IEnumerator ShowingAds() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); Debug.LogError("showing=" + UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.isShowing); while (UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.isShowing) { yield return(null); } PlayAdsState playAdResult = GameDataManager.unityAdsResult; if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.NOTENOUGHTIME) { dialogBox.Show("Info", "Please wait...", false, "", this.gameObject); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.SKIPPED) { dialogBox.Show("Info", "Skipping ads will not give you any GemuGold.", false, "", this.gameObject); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.FINISHED) { GiveCoinToUserAfterWatchingAds(); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.FAILED) { dialogBox.Show("Info", "Failed playing ads", false, "", this.gameObject); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.NOTREADY) { dialogBox.Show("Info", "Ad is not ready", false, "", this.gameObject); } }
IEnumerator ShowingAds() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); Debug.LogError("showing=" + UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.isShowing); while (UnityEngine.Advertisements.Advertisement.isShowing) { yield return(null); } PlayAdsState playAdResult = GameDataManager.unityAdsResult; if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.NOTENOUGHTIME) { //GemuDialogBoxController.GetInstance ().Show ("Info", "Please wait...", false, "", this.gameObject); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.SKIPPED) { //GemuDialogBoxController.GetInstance ().Show ("Info", "Skipping ads will not give you any coin.", false, "", this.gameObject); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.FINISHED) { /* * int jmlCoinsNow = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(PlayerPrefHandler.keyCoin); * jmlCoinsNow += 5; * PlayerPrefs.SetInt(PlayerPrefHandler.keyCoin, jmlCoinsNow); * * CoinTimerHandler.instance.countCoin = jmlCoinsNow; * * GameDataManager.instance.SendPlayResult( * GameDataManager.GEMU_APP_ID,"0", * jmlCoinsNow.ToString(), * "0", * "1"); * * GemuDialogBoxController.GetInstance ().Show ("Info", "You got 5 coins.", false, "", this.gameObject); */ } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.FAILED) { //GemuDialogBoxController.GetInstance ().Show ("Info", "Failed playing ads", false, "", this.gameObject); } else if (playAdResult == PlayAdsState.NOTREADY) { //GemuDialogBoxController.GetInstance ().Show ("Info", "Ad is not ready", false, "", this.gameObject); } bWatchedAds = true; continue_game(); }
public static bool PlayUnityVideoAd() { Debug.LogError("[GameDataManager] PlayUnityVideoAd"); unityAdsResult = PlayAdsState.NOTREADY; // check timer //int iDiff = GetTimerToWatchAds (); //if ( iDiff > TIMER_TO_WATCH_ADS ) // TODO : Set the value using static var //{ // user can now watch the ad string adName = ""; string adString = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("UnityAds" + adName); if (Advertisement.IsReady (adString)) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("timerads",GameManager.getEpochTime()); ShowOptions options = new ShowOptions(); //options.resultCallback = HandleShowResult; Advertisement.Show(adString, options); Debug.LogError("show"); return true; } else { Debug.LogError("not ready"); } //} //else //{ // Debug.LogError("not enough time"); // user must wait // unityAdsResult = PlayAdsState.NOTENOUGHTIME; // return false; //} return false; }