabled = false; flowsheet.ShowMessage("Error: " + t.Exception.Message, IFlowsheet.MessageType.GeneralError); }); } else { Application.Instance.Invoke(() => { btnAbort.Enabled = false; btnrt.Enabled = true; btnrc.Enabled = true; flowsheet.ShowMessage("Sensitivity Analysis finished successfully.", IFlowsheet.MessageType.Information); if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { var str = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); str.AppendLine("Sensitivity Analysis Run Results"); str.AppendLine(); str.AppendLine("Independent Variable: " + flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].GraphicObject.Tag + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(mycase.iv1.propID)); str.AppendLine(); str.AppendLine("Range: " + mycase.iv1.lowerlimit.GetValueOrDefault() + " to " + mycase.iv1.upperlimit.GetValueOrDefault() + " " + mycase.iv1.unit + ", " + mycase.iv1.points + " steps"); str.AppendLine(); str.AppendLine("Dependent Variables:"); int count = 1; str.AppendLine(); foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values) { str.AppendLine(count + " - " + flowsheet.SimulationObjects[dvar.objectID].GraphicObject.Tag + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(dvar.propID) + " (" + dvar.unit + ")"); count += 1; } str.AppendLine(); str.AppendLine("Ind var\t\tDep. vars"); int cnt = 0; List <double> px = new List <double>(); List <List <double> > py = new List <List <double> >(); foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values) { py.Add(new List <double>()); } foreach (double[] res in mycase.results) { var dv = Converter.ConvertFromSI(mycase.iv1.unit, iv1ll + cnt * (iv1ul - iv1ll) / iv1np); px.Add(dv); string line = dv.ToString(nf) + "\t\t"; int j = 0; foreach (var d in res) { py[j].Add(Converter.ConvertFromSI(mycase.depvariables.Values.ElementAt(j).unit, d)); line += Converter.ConvertFromSI(mycase.depvariables.Values.ElementAt(j).unit, d).ToString(nf) + "\t\t"; j += 1; } str.AppendLine(line); cnt += 1; } Application.Instance.Invoke(() => resulttextbox.Text = str.ToString()); var model = new PlotModel() { Subtitle = "Sensitivity Analysis Run Results", Title = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SimulationName }; model.TitleFontSize = 14; model.SubtitleFontSize = 11; model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, Position = AxisPosition.Bottom, FontSize = 12, Title = mycase.iv1.objectTAG + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(mycase.iv1.propID) + " (" + mycase.iv1.unit + ")" }); int cnt2 = 0; foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values) { model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis() { MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash, MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot, FontSize = 12, Title = dvar.objectTAG + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(dvar.propID) + " (" + dvar.unit + ")" }); model.Axes[cnt2 + 1].Key = cnt2.ToString(); model.Axes[cnt2 + 1].PositionTier = cnt2; model.Axes[cnt2 + 1].AxislineStyle = LineStyle.Solid; model.AddLineSeries(px, py[cnt2]); model.Series[cnt2].Title = dvar.objectTAG + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(dvar.propID); ((OxyPlot.Series.LineSeries)(model.Series[cnt2])).YAxisKey = cnt2.ToString(); cnt2 += 1; } model.LegendFontSize = 11; model.LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside; model.LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Vertical; model.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter; model.TitleHorizontalAlignment = TitleHorizontalAlignment.CenteredWithinView; Application.Instance.Invoke(() => { resultschart.Model = model; resultschart.Invalidate(); }); } }); } }); btnAbort.Click += (sender, e) => { GlobalSettings.Settings.TaskCancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); }; task.Start(); }; }
public void UpdatePlotModelData() { try { if (Chart.PlotModel != null) { if ((Chart.ChartSource == ChartSource.FlowsheetObject)) { if (Chart.ChartSourceObjectAutoUpdate) { Chart.PlotModel = Flowsheet.SimulationObjects[Chart.ChartSourceObjectID].GetChartModel(Chart.ChartSourceObjectChartID); } } else { PlotModel pm = (PlotModel)Chart.PlotModel; if (((pm.Series.Count != Chart.SpreadsheetDataSourcesX.Count) && (pm.Series.Count != Chart.SpreadsheetDataSourcesY.Count))) { pm.Series.Clear(); List <List <double> > xnumbers = new List <List <double> >(); List <List <double> > ynumbers = new List <List <double> >(); foreach (var item in Chart.SpreadsheetDataSourcesX) { List <double> xlist = new List <double>(); var sheet = Spreadsheet.GetWorksheetByName(item.Split('!')[0]); object[,] data = sheet.GetRangeData(new RangePosition(item.Split('!')[1])); if ((data.GetLength(0) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(0) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[j, 0].ToString(), out d); xlist.Add(d); } } else if ((data.GetLength(1) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(1) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[0, j].ToString(), out d); xlist.Add(d); } } xnumbers.Add(xlist); } foreach (var item in Chart.SpreadsheetDataSourcesY) { List <double> ylist = new List <double>(); var sheet = Spreadsheet.GetWorksheetByName(item.Split('!')[0]); object[,] data = sheet.GetRangeData(new RangePosition(item.Split('!')[1])); if ((data.GetLength(0) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(0) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[j, 0].ToString(), out d); ylist.Add(d); } } else if ((data.GetLength(1) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(1) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[0, j].ToString(), out d); ylist.Add(d); } } ynumbers.Add(ylist); } for (int i = 0; (i <= (xnumbers.Count - 1)); i++) { pm.AddLineSeries(xnumbers[i], ynumbers[i], ("Series" + (i + 1).ToString())); } } else { List <List <double> > xnumbers = new List <List <double> >(); List <List <double> > ynumbers = new List <List <double> >(); foreach (var item in Chart.SpreadsheetDataSourcesX) { List <double> xlist = new List <double>(); var sheet = Spreadsheet.GetWorksheetByName(item.Split('!')[0]); object[,] data = sheet.GetRangeData(new RangePosition(item.Split('!')[1])); if ((data.GetLength(0) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(0) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[j, 0].ToString(), out d); xlist.Add(d); } } else if ((data.GetLength(1) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(1) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[0, j].ToString(), out d); xlist.Add(d); } } xnumbers.Add(xlist); } foreach (var item in Chart.SpreadsheetDataSourcesY) { List <double> ylist = new List <double>(); var sheet = Spreadsheet.GetWorksheetByName(item.Split('!')[0]); object[,] data = sheet.GetRangeData(new RangePosition(item.Split('!')[1])); if ((data.GetLength(0) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(0) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[j, 0].ToString(), out d); ylist.Add(d); } } else if ((data.GetLength(1) > 1)) { int j = 0; for (j = 0; (j <= (data.GetLength(1) - 1)); j++) { double d = 0; double.TryParse(data[0, j].ToString(), out d); ylist.Add(d); } } ynumbers.Add(ylist); } for (int i = 0; (i <= (xnumbers.Count - 1)); i++) { LineSeries lineSeries = (LineSeries)pm.Series[i]; lineSeries.Points.Clear(); for (int j = 0; (j <= (xnumbers[i].Count - 1)); j++) { lineSeries.Points.Add(new DataPoint(xnumbers[i][j], ynumbers[i][j])); } } } } PlotModel pm2 = (PlotModel)Chart.PlotModel; pm2.InvalidatePlot(true); ChartView.Model = pm2; ChartView.Invalidate(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Flowsheet.ShowMessage("Error updating chart data: " + ex.Message, Interfaces.IFlowsheet.MessageType.GeneralError); } }