bool DetectOutOfSync(Playable playable) { double expectedTime = playable.GetTime(); if (playable.GetTime() >= m_AssetDuration) { if (director.extrapolationMode == DirectorWrapMode.None) { return(false); } else if (director.extrapolationMode == DirectorWrapMode.Hold) { expectedTime = m_AssetDuration; } else if (m_AssetDuration > float.Epsilon) // loop { expectedTime = expectedTime % m_AssetDuration; } } if (!Mathf.Approximately((float)expectedTime, (float)director.time)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR double lastDelta = playable.GetTime() - playable.GetPreviousTime(); if (UnityEditor.Unsupported.IsDeveloperBuild()) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Internal Warning - Control track desync detected on {2} ({0:F10} vs {1:F10} with delta {3:F10}). Time will be resynchronized. Known to happen with nested control tracks", playable.GetTime(), director.time,, lastDelta); } #endif return(true); } return(false); }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { if (!Application.isPlaying && !invokeAtEditTime) { return; } var recording = playerData as MethodRecording; if (recording == null) { return; } if (recording.mode != MethodRecording.Mode.Playback) { recording.EnterPlaybackMode(); } float prevTime = (float)playable.GetPreviousTime(); float nowTime = (float)playable.GetTime(); bool didSeek = _prevTime != playable.GetPreviousTime() || nowTime < prevTime; if (!didSeek) { recording.SweepTime(prevTime, nowTime); } _prevTime = playable.GetTime(); }
public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { if (eventTracker != null) { // We disable scrubbing in edit mode, due to an issue with how FrameData.EvaluationType is handled in edit mode. // This is a known issue and Unity are aware of it: bool scrubbing = info.evaluationType == FrameData.EvaluationType.Evaluate && Application.isPlaying; if (scrubbing && ShouldPlay(playable)) { if (!eventTracker.eventIsPlaying) { requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.Playback; requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.DelayedStop; checkForFadeIn((float)playable.GetTime()); checkForFadeOut(playable); } requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.Seek; } else // The clip is playing but the event hasn't been triggered. We need to start the event and jump to the correct time. { if (!eventTracker.eventIsPlaying && (requiredActions & (uint)AkPlayableAction.Playback) == 0) { requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.Retrigger; checkForFadeIn((float)playable.GetTime()); } checkForFadeOut(playable); } } }
public override void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info) { if (akEvent != null) { if (ShouldPlay(playable)) { requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.Playback; // If we've explicitly set the playhead, only play a small snippet. // We disable scrubbing in edit mode, due to an issue with how FrameData.EvaluationType is handled in edit mode. // This is a known issue and Unity are aware of it: if (info.evaluationType == FrameData.EvaluationType.Evaluate && Application.isPlaying) { requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.DelayedStop; checkForFadeIn((float)playable.GetTime()); checkForFadeOut(playable); } else { float proportionalTime = getProportionalTime(playable); float alph = 0.05f; if (proportionalTime > alph) // we need to jump to the correct position in the case where the event is played from some non-start position. { requiredActions |= (uint)AkPlayableAction.Seek; } checkForFadeIn((float)playable.GetTime()); checkForFadeOut(playable); } } } }
// TODO 整理 public override async void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { if (video == null) { return; } if (PlayingState.IsPlayingTimelineInEditor && !video.isPlaying) { video.time = playable.GetTime(); video.Play(); } if (PlayingState.IsScrubbing) { video.time = playable.GetTime(); } if (PlayingState.IsRecording && video.isPrepared) { video.time = playable.GetTime(); } mat.mainTexture = video.texture; if (PlayingState.IsScrubbing) { video.Play(); await UniTask.Delay(300); video.Pause(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { if (m_sceneCachePlayer.IsNullRef()) { return; } AnimationCurve curve = m_clipData.GetAnimationCurve(); float normalizedTime = 0; switch (m_snapToFrame) { case SnapToFrame.NONE: { normalizedTime = curve.Evaluate((float) playable.GetTime()); break; } case SnapToFrame.NEAREST: { TrackAsset trackAsset = m_clipData.GetOwner().GetParentTrack(); if (null == trackAsset) { return; } float fps = (float) trackAsset.timelineAsset.editorSettings.GetFPS(); float timePerFrame = 1.0f / fps; int frame = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)playable.GetTime() * fps); normalizedTime = curve.Evaluate(frame * timePerFrame); break; } } m_sceneCachePlayer.RequestNormalizedTime(normalizedTime); }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { Debug.Log(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Time=" + playable.GetTime()); double preTime = playable.GetPreviousTime(); double timeOnClip = playable.GetTime(); double deltaTime = timeOnClip - preTime; double durationTime = playable.GetDuration(); double rate = timeOnClip / durationTime; double rateAfter = (timeOnClip + deltaTime) / durationTime; double weight = info.weight; int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount(); int outputCount = playable.GetOutputCount(); Debug.Log(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " InputCount=" + inputCount); // 文字列を設定 messageDialog.SetText(textString); // 表示する messageDialog.Show(); // ★次のフレームで完了する(クリップから抜ける)時 // ※クリップを抜けるとProcessFrameは呼ばれず、OnBehaviourPauseが呼ばれるので、 // ProcessFrame内で捕まえるタイミングは今しかない。 if (rate < 1.0f && 1.0f <= rateAfter) { OnBehaviourPreFinish(playable, info, playerData); } }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { if (_subject == null || playable.GetTime() <= 0) { return; } float f = (float)(playable.GetTime() / playable.GetDuration()) * info.weight; if (useQuaternion) { if (isLocal) { _subject.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.Euler(src), Quaternion.Euler(dst), curve.Evaluate(f)); } else { _subject.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.Euler(src), Quaternion.Euler(dst), curve.Evaluate(f)); } } else { if (isLocal) { _subject.localEulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(src, dst, curve.Evaluate(f)); } else { _subject.eulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(src, dst, curve.Evaluate(f)); } } }
private bool DetectOutOfSync(Playable playable) { double num = playable.GetTime(); if (playable.GetTime() >= m_AssetDuration) { if (director.extrapolationMode == DirectorWrapMode.None) { return(false); } if (director.extrapolationMode == DirectorWrapMode.Hold) { num = m_AssetDuration; } else if (m_AssetDuration > 1.4012984643248171E-45) { num %= m_AssetDuration; } } if (!Mathf.Approximately((float)num, (float)director.time)) { return(true); } return(false); }
//Each frame of the behaviour public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { m_TrackBinding = playerData as RPGTalk; if (!m_FirstFrameHappened) { OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info); return; } //for now, we wont support spped changes into timeline if (m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed != textSpeed) { m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed = textSpeed; } //The current character will be calculated based on the textspeed and the time of the playable float currentChar = m_TrackBinding.actualTextSpeed * (float)playable.GetTime(); //only change it if there is something new to change and we are not paused if (m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements.Count > m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition - 1 && Mathf.Min(currentChar, m_TrackBinding.rpgtalkElements [m_TrackBinding.cutscenePosition - 1].dialogText.Length) != m_TrackBinding.currentChar) { if (!rpgTime || !rpgTime.isPaused) { m_TrackBinding.currentChar = currentChar; m_TrackBinding.PutRightTextToShow(); } } //If we reached the final, check if we should pause the timeline until the player finish the talk if (playable.GetTime() >= playable.GetDuration() - (double)0.1) { if (!reachedFinal) { reachedFinal = true; if (pauseUntilTalkEnd) { if (!rpgTime) { Debug.LogError("To use the option 'Pause Until Talk End' the RpgTalk must contain a RPGTalkTimeline Component"); } else { rpgTime.Pause(); } } } } else { reachedFinal = false; } }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { if ((int)m_PreviousTime < (int)playable.GetTime()) { info.output.PushNotification(playable, new MyNotification()); } m_PreviousTime = playable.GetTime(); }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { if (_subject == null || playable.GetTime() <= 0) { return; } float f = (float)(playable.GetTime() / playable.GetDuration()) * info.weight; _subject.color = Color.Lerp(src, dst, curve.Evaluate(f)); }
public virtual void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { //This checks if we're actually playing. Prevents it running before the clip has started. if (playable.GetTime() == 0) { return; } Time.timeScale = Mathf.Lerp(_originalTimeScale, targetTimeScale, (float)(playable.GetTime() / playable.GetDuration())); }
public float GetPercent(Playable playable) { if (m_revert) { return(1f - (float)playable.GetTime() / m_duration); } else { return((float)playable.GetTime() / m_duration); } }
// Called each frame while the state is set to Play public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { switch(type) { case DynamicTrackType.MouseX: SuperInput.SetMouseX(curve.Evaluate((float)playable.GetTime()), this); break; case DynamicTrackType.MouseY: SuperInput.SetMouseY(curve.Evaluate((float)playable.GetTime()), this); break; } }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { float duration = (float)playable.GetDuration(); float passedTime = (float)playable.GetTime(); Debug.Log("Playable get time " + playable.GetTime()); Debug.Log("Playable duration " + playable.GetDuration()); float t = duration - passedTime; Vector3 change = position - initialPosition; trasnform.position = Equations.ChangeVector(t, position, change, duration, Ease.Linear); }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { double time = playable.GetTime(); MidiEventReceiver trackBinding = playerData as MidiEventReceiver; if (!trackBinding) { return; } m_midiEventReceiver = trackBinding; // Debug.Log( playable.GetGraph().GetRootPlayable(0).GetPlayState() ); // Debug.Log(m_previousState); if (Director.state == PlayState.Paused) { m_lastTime = playable.GetTime(); // DispatchEvents(m_seq.Start((float)playable.GetTime())); } // On play if (Director.state == PlayState.Playing && m_previousState == PlayState.Paused) { if (m_seq != null) { Debug.Log("Start it " + m_lastTime); LoadSong(); LoadSequencer(); DispatchEvents(m_seq.Start((float)m_lastTime)); } } m_previousState = Director.state; if (!m_FirstFrameHappened) { m_FirstFrameHappened = true; } if (m_seq != null && m_seq.Playing) { // Update the sequencer and dispatch incoming events. DispatchEvents(m_seq.Advance(info.deltaTime)); } }
public sealed override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { if (this.m_HasFired) { if (this.HasLooped(playable.GetTime <Playable>(), info) || this.CanRestoreEvent(playable.GetTime <Playable>(), info)) { this.Restore_internal(); } } if (!this.m_HasFired && this.CanTriggerEvent(playable.GetTime <Playable>(), info)) { this.Trigger_internal(); } this.m_PreviousTime = playable.GetTime <Playable>(); }
// Called each frame while the state is set to Play public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { // Debug.Log ("SimplePlayableBehaviour.PrepareFrame"); float normTime = (float)(playable.GetTime() / playable.GetDuration()); cubeObject.transform.position = new Vector3(4.0f, 2.0f * normTime, 0.0f); }
public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { float blend = Mathf.PingPong((float)playable.GetTime(), 1.0f); base.PrepareFrame(playable, info); }
// Token: 0x06000225 RID: 549 RVA: 0x0000AB2F File Offset: 0x00008D2F public override void OnPlayableDestroy(Playable playable) { if (this.m_Instance) { if (Application.isPlaying) { var timer = (float)playable.GetTime(); if (m_realLife > timer) { var lifeCtrl = this.m_Instance.AddComponent <ParticleLifeControl>(); // = m_realLife - timer; //lifeCtrl.flyDuration = m_duration - timer; //lifeCtrl.TargetTrans = m_revert ? m_StartTrans : m_EndTrans; lifeCtrl.InitFlyTarget(m_realLife - timer, m_revert ? m_StartTrans : m_EndTrans, m_duration - timer ); } else { Object.Destroy(this.m_Instance); } } else { Object.DestroyImmediate(this.m_Instance); } } }
void Update(Playable playable, FrameData info) { if (!Parent) { return; } var time = playable.GetTime(); int index = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(time * FPS)) % FrameIndices.Count; int currentIndex = FrameIndices[index]; for (int i = 0; i < frameTransforms.Count; i++) { frameTransforms[i].gameObject.SetActive(i == currentIndex); } block.SetFloat("_FadeIn", info.effectiveWeight); block.SetFloat("_FadeOut", 1 /*info.effectiveWeight*/); block.SetInt("_FadeModeIn", (int)FadeIn); block.SetInt("_FadeModeOut", (int)FadeOut); foreach (var r in renderers) { r.SetPropertyBlock(block); } }
public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { if (this.m_timeControl != null) { this.m_timeControl.SetTime(playable.GetTime <Playable>()); } }
public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info) { base.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info); firstFrameHappened = false; var duration = playable.GetDuration(); var time = playable.GetTime(); var delta = info.deltaTime; if (info.evaluationType == FrameData.EvaluationType.Playback) { var count = time + delta; if (count >= duration) { TimelineManager.instance.Pause(); } } //if (chatInteraction == null) //{ // return; //} //chatInteraction.transform.position = defaultPos; }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { if (clip != null) { PlayClip((float)playable.GetTime()); } }
public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData info) { if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.director == (UnityEngine.Object)null || !this.director.isActiveAndEnabled || (UnityEngine.Object) this.director.playableAsset == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { return; } if (this.director.playableGraph.IsValid()) { int rootPlayableCount = this.director.playableGraph.GetRootPlayableCount(); for (int index = 0; index < rootPlayableCount; ++index) { Playable rootPlayable = this.director.playableGraph.GetRootPlayable(index); if (rootPlayable.IsValid <Playable>()) { rootPlayable.SetSpeed <Playable>((double)info.effectiveSpeed); for (int i = 0; i < rootPlayable.GetInputCount(); i++) { rootPlayable.SetInputWeight(i, info.effectiveWeight); } } } } this.m_Time = playable.GetTime <Playable>(); this.UpdateTime(playable); }
public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData) { var target = playerData as Transform; if (target == null) { return; } var t = (float)playable.GetTime() * frequency; var w = info.weight / 0.75f; // normalized weight var np = math.float3( Fbm(_positionOffset.x, t, octaves), Fbm(_positionOffset.y, t, octaves), Fbm(_positionOffset.z, t, octaves) ); var nr = math.float3( Fbm(_rotationOffset.x, t, octaves), Fbm(_rotationOffset.y, t, octaves), Fbm(_rotationOffset.z, t, octaves) ); np = np * positionAmount * w; nr = nr * rotationAmount * w; target.localPosition += (Vector3)np; target.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(nr) * target.localRotation; }
/// <summary> /// Update the animation/FSM state for the player. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The player character.</param> /// <param name="driver">The state driver for the target state.</param> /// <param name="playable">The playable associated with this clip.</param> /// <param name="pose">Information about the player's pose.</param> private void UpdateState(PlayerCharacter player, StateDriver driver, Playable playable, PoseInfo pose) { if (driver == null) { return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) { #endif if (!driver.IsInState(player.FSM)) { driver.ForceStateChangeOn(player.FSM); } #if UNITY_EDITOR } else { // In-Editor we don't want to actually change the Finite State Machine, // so just play the appropriate animation. float totalTrackTime = (float)playable.GetTime(); float currentTimeInClip = totalTrackTime - pose.StartTime; driver.SampleClip(player.FSM, currentTimeInClip); } #endif }
public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { // The playable graph can sometimes evaluate outside of our control, due to the way the Timeline Window // takes control of playback, so we check if this is a manual evaluation from RecordedSessionDirector if (m_VideoPlayer == null || !m_VideoPlayer.isPrepared || !m_SessionDirector.IsEvaluating || m_SessionDirector.IsSyncing) { return; } var time = playable.GetTime(); if (time >= m_VideoLength) { m_VideoPlayer.time = m_VideoLength; return; } var videoTime = time; m_VideoPlayer.externalReferenceTime = videoTime; if (!m_VideoPlayer.isPlaying) { m_VideoPlayer.time = videoTime; if (playable.GetGraph().IsPlaying()) { m_VideoPlayer.Play(); } } }
public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info) { var current = (float)playable.GetTime(); // Playback or scrubbing? if (info.evaluationType == FrameData.EvaluationType.Playback) { // Trigger signals between the prrevious/current time. TriggerSignals(playable, info.output, _previousTime, current); } else { // Maximum allowable time difference for scrubbing const float maxDiff = 0.1f; // If the time is increasing and the difference is smaller // than maxDiff, it's being scrubbed. if (current - _previousTime < maxDiff) { // Trigger the signals as usual. TriggerSignals(playable, info.output, _previousTime, current); } else { // It's jumping not scrubbed, so trigger signals laying // around the current frame. var t0 = Mathf.Max(0, current - maxDiff); TriggerSignals(playable, info.output, t0, current); } } _previousTime = current; }