예제 #1
 public void ThrusterDown()
     PlayOneShot.PlayShot("ThrusterDown", 1.0f, 1.0f, 200, 100, transform, transform.position, GetComponent <ShipSimulator>().settings.audioEngineStartup);
     visualLightItensity = 5.0f;
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the gravity and hovering for the ship.
    /// </summary>
    public void Gravity()
        // Reset gravity/magstrip
        bShipIsGrounded   = false;
        bShipIsOnMagStrip = false;

        // Increase the rideheight slightly (keeps the ship at the actual wanted height)
        float rideHeight = GlobalSettings.shipRideHeight * 1.2f;

        // Pitching
        if (controller.inputPitch != 0)
            shipPitchAmount = Mathf.Lerp(shipPitchAmount, controller.inputPitch * GlobalSettings.shipPitchGroundAmount, Time.deltaTime * GlobalSettings.shipPitchDamping);
            shipPitchAmount = Mathf.Lerp(shipPitchAmount, 0.0f, Time.deltaTime * GlobalSettings.shipPitchDamping);
        shipBody.AddTorque(transform.right * (shipPitchAmount * 10));

        // Get the current class and set the gravity multipliers
        float gravityMul = 0;
        float trackGrav  = 0;
        float flightGrav = 0;

        switch (eventSpeedClass)
        case GlobalSettings.SpeedClasses.D:
            // Gravity Multiplier
            gravityMul = GlobalSettings.airGravityMulD;
            // Track Gravity
            trackGrav = GlobalSettings.shipTrackGravityD;
            // Flight Gravity
            flightGrav = GlobalSettings.shipFlightGravityD;

        case GlobalSettings.SpeedClasses.C:
            // Gravity Multiplier
            gravityMul = GlobalSettings.airGravityMulC;
            // Track Gravity
            trackGrav = GlobalSettings.shipTrackGravityC;
            // Flight Gravity
            flightGrav = GlobalSettings.shipFlightGravityC;

        case GlobalSettings.SpeedClasses.B:
            // Gravity Multiplier
            gravityMul = GlobalSettings.airGravityMulB;
            // Track Gravity
            trackGrav = GlobalSettings.shipTrackGravityB;
            // Flight Gravity
            flightGrav = GlobalSettings.shipFlightGravityB;

        case GlobalSettings.SpeedClasses.A:
            // Gravity Multiplier
            gravityMul = GlobalSettings.airGravityMulA;
            // Track Gravity
            trackGrav = GlobalSettings.shipTrackGravityA;
            // Flight Gravity
            flightGrav = GlobalSettings.shipFlightGravityA;

        case GlobalSettings.SpeedClasses.AP:
            // Gravity Multiplier
            gravityMul = GlobalSettings.airGravityMulAP;
            // Track Gravity
            trackGrav = GlobalSettings.shipTrackGravityAP;
            // Flight Gravity
            flightGrav = GlobalSettings.shipFlightGravityAP;

        case GlobalSettings.SpeedClasses.APP:
            // Gravity Multiplier
            gravityMul = GlobalSettings.airGravityMulAPP;
            // Track Gravity
            trackGrav = GlobalSettings.shipTrackGravityAPP;
            // Flight Gravity
            flightGrav = GlobalSettings.shipFlightGravityAPP;

        // Create hover points list
        List <Vector3> hoverPoints = new List <Vector3>();
        // Get a slightly smaller area of the ship size
        Vector2 hoverArea = new Vector2(settings.physColliderSize.x / 2, settings.physColliderSize.z / 2.05f);

        // Add hover points
        hoverPoints.Add(transform.TransformPoint(-hoverArea.x, Mathf.Clamp(shipPitchAmount, 0.0f, 0.5f), hoverArea.y));   // Front Left
        hoverPoints.Add(transform.TransformPoint(hoverArea.x, Mathf.Clamp(shipPitchAmount, 0.0f, 0.5f), hoverArea.y));    // Front Right
        hoverPoints.Add(transform.TransformPoint(hoverArea.x, Mathf.Clamp(-shipPitchAmount, 0.0f, 0.7f), -hoverArea.y));  // Back Right
        hoverPoints.Add(transform.TransformPoint(-hoverArea.x, Mathf.Clamp(-shipPitchAmount, 0.0f, 0.7f), -hoverArea.y)); // Back Left

        // Run through each hover point and apply hover forces if needed
        for (int i = 0; i < hoverPoints.Count; i++)
            // Bitshift track floor and mag lock layers into a new integer for the ship to only check for those two collision layers
            int trackFloorMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("TrackFloor") | 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Maglock");
            // Create raycasthit to store hit data into
            RaycastHit hoverHit;
            // Raycast down for track
            if (Physics.Raycast(hoverPoints[i], -transform.up, out hoverHit, rideHeight, trackFloorMask))
                // Get the distance to the ground
                float dist = hoverHit.distance;

                // Normalize the distance into a compression ratio
                float compressionRatio = ((dist / rideHeight) - 1) * -1;

                // Get the velocity at the hover point
                Vector3 hoverVel = shipBody.GetPointVelocity(hoverPoints[i]);

                // Project the velocity onto the ships up vector
                Vector3 projForce = Vector3.Project(hoverVel, transform.up);

                // Check to see if the ship is on a magstrip
                if (hoverHit.collider.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Maglock"))
                    bShipIsOnMagStrip = true;

                /* Calculate force needed to push ship away from track */
                // Set a force multiplier
                float forceMult = 5;
                // Calcaulate a ratio to multiply the compression ratio by (drasticly increases the hover force as it gets closer to the track)
                float forceRatio = ((dist / 2) / (rideHeight / 2) - 1) * -forceMult;
                // Clamp the ratio
                forceRatio = Mathf.Clamp(forceRatio, 2.0f, 10.0f);
                // Create the new force
                float force = 200.0f * (compressionRatio * forceRatio);

                /* Calculate damping amount to bring the ship to rest quicker */
                // Set a damping multiplier
                float dampMult = 6.5f;
                // Calculate a ratio to multiply the compression ratio by
                float dampRatio = ((dist / 2) / (rideHeight / 2) - 1) * -dampMult;
                // Clamp the ratio
                dampRatio = Mathf.Clamp(dampRatio, 1.0f, 5.5f);
                // Clamp the compression ratio, min being the base damp amount
                float clampedCR = Mathf.Clamp(compressionRatio, 0.5f, 1.0f);

                // Get the landing rebound to dampen forces straight after a long fall (stops the ship rebounding high off the track)
                float reboundDamper = Mathf.Clamp(shipReboundLand * 15, 1.0f, Mathf.Infinity);
                // Create the new damping force
                float damping = (1 * (clampedCR * dampRatio) * reboundDamper);

                // If the ship is over a magstrip then we want the ship to act a bit differently
                if (bShipIsOnMagStrip)
                    // Calculate how strong the magstrip is based on the ships current angular velocity and speed
                    float magStrength = Mathf.Abs(transform.InverseTransformDirection(shipBody.angularVelocity).x *Time.deltaTime)
                                        * Mathf.Abs(transform.InverseTransformDirection(shipBody.velocity).z *Time.deltaTime);
                    // Multiply the strength as the above calculate will result in a terrible lock strength
                    magStrength *= 1000;
                    // Clamp the strength so it can't be too strong
                    magStrength = Mathf.Clamp(magStrength, 0.0f, (transform.InverseTransformDirection(shipBody.velocity).z *Time.deltaTime) * 3.8f);

                    // Set new force and damping multipliers
                    force   = (trackGrav * (5.0f + magStrength));
                    damping = 2f;

                    // Apply the magstrip lock force
                    shipBody.AddForceAtPosition(-transform.up * (trackGrav * (magStrength * 4.0f)), hoverPoints[i], ForceMode.Acceleration);

                // Calculate the suspension force
                Vector3 suspensionForce = transform.up * compressionRatio * force;

                // Now apply damping
                Vector3 dampedForce = suspensionForce - (projForce * damping);

                // Finally, apply the force
                shipBody.AddForceAtPosition(dampedForce, hoverPoints[i], ForceMode.Acceleration);

                // Set the grounded boolean to true
                bShipIsGrounded = true;

                // Debug line
                if (bDebugVisualizeHovering)
                    Debug.DrawLine(hoverPoints[i], hoverHit.point);

                // Force feedback
                if (dist < rideHeight * 0.6f)
                    vibrationManager.vibLeftMotor  = 0.3f;
                    vibrationManager.vibRightMotor = 0.3f;
                    vibrationManager.timerMotor    = 1.1f;

        /* If the ship is grounded then we also want to have the ship be pulled down by gravity
         * We want to do another raycast for the trackfloor layer only from the centre of the ship
         * then calculate everything from that.
         * Don't worry, we are only casting for one layer over a short distance, this isn't very
         * expensive to do. */
        // Create raycasthit to store hit data into
        RaycastHit centreHit;

        // Raycast down
        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -transform.up, out centreHit, rideHeight, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("TrackFloor")))
            // Use a dot product to find out how much we need to rotate the ship to get it to face down
            Vector3 trackRot = transform.forward - (Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, centreHit.normal) * centreHit.normal);
            // Use the track rotation to calculate how much we are going to rotate the ship
            float rotAmount = (trackRot.x * trackRot.z) * (Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Abs(trackRot.y), 0.0f, 0.1f) * 10);
            // Increase the rotation amount as the ship speeds up
            float rotForce = 20 + (transform.InverseTransformDirection(shipBody.velocity).z *Time.deltaTime) * 1.2f;
            // Apply the rotation
            transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * (rotAmount * Time.deltaTime) * rotForce);

            // Apply gravity force
            shipBody.AddForce(new Vector3(centreHit.normal.x, 0, centreHit.normal.z) * (Mathf.Abs(trackRot.x)) * 22);

        /* We also want to check for pads on the track. We'll do exactly the same as above to do this.
         * Also we can recycle the centrehit variable! */
        // Bitshift pads into integer
        int padMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("SpeedPad") | 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("WeaponPad");

        // Raycast down
        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -transform.up, out centreHit, rideHeight + 2, padMask))
            // If the ship hits a speed pad then apply the appropiate force
            if (centreHit.collider.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("SpeedPad"))
                // Get the pad's forward direction
                speedPadDirection = centreHit.collider.gameObject.transform.right * GlobalSettings.speedPadAmount;
                // Set the ships boost timer
                shipBoostTimer = GlobalSettings.speedPadTime;
                // Set boosting to true
                bShipIsBoosting = true;

                // If we havn't hit this pad already, play the boost sound
                if (!bShipHitPad)
                    bShipHitPad = true;

                    // Get sound to play
                    AudioClip boostSFX = Resources.Load("Audio/Ships/BoostSpeedPad") as AudioClip;

                    // Play the sound
                    PlayOneShot.PlayShot("BoostSFX", 1.0f, 1.0f, 50.0f, 500.0f, transform, transform.position, boostSFX);
            // We are not hitting a pad, set the hitting pad boolean to false
            bShipHitPad = false;

        // If the boost timer is over zero then we want to decrease it and apply any boost the ship has
        if (shipBoostTimer > 0)
            // Decrease timer
            shipBoostTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            // Apply pad boost
            shipBody.AddForce(speedPadDirection, ForceMode.Acceleration);
            // Make sure that the pad hit boolean is no longer true
            bShipHitPad = false;

            // Override boost if the ship has boost power from a barrel rol
            if (shipBRBoostTimer > 0)
                bShipIsBoosting = true;
                // Apply the barrel roll boost
                shipBody.AddForce(transform.forward * settings.engineTurbo, ForceMode.Acceleration);
                // Otherwise the boosting is set to false
                bShipIsBoosting = false;

        // Allow the turbo pickup to override the boost
        if (bShipBoostingOverride)
            bShipIsBoosting = true;

        // Boosting Force Feedback
        if (bShipIsBoosting)
            vibrationManager.timerMotor    = 1.1f;
            vibrationManager.vibLeftMotor  = 0.4f;
            vibrationManager.vibRightMotor = 0.4f;

        /* And finally we want to apply gravity, we want to swap out the gravity between two different variables
         * which allows the ship to feel much lighter on the track, this also makes the hovering feel much better too */
        // Check to see if the ship is grounded
        if (bShipIsGrounded)
            // If the ship is on a magstrip then the gravity wants to be heavier
            if (bShipIsOnMagStrip)
                // Set gravity
                shipGravityForce = -transform.up * (trackGrav * 5);
                // Set gravity
                shipGravityForce = -transform.up * trackGrav;

            // Set the rebound jump time so the stick force is always maxed when the ship enters flight
            shipReboundJump = settings.agReboundJumpTime;

            // Decrease the rebound land
            shipReboundLand -= Time.deltaTime;
            // Set the gravity
            shipGravityForce = Vector3.down * (flightGrav * gravityMul);

            // Decrease the jump
            shipReboundJump -= Time.deltaTime;
            // Apply the stick force
            if (shipReboundJump > 0)
                // Apply the force to keep the ship grounded
                shipBody.AddForce(Vector3.down * ((10 * GlobalSettings.shipNormalGravity) * settings.agRebound), ForceMode.Acceleration);

            // Set rebound to zero if it has gone under zero
            if (shipReboundLand < 0)
                shipReboundLand = 0;

            // Increase the rebound land
            shipReboundLand += Time.deltaTime;
            // Clamp the rebound land
            if (shipReboundLand > settings.agReboundLanding)
                shipReboundLand = settings.agReboundLanding;

            // Slowly rotate the ship forward
            transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * 0.05f);

        // And finally, apply the gravity
        shipBody.AddForce(shipGravityForce, ForceMode.Acceleration);
예제 #3
 public void ThrusterUp()
     PlayOneShot.PlayShot("ThrusterRelease", 1.0f, 1.0f, 200, 100, transform, transform.position, GetComponent <ShipSimulator>().settings.audioEngineCooler);