public override bool PEGI() { bool changed = base.PEGI(); PainterCamera rtp = PainterCamera.Inst; BrushConfig brush = brushConfig; if (!PainterStuff.IsNowPlaytimeAndDisabled) { "Plugins".write_List(rtp.Plugins, ref rtp.browsedPlugin); if ("Find New Plugins".Click()) { rtp.RefreshPlugins(); } if ("Clear Data".Click().nl()) { rtp.DeletePlugins(); rtp.RefreshPlugins(); } } pegi.newLine(); bool gotDefine = UnityHelperFunctions.GetDefine(enablePainterForBuild); if ("Enable Painter for Playtime & Build".toggle(ref gotDefine).nl()) { UnityHelperFunctions.SetDefine(enablePainterForBuild, gotDefine); } if (gotDefine && "Enable PlayTime UI".toggle(ref enablePainterUIonPlay).nl()) { MeshManager.Inst.DisconnectMesh(); } if (!PainterStuff.IsNowPlaytimeAndDisabled) { if (Painter && Painter.meshEditing == false) { if ("More options".toggle(80, ref moreOptions).nl()) { showConfig = false; } "CPU blit repaint delay".nl("Delay for video memory update when painting to Texture2D", 140); changed |= pegi.edit(ref brush.repaintDelay, 0.01f, 0.5f).nl(); changed |= "Don't update mipmaps:".toggle("May increase performance, but your changes may not disaplay if you are far from texture.", 150, ref brush.DontRedoMipmaps).nl(); var id = Painter.ImgData; if (id != null) { changed |= id.PEGI(); } "Disable Non-Mesh Colliders in Play Mode:".toggle(ref disableNonMeshColliderInPlayMode).nl(); } if ("Lists".foldout(ref inspectLists).nl()) { changed |= DatasPEGI(); } "Teaching Notifications".toggle("will show whatever you ae pressing on the screen.", 140, ref ShowTeachingNotifications).nl(); "Save Textures To:".edit(110, ref texturesFolderName).nl(); "_Atlas Textures Sub folder".edit(150, ref atlasFolderName).nl(); "Save Materials To:".edit(110, ref materialsFolderName).nl(); "Save Meshes To:".edit(110, ref meshesFolderName).nl(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (icon.Discord.Click("Join Discord", 64)) { PlaytimePainter.Open_Discord(); } if (icon.Docs.Click("Open Asset Documentation", 64)) { PlaytimePainter.OpenWWW_Documentation(); } if (icon.Email.Click("Report a bug / send suggestion / ask question.", 64)) { PlaytimePainter.Open_Email(); } #endif return(changed); }