예제 #1
    void SetSource(PlaybackTouchMouseSensorEventArgs e)
      // Convert bitmap from memory to graphic form.
      BitmapSource source =
          BitmapSource.Create(e.Status.m_dwImageWidth, e.Status.m_dwImageHeight,
          96, 96,
          PixelFormats.Gray8, null, e.Image, e.Status.m_dwImageWidth);

      // Show bitmap in user interface.
      SensorImage.Source = source;
예제 #2
 void Player_Handler(object sender, PlaybackTouchMouseSensorEventArgs e)
   // We're in a thread belonging to the mouse, not the user interface 
   // thread. Need to dispatch to the user interface thread.
   Dispatcher.Invoke((Action<PlaybackTouchMouseSensorEventArgs>)SetSource, e);