private async Task ImportFilesAsync() { try { List <string> tempFiles = null; await Task.Run(() => { lock (this.lockObject) { tempFiles = this.files.Select(item => (string)item.Clone()).ToList(); this.files.Clear(); // Clear the list } tempFiles.Sort(); // Sort the files alphabetically }); List <PlayableTrack> tracks = await this.ProcessFilesAsync(tempFiles); PlayableTrack selectedTrack = tracks.First(); LogClient.Info("Number of tracks to play = {0}", tracks.Count.ToString()); if (tracks.Count > 0) { LogClient.Info("Enqueuing {0} tracks.", tracks.Count.ToString()); this.TracksImported(tracks, selectedTrack); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not enqueue tracks. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } }
protected async virtual void RefreshCoverArtAsync(PlayableTrack track) { await Task.Run(async() => { this.previousArtwork = this.artwork; // No track selected: clear cover art. if (track == null) { this.ClearArtwork(); return; } // Try to find artwork byte[] artwork = null; try { artwork = await this.metadataService.GetArtworkAsync(track.Path); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not get artwork for Track {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); } this.artwork = artwork; // Verify if the artwork changed if ((this.artwork != null & this.previousArtwork != null) && (this.artwork.LongLength == this.previousArtwork.LongLength)) { return; } else if (this.artwork == null & this.previousArtwork == null & this.CoverArtViewModel != null) { return; } if (artwork != null) { try { this.CoverArtViewModel = new CoverArtViewModel { CoverArt = artwork }; } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not show file artwork for Track {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); this.ClearArtwork(); } return; } else { this.ClearArtwork(); return; } }); }
public LyricsViewModel(IUnityContainer container, PlayableTrack track) : base(container) { this.track = track; // Dependency injection this.metadataService = container.Resolve <IMetadataService>(); this.providerService = container.Resolve <IProviderService>(); this.FontSize = SettingsClient.Get <double>("Lyrics", "FontSize"); this.AutomaticScrolling = SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Lyrics", "AutomaticScrolling"); this.DecreaseFontSizeCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (this.FontSize > 11) { this.FontSize--; } }); this.IncreaseFontSizeCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (this.FontSize < 50) { this.FontSize++; } }); this.EditCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { this.IsEditing = true; }); this.CancelEditCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => { this.lyrics = this.uneditedLyrics; this.IsEditing = false; }); this.SaveCommand = new DelegateCommand(async() => await this.SaveLyricsInAudioFileAsync()); this.SaveIfNotEmptyCommand = new DelegateCommand(async() => await this.SaveLyricsInAudioFileAsync(), () => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.lyrics.Text)); this.SearchOnlineCommand = new DelegateCommand <string>((id) => this.SearchOnline(id)); }
public static bool FilterTracks(PlayableTrack track, string filter) { // Trim is required here, otherwise the filter might flip on the space at the beginning (and probably at the end) string[] pieces = filter.Trim().Split(Convert.ToChar(" ")); // Just making sure that all fields are not Nothing if (track.TrackTitle == null) { track.TrackTitle = string.Empty; } if (track.ArtistName == null) { track.ArtistName = string.Empty; } if (track.AlbumTitle == null) { track.AlbumTitle = string.Empty; } if (track.FileName == null) { track.FileName = string.Empty; } if (track.Year == null) { track.Year = 0; } return(pieces.All((s) => track.TrackTitle.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | track.ArtistName.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | track.AlbumTitle.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | track.FileName.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | track.Year.ToString().Contains(s.ToLower()))); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { fc = FabulaContainer.Load(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Scripts//CinemachineTimelineCode//FileIO_xml//fabula.xml")); timeline = (TimelineAsset)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("TimelineAsset"); director = GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(); ctrack = timeline.CreateTrack <ControlTrack>(null, "control_track"); ntrack = timeline.CreateTrack <PlayableTrack>(null, "nav_track"); foreach (FabulaClip clip in fc.Clips) { if (clip.Type.Equals("animate")) { populateAnimation(clip); } else if (clip.Type.Equals("navigate")) { populateNavigation(clip); } else { Debug.Log("What TYPE of clip is this?"); } } director.Play(timeline); }
private async Task <Tuple <List <PlayableTrack>, PlayableTrack> > ProcessFileAsync(string path) { var tracks = new List <PlayableTrack>(); PlayableTrack selectedTrack = await this.CreateTrackAsync(path); tracks.Add(await this.CreateTrackAsync(path)); return(new Tuple <List <PlayableTrack>, PlayableTrack>(tracks, selectedTrack)); }
public async Task EnqueueAsync(List <PlayableTrack> tracks, PlayableTrack track) { if (tracks == null || track == null) { return; } await this.EnqueueIfRequired(tracks); await this.PlaySelectedAsync(track); }
public static async Task <PlayableTrack> Path2TrackAsync(string path, TrackStatistic savedTrackStatistic) { var returnTrack = new PlayableTrack(); await Task.Run(() => { var track = new Track(); var trackStatistic = new TrackStatistic(); var album = new Album(); var artist = new Artist(); var genre = new Genre(); MetadataUtils.SplitMetadata(path, ref track, ref trackStatistic, ref album, ref artist, ref genre); returnTrack.Path = track.Path; returnTrack.SafePath = track.Path.ToSafePath(); returnTrack.FileName = track.FileName; returnTrack.MimeType = track.MimeType; returnTrack.FileSize = track.FileSize; returnTrack.BitRate = track.BitRate; returnTrack.SampleRate = track.SampleRate; returnTrack.TrackTitle = track.TrackTitle; returnTrack.TrackNumber = track.TrackNumber; returnTrack.TrackCount = track.TrackCount; returnTrack.DiscNumber = track.DiscNumber; returnTrack.DiscCount = track.DiscCount; returnTrack.Duration = track.Duration; returnTrack.Year = track.Year; returnTrack.HasLyrics = track.HasLyrics; returnTrack.ArtistName = artist.ArtistName; returnTrack.GenreName = genre.GenreName; returnTrack.AlbumTitle = album.AlbumTitle; returnTrack.AlbumArtist = album.AlbumArtist; returnTrack.AlbumYear = album.Year; // If there is a saved TrackStatistic, used that one. Otherwise the // TrackStatistic from the file is used. That only contains rating. if (savedTrackStatistic != null) { trackStatistic = savedTrackStatistic; } returnTrack.Rating = trackStatistic.Rating; returnTrack.Love = trackStatistic.Love; returnTrack.PlayCount = trackStatistic.PlayCount; returnTrack.SkipCount = trackStatistic.SkipCount; returnTrack.DateLastPlayed = trackStatistic.DateLastPlayed; }); return(returnTrack); }
void Start() { fdirector = fabulaTimeline.GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(); fdirector.initialTime = 0f; dc = DiscourseContainer.Load(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Scripts//CinemachineTimelineCode//FileIO_xml//discourse.xml")); timeline = (TimelineAsset)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("TimelineAsset"); director = GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(); main_camera_object = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); ftrack = timeline.CreateTrack <CinemachineTrack>(null, "film_track"); ctrack = timeline.CreateTrack <ControlTrack>(null, "control_track"); ntrack = timeline.CreateTrack <PlayableTrack>(null, "nav_track"); ptrack = timeline.CreateTrack <PlayableTrack>(null, "timetravel_track"); pos_track = timeline.CreateTrack <ControlTrack>(null, "pos_track"); foreach (DiscourseClip clip in dc.Clips) { if (clip.Type.Equals("cam_custom")) { populateCustom(clip); } else if (clip.Type.Equals("nav_cam")) { populateNavCam(clip); } else if (clip.Type.Equals("nav_virtual")) { populateNavVirtual(clip); } // cam_timeline cannot time travel else if (clip.Type.Equals("cam_timeline")) { populateCamObject(clip); } else if (clip.Type.Equals("cntrl_timeline")) { populateCtrlObject(clip); if (clip.fabulaStart >= 0f) { addTimeTravel(clip); } } else { Debug.Log("What TYPE of discourse clip is this?"); } } director.SetGenericBinding(ftrack, main_camera_object); director.Play(timeline); }
public async Task EnqueueAsync(List <PlayableTrack> tracks, PlayableTrack track) { if (tracks == null || track == null) { return; } await this.EnqueueIfDifferent(tracks, this.shuffle); await this.PlaySelectedAsync(track); }
private async void RefreshPlaybackInfoAsync(PlayableTrack track, bool allowRefreshingCurrentTrack) { await Task.Run(() => { this.previousTrack = this.track; // No track selected: clear playback info. if (track == null) { this.ClearPlaybackInfo(); return; } this.track = track; // The track didn't change: leave the previous playback info. if (!allowRefreshingCurrentTrack & this.track.Equals(this.previousTrack)) { return; } // The track changed: we need to show new playback info. try { string year = string.Empty; if (track.Year != null && track.Year > 0) { year = track.Year.ToString(); } this.PlaybackInfoViewModel = new PlaybackInfoViewModel { Title = string.IsNullOrEmpty(track.TrackTitle) ? track.FileName : track.TrackTitle, Artist = track.ArtistName, Album = track.AlbumTitle, Year = year, CurrentTime = FormatUtils.FormatTime(new TimeSpan(0)), TotalTime = FormatUtils.FormatTime(new TimeSpan(0)) }; } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not show playback information for Track {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); this.ClearPlaybackInfo(); } this.RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Rating)); this.RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Love)); this.UpdateTime(); }); }
private void ClearPlaybackInfo() { this.PlaybackInfoViewModel = new PlaybackInfoViewModel { Title = string.Empty, Artist = string.Empty, Album = string.Empty, Year = string.Empty, CurrentTime = string.Empty, TotalTime = string.Empty }; this.track = null; }
public async Task StopIfPlayingAsync(PlayableTrack track) { if (track.Equals(this.CurrentTrack.Value)) { if (this.Queue.Count == 1) { this.Stop(); } else { await this.PlayNextAsync(); } } }
private async Task ImportFilesAsync() { try { List <string> tempFiles = null; await Task.Run(() => { lock (this.lockObject) { tempFiles = this.files.Select(item => (string)item.Clone()).ToList(); this.files.Clear(); // Clear the list } tempFiles.Sort(); // Sort the files alphabetically }); List <PlayableTrack> tracks = await this.ProcessFilesAsync(tempFiles); PlayableTrack selectedTrack = null; if (tempFiles.Count.Equals(1) && FileFormats.IsSupportedAudioFile(tempFiles.First())) { // If there is only 1 file and it's a supported audio format, we do something special. Tuple <List <PlayableTrack>, PlayableTrack> processedTracks = await this.ProcessFileAsync(tempFiles.First()); tracks = processedTracks.Item1; selectedTrack = processedTracks.Item2; } else { tracks = await this.ProcessFilesAsync(tempFiles); selectedTrack = tracks.First(); } LogClient.Info("Number of tracks to play = {0}", tracks.Count.ToString()); if (tracks.Count > 0) { LogClient.Info("Enqueuing {0} tracks.", tracks.Count.ToString()); this.TracksImported(tracks, selectedTrack); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not enqueue tracks. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public LyricsControlViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IMetadataService metadataService, IPlaybackService playbackService, EventAggregator eventAggregator) { this.container = container; this.metadataService = metadataService; this.playbackService = playbackService; this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator; this.highlightTimer.Interval = this.highlightTimerIntervalMilliseconds; this.highlightTimer.Elapsed += HighlightTimer_Elapsed; this.updateLyricsAfterEditingTimer.Interval = this.updateLyricsAfterEditingTimerIntervalMilliseconds; this.updateLyricsAfterEditingTimer.Elapsed += UpdateLyricsAfterEditingTimer_Elapsed; this.refreshTimer.Interval = this.refreshTimerIntervalMilliseconds; this.refreshTimer.Elapsed += RefreshTimer_Elapsed; this.playbackService.PlaybackPaused += (_, __) => this.highlightTimer.Stop(); this.playbackService.PlaybackResumed += (_, __) => this.highlightTimer.Start(); this.metadataService.MetadataChanged += (_) => this.RefreshLyricsAsync(this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Value); this.eventAggregator.GetEvent <SettingDownloadLyricsChanged>().Subscribe(isDownloadLyricsEnabled => { if (isDownloadLyricsEnabled) { this.RefreshLyricsAsync(this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Value); } }); this.RefreshLyricsCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => this.RefreshLyricsAsync(this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Value), () => !this.IsDownloadingLyrics); ApplicationCommands.RefreshLyricsCommand.RegisterCommand(this.RefreshLyricsCommand); this.playbackService.PlaybackSuccess += (isPlayingPreviousTrack) => { this.ContentSlideInFrom = isPlayingPreviousTrack ? -30 : 30; if (this.previousTrack == null || !this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Equals(this.previousTrack)) { this.refreshTimer.Stop(); this.refreshTimer.Start(); this.previousTrack = this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Value; } }; this.ClearLyrics(); // Makes sure the loading animation can be shown even at first start this.RefreshLyricsAsync(this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Value); if (this.playbackService.HasCurrentTrack) { this.previousTrack = this.playbackService.CurrentTrack.Value; } }
private bool UpdateTrackPlaybackInfo(PlayableTrack track, IFileMetadata fileMetadata) { bool isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged = false; try { // Only update the properties that are displayed on Now Playing screens if (fileMetadata.Title.IsValueChanged) { track.TrackTitle = fileMetadata.Title.Value; isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged = true; } if (fileMetadata.Artists.IsValueChanged) { track.ArtistName = fileMetadata.Artists.Values.FirstOrDefault(); isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged = true; } if (fileMetadata.Year.IsValueChanged) { track.Year = fileMetadata.Year.Value.SafeConvertToLong(); isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged = true; } if (fileMetadata.Album.IsValueChanged) { track.AlbumTitle = fileMetadata.Album.Value; isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged = true; } if (fileMetadata.ArtworkData.IsValueChanged) { isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not update the track metadata. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } return(isDisplayedPlaybackInfoChanged); }
public async Task <PlayableTrack> CreateTrackAsync(string path) { var returnTrack = new PlayableTrack(); try { var savedTrackStatistic = await this.trackStatisticRepository.GetTrackStatisticAsync(path); returnTrack = await MetadataUtils.Path2TrackAsync(path, savedTrackStatistic); } catch (Exception ex) { // Make sure the file can be opened by creating a Track with some default values returnTrack = PlayableTrack.CreateDefault(path); LogClient.Error("Error while creating Track from file '{0}'. Creating default track. Exception: {1}", path, ex.Message); } return(returnTrack); }
public async Task <bool> SendTrackLoveAsync(PlayableTrack track, bool love) { bool isSuccess = false; // We can't send track love for an unknown track if (track.ArtistName == Defaults.UnknownArtistText | string.IsNullOrEmpty(track.TrackTitle)) { return(false); } if (this.SignInState == SignInState.SignedIn) { if (love) { try { isSuccess = await LastfmApi.TrackLove(this.sessionKey, track.ArtistName, track.TrackTitle); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not send to Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } } else { try { isSuccess = await LastfmApi.TrackUnlove(this.sessionKey, track.ArtistName, track.TrackTitle); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not send track.unlove to Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } } } return(isSuccess); }
private async Task <Tuple <List <PlayableTrack>, PlayableTrack> > ProcessFileAsync(string path) { var tracks = new List <PlayableTrack>(); PlayableTrack selectedTrack = await this.CreateTrackAsync(path); if (SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Behaviour", "EnqueueOtherFilesInFolder")) { // Get all files in the current (top) directory List <string> scannedPaths = this.ProcessDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); // Add all files from that directory foreach (string scannedPath in scannedPaths) { tracks.Add(await this.CreateTrackAsync(scannedPath)); } } else { tracks.Add(await this.CreateTrackAsync(path)); } return(new Tuple <List <PlayableTrack>, PlayableTrack>(tracks, selectedTrack)); }
public async Task <PlayableTrack> CreateTrackAsync(string path) { var returnTrack = new PlayableTrack(); try { var savedTrackStatistic = await this.trackStatisticRepository.GetTrackStatisticAsync(path); returnTrack = await MetadataUtils.Path2TrackAsync(this.fileMetadataFactory.Create(path), savedTrackStatistic); } catch (Exception ex) { // Make sure the file can be opened by creating a Track with some default values returnTrack = PlayableTrack.CreateDefault(path); LogClient.Error("Error while creating Track from file '{0}'. Creating default track. Exception: {1}", path, ex.Message); } returnTrack.ArtistName = returnTrack.ArtistName.Replace(Defaults.UnknownArtistText, info.UnknownArtistText); returnTrack.AlbumArtist = returnTrack.AlbumArtist.Replace(Defaults.UnknownArtistText, info.UnknownArtistText); returnTrack.AlbumTitle = returnTrack.AlbumTitle.Replace(Defaults.UnknownAlbumText, info.UnknownAlbumText); returnTrack.GenreName = returnTrack.GenreName.Replace(Defaults.UnknownGenreText, info.UnknownGenreText); return(returnTrack); }
private async void RefreshLyricsAsync(PlayableTrack track) { if (!this.nowPlayingIsSelected || !this.lyricsScreenIsActive) { return; } if (track == null) { return; } if (this.previousTrack != null && this.previousTrack.Equals(track)) { return; } this.previousTrack = track; this.StopHighlighting(); FileMetadata fmd = await this.metadataService.GetFileMetadataAsync(track.Path); await Task.Run(() => { // If we're in editing mode, delay changing the lyrics. if (this.LyricsViewModel != null && this.LyricsViewModel.IsEditing) { this.updateLyricsAfterEditingTimer.Start(); return; } // No FileMetadata available: clear the lyrics. if (fmd == null) { this.ClearLyrics(); return; } }); try { Lyrics lyrics = null; bool mustDownloadLyrics = false; await Task.Run(() => { lyrics = new Lyrics(fmd != null && fmd.Lyrics.Value != null ? fmd.Lyrics.Value : String.Empty, string.Empty); // If the file has no lyrics, and the user enabled automatic download of lyrics, indicate that we need to try to download. if (!lyrics.HasText) { if (SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Lyrics", "DownloadLyrics")) { string artist = fmd.Artists != null && fmd.Artists.Values != null && fmd.Artists.Values.Length > 0 ? fmd.Artists.Values[0] : string.Empty; string title = fmd.Title != null && fmd.Title.Value != null ? fmd.Title.Value : string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artist) & !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { mustDownloadLyrics = true; } } } }); // No lyrics were found in the file: try to download. if (mustDownloadLyrics) { this.IsDownloadingLyrics = true; try { var factory = new LyricsFactory(); lyrics = await factory.GetLyricsAsync(fmd.Artists.Values[0], fmd.Title.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not get lyrics online {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); } this.IsDownloadingLyrics = false; } await Task.Run(() => { this.LyricsViewModel = new LyricsViewModel(container, track, metadataService); this.LyricsViewModel.SetLyrics(lyrics); }); } catch (Exception ex) { this.IsDownloadingLyrics = false; LogClient.Error("Could not show lyrics for Track {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); this.ClearLyrics(); return; } this.StartHighlighting(); }
private async Task ShowArtistInfoAsync(PlayableTrack track, bool forceReload) { this.previousArtist = this.artist; // User doesn't want to download artist info, or no track is selected. if (!SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Lastfm", "DownloadArtistInformation") || track == null) { this.ArtistInfoViewModel = this.container.Resolve <ArtistInfoViewModel>(); this.artist = null; return; } // Artist name is unknown if (track.ArtistName == Defaults.UnknownArtistText) { ArtistInfoViewModel localArtistInfoViewModel = this.container.Resolve <ArtistInfoViewModel>(); await localArtistInfoViewModel.SetLastFmArtistAsync(new Common.Api.Lastfm.Artist { Name = Defaults.UnknownArtistText }); this.ArtistInfoViewModel = localArtistInfoViewModel; this.artist = null; return; } this.artist = new Common.Database.Entities.Artist { ArtistName = track.ArtistName }; // The artist didn't change: leave the previous artist info. if (this.artist.Equals(this.previousArtist) & !forceReload) { return; } // The artist changed: we need to show new artist info. string artworkPath = string.Empty; this.IsBusy = true; try { Common.Api.Lastfm.Artist lfmArtist = await LastfmApi.ArtistGetInfo(track.ArtistName, true, ResourceUtils.GetString("Language_ISO639-1")); if (lfmArtist != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lfmArtist.Biography.Content)) { // In case there is no localized Biography, get the English one. lfmArtist = await LastfmApi.ArtistGetInfo(track.ArtistName, true, "EN"); } if (lfmArtist != null) { ArtistInfoViewModel localArtistInfoViewModel = this.container.Resolve <ArtistInfoViewModel>(); await localArtistInfoViewModel.SetLastFmArtistAsync(lfmArtist); this.ArtistInfoViewModel = localArtistInfoViewModel; } else { throw new Exception("lfmArtist == null"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogClient.Error("Could not show artist information for Track {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); this.ArtistInfoViewModel = this.container.Resolve <ArtistInfoViewModel>(); this.artist = null; } this.IsBusy = false; }
public async Task PlaySelectedAsync(PlayableTrack track) { await this.TryPlayAsync(new KeyValuePair <string, PlayableTrack>(null, track)); }
public NotificationWindow(PlayableTrack track, byte[] artworkData, NotificationPosition position, bool showControls, int maxSecondsVisible) : base() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.maxSecondsVisible = maxSecondsVisible; int notificationHeight = 66 + 2 * this.notificationShadowSize; int notificationWidth = 286 + 2 * this.notificationShadowSize; if (showControls) { notificationHeight += 40; notificationWidth += 90; this.ControlsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.VolumePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { this.ControlsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.VolumePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (track != null) { this.TextBoxTitle.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(track.TrackTitle) ? track.FileName : track.TrackTitle; this.TextBoxArtist.Text = track.ArtistName; } else { this.TextBoxTitle.Text = ResourceUtils.GetStringResource("Language_Title"); this.TextBoxArtist.Text = ResourceUtils.GetStringResource("Language_Artist"); } this.ToolTipTitle.Text = this.TextBoxTitle.Text; this.ToolTipArtist.Text = this.TextBoxArtist.Text; if (artworkData != null) { try { // Width and Height are 300px. They need to be big enough, otherwise the picture is blurry this.CoverPicture.Source = ImageUtils.ByteToBitmapImage(artworkData, 300, 300, 0); this.CloseBorder.Opacity = 1.0; } catch (Exception) { // Swallow } } else { this.CloseBorder.Opacity = 0.4; } Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, new Action(() => { Rect desktopWorkingArea = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea; // First, set the position switch (position) { case NotificationPosition.BottomLeft: // Bottom left this.Left = desktopWorkingArea.Left + this.notificationMarginFromScreen; this.Top = desktopWorkingArea.Bottom - notificationHeight - this.notificationMarginFromScreen; break; case NotificationPosition.TopLeft: // Top left this.Left = desktopWorkingArea.Left + this.notificationMarginFromScreen; this.Top = desktopWorkingArea.Top + this.notificationMarginFromScreen; break; case NotificationPosition.TopRight: // Top right this.Left = desktopWorkingArea.Right - notificationWidth - this.notificationMarginFromScreen; this.Top = desktopWorkingArea.Top + this.notificationMarginFromScreen; break; case NotificationPosition.BottomRight: // Bottom right this.Left = desktopWorkingArea.Right - notificationWidth - this.notificationMarginFromScreen; this.Top = desktopWorkingArea.Bottom - notificationHeight - this.notificationMarginFromScreen; break; default: break; } // After setting the position, set the size. The original size op 0px*0px prevents // flicker when displaying the popup. Because it briefly appears in the top left // corner before getting its desired position. this.Width = notificationWidth; this.Height = notificationHeight; this.CoverPicture.Width = notificationHeight - 2 * this.notificationShadowSize; this.CoverPicture.Height = notificationHeight - 2 * this.notificationShadowSize; this.CoverTile.Width = notificationHeight - 2 * this.notificationShadowSize; this.CoverTile.Height = notificationHeight - 2 * this.notificationShadowSize; })); this.hideTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); this.closeTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); this.hideTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(HideTimer_Tick); this.closeTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(CloseTimer_Tick); }
public override void ExecuteState(StateMachine stateMachine, IState prevState, object param1, object param2) { base.ExecuteState(stateMachine, prevState, param1, param2); mCurrSkillID = (int)param1; mChangeState = false; mSkillInfo = SkillConfig.singleton.GetSkillInfo(mCurrSkillID); if (mSkillInfo == null || mSkillInfo.mTimeline == null) { return; } mTargetRole = mRole.mRoleData.GetTargetRole(); if (Skill.ExecuteSkill(mRole, mTargetRole, mSkillInfo)) { mChangeState = false; } else { StateComplete(); return; } // 获取timeline mDirector = mSkillInfo.mTimeline.GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(); mDirector.Stop(); // 取出timeline 左边的名字进行绑定右边的资源 foreach (PlayableBinding bind in mDirector.playableAsset.outputs) { if (bind.streamName == "Self") { AnimationTrack animationTrack = bind.sourceObject as AnimationTrack; mDuringTime = (float)animationTrack.duration; mBeginTime = Time.fixedTime; mDirector.SetGenericBinding(bind.sourceObject, mAnimator); } else if (bind.streamName == "Target") { mDirector.SetGenericBinding(bind.sourceObject, mTargetRole.mAnimator); mRole.transform.position = -mRole.transform.forward * mSkillInfo.mAtkDistance + mTargetRole.transform.position; mRole.mRoleData.SetForward(mTargetRole.transform.position, mRole.transform.position); mRole.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(mRole.mRoleData.GetForward()); mTargetRole.mRoleData.SetForward(mRole.transform.position, mTargetRole.transform.position); mTargetRole.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(mTargetRole.mRoleData.GetForward()); } else if (bind.streamName == "SelfEffect") { mDirector.SetGenericBinding(bind.sourceObject, mSkillInfo.mSelfEffect); } else if (bind.streamName == "TargetEffect") { mDirector.SetGenericBinding(bind.sourceObject, mSkillInfo.mTargetEffect); } else if (bind.streamName == "Control Track") { ControlTrack ct = bind.sourceObject as ControlTrack; foreach (var clip in ct.GetClips()) { ControlPlayableAsset playableAsset = clip.asset as ControlPlayableAsset; mDirector.SetReferenceValue(playableAsset.sourceGameObject.exposedName, mRole.gameObject); } } else if (bind.streamName == "Playable Track") { PlayableTrack ct = bind.sourceObject as PlayableTrack; foreach (TimelineClip clip in ct.GetClips()) { PlayableAssetEx playableAsset = clip.asset as PlayableAssetEx; if (playableAsset) { // 1.自定义脚本获取绑定 自定义的变量 playableAsset.mParamAttackTL = this; } } } } mDirector.Play(); // 播放timeline }
private void ClearLyrics(PlayableTrack track) { this.LyricsViewModel = new LyricsViewModel(this.container, track); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { List <List <string> > clipList = readFabula(); foreach (List <string> clipItem in clipList) { Debug.Log("Clip:"); foreach (string item in clipItem) { Debug.Log(item); } } timeline = (TimelineAsset)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("TimelineAsset"); PlayableDirector director = GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(); TrackAsset ctrack = timeline.CreateTrack <ControlTrack>(null, "control_track"); PlayableTrack ntrack = timeline.CreateTrack <PlayableTrack>(null, "nav_track"); foreach (List <string> clipitem_list in clipList) { string name = clipitem_list[0]; string type = clipitem_list[1]; if (type.Equals("animate")) { float start = float.Parse(clipitem_list[2]); float dur = float.Parse(clipitem_list[3]); string anim_location = clipitem_list[4]; string animation_obj = clipitem_list[5]; start_pos = GameObject.Find(anim_location).transform; var lerp_clip = ntrack.CreateClip <LerpMoveObjectAsset>(); var lerpclip = lerp_clip.asset as LerpMoveObjectAsset; var clip = ctrack.CreateDefaultClip(); clip.start = start; clip.duration = dur; clip.displayName = name; animTimeline = GameObject.Find(animation_obj); var controlAnim = clip.asset as ControlPlayableAsset; anim_transform = animTimeline.transform; anim_loc = anim_transform.position; anim_rot = anim_transform.rotation; setClipOffset(animTimeline, anim_loc, anim_rot); //List<TimelineClip> lerp_clips = target_lerp_track.GetClips().ToList(); lerpclip.ObjectToMove.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); lerpclip.LerpMoveTo.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); //director.SetReferenceValue(lerpclip.ObjectToMove.exposedName, movingObj); director.SetReferenceValue(lerpclip.LerpMoveTo.exposedName, start_pos); // Set control clip to be on fabula timeline controlAnim.sourceGameObject.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); director.SetReferenceValue(controlAnim.sourceGameObject.exposedName, animTimeline); } else if (type.Equals("navigate")) { float start = float.Parse(clipitem_list[2]); float dur = float.Parse(clipitem_list[3]); string start_location = clipitem_list[4]; string end_location = clipitem_list[5]; string agent = clipitem_list[6]; float speed = float.Parse(clipitem_list[7]); //ntrack ////var clip = ctrack.CreateDefaultClip(); var lerp_clip = ntrack.CreateClip <LerpMoveObjectAsset>(); var clip = ntrack.CreateClip <SetAgentTargetAsset>(); //var navclip = clip.asset as SetAgentTargetAsset; lerp_clip.start = start; lerp_clip.duration = .05f; lerp_clip.displayName = "lerp"; clip.start = start + .05f; clip.duration = dur - .05f; clip.displayName = name; GameObject movingObj = GameObject.Find(agent); NavMeshAgent navigatingAgent = movingObj.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); start_pos = GameObject.Find(start_location).transform; Transform end_pos = GameObject.Find(end_location).transform; var navclip = clip.asset as SetAgentTargetAsset; var lerpclip = lerp_clip.asset as LerpMoveObjectAsset; navclip.AgentSpeed = speed; //navclip.Agent = navigatingAgent as NavMeshAgent; navclip.Target.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); navclip.Agent.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); director.SetReferenceValue(navclip.Agent.exposedName, navigatingAgent); director.SetReferenceValue(navclip.Target.exposedName, end_pos); lerpclip.ObjectToMove.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); lerpclip.LerpMoveTo.exposedName = UnityEditor.GUID.Generate().ToString(); director.SetReferenceValue(lerpclip.ObjectToMove.exposedName, movingObj); director.SetReferenceValue(lerpclip.LerpMoveTo.exposedName, start_pos); } else { Debug.Log("incorrect clip type"); } } director.Play(timeline); }
public LyricsViewModel(IContainerProvider container, PlayableTrack track) : this(container) { this.track = track; }
private void BindData(Animator attacker, Animator target) { PlayableTrack playableTrack = (PlayableTrack)playableBindingDir["Event Track".GetHashCode()].sourceObject; foreach (var clips in playableTrack.GetClips()) { object asset = clips.asset; if (!(asset is ShowEffectAsset)) { continue; } ShowEffectAsset showEffectAsset = (ShowEffectAsset)asset; showEffectAsset.effectEventReference = new ExposedReference <EffectEvent> { defaultValue = monoBehaviour.GetComponent <EffectEvent>() }; showEffectAsset.eventName = "FrontStabEffect"; } playableTrack = (PlayableTrack)playableBindingDir["Character State Lock".GetHashCode()].sourceObject; foreach (var clips in playableTrack.GetClips()) { if (!(clips.asset is CharacterStateLockAsset)) { continue; } CharacterStateLockAsset characterStateLockAsset = (CharacterStateLockAsset)clips.asset; characterStateLockAsset.attackerAnimator = new ExposedReference <Animator> { defaultValue = attacker }; characterStateLockAsset.receiverAnimator = new ExposedReference <Animator> { defaultValue = target }; } playableTrack = (PlayableTrack)playableBindingDir["Damageable Track".GetHashCode()].sourceObject; foreach (var clips in playableTrack.GetClips()) { if (!(clips.asset is DamageableAsset)) { continue; } DamageableAsset damageableAsset = (DamageableAsset)clips.asset; damageableAsset.damageable = new ExposedReference <Damageable> { defaultValue = target.GetComponent <Damageable>() }; DamageData data = new DamageData() { attacker = attacker.gameObject, damage = monoBehaviour.weapon.damage * 2, damagePos = monoBehaviour.weapon.transform.position, direction = target.transform.position - attacker.transform.position }; = data; } }
private async void RefreshLyricsAsync(PlayableTrack track) { if (!this.nowPlayingIsSelected || !this.lyricsScreenIsActive) { return; } if (track == null) { return; } if (this.previousTrack != null && this.previousTrack.Equals(track)) { return; } this.previousTrack = track; this.StopHighlighting(); FileMetadata fmd = await this.metadataService.GetFileMetadataAsync(track.Path); await Task.Run(() => { // If we're in editing mode, delay changing the lyrics. if (this.LyricsViewModel != null && this.LyricsViewModel.IsEditing) { this.updateLyricsAfterEditingTimer.Start(); return; } // No FileMetadata available: clear the lyrics. if (fmd == null) { this.ClearLyrics(); return; } }); try { Lyrics lyrics = null; bool mustDownloadLyrics = false; await Task.Run(async() => { // Try to get lyrics from the audio file lyrics = new Lyrics(fmd != null && fmd.Lyrics.Value != null ? fmd.Lyrics.Value : String.Empty, string.Empty); lyrics.SourceType = SourceTypeEnum.Audio; // If the audio file has no lyrics, try to find lyrics in a local lyrics file. if (!lyrics.HasText) { var lrcFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fmd.Path), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fmd.Path) + FileFormats.LRC); if (File.Exists(lrcFile)) { using (var fs = new FileStream(lrcFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.Default)) { lyrics = new Lyrics(await sr.ReadToEndAsync(), String.Empty); if (lyrics.HasText) { lyrics.SourceType = SourceTypeEnum.Lrc; return; } } } } // If we still don't have lyrics and the user enabled automatic download of lyrics: try to download them online. if (SettingsClient.Get <bool>("Lyrics", "DownloadLyrics")) { string artist = fmd.Artists != null && fmd.Artists.Values != null && fmd.Artists.Values.Length > 0 ? fmd.Artists.Values[0] : string.Empty; string title = fmd.Title != null && fmd.Title.Value != null ? fmd.Title.Value : string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artist) & !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { mustDownloadLyrics = true; } } } }); // No lyrics were found in the file: try to download. if (mustDownloadLyrics) { this.IsDownloadingLyrics = true; try { var factory = new LyricsFactory(); lyrics = await factory.GetLyricsAsync(fmd.Artists.Values[0], fmd.Title.Value); lyrics.SourceType = SourceTypeEnum.Online; } catch (Exception ex) { CoreLogger.Current.Error("Could not get lyrics online {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); } this.IsDownloadingLyrics = false; } await Task.Run(() => { this.LyricsViewModel = new LyricsViewModel(container, track); this.LyricsViewModel.SetLyrics(lyrics); }); } catch (Exception ex) { this.IsDownloadingLyrics = false; CoreLogger.Current.Error("Could not show lyrics for Track {0}. Exception: {1}", track.Path, ex.Message); this.ClearLyrics(); return; } this.StartHighlighting(); }