void Awake() { if (gameObject.tag == "Player") { GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().moveSpeed = moveSpeed; enemyLayers = LayerMask.GetMask("enemies"); GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>().currentHost = "Worm"; } else { enemyLayers = LayerMask.GetMask("Player"); } transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); pa = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); sr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); am = GetComponent <Animator>(); //Set the player animations/sprites to the current host creature pa.idleLeft = idleLeft; pa.idleRight = idleRight; pa.walkLeft = walkLeft; pa.walkRight = walkRight; pa.walkUp = walkUp; pa.walkDown = walkDown; pa.death = death; }
void Awake() { if (gameObject.tag == "Player") { GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().moveSpeed = moveSpeed; //Due to the sprite scaling when you change from a human to a ghost the capsule collider is too large to move horizontally though 1 unit tall corridors GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>().size = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.2f); isPlayer = true; GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>().currentHost = "Ghost"; } isPhasing = false; sr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); transform.localScale = new Vector3(3.5f, 3.5f, 0); //Set the player animations/sprites to the current host creature pa = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); pa.idleLeft = idleLeft; pa.idleRight = idleRight; pa.walkLeft = walkLeft; pa.walkRight = walkRight; pa.walkUp = walkUp; pa.walkDown = walkDown; pa.death = death; }
void Start() { SR = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); an = GetComponent <Animator>(); pa = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); shaker = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Shaker>(); equippedWeaponName = "Short Sword"; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { clickedobject = this.GetComponent <Clicked> (); gl = GameObject.Find("ScriptGlobal").GetComponent <Global> (); pa = this.GetComponent <PlayAnimations> (); ins = this.GetComponent <InventorySystem> (); zio = this.GetComponent <ZoomInOut> (); dt = this.GetComponent <DragTurn> (); if (go == null) { go = this.gameObject; } }
void Awake() { sr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); //Set the player animations/sprites to the current host creature pa = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); pa.idleLeft = idleLeft; pa.idleRight = idleRight; pa.walkLeft = walkLeft; pa.walkRight = walkRight; pa.walkUp = walkUp; pa.walkDown = walkDown; pa.death = death; }
void Start() { gameManager.currentHost = "Human"; rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); playerAnim = GetComponent <Animator>(); shaker = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Shaker>(); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); audioManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>(); //This is the current set up i'm using for the weapons, needs improvement GameObject swordLoad = Instantiate( Resources.Load("SwordAim"), new Vector2(transform.position.x - 0.04f, transform.position.y + 0.05f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; swordLoad.transform.parent = transform;; swordLoad.name = "SwordAim"; swordAim = gameObject.transform.Find("SwordAim").gameObject; sword = swordAim.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; swordAim.SetActive(true); swordAnim = sword.GetComponent <Animator>(); transform.localScale = new Vector3(2.5f, 2.5f, 0); GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().moveSpeed = moveSpeed; //Set the player animations/sprites to the current host creature pa = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); pa.idleLeft = idleLeft; pa.idleRight = idleRight; pa.walkLeft = walkLeft; pa.walkRight = walkRight; pa.walkUp = walkUp; pa.walkDown = walkDown; pa.death = death; pa.attackLeft = attackLeft; pa.attackRight = attackRight; pa.attackUp = attackUp; pa.attackDown = attackDown; }
private void Start() { _playAnimations = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); }
private void Awake() { weapons = new List <Weapon>(); ShipInit = GetComponent <ShipInit>(); playAnimations = GetComponent <PlayAnimations>(); }