// Once the projectile collides with any object, only collides with ships
    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
        GameObject collidedObject = collision.gameObject;

        //Debug.Log("Collided with " + collidedObject.name);

        //ignore any collisions with the owner ship just in case
        if (collidedObject.gameObject.Equals(ownerShip))
        if (collidedObject.gameObject.tag == "ship")   //check if the collided object is a ship
                //Try getting the Player Ships' Script
                PlayerShipBehaviour collidedScript = collidedObject.GetComponent <PlayerShipBehaviour>();
                collidedScript.health -= damage; //decrease player's health

            catch (NullReferenceException)
                //Get Ship's Script if player ship script doesn't exist
                ShipBehaviour collidedScript = collidedObject.GetComponent <ShipBehaviour>();
                collidedScript.health -= damage; //decrease ships' health
        //Maybe useful in the future - different kind of weapon? - ignores further collisions with the collidedObject
        Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(GetComponent <Collider2D>(), collidedObject.GetComponent <Collider2D>(), true);
    //"new" overrides the superclass (ShipBehaviour) function
    new void Start()
        projectileObject = Resources.Load <GameObject>("GameObjects/Projectile") as GameObject; //loads projectile object

        //creates key bindings
        //In future, can check for existing key bindings and load them
        //If  key bind doesn't exist, load in these ones:
        keybinds.Add("Forward", KeyCode.W);
        keybinds.Add("Backward", KeyCode.S);
        keybinds.Add("Rotate Left", KeyCode.A);
        keybinds.Add("Rotate Right", KeyCode.D);
        keybinds.Add("Fire", KeyCode.Space);
        keybinds.Add("Map", KeyCode.M);

        //static attribute used to reference the players ship by using PlayerShipBehaviour.instance
        instance = this;