예제 #1
    // function to generat the exercise information the first time.
    // pass in the exercise class to be printed
    private void generateContents(PlayerData.Exercise workout)
        // preparing information for processing
        text5_array = workout.get_dates_info().Split('\n');   // parcing data returned from Exercise class into lines
        date_array  = date_field.text.Split('/');             // parcing date field into month, day, and year
        System.Int32.TryParse(date_array[0], out date_month); // converting month to int
        System.Int32.TryParse(date_array[1], out date_day);   // converting day to int
        System.Int32.TryParse(date_array[2], out date_year);  // converting year to int
        text_field5.text = "";                                // clearing current contents in field

        // looping through al the lines returned from the Exercise class
        // max number of lines printed will be 6
        for (int i = current_pos; i < text5_array.Length && i < (6 + current_pos); i++)
            // checking to see if we are placed in the correct position for the selected date
            if (!date_found)
                info_date_array = text5_array[i].Split('\t');    //parcing line to get date info
                info_date_array = info_date_array[0].Split('/'); //parcing date into month, day, and year

                // a redunant check to prevent multiple fail to parse function
                if (System.Int32.TryParse(info_date_array[0], out info_month)) //TryParse returns bool if function executed
                    System.Int32.TryParse(info_date_array[2], out info_year);  //TryParse will save string into int variable after out

                    // checking to see if the selected date is before or after the current position in the stored data
                    if (date_year > info_year)      // if selected date is larger go to next entry
                    else if (date_year == info_year) // if selected date is equal, we need to check month
                        if (date_month > info_month) // if selected month is larger, go to next entry
                        else if (date_month == info_month)                           // if selected month is equal, we need to check days
                            System.Int32.TryParse(info_date_array[1], out info_day); // parse day into int
                            if (date_day > info_day)                                 // if selected day is larger, go to next entry
                            else                    // if selected day is equal or larger, we found where to start
                                date_found = true;
                                i--;                // subtract one to restart at this line for printing
                        else                        // if month is smaller, we found our date
                            date_found = true;
                            i--;                    // subtract one to restart at this line for printing
                    else                            // if year is less, we found our date
                        date_found = true;
                        i--;                        // subtract one to restart at this line for printing
                else                                // if we cannot parse line, move to next position

                // end of finding position to start
        }// end of for loop

        // if date_found is still false, set it to true and print last 6 lines
        if (!date_found)
            date_found   = true;
            current_pos -= 7;

            // current_pos should not be negative
            if (current_pos < 0)
                current_pos = 0;
