예제 #1
        private void CreatePlayerTransaction(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow player)
            // make the transaction here
            TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow newWinTransaction = transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions.NewTransactionsRow();

            // add the data to that row
            newWinTransaction.PlayerName = player.PlayerPoolName;
            newWinTransaction.SeasonName = PublicVariables.GetDefaultSeason;
            newWinTransaction.Type       = "Win Credit";
            newWinTransaction.Method     = "Win Credit Progressive";
            newWinTransaction.Amount     = -(double)upDownPayAmount.Value;
            newWinTransaction.Week       = "Week 17";
            newWinTransaction.Date       = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            newWinTransaction.Notes      = "Progressive Win Credit";


            TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow newWinTransaction2 = transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions.NewTransactionsRow();

            newWinTransaction2.PlayerName = player.PlayerPoolName;
            newWinTransaction2.SeasonName = PublicVariables.GetDefaultSeason;
            newWinTransaction2.Type       = "Pay Out";
            newWinTransaction2.Method     = "Pay Out Progressive";
            newWinTransaction2.Amount     = (double)upDownPayAmount.Value;
            newWinTransaction2.Week       = "Week 17";
            newWinTransaction2.Date       = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            newWinTransaction2.Notes      = "Progressive Pay Out";

예제 #2
        private void PopulateLedgerBox(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow player)
            // clear the box
            double balance = 0;

            foreach (TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow transactions in transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions)
                if (transactions.PlayerName == player.PlayerPoolName)
                    ListViewItem newRow = new ListViewItem();

                    // the first column is different than the sub items
                    // newRow.Text will fill the first column
                    newRow.Text = transactions.Id.ToString();
                    balance += transactions.Amount;

예제 #3
파일: FormGroups.cs 프로젝트: Jitterz/Big8
        private void NewTransaction(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer)
            // create a new row
            TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow newTransaction = transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions.NewTransactionsRow();

            // add the data to that row
            newTransaction.PlayerName = selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName;
            newTransaction.SeasonName = textBoxSelectedSeason.Text;
            newTransaction.Type       = "Pay Out";
            newTransaction.Method     = comboBoxPayMethod.Text;
            newTransaction.Amount     = (double)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
            newTransaction.Week       = comboBoxSelectWeek.Text;
            newTransaction.Date       = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            newTransaction.Notes      = "Group Pay Out";

            if (comboBoxPayMethod.Text == "Check")
                if (textBoxCheckNumber.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Enter a check number.");

                newTransaction.CheckNumber = textBoxCheckNumber.Text;


예제 #4
        // update all of the labels on the form based on the selected player.
        private void UpdateForm(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer)
            textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text      = selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName;
            upDownBuyInAmount.Value      = selectedPlayer.PlayerBuyIn;
            upDownCurrentWinnings.Value  = selectedPlayer.PlayerTotalWinnings;
            upDownWins.Value             = selectedPlayer.PlayerTotalWins;
            textBoxNameAdd.Text          = selectedPlayer.PlayerPersonalName;
            textBoxAddressAdd.Text       = selectedPlayer.PlayerAddress;
            textBoxPhoneAdd.Text         = selectedPlayer.PlayerPhone;
            textBoxEmailAdd.Text         = selectedPlayer.PlayerEmail;
            textBoxPreferContactAdd.Text = selectedPlayer.PlayerContactMethod;
            textBoxPreferPayoutAdd.Text  = selectedPlayer.PlayerPayoutMethod;
            textBoxGroupName.Text        = selectedPlayer.Notes;
            textBoxPlayerNotes.Text      = selectedPlayer.PlayerNotes;

            if (selectedPlayer.IsActive == true)
                checkBoxIsActive.Checked = true;
                checkBoxIsActive.Checked = false;

            // if group leader is checked then make them the group leader///////////////////////*********

            if (selectedPlayer.IsGroupLeader == true)
                checkBoxIsGroupLeader.Checked = true;
                checkBoxIsGroupLeader.Checked = false;

            // it kept filling the text boxes with empty strings. This was my solution. I hate it.
            textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text      = textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxNameAdd.Text          = textBoxNameAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxPhoneAdd.Text         = textBoxPhoneAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxEmailAdd.Text         = textBoxEmailAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxPreferContactAdd.Text = textBoxPreferContactAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxPreferPayoutAdd.Text  = textBoxPreferPayoutAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxAddressAdd.Text       = textBoxAddressAdd.Text.Trim();
            textBoxGroupName.Text        = textBoxGroupName.Text.Trim();
예제 #5
        private void UpdateForm(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer)
            // update labels based on the selected player
            labelPlayerNameLarge.Text      = selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName;
            labelPlayerWinsLarge.Text      = selectedPlayer.PlayerTotalWins.ToString();
            labelOweUsAmountPlayers.Text   = selectedPlayer.PlayerOwes.ToString();
            labelOweThemAmountPlayers.Text = selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer.ToString();


            // this finds the current wins based on which week it is

            //This will turn label red if that player is out green if they still in it.
            if (selectedPlayer.IsOut)
                labelPlayerCurrentWinsLarge.BackColor = Color.Red;
                labelPlayerCurrentWinsLarge.BackColor = Color.Green;
예제 #6
        private void PopulatePersonalInfoBoxes(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow player)
            textBoxPlayerInformation.Text = player.PlayerPoolName + Environment.NewLine + player.PlayerPersonalName + Environment.NewLine + player.PlayerAddress;

            textBoxPlayerContactInfo.Text = "PH: " + player.PlayerPhone + Environment.NewLine + "Email: " + player.PlayerEmail + Environment.NewLine + "Prefered Contact: " + player.PlayerContactMethod;
예제 #7
파일: FormGroups.cs 프로젝트: Jitterz/Big8
 private void TotalWeekWinnings(string selectedWeek, PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer)
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 01")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek01 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 02")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek02 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 03")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek03 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 04")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek04 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 05")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek05 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 06")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek06 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 07")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek07 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 08")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek08 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 09")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek09 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 10")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek10 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 11")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek11 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 12")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek12 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 13")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek13 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 14")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek14 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 15")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek15 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 16")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek16 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
     if (selectedWeek == "Week 17")
         selectedPlayer.PlayerWinningsWeek17 += (int)selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer;
예제 #8
        private void ReverseTransaction()
            // transaction inside the loop was causing problems changing data while looping through
            TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow newTransaction    = null;
            PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow           transactionPlayer = null;

            // find the correct transaction
            foreach (TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow currentTransaction in transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions)
                if (currentTransaction.Id.ToString() == textBoxTransactionId.Text)
                    // determine the type of transaction eg Pay, Receive or Charge
                    // if it is pay
                    if (textBoxType.Text == "Pay Out")
                        // find the player
                        foreach (PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer in playersDBDataSet.Players)
                            if (selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName == currentTransaction.PlayerName)
                                // subtract the amount from their total winnings
                                selectedPlayer.PlayerTotalWinnings -= upDownAmount.Value;
                                selectedPlayer.WeOWePlayer         += upDownAmount.Value;
                                // subtract the amount from that weeks winnings

                                foreach (AccountingDataSet.AccountingRow accounting in accountingDataSet.Accounting)
                                    if (accounting.SeasonName == textBoxSelectedSeason.Text)
                                        // subtract accounting total payed out
                                        // add accounting total funds
                                        accounting.TotalPayedOut -= upDownAmount.Value;
                                        accounting.TotalFunds    += upDownAmount.Value;

                                        // pop up window reversing a pay out. does the player now owe us this amount? was the player actually paid?
                                        var confirmChargePlayer = MessageBox.Show("Do you also want to charge the player this amount? Were they physically paid and now need to pay you back?", "Confirm Charge Player", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                                        // if yes then charge the player that amount
                                        if (confirmChargePlayer == DialogResult.Yes)
                                            // need a transaction if we charge the player
                                            // create a new row
                                            newTransaction    = transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions.NewTransactionsRow();
                                            transactionPlayer = selectedPlayer;
                                            // increase the player owes us
                                            selectedPlayer.PlayerOwes += upDownAmount.Value;
                                            // increase accounting total owed to us
                                            accounting.TotalOwedToUs += upDownAmount.Value;
                                            // if no then leave it alone
                    // if it is receive payment
                    if (textBoxType.Text == "Receive Payment" || textBoxType.Text == "Initial Payment")
                        // find the player
                        foreach (PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer in playersDBDataSet.Players)
                            if (selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName == currentTransaction.PlayerName)
                                // increase players player owes us
                                selectedPlayer.PlayerOwes += upDownAmount.Value;

                                foreach (AccountingDataSet.AccountingRow accounting in accountingDataSet.Accounting)
                                    if (accounting.SeasonName == textBoxSelectedSeason.Text)
                                        // accounting subtract total funds
                                        accounting.TotalFunds -= upDownAmount.Value;
                                        // accounting increase total owed to us
                                        accounting.TotalOwedToUs += upDownAmount.Value;
                    // if it is charge
                    if (textBoxType.Text == "Charge")
                        // find the player
                        foreach (PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer in playersDBDataSet.Players)
                            if (selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName == currentTransaction.PlayerName)
                                // player subtract player owes
                                selectedPlayer.PlayerOwes -= upDownAmount.Value;

                                foreach (AccountingDataSet.AccountingRow accounting in accountingDataSet.Accounting)
                                    if (accounting.SeasonName == textBoxSelectedSeason.Text)
                                        // accounting subtract total owed to us
                                        accounting.TotalOwedToUs -= upDownAmount.Value;

                                        // no point in having a negative amount owed to us
                                        if (accounting.TotalOwedToUs <= 0)
                                            accounting.TotalOwedToUs = 0;

                    // if it is credit
                    if (textBoxType.Text == "Credit")
                        // find the player
                        foreach (PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer in playersDBDataSet.Players)
                            // player subtract player owes
                            selectedPlayer.PlayerOwes += upDownAmount.Value;

                    // if it is charge
                    if (textBoxType.Text == "Interest")
                        foreach (AccountingDataSet.AccountingRow accounting in accountingDataSet.Accounting)
                            if (accounting.SeasonName == textBoxSelectedSeason.Text)
                                // accounting subtract total owed to us
                                //accounting.TotalFunds += upDownInterest.Value;
                                accounting.TotalInterest -= upDownInterest.Value;

                    // make the transaction pay method say REVERSED
                    currentTransaction.Method = "REVERSED";

            // if a new transaction was created above by charging the player then do it here.
            if (newTransaction != null)
                newTransaction.PlayerName = transactionPlayer.PlayerPoolName;
                newTransaction.SeasonName = textBoxSelectedSeason.Text;
                newTransaction.Type       = "Generic Charge";
                newTransaction.Method     = comboBoxPayMethod.Text;
                newTransaction.Amount     = (double)upDownAmount.Value;
                newTransaction.Week       = comboBoxSelectWeek.Text;
                newTransaction.Date       = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                newTransaction.Notes      = textBoxTransactionNotes.Text;

                if (comboBoxPayMethod.Text == "Check")
                    newTransaction.CheckNumber = textBoxCheckNumber.Text;


            // update and save transaction database
            // update and save players database
            // update and save accounting database
예제 #9
 private void GetWeekForWinnings(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow player, decimal amount, bool isLess)
     if (isLess)
         // need to find out which week is selected and select the right weekly winnings for player
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 01")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek01 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 02")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek02 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 03")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek03 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 04")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek04 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 05")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek05 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 06")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek06 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 07")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek07 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 08")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek08 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 09")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek09 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 10")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek10 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 11")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek11 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 12")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek12 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 13")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek13 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 14")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek14 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 15")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek15 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 16")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek16 -= (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 17")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek17 -= (int)amount;
     if (!isLess)
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 01")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek01 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 02")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek02 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 03")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek03 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 04")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek04 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 05")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek05 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 06")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek06 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 07")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek07 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 08")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek08 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 09")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek09 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 10")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek10 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 11")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek11 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 12")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek12 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 13")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek13 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 14")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek14 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 15")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek15 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 16")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek16 += (int)amount;
         if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 17")
             player.PlayerWinningsWeek17 += (int)amount;
예제 #10
 private void GetWeekForWinnings(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow player)
     // need to find out which week is selected and select the right weekly winnings for player
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 01")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek01 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 02")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek02 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 03")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek03 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 04")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek04 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 05")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek05 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 06")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek06 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 07")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek07 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 08")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek08 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 09")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek09 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 10")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek10 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 11")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek11 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 12")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek12 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 13")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek13 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 14")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek14 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 15")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek15 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 16")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek16 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
     if (comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 17")
         player.PlayerWinningsWeek17 -= (int)upDownAmount.Value;
예제 #11
        private void BuildPicksListBox(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer)


            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek01 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 01")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek01.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek02 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 02")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek02.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek03 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 03")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek03.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek04 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 04")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek04.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek05 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 05")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek05.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek06 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 06")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek06.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek07 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 07")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek07.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek08 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 08")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek08.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek09 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 09")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek09.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek10 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 10")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek10.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek11 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 11")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek11.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek12 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 12")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek12.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek13 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 13")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek13.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek14 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 14")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek14.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek15 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 15")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek15.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek16 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 16")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek16.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)

            if (selectedPlayer.PicksWeek17 != "" && comboBoxSelectWeek.Text == "Week 17")
                // split the PicksWeek01 string
                string[] tempString = selectedPlayer.PicksWeek17.Split(',');

                // create temp list for those split strings
                List <string> tempList = new List <string>(tempString);

                // add each string to the listBox
                foreach (string item in tempList)
예제 #12
 // incase i need this somewhere else I wont have to type it again. Displays a players personal info.
 private void DisplayInfo(PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow playerInfo)
     // wont always be a message box I need to export something useful to excel / word for use.
     MessageBox.Show("Player Pool Name: " + playerInfo.PlayerPoolName + "\n" + "Personal Name: " + playerInfo.PlayerPersonalName + "\n" + "Address: " + playerInfo.PlayerAddress +
                     "\n" + "Phone: " + playerInfo.PlayerPhone + "\n" + "Email: " + playerInfo.PlayerEmail + "\n" + "Main Contact Method: " + playerInfo.PlayerContactMethod + "\n" + "Main Payout Method: " + playerInfo.PlayerPayoutMethod);
예제 #13
        // think i am just using the button to do the work.
        private void EditPlayer()
            PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow selectedPlayer;

            if (listBoxPlayersList.SelectedItem == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No player selected.");
            foreach (PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow deleteRow in playersDBDataSet.Players.Rows)
                // find the selected player
                if (deleteRow.PlayerPoolName == listBoxPlayersList.SelectedItem.ToString())
                        // transfer that player to editPlayer so no garbage collection goes on.
                        PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow editPlayersDBRow = deleteRow;

                        if (editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPoolName != textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text)
                            foreach (TransactionsDBDataSet.TransactionsRow transaction in transactionsDBDataSet.Transactions)
                                if (editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPoolName == transaction.PlayerName)
                                    transaction.PlayerName = textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text;


                        // this is where the error will occur if there is a duplicate name.
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPoolName      = textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerBuyIn         = upDownBuyInAmount.Value;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerTotalWins     = upDownWins.Value;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerTotalWinnings = upDownCurrentWinnings.Value;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPersonalName  = textBoxNameAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerAddress       = textBoxAddressAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerEmail         = textBoxEmailAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPhone         = textBoxPhoneAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerContactMethod = textBoxPreferContactAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPayoutMethod  = textBoxPreferPayoutAdd.Text;
                        editPlayersDBRow.Notes = textBoxGroupName.Text;

                        // if group leader is checked then make them the group leader/////////////////******

                        if (checkBoxIsGroupLeader.Checked)
                            editPlayersDBRow.IsGroupLeader = true;
                            editPlayersDBRow.IsGroupLeader = false;

                        // check if they are active or not
                        if (checkBoxIsActive.Checked)
                            editPlayersDBRow.IsActive = true;
                            editPlayersDBRow.IsActive = false;

                        editPlayersDBRow.PlayerNotes = textBoxPlayerNotes.Text;

                        // this is in case during an edit a name gets changed. I can update the player list then reselect this player
                        selectedPlayer = editPlayersDBRow;

                        // save changes to the database
                        // update the list incase name got changed

                        foreach (string items in listBoxPlayersList.SelectedItems)
                            if (items == selectedPlayer.PlayerPoolName)
                                listBoxPlayersList.SelectedItem = items;

                        // Add the new row to the database
                        // playersDBDataSet.Players.AcceptChanges();

                        MessageBox.Show("Player " + editPlayersDBRow.PlayerPoolName + " changes made sucessfully.");

                    // this will catch the error above if the unique pool name is already in use.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    //ClearForm(); << she did not want to clear the form after editing
                    // have to break because listboxSelectedItem goes null.
예제 #14
        private void AddPlayer()
            // make sure a season is created before adding players.
            if (accountingDataSet.Accounting.Rows.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please create a Season before adding players.");

            // try to create the new player
                PlayersDBDataSet.PlayersRow newPlayersDBRow = playersDBDataSet.Players.NewPlayersRow();

                // this is where the error will occur if there is a duplicate name.
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerPoolName = textBoxPoolNameAdd.Text;

                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerBuyIn         = upDownBuyInAmount.Value;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerTotalWins     = upDownWins.Value;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerTotalWinnings = upDownCurrentWinnings.Value;

                if (checkBoxIsActive.Checked)
                    newPlayersDBRow.IsActive = true;
                    newPlayersDBRow.IsActive = false;

                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerPersonalName  = textBoxNameAdd.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerAddress       = textBoxAddressAdd.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerEmail         = textBoxEmailAdd.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerPhone         = textBoxPhoneAdd.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerContactMethod = textBoxPreferContactAdd.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerPayoutMethod  = textBoxPreferPayoutAdd.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.Notes       = textBoxGroupName.Text;
                newPlayersDBRow.PlayerNotes = textBoxPlayerNotes.Text;

                // if group leader is checked then make them the group leader////////////////////////////*****
                if (checkBoxIsGroupLeader.Checked)
                    newPlayersDBRow.IsGroupLeader = true;
                    newPlayersDBRow.IsGroupLeader = false;

                // Add the new row to the database

                MessageBox.Show("Player " + newPlayersDBRow.PlayerPoolName + " has been added sucessfully.");

            // this will catch the error above if the unique pool name is already in use.
            catch (Exception ex)
                textBoxPoolNameAdd.Enabled = true;

            // save changes to the database