public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } try { if (message.Split(' ').Length == 1) { PlayerBot pB = PlayerBot.Find(message); try { pB.Waypoints.Clear(); } catch { } pB.kill = false; pB.hunt = false; pB.AIName = ""; Player.SendMessage(p, pB.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s AI was turned off."); Server.s.Log( + "'s AI was turned off."); return; } else if (message.Split(' ').Length != 2) { Help(p); return; } PlayerBot Pb = PlayerBot.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); if (Pb == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find specified Bot"); return; } string foundPath = message.Split(' ')[1].ToLower(); if (foundPath == "hunt") { Pb.hunt = !Pb.hunt; try { Pb.Waypoints.Clear(); } catch { } Pb.AIName = ""; if (p != null) Player.GlobalChatLevel(p, Pb.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s hunt instinct: " + Pb.hunt, false); Server.s.Log( + "'s hunt instinct: " + Pb.hunt); return; } else if (foundPath == "kill") { if ((int) < CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Only a " + Group.findPermInt(CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this)).name + "+ may toggle killer instinct."); return; } Pb.kill = !Pb.kill; if (p != null) Player.GlobalChatLevel(p, Pb.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s kill instinct: " + Pb.kill, false); Server.s.Log( + "'s kill instinct: " + Pb.kill); return; } if (!File.Exists("bots/" + foundPath)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find specified AI."); return; } string[] foundWay = File.ReadAllLines("bots/" + foundPath); if (foundWay[0] != "#Version 2") { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid file version. Remake"); return; } PlayerBot.Pos newPos = new PlayerBot.Pos(); try { Pb.Waypoints.Clear(); Pb.currentPoint = 0; Pb.countdown = 0; Pb.movementSpeed = 12; } catch { } try { foreach (string s in foundWay) { if (s != "" && s[0] != '#') { bool skip = false; newPos.type = s.Split(' ')[0]; switch (s.Split(' ')[0].ToLower()) { case "walk": case "teleport": newPos.x = Convert.ToUInt16(s.Split(' ')[1]); newPos.y = Convert.ToUInt16(s.Split(' ')[2]); newPos.z = Convert.ToUInt16(s.Split(' ')[3]); newPos.rotx = Convert.ToByte(s.Split(' ')[4]); newPos.roty = Convert.ToByte(s.Split(' ')[5]); break; case "wait": case "speed": newPos.seconds = Convert.ToInt16(s.Split(' ')[1]); break; case "nod": case "spin": newPos.seconds = Convert.ToInt16(s.Split(' ')[1]); newPos.rotspeed = Convert.ToInt16(s.Split(' ')[2]); break; case "linkscript": newPos.newscript = s.Split(' ')[1]; break; case "reset": case "jump": case "remove": break; default: skip = true; break; } if (!skip) Pb.Waypoints.Add(newPos); } } } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "AI file corrupt."); return; } Pb.AIName = foundPath; if (p != null) Player.GlobalChatLevel(p, Pb.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s AI is now set to " + foundPath, false); Server.s.Log( + "'s AI was set to " + foundPath); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Error"); return; } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } try { if (message.Split(' ').Length == 1) { PlayerBot pB = PlayerBot.Find(message); try { pB.Waypoints.Clear(); } catch { } pB.kill = false; pB.hunt = false; pB.AIName = ""; Player.SendMessage(p, pB.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s AI was turned off."); Server.s.Log( + "'s AI was turned off."); return; } else if (message.Split(' ').Length != 2) { Help(p); return; } PlayerBot Pb = PlayerBot.Find(message.Split(' ')[0]); if (Pb == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find specified Bot"); return; } string foundPath = message.Split(' ')[1].ToLower(); if (foundPath == "hunt") { Pb.hunt = !Pb.hunt; try { Pb.Waypoints.Clear(); } catch { } Pb.AIName = ""; if (p != null) { Player.GlobalChatLevel(p, Pb.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s hunt instinct: " + Pb.hunt, false); } Server.s.Log( + "'s hunt instinct: " + Pb.hunt); return; } else if (foundPath == "kill") { if ((int) < CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Only a " + Group.findPermInt(CommandOtherPerms.GetPerm(this)).name + "+ may toggle killer instinct."); return; } Pb.kill = !Pb.kill; if (p != null) { Player.GlobalChatLevel(p, Pb.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s kill instinct: " + Pb.kill, false); } Server.s.Log( + "'s kill instinct: " + Pb.kill); return; } if (!File.Exists("bots/" + foundPath)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find specified AI."); return; } string[] foundWay = File.ReadAllLines("bots/" + foundPath); if (foundWay[0] != "#Version 2") { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid file version. Remake"); return; } PlayerBot.Pos newPos = new PlayerBot.Pos(); try { Pb.Waypoints.Clear(); Pb.currentPoint = 0; Pb.countdown = 0; Pb.movementSpeed = 12; } catch { } try { foreach (string s in foundWay) { if (s != "" && s[0] != '#') { bool skip = false; newPos.type = s.Split(' ')[0]; switch (s.Split(' ')[0].ToLower()) { case "walk": case "teleport": newPos.x = Convert.ToUInt16(s.Split(' ')[1]); newPos.y = Convert.ToUInt16(s.Split(' ')[2]); newPos.z = Convert.ToUInt16(s.Split(' ')[3]); newPos.rotx = Convert.ToByte(s.Split(' ')[4]); newPos.roty = Convert.ToByte(s.Split(' ')[5]); break; case "wait": case "speed": newPos.seconds = Convert.ToInt16(s.Split(' ')[1]); break; case "nod": case "spin": newPos.seconds = Convert.ToInt16(s.Split(' ')[1]); newPos.rotspeed = Convert.ToInt16(s.Split(' ')[2]); break; case "linkscript": newPos.newscript = s.Split(' ')[1]; break; case "reset": case "jump": case "remove": break; default: skip = true; break; } if (!skip) { Pb.Waypoints.Add(newPos); } } } } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "AI file corrupt."); return; } Pb.AIName = foundPath; if (p != null) { Player.GlobalChatLevel(p, Pb.color + + Server.DefaultColor + "'s AI is now set to " + foundPath, false); } Server.s.Log( + "'s AI was set to " + foundPath); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Error"); return; } }