public void Awake() { colHandler = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Platform_CollisionHandler>(); inputController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Platform_Input_Controller>(); this.rb = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); this.myTrans = gameObject.transform; this.hp = this.lvl * this.baseHP; = this.lvl * this.baseMp; this.mhp = this.hp; this.mmp =; this.initPos = gameObject.transform.position; if ( == null) { = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraTracking>(); } }
public void RunBuffPragma(Type disType, bool is2D, GameObject disObj) { Rigidbody obj = null; Rigidbody2D obj2 = null; if (is2D == false) { obj = disObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (disType == Type.speedChange) { obj.AddForce(new Vector3(valChange1 * 1.5f, 0, 0), ForceMode.Impulse); } else if (disType == Type.cannon) { //Debug.Log("god script here"); Platform_CollisionHandler player = obj.GetComponent <Platform_CollisionHandler>(); if (Time.time >= player.LastCannonAt + player.timeBetweenCanon && player.LastCannonAt != 0 || bkwrdTarget == null) { player.rb.velocity =; player.isLastCannon = false; player.player.canMove = false; player.player.sidSpd = 0; obj.transform.position = this.transform.position; } if (player != null) { if (obj.isKinematic == false && Time.time >= player.LastCannonAt + player.timeBetweenCanon) { // obj2.gravityScale = 0; obj.isKinematic = true; obj.velocity =; // Debug.Log("here1"); obj.transform.position = this.transform.position; } else if (obj.isKinematic == true) { bool isLAstCannon = false; obj.velocity =; if (Time.time >= player.LastCannonAt + player.timeBetweenCanon) { // obj2.transform.position = targetobj2.transform.position; player.LastCannonAt = Time.time; // Debug.Log("here2"); //if last cannon == target objet shoot playerCollisionHandler to go back object if (bkwrdTarget == null)//if in first cannon bkwrd target is false so go forward { Debug.Log("here3"); if (player.cannonBackward == true)//if going backwards check if youve exited and entered first cannon { isLAstCannon = true; if (player.lastCannon[1] == this.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject) { isLAstCannon = false; player.cannonBackward = false;//jumped back into first cannon fo forward realTarget = fwdTarget; } } //if you arent going backwards its because you just entered it. else //else just move forward { realTarget = fwdTarget; player.cannonBackward = false; } } else if (player.lastCannon[1] == this.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject) { Debug.Log("here5"); realTarget = bkwrdTarget; player.cannonBackward = true; } else if (fwdTarget == null)//if in last connon go backward to beginning { // realTarget = bkwrdTarget; Debug.Log("here4"); isLAstCannon = true; realTarget = bkwrdTarget; player.cannonBackward = true; }//change of direction else if (player.lastCannon[1] == fwdTarget)//if going backwards go backwards til end { Debug.Log("here6"); realTarget = bkwrdTarget; player.cannonBackward = true; } else if (fwdTarget != null)//if going forward keep going forward til end { Debug.Log("here7"); realTarget = fwdTarget; player.cannonBackward = false; } if (isLAstCannon == false || (bkwrdTarget != null && player.cannonBackward == false)) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { Debug.Log("here8" + realTarget); Ray targetPoint = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(realTarget.transform.position); Vector3 direction =; Vector3 pos = targetPoint.GetPoint(0); direction = realTarget.transform.position - this.transform.position; float sqrLen = direction.sqrMagnitude; Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pos - realTarget.transform.position); // Smoothly rotate towards the target point. // this.transform.rotation = targetRotation; obj.isKinematic = false; player.lastCannon[0] = player.lastCannon[1]; player.lastCannon[1] = this.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject; obj.AddForce(new Vector3(direction.x, direction.y + 2, 0) * valChange1, ForceMode.Impulse); player.player.dblJumped = true; } } else { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { Debug.Log("Yoo"); // Debug.Log("bug"); obj.isKinematic = false; //obj2.gravityScale = 0; float xDis = 0; if (inverted) { xDis = -valChange2; } else { xDis = valChange2; } //Debug.Log("bug " + xDis); player.player.canMove = true; obj.AddForce(new Vector3(0, xDis, 0), ForceMode.Impulse); player.isLastCannon = true; player.player.dblJumped = false; player.LastCannonAt = Time.time; player.lastCannon[0] = player.lastCannon[1]; player.lastCannon[1] = this.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject; } } } } } else { Debug.Log("seems like a computer landed in a cannon what sould I do?!"); } } } }