public void Quartet(Player.Corner corner, Vector2 wantedPosition) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // Sorry for this stupid hack but this will take care that it's in the correct state and doesn't // show the card to all the players in a big size instead, but gets it in a row! k = true; Hidden = false; lerpSpeed *= 2; SetWantedPosition(wantedPosition); Task.Delay(5000).Wait(); Vector2 cornerPosition = new Vector2(); bool right, down; string cornerstring = corner.ToString().ToLower(); right = cornerstring.Contains("right"); down = cornerstring.StartsWith("down"); if (right) cornerPosition.X = Screen.Width; else cornerPosition.X = -Width; if (down) cornerPosition.Y = Screen.Height; else cornerPosition.Y = -Height; SetWantedPosition(cornerPosition); SetWantedSize(new Vector2(0)); Task.Delay(4000).Wait(); SceneManager.CurrentScene.Destroy(this); }); }
private void OnQuestion(ServerStatusHandler.ClientMessage obj) { // TODO : Process the question var processedCard = ProcessQuestion(obj.Data); var player = Game.GetPlayer(obj.ID); // get the hand of that player var askedPlayer = Game.GetPlayer(; if (askedPlayer == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't find the player."); } var card = askedPlayer.CardsInHand.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ServerCard.cardName.ToLower() == && x.ServerCard.category.ToString().ToLower() == processedCard.category.ToLower()); currentDisplayTime = 0; askedCorner = player.PlayerCorner; responseCorner = askedPlayer.PlayerCorner; question = $"{askedPlayer.Name},\nHeb jij van {processedCard.category},\n{}?"; bool foundCard = card != null; if (foundCard) { askedPlayer.RemoveCard(card); player.AddCard(card); card.ShowOnCenter(player); response = "yep verdomme man"; AnnouncePlayerTurnStart(); } else { // if the card has NOT been found, just start the next turn I guess? OH! And give the player a card! var poppedCard = Game.PopCard(); if (poppedCard != null) { player.AddCard(poppedCard); } Game.SortCardsOnTable(); // sort the cards on the table. response = "haha nee"; StartNextTurn(); } }