// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (gameOver) { return; } time += Time.deltaTime; float gameProgress = time / timeLimit; Vector3 newEulerAngles = sunSource.transform.eulerAngles; newEulerAngles.x = Mathf.Lerp(initialAngle, targetAngle, gameProgress); sunSource.transform.eulerAngles = newEulerAngles; float maxScore = PlayerScores.GetMaxScore(); for (int i = 0; i < stars.Length; i++) { float newProximity = maxScore > 0 ? (PlayerScores.GetScore(i) / maxScore) * gameProgress : 0; stars[i].GetComponent <StarPosition>().UpdateProximity(newProximity); } if (gameProgress >= 1 && !gameOver) { gameOver = true; IngameGUI.Instance.ShowFinalScreen(); } int secondsLeft = Mathf.FloorToInt(timeLimit - time); if (secondsLeft > 0 && secondsLeft < 11 && countdown > secondsLeft) { countdown = secondsLeft; IngameGUI.Instance.CountdownNumber(countdown); } }
public GamesSummary ComputeGamesSummary(List <MatchDto> matchHistory, long accountId) { GamesSummary gamesSummary = new GamesSummary(); DamageDealt byPlayer = new DamageDealt(); DamageDealt highestInTeam = new DamageDealt(); PlayerScores playerScores = new PlayerScores(); ScoreService scoreService = new ScoreService(); DamageService damageService = new DamageService(); matchHistory.ForEach(delegate(MatchDto match) { int participantId = Retrieve.ParticipantIdForCurrentMatch(match.participantsIdentities, accountId); int teamId = Retrieve.PlayerTeamId(match.participants, participantId); Boolean hasWon = HasWon(match.participants, participantId); playerScores.ReplaceScores(scoreService.GetPlayerScoresForCurrentMatch(match.participants, participantId)); byPlayer.ReplaceDamage(damageService.ComputeDamageDealtByPlayer(match.participants, participantId)); highestInTeam.ReplaceDamage(damageService.GetHighestDamageDealerInTeam(match.participants, teamId, participantId)); gamesSummary.Add( HasCarried(byPlayer, highestInTeam, hasWon) ? 1 : 0, HasFed(playerScores) ? 1 : 0, HasGottenCarried(playerScores, byPlayer, highestInTeam, hasWon) ? 1 : 0 ); }); return(gamesSummary); }
// PRAGMA MARK - Public Interface public void Init(Player player) { player_ = player; var inGamePlayerView = ObjectPoolManager.Create <InGamePlayerView>(GamePrefabs.Instance.InGamePlayerViewPrefab, parent: playerViewContainer_); inGamePlayerView.InitWith(player, enableNudge: true); statsContainer_.Init(player_); statsContainer_.gameObject.SetActive(true); int rank = PlayerScores.GetRankFor(player_); Color rankColor = Color.clear; if (rank == 1) { rankColor = ColorUtil.HexStringToColor("EAD94FFF"); } else if (rank == 2) { rankColor = ColorUtil.HexStringToColor("B6B6B6FF"); } else if (rank == 3) { rankColor = ColorUtil.HexStringToColor("A79376FF"); } else { rankColor = ColorUtil.HexStringToColor("B08A76FF"); } rankBannerImage_.color = rankColor; rankText_.Text = string.Format("{0}", rank); crownObject_.SetActive(PlayerScores.Winner == player_); }
public void Load() { if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/playerScores.dat")) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/playerScores.dat", FileMode.Open); PlayerScores data = (PlayerScores)bf.Deserialize(file); P1SCR = data.P1SCR; P2SCR = data.P2SCR; P1Boost = data.P1Boost; P2Boost = data.P2Boost; ArenaNum = data.ArenaNum; VehicleNum = data.VehicleNum; VehicleNumTwo = data.VehicleNumTwo; file.Close(); StartMenu.GetComponent <StartMenuScript>().UpdateScoreText(); Debug.Log("Loaded"); } else { FirstPlay(); Debug.Log("LOAD_Saved"); } }
public void UpdatePlayers() { foreach (var playerInfo in Players) { if (playerInfo.Id == 0) { playerInfo.Id = Players.Select(x => x.Id).Max() + 1; } } var medianScore = !PlayerScores.Any() ? 0 : PlayerScores.Values.Aggregate(0, (x, y) => x + y) / PlayerScores.Count; var removedPlayers = PlayerScores.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var playerInfo in Players) { if (!PlayerScores.ContainsKey(playerInfo.Id)) { PlayerScores.Add(playerInfo.Id, medianScore); } else { removedPlayers.Remove(playerInfo.Id); } } foreach (var removedPlayer in removedPlayers) { PlayerScores.Remove(removedPlayer); } }
public void OnPlayerScoresChanged() { Debug.Log("OnPlayerScoreChanged"); PlayerScores playerScores = roomPropertyAgent.GetPropertyWithName("PlayerScores").GetValue <PlayerScores>(); Debug.Log(playerScores); if (playerScores != null && playerScores.scores != null) { foreach (Score s in playerScores.scores) { if (s.score >= 3) { if (s.playerRemoteId == NetworkClient.Instance.PlayerId) { winnerPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { gameOverPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); } break; } } } }
public static void IsInTheTop(int totalScore) { string path = "../../Imports/HighScores.txt"; int score = totalScore; string name = Reader.ReadNameCharLimit(20); string[] highScores = File.ReadAllLines(path); PlayerScores[] arr = new PlayerScores[4]; PlayerScores holder = new PlayerScores(); holder.Name = name; holder.Score = score; arr[3] = holder; for (int i = 0; i < highScores.Length; i++) { holder = new PlayerScores(); holder.Name = highScores[i].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; holder.Score = int.Parse(highScores[i].Split()[0]); arr[i] = holder; } arr = arr.OrderByDescending(x => x.Score).ToArray(); string[] newHighScores = new string[] { arr[0].Score + " " + arr[0].Name, arr[1].Score + " " + arr[1].Name, arr[2].Score + " " + arr[2].Name, arr[3].Score + " " + arr[3].Name }; File.WriteAllLines(path, newHighScores.Take(3)); }
public void SaveScore() { initialTextField = FindObjectOfType <TMP_InputField>(); if (initialTextField.text.Length == 3) { var initials = initialTextField.text.ToString(); PlayerScore playerScore = new PlayerScore(); playerScore.initials = initials; playerScore.score = score; scores.Add(playerScore); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/playerScores.dat"); PlayerScores playerScores = new PlayerScores(); playerScores.scores = scores; bf.Serialize(file, playerScores); file.Close(); LoadHighScores(); Debug.Log("Saved!"); saveScoreButton.SetActive(false); } }
private void HandleSpawnedPlayerRemoved() { int?teamIndexLeft = null; for (int i = 0; i < teams_.Length; i++) { HashSet <Player> team = teams_[i]; bool teamAlive = team.Any(p => PlayerSpawner.IsAlive(p)); if (teamAlive) { // if multiple teams still alive if (teamIndexLeft != null) { return; } teamIndexLeft = i; } } Finish(); // possible that no teams are left alive if (teamIndexLeft != null) { foreach (Player player in teams_[(int)teamIndexLeft].Where(p => PlayerSpawner.IsAlive(p))) { PlayerScores.IncrementPendingScoreFor(player); } } }
public async Task <PlayersWithScoresDto> GetPlayerWithScores(int id) { var player = await _content.Players.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.PlayerId == id); PlayersWithScoresDto dto = new PlayersWithScoresDto(); dto.FirstName = player.FirstName; dto.Id = player.Id; dto.PlayerId = player.PlayerId; dto.PositionOne = player.PositionOne; dto.PositionTwo = player.PositionTwo; dto.PositionThree = player.PositionThree; dto.Price = player.Price; dto.Surname = player.Surname; dto.Team = player.Team; // Now need to get the average dto.AverageScore = GetAverageScoreForPlayer(id); dto.TotalScore = GetTotalScoreForPlayer(id); PlayerScores lastPS = _content.PlayerScores.OrderByDescending(x => x.GameDate).FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlayerId == player.PlayerId); if (lastPS != null) { dto.LastScore = lastPS.Score; } else { dto.LastScore = 0; } return(dto); }
public void PlayerScored(string playerId) { // Read the current value of the "PlayerScores" SyncProperty. PlayerScores playerScores = roomPropertyAgent.GetPropertyWithName("PlayerScores").GetValue <PlayerScores>(); // Initialize the playerScores object. if (playerScores == null) { playerScores = new PlayerScores(); } bool foundPlayerScore = false; // If player already have a score, increase it by 1. foreach (Score s in playerScores.scores) { if (s.playerRemoteId == playerId) { s.score++; foundPlayerScore = true; } } // If player has not scored yet, add a new score for the player and set its value to 1. if (!foundPlayerScore) { Score ps = new Score(); ps.playerRemoteId = playerId; ps.score = 1; playerScores.scores.Add(ps); } // Modify the "PlayerScores" SyncProperty roomPropertyAgent.Modify <PlayerScores>("PlayerScores", playerScores); }
public void AddPlayerScore(string nick, int score) { PlayerScores ps; if (File.Exists("highscore")) { string jsonString = File.ReadAllText("highscore"); if (jsonString == string.Empty) { ps = new PlayerScores(); } else { ps = JsonUtility.FromJson <PlayerScores>(jsonString); } } else { File.WriteAllText("highsore", ""); ps = new PlayerScores(); } ps.playerScores.Add(new PlayerScore(nick, score)); string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(ps); File.WriteAllText("highscore", json); }
void Update() { if (health < 0) { // Add the # points to the *other* team PlayerScores.AddTeamScore(1 - team, pointsValue); if (GetComponent <PlayerTankForceMovement>() != null) { // Treat the player specially... since things can get a bit awkward otherwise // Any respawn / reassignment logic would need to happen here; GetComponent <PlayerRespawner>().enabled = true; health = 100; // So that the player doesn't keep adding score. CameraFollowPlayer cam = CameraFollowPlayer.GetCameraForPlayer(GetComponent <PlayerTankForceMovement>()); if (cam == null) { Debug.Log("Couldn't find camera for the player... awkward."); } // TIDYME: 2018-07-07 Use assertion cam.GetComponent <PlayerDeathCamera>().enabled = true; } else { // // added explosion effect // if (this.tag == "Tank") { // var explosion : GameObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Explosion"), transform.position, transform.rotation); // } // var explosion : GameObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Explosion"), transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; Destroy(gameObject); } } }
public void LoadScores(PlayerScores highScoreEntry) { //Loading scores for leaderBoard var rowString = Instantiate(RowString); rowString.transform.parent = ScrollContent.transform; rowString.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f); int rank = ScrollContent.transform.childCount - 1; string rankString; //defining ranking switch (rank) { default: rankString = rank + "TH"; break; case 1: rankString = "1ST"; break; case 2: rankString = "2ND"; break; case 3: rankString = "3RD"; break; } rowString.gameObject.GetComponent <RowStringContent>().place.text = rankString; rowString.gameObject.GetComponent <RowStringContent>().time.text = highScoreEntry.time.ToString("00.0"); rowString.gameObject.GetComponent <RowStringContent>().name.text = highScoreEntry.name; rowString.SetActive(true); }
public CreateInputModel CreatePlayerScore(CreateInputModel model, string userIdentity) { var member = _memberRepository.FindBy(x => x.EmailAddress == userIdentity). SingleOrDefault(); var reservation = _reservationRepository.GetWithGolfCourse(model.ReservationID); var golfCourse = reservation.TeeTime.GolfCourse; var calculatedScore = model.Score - (golfCourse.Rating / golfCourse.Slope * 113); var playerScoreModel = new PlayerScores { ReservationID = model.ReservationID, MemberID = member.ID, Score = calculatedScore, HoleId = model.HoleID, HandicapId = model.HandicapID, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, DatePlayed = model.DatePlayed, }; _playerScoreRepository.Add(playerScoreModel); _playerScoreRepository.SaveChanges(); return(model); }
public bool AddPlayerScore(PlayerScore NewPlayerScore) { PlayerScores PlayerScoreManager = new PlayerScores(); bool confirmation; confirmation = PlayerScoreManager.AddPlayerScore(NewPlayerScore); return(confirmation); }
public int AddGameScore(GolfGame newScoreCard) { int code; PlayerScores scoreManager = new PlayerScores(); code = scoreManager.InsertGolfGame(newScoreCard, "", ""); return(code); }
public string GetMemberName(int memberNumber) { string name; PlayerScores teeTimeManager = new PlayerScores(); name = teeTimeManager.GetMemberName(memberNumber, "", ""); return(name); }
public decimal GetHandicapIndex(int memberNumber) { decimal handicap; PlayerScores teeTimeManager = new PlayerScores(); handicap = teeTimeManager.GetHandicap(memberNumber, "", ""); return(handicap); }
public List <int> GetLast20Scores(int memberNumber) { List <int> itemList = new List <int>(); PlayerScores teeTimeManager = new PlayerScores(); itemList = teeTimeManager.GetLast20Scores(memberNumber, "", ""); return(itemList); }
public List <HandicapReport> GetHandicapReport(DateTime Time) { PlayerScores PlayerScoreManager = new PlayerScores(); List <HandicapReport> handicapReport = new List <HandicapReport>(); handicapReport = PlayerScoreManager.GetHandicapReport(Time); return(handicapReport); }
//Mesh meshCollider; void Start() { mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; myCollider = GetComponent <Collider>(); myMat = GetComponent <Renderer>().material; characterMovement = GetComponent <CharacterMovement>(); playerScores = GetComponent <PlayerScores>(); playerScores.ThisPlayerScore = 25; }
public PlayerScores ComputePlayerScore(List <MatchDto> matches, long accountId) { PlayerScores playerScores = ComputePlayerKDA(matches, accountId); playerScores.averageKda = ComputeAverageKda(playerScores); playerScores.averageCsPerMinute = ComputeAverageCreeps(matches, accountId); playerScores.averageCreeps = ComputeAverageCreepsCount(matches, accountId); return(playerScores); }
public void AddMedal(AwardedMedalReadModel awardedMedal) { if (PlayerScores.ContainsKey(awardedMedal.Player) == false) { throw new ApplicationException($"No player with id {awardedMedal.Player} found"); } PlayerScores[awardedMedal.Player].AddMedal(awardedMedal); }
public static void SaveHighScore(string gamemode, float highScore) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/playerScores.bin"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); PlayerScores scores = new PlayerScores(gamemode, highScore); formatter.Serialize(stream, scores); stream.Close(); }
private void CheckIfPlayerWon(Player player) { float percentage = GetPercentageScoreFor(player); if (percentage >= 1.0f) { PlayerScores.IncrementPendingScoreFor(player); Finish(); } }
private void SetupPlayerScores(Player player, PlayerScores playerScoreDetails) { InitPlayerLabel(player, playerScoreDetails); UpdateScoreDisplay(player, playerScoreDetails); if (!_playersScores.Contains(playerScoreDetails)) { _playersScores.Add(playerScoreDetails); } }
public async Task LynxTitanTest() { var lynxTitan = await PlayerScores.FindAsync("Lynx Titan", Mode.Classic); if (lynxTitan.Overall.Rank == 1) { Assert.Pass(); } Assert.Fail(); }
protected override void OnStateExited() { if (view_ != null) { ObjectPoolManager.Recycle(view_); view_ = null; } PlayerScores.Clear(); StatsManager.ClearAllStats(); }
private void AddPlayerScoreToList(Player player) { PlayerScore item = new PlayerScore(); item.PlayerScoreId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); item.MarkerId = Preferences.Get("PlayerId", null); item.RoundId = Round.RoundId; item.HCAP = player.LastHCAP; item.PlayerId = player.PlayerId; PlayerScores.Add(item); }
/// <summary> /// Metoden tar hand om valen inom menyval 2 (Highscores) /// </summary> /// <param name="playerDB"></param> private static void HighScore(PlayerScores playerDB) { var svar = MenuHelper.AskFromAlternative("Väj vad du vill göra", new List<string>() { "sök på namn", "Visa topplista" }); switch (svar) { case 0: Console.Clear(); var answ = MenuHelper.Ask("Skriv namn som du vill söka på"); var result = playerDB.SearchPlayers(answ); for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} : {2} : {3}", i + 1, result[i].PlayerName, result[i].Score, result[i].Game); } break; case 1: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("===================== Top 5 Highscores =================="); var all = playerDB.GetAllPlayerScores(); for (int i = 0; i < all.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}. {1} : {2} : {3}", i + 1, all[i].PlayerName, all[i].Score, all[i].Game); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Metoden tar hand om Menyvalen som programmet erbjuder /// Menyvalen hanteras med en switch case /// </summary> private static void MainMeny() { //Instaniserar databasen för att ha samma conext genom hela applicationen. var playerDB = new PlayerScores(); var running = true; while (running) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" ======================================================="); Console.WriteLine(" ========= Welcome Player! ========="); Console.WriteLine(" ======================================================="); Console.WriteLine(" ========= Välj ett alternativen nedan: ========="); Console.WriteLine(" ======================================================="); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" 1. Spela 2. Visa Highscore 3. Avsluta "); var menyVal = 0; while (menyVal < 1 || menyVal > 3) { if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out menyVal)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Det är inget menyval, skriv med menysiffra"); } } switch (menyVal) { case 1: Console.Clear(); MenyVal1(playerDB); break; case 2: HighScore(playerDB); Console.ReadKey(); break; case 3: running = false; EndProgram(); break; default: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" ==================================="); Console.WriteLine(" Du angav fel menyval, försök igen!"); Console.WriteLine(" ==================================="); Console.ReadKey(); MainMeny(); break; } } }
public static void Main() { string command = string.Empty; char[,] gameField = CreateGameField(); char[,] theMines = PutTheMines(); int counter = 0; bool mineExploded = false; List<PlayerScores> champions = new List<PlayerScores>(6); int row = 0; int column = 0; bool startGame = true; const int MAXTURNS = 35; bool startNextLevel = false; do { if (startGame) { Console.WriteLine("Let's play “MineSweeper”. Try your luck to find fields without mines." + "\nCommand \"top\" shows the rating\n\"restart\" start new game\n\"exit\" stop the game and bye!"); DisplayGameBoard(gameField); startGame = false; } Console.Write("Enter row and column: "); command = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (command.Length >= 3) { if (int.TryParse(command[0].ToString(), out row) && int.TryParse(command[2].ToString(), out column) && row <= gameField.GetLength(0) && column <= gameField.GetLength(1)) { command = "turn"; } } switch (command) { case "top": Rating(champions); break; case "restart": gameField = CreateGameField(); theMines = PutTheMines(); DisplayGameBoard(gameField); mineExploded = false; startGame = false; break; case "exit": Console.WriteLine("Chao, Chao, Chao!"); break; case "turn": if (theMines[row, column] != '*') { if (theMines[row, column] == '-') { YourTurn(gameField, theMines, row, column); counter++; } if (counter == MAXTURNS) { startNextLevel = true; } else { DisplayGameBoard(gameField); } } else { mineExploded = true; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("\nError! Invalid command.\n"); break; } if (mineExploded) { DisplayGameBoard(theMines); Console.Write("Hrrrrr! Died heroically with {0} points. " + " Enter the nickname: ", counter); string nickName = Console.ReadLine(); PlayerScores personalScores = new PlayerScores(nickName, counter); if (champions.Count < 5) { champions.Add(personalScores); } else { for (int i = 0; i < champions.Count; i++) { if (champions[i].Scores < personalScores.Scores) { champions.Insert(i, personalScores); champions.RemoveAt(champions.Count - 1); break; } } } champions.Sort((PlayerScores player1, PlayerScores player2) => player2.Name.CompareTo(player1.Name)); champions.Sort((PlayerScores player1, PlayerScores player2) => player2.Scores.CompareTo(player1.Scores)); Rating(champions); gameField = CreateGameField(); theMines = PutTheMines(); counter = 0; mineExploded = false; startGame = true; } if (startNextLevel) { Console.WriteLine("\nBRAVOOOOS! 35 holes open without a drop of blood cells."); DisplayGameBoard(theMines); Console.WriteLine("Enter your name, brother: "); string currentPlayer = Console.ReadLine(); PlayerScores currentPlayerScores = new PlayerScores(currentPlayer, counter); champions.Add(currentPlayerScores); Rating(champions); gameField = CreateGameField(); theMines = PutTheMines(); counter = 0; startNextLevel = false; startGame = true; } } while (command != "exit"); Console.WriteLine("Made in Bulgaria - Wowhahahaha!"); Console.WriteLine("Gooooooooooooo."); Console.Read(); }
/// <summary> /// Metoden tar hand om alternativen inom menyval 1 (spela) /// kontrolleras med en switch case /// </summary> public static void MenyVal1(PlayerScores playerDB) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" ================================="); Console.WriteLine(" Välj ett av följande alternativ: "); Console.WriteLine(" =================================" + Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine(" 1. Spela "); Console.WriteLine(" 2. Se end credit "); int menyVal1 = 0; while (menyVal1 < 1 || menyVal1 > 2) { if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out menyVal1)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Du skrev fel, välj mellan siffrorna på menyvalet! "); } } switch (menyVal1) { case 1: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" ==========================="); Console.WriteLine(" Ange ett spelarnamn "); Console.WriteLine(" ===========================" + Environment.NewLine); Console.Write(" Namn: "); string playername = Console.ReadLine(); var newPlayer = new Player(playername); Console.WriteLine(" Hej " + playername + ", vad vill du spela? (Svara 1 eller 2)"); Console.WriteLine("1. Tetris" + Environment.NewLine + "2. Snake "); string gamechoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (gamechoice == "1") { newPlayer.Score = TetrisGame.Play(); newPlayer.Game = Player.GameType.Tetris; playerDB.AddPlayer(newPlayer); } else if (gamechoice == "2") { newPlayer.Score = SnakeGame.Play(); newPlayer.Game = Player.GameType.Snake; playerDB.AddPlayer(newPlayer); } else { Console.WriteLine(" Du matade in fel, försök igen!"); Console.ReadKey(); MenyVal1(playerDB); } break; case 2: Console.Clear(); EndCredit.Start(); break; default: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" ==================================="); Console.WriteLine(" Du angav fel menyval, försök igen!"); Console.WriteLine(" ==================================="); Console.ReadKey(); MenyVal1(playerDB); break; } }