public void TryToGuess() { ColorEngine.White(); Console.WriteLine($"Try to guess a number from 0 to {MaxValue}. You have {Attempts} attempts"); var history = new PlayerHistory(); while (Attempts > 0 && !IsWon) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Enter the estimated number"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.Write(">>> "); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int estimatedNumber)) { if (estimatedNumber > MaxValue || estimatedNumber < MinValue) { ColorEngine.Red(); Console.WriteLine("Out of range"); continue; } Attempts--; ColorEngine.White(); switch (estimatedNumber.CompareTo(ExpectedNumber)) { case (int)Equality.Bigger: { history.AddAction($"Entered number Bigger({estimatedNumber}) than expected({ExpectedNumber})"); Console.WriteLine($"\tYour entered number BIGGER than expected. You have {Attempts} attempts"); break; } case (int)Equality.Less: { history.AddAction($"Entered number({estimatedNumber}) LESS than expected({ExpectedNumber})"); Console.WriteLine($"\tYour entered number LESS than expected. You have {Attempts} attempts"); break; } case (int)Equality.Equals: { IsWon = true; history.AddAction($"You Won!!"); Console.WriteLine("\tCongratulations, you won!"); break; } default: break; } } else { ColorEngine.Red(); Console.WriteLine("YOU'VE GOT TO ENTER A N_U_M_B_E_R"); } } if (!IsWon) { Console.WriteLine($"Expected number is: {ExpectedNumber}. You loose"); history.AddAction($"Loooooseee :=("); } Console.WriteLine(); TheGame.DataBase.AddHistoryToCurrentAccount(history); }