예제 #1
        public void Render(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            // If we don't have _P, grab it from the current gameInstance.
            // We can't do this in the constructor because we are created in the property bag's constructor!
            if (_P == null)
                _P = gameInstance.propertyBag;

            // Draw the UI.
            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteBlendMode.AlphaBlend, SpriteSortMode.Immediate, SaveStateMode.SaveState);

            // Draw the crosshair.
            spriteBatch.Draw(texCrosshairs, new Rectangle(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - texCrosshairs.Width / 2,
                                                          graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - texCrosshairs.Height / 2,
                                                          texCrosshairs.Height), Color.White);

            // If equipped, draw the tool.
            switch (_P.playerTools[_P.playerToolSelected])
            case PlayerTools.Detonator:
                RenderDetonator(graphicsDevice, spriteBatch);

            case PlayerTools.ProspectingRadar:
                RenderProspectron(graphicsDevice, spriteBatch);

            case PlayerTools.ConstructionGun:
                RenderConstructionGun(graphicsDevice, spriteBatch, _P.playerBlocks[_P.playerBlockSelected]);

            case PlayerTools.DeconstructionGun:
                RenderConstructionGun(graphicsDevice, spriteBatch, BlockType.None);

                // Draw info about what we have equipped.
                PlayerTools currentTool  = _P.playerTools[_P.playerToolSelected];
                BlockType   currentBlock = _P.playerBlocks[_P.playerBlockSelected];
                string      equipment    = currentTool.ToString();
                if (currentTool == PlayerTools.ConstructionGun)
                    equipment += " - " + currentBlock.ToString() + " (" + BlockInformation.GetCost(currentBlock) + ")";
                RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, equipment, new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 20), Color.White, Color.Black);

            if (gameInstance.DrawFrameRate)
                RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, String.Format("FPS: {0:000}", gameInstance.FrameRate), new Vector2(60, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 20), Color.Gray, Color.Black);

            // Show the altimeter.
            int altitude = (int)(_P.playerPosition.Y - 64 + Defines.GROUND_LEVEL);

            RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, String.Format("ALTITUDE: {0:00}", altitude), new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 90, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 20), altitude >= 0 ? Color.Gray : Defines.IM_RED, Color.Black);

            // Draw bank instructions.
            if (_P.AtBankTerminal())
                RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, "8: DEPOSIT 50 ORE  9: WITHDRAW 50 ORE", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 + 60), Color.White, Color.Black);

            // Are they trying to change class when they cannot?
            //if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.M) && _P.playerPosition.Y <= 64 - Defines.GROUND_LEVEL && _P.chatMode == ChatMessageType.None)
            //    RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, "YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR CLASS BELOW THE SURFACE", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 + 90), Color.White, Color.Black);

            // Draw the text-based information panel.
            int textStart = (graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 1024) / 2;

            spriteBatch.Draw(texBlank, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 20), Color.Black);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "ORE: " + _P.playerOre + "/" + _P.playerOreMax, new Vector2(textStart + 3, 2), Color.White);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "LOOT: $" + _P.playerCash, new Vector2(textStart + 170, 2), Color.White);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "WEIGHT: " + _P.playerWeight + "/" + _P.playerWeightMax, new Vector2(textStart + 340, 2), Color.White);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "TEAM ORE: " + _P.teamOre, new Vector2(textStart + 515, 2), Color.White);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, _P.redName + ": $" + _P.teamRedCash, new Vector2(textStart + 700, 2), _P.red);    // Defines.IM_RED);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, _P.blueName + ": $" + _P.teamBlueCash, new Vector2(textStart + 860, 2), _P.blue); // Defines.IM_BLUE);

            // Draw player information.
            if ((Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Tab) && _P.screenEffect == ScreenEffect.None) || _P.teamWinners != PlayerTeam.None)
                spriteBatch.Draw(texBlank, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), new Color(Color.Black, 0.7f));

                //Server name
                RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, _P.serverName, new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, 32), _P.playerTeam == PlayerTeam.Blue ? _P.blue : _P.red, Color.Black);//Defines.IM_BLUE : Defines.IM_RED, Color.Black);

                if (_P.teamWinners != PlayerTeam.None)
                    string teamName        = _P.teamWinners == PlayerTeam.Red ? "RED" : "BLUE";
                    Color  teamColor       = _P.teamWinners == PlayerTeam.Red ? _P.red : _P.blue;//Defines.IM_RED : Defines.IM_BLUE;
                    string gameOverMessage = "GAME OVER - " + teamName + " TEAM WINS!";
                    RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, gameOverMessage, new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, 150), teamColor, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

                int drawY = 200;
                foreach (Player p in _P.playerList.Values)
                    if (p.Team != PlayerTeam.Red)
                    RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, p.Handle + " ( $" + p.Score + " )", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 4, drawY), _P.red, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));//Defines.IM_RED
                    drawY += 35;
                drawY = 200;
                foreach (Player p in _P.playerList.Values)
                    if (p.Team != PlayerTeam.Blue)
                    RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, p.Handle + " ( $" + p.Score + " )", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width * 3 / 4, drawY), _P.blue, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); //Defines.IM_BLUE
                    drawY += 35;

            // Draw the chat buffer.
            if (_P.chatMode == ChatMessageType.SayAll)
                spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "ALL> " + _P.chatEntryBuffer, new Vector2(22, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 98), Color.Black);
                spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "ALL> " + _P.chatEntryBuffer, new Vector2(20, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 100), Color.White);
            else if (_P.chatMode == ChatMessageType.SayBlueTeam || _P.chatMode == ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam)
                spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "TEAM> " + _P.chatEntryBuffer, new Vector2(22, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 98), Color.Black);
                spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, "TEAM> " + _P.chatEntryBuffer, new Vector2(20, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 100), Color.White);
            if (_P.chatMode != ChatMessageType.None)
                drawChat(_P.chatFullBuffer, graphicsDevice);

                /*for (int i = 0; i < _P.chatFullBuffer.Count; i++)
                 * {
                 *  Color chatColor = Color.White;
                 *  chatColor = _P.chatFullBuffer[i].type == ChatMessageType.SayAll ? Color.White : _P.chatFullBuffer[i].type == ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam ? InfiniminerGame.IM_RED : InfiniminerGame.IM_BLUE;
                 *  spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, _P.chatFullBuffer[i].message, new Vector2(22, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 114 - 16 * i), Color.Black);
                 *  spriteBatch.DrawString(uiFont, _P.chatFullBuffer[i].message, new Vector2(20, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 116 - 16 * i), chatColor);
                 * }*/
                drawChat(_P.chatBuffer, graphicsDevice);

            // Draw the player radar.
            spriteBatch.Draw(texRadarBackground, new Vector2(10, 30), Color.White);
            foreach (Player p in _P.playerList.Values)
                if (p.Team == _P.playerTeam && p.Alive)
                    RenderRadarBlip(spriteBatch, p.ID == _P.playerMyId ? _P.playerPosition : p.Position, p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red ? _P.red : _P.blue, p.Ping > 0, ""); //Defines.IM_RED : Defines.IM_BLUE, p.Ping > 0, "");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3, Beacon> bPair in _P.beaconList)
                if (bPair.Value.Team == _P.playerTeam)
                    RenderRadarBlip(spriteBatch, bPair.Key, Color.White, false, bPair.Value.ID);
            RenderRadarBlip(spriteBatch, new Vector3(100000, 0, 32), Color.White, false, "NORTH");

            spriteBatch.Draw(texRadarForeground, new Vector2(10, 30), Color.White);

            // Draw escape message.
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))
                RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, "PRESS Y TO CONFIRM THAT YOU WANT TO QUIT.", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 + 30), Color.White, Color.Black);
                RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, "PRESS K TO COMMIT PIXELCIDE.", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 + 80), Color.White, Color.Black);

            // Draw the current screen effect.
            if (_P.screenEffect == ScreenEffect.Death)
                Color drawColor = new Color(1 - (float)_P.screenEffectCounter * 0.5f, 0f, 0f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texBlank, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), drawColor);
                if (_P.screenEffectCounter >= 2)
                    RenderMessageCenter(spriteBatch, "You have died. Click to respawn.", new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2), Color.White, Color.Black);
            if (_P.screenEffect == ScreenEffect.Teleport || _P.screenEffect == ScreenEffect.Explosion)
                Color drawColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1 - (float)_P.screenEffectCounter * 0.5f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texBlank, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), drawColor);
                if (_P.screenEffectCounter > 2)
                    _P.screenEffect = ScreenEffect.None;
            if (_P.screenEffect == ScreenEffect.Fall)
                Color drawColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1 - (float)_P.screenEffectCounter * 0.5f);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texBlank, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), drawColor);
                if (_P.screenEffectCounter > 2)
                    _P.screenEffect = ScreenEffect.None;

            // Draw the help screen.
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.F1))
                spriteBatch.Draw(texBlank, new Rectangle(0, 0, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), Color.Black);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texHelp, drawRect, Color.White);
