예제 #1
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking with new literals for the initial state
    // and for the goal state.
    public void ExpandProblem(List <IPredicate> newInitLiterals, List <IPredicate> newGoalLiterals)
        // Add each init literal to the initial state.
        foreach (IPredicate literal in newInitLiterals)
            // Update the current world state.
            this.state = this.state.AddLiteralToState(literal);

            // Update the initial state.
            this.problem.Initial = this.state.Predicates;

        // Add each goal literal to the goal state.
        foreach (IPredicate literal in newGoalLiterals)
            if (!this.problem.Goal.Contains(literal))

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");
예제 #2
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking by adding the first goal literal
    // and removing the second.
    public void ExpandInitialStateAndSwapProblemGoalLiteral(IPredicate newInitLiteral,
                                                            IPredicate newGoalLiteral,
                                                            IPredicate goalLiteralToRemove)
        // Update the goal literals accordingly.
        if (this.problem.Goal.Contains(goalLiteralToRemove))

        if (!this.problem.Goal.Contains(newGoalLiteral))

        // Update the initial literal
        this.state           = this.state.AddLiteralToState(newInitLiteral);
        this.problem.Initial = this.state.Predicates;

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");
예제 #3
 protected override void UpdatePlan()
     if (incoming != null)
         if (incoming.ActionType.Equals(ActionType.Exceptional))
             Superposition super = state as Superposition;
             foreach (State current in super.States)
                 plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Planner.FastDownward, domain, GetProblem(current));
                 if (plan.Steps.Count > 0)
         else if (incoming.ActionType.Equals(ActionType.Constituent))
             plan = plan.GetPlanUpdate(problem, incoming.Action as Operator);
         Superposition super = state as Superposition;
         foreach (State current in super.States)
             plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Planner.FastDownward, domain, GetProblem(current));
             if (plan.Steps.Count > 0)
예제 #4
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking by removing the given literal from the problem's goal state.
    public void ContractGoalState(IPredicate goalLiteralToRemove)
        // Update the goal literals accordingly.
        if (this.problem.Goal.Contains(goalLiteralToRemove))

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");
예제 #5
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking by adding the given literal to the problem's goal state.
    public void ExpandGoalState(IPredicate newGoalStateLiteral)
        // Add the literal to the goal state.
        if (!this.problem.Goal.Contains(newGoalStateLiteral))

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");
예제 #6
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking by adding the given literal to the problem's init state.
    public void ExpandInitialState(IPredicate newInitLiteral)
        // Update the current world state.
        this.state = this.state.AddLiteralToState(newInitLiteral);

        // Update the initial state.
        this.problem.Initial = this.state.Predicates;

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a planner, a mediation tree node, and a mediation tree, return an event revision plan and state to set for the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planner">The planner to use.</param>
        /// <param name="node">The current node in the mediation tree.</param>
        /// <param name="tree">The mediation tree.</param>
        /// <returns>A plan state pair for the current node.</returns>
        public static void EventRevision(Planner planner, MediationTreeNode node, MediationTree tree)
            // Compute the event revision problem and domain for the current node.
            Tuple <Domain, Problem> pair = GetEventRevisionPair(node, tree);

            // Use the planner to find an event revision plan.
            Plan plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, pair.First, pair.Second);

            if (plan.Steps.Count > 0)
                Tuple <Plan, State> planState = GetPlanStatePair(plan, node, tree);
                node.Plan            = planState.First;
                node.State           = planState.Second;
                node.Problem.Initial = node.State.Predicates;
예제 #8
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking by removing the first literal and adding the second
    // literal from/to the problem's initial state.
    public void SwapProblemInitialStateLiterals(IPredicate initLiteralToRemove, IPredicate initLiteralToAdd)
        // Remove the first literal.
        this.state = this.state.RemoveLiteralFromState(initLiteralToRemove);

        // Add the second literal.
        this.state = this.state.AddLiteralToState(initLiteralToAdd);

        // Update the initial state.
        this.problem.Initial = this.state.Predicates;

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");
예제 #9
 protected virtual void UpdatePlan()
     if (incoming != null)
         if (incoming.ActionType.Equals(ActionType.Exceptional))
             plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Planner.FastDownward, domain, problem);
         else if (incoming.ActionType.Equals(ActionType.Constituent))
             plan = plan.GetPlanUpdate(problem, incoming.Action as Operator);
         plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Planner.FastDownward, domain, problem);
예제 #10
    // Updates the planning problem this mediator is tracking with two new literals,
    // one new literal for the initial state and one for the goal state.
    public void ExpandProblem(IPredicate newInitLiteral, IPredicate newGoalLiteral)
        // Update the current world state.
        this.state = this.state.AddLiteralToState(newInitLiteral);

        // Update the initial state.
        this.problem.Initial = this.state.Predicates;

        // Update the goal state.

        // Force the system to come up with a new plan that includes all new information.
        this.plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Mediation.Enums.Planner.SIWthenBFS, this.domain, this.problem);

        // Trigger a no-op for the player to give the system the first chance to respond.
        PlayerUpdate("(donothing " + this.problem.Player + ")");

        // FIXME: The above "no-op" action should be encoded as part of the system's internals,
        // but it is currently dependent on the planning domain file.
예제 #11
        public static void DomainRevision(Planner planner, MediationTreeNode node, MediationTree tree)
            // Store the incoming action.
            Operator incoming = node.Incoming.Action as Operator;

            // Create a new plan object.
            Plan newPlan = new Plan();

            List <Tuple <Operator, State> > knowledge = EventRevisor.GetWorldKnowledge(tree.Player, node, tree);

            knowledge.RemoveAt(knowledge.Count - 1);
            List <Operator> observedActions = new List <Operator>();

            foreach (Tuple <Operator, State> pair in knowledge)
                if (pair.First != null)
                    if (pair.First.Name.Equals(incoming.Name))

            // Examine each exceptional effect.
            foreach (Predicate effect in incoming.ExceptionalEffects)
                // Create a new domain object.
                Domain newDomain = node.Domain.Clone() as Domain;
                newDomain.Operators = new List <IOperator>();

                // If the current effect is conditional...
                if (incoming.IsConditional(effect))
                    bool observed = false;

                    // If the conditional effect has not been observed by the player.
                    foreach (Operator action in observedActions)
                        if (!observed)
                            foreach (IAxiom conditional in action.Conditionals)
                                if (conditional.Effects.Contains(effect) && !observed)
                                    observed = true;

                    // Remove the conditional effect from the domain.

                    if (!observed)
                        // Copy the current operator templates into a list.
                        List <IOperator> templates = new List <IOperator>();
                        foreach (IOperator templ in node.Domain.Operators)
                            templates.Add(templ.Clone() as IOperator);

                        // Create a clone of the incoming action's unbound operator template.
                        IOperator temp = incoming.Template() as Operator;

                        // Find the incoming action template in the domain list.
                        Operator template = templates.Find(t => t.Equals(temp)) as Operator;

                        // Remove the incoming action template from the domain list.

                        // Create a clone of the incoming action.
                        Operator clone = incoming.Clone() as Operator;

                        // Create a list of conditional effects to remove from the template.
                        List <IAxiom> remove = new List <IAxiom>();
                        foreach (IAxiom conditional in clone.Conditionals)
                            if (conditional.Effects.Contains(effect))

                        // Remove each conditional effect from the template.
                        foreach (IAxiom rem in remove)
                            template.Conditionals.Remove(rem.Template() as IAxiom);

                        // Add the modified template to the domain list.

                        // Push the modified list to the new domain object.
                        newDomain.Operators = templates;

                        // Clone the modified incoming action template.
                        Operator newAction = template.Clone() as Operator;

                        // Bind the cloned action with the incoming action's bindings.
                        newAction.Bindings = incoming.Bindings;

                        MediationTreeEdge newEdge = new MediationTreeEdge(newAction, ActionType.Exceptional, node.Incoming.Parent, node.ID);

                        Problem newProblem = node.Problem.Clone() as Problem;
                        newProblem.Initial = tree.GetSuccessorState(newEdge).Predicates;

                        // Find a new plan.
                        newPlan = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, newDomain, newProblem);

                        // If the modified domain can accommodate the player's action...
                        if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                            node.Plan            = newPlan;
                            node.Incoming.Action = newAction;
                            node.State           = tree.GetSuccessorState(node.Incoming);
                            node.Domain          = newDomain;
예제 #12
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start( )
        // Set the path to the top directory.
        Parser.path = Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName + "/";

        // Parse the domain and problem files, and get the initial plan.
        domain  = Parser.GetDomain(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks/" + domainName + @"/domain.pddl", PlanType.StateSpace);
        problem = Parser.GetProblem(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks/" + domainName + "/" + problemName + ".pddl");
        plan    = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, domain, problem);

        // A test for the planner.
        if (plan.Steps.Count > 0)
            Debug.Log("System loaded.");
            Debug.Log("System not working or no plan exists.");

        state      = plan.GetFirstState();                             // Find the first state.
        validState = true;                                             // Initialize the valid state.

        GameObject level = GameObject.Find("Level");                   // Find the level game object.

        stateManager            = level.GetComponent <StateManager>(); // Set the state manager.
        stateManager.Problem    = problem;
        stateManager.Predicates = state.Predicates;                    // Set the state manager's predicates.

        generator = level.GetComponent <MapManager>();                 // Set the level generator.
        generator.CreateLevel();                                       // Generate the level.

        // Create the initial node of mediation.
        root           = StateSpaceMediator.BuildTree(planner, domain, problem, plan, state, 0);
        frontier       = new Hashtable();            // Initialize the frontier.
        frontierThread = new Thread(ExpandFrontier); // Expand the frontier in a new thread.
        frontierThread.Start();                      // Start the thread.

        // Initialize the player's environment model and action log.
        playerEnvironmentModel = new EnvironmentModel(stateManager.PlayerName, domain, problem);
        actionLog = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();

        // Initialize the player log with a decent size.
        playerLog = new Queue <IOperator>(3 * plan.Steps.Count);

        #region Initialize the Experiment

        // Generate the participant's ID
        participantIDGenerator = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

        byte[] idBytes = new byte[4];
        participantID = BitConverter.ToInt32(idBytes, 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("participantID", participantID);

        // Compute and create the participant's output folder.
        participantFolder = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks/" + domain.Name.ToLower() +
                            @"/output/" + participantID + @"/";


        playerTurnCounter = 0;


        // Start the wizard conversation.
예제 #13
        // Creates a child node.
        private static StateSpaceNode CreateChild(Planner planner, Domain domain, Problem problem, Plan plan, State state, StateSpaceEdge edge)
            // Create a new problem object.
            Problem newProblem = new Problem();

            // Create a new domain object.
            Domain newDomain = domain;

            // Create a new plan object.
            Plan newPlan = new Plan();

            // Store actions the system takes.
            List <IOperator> systemActions = new List <IOperator>();

            // If the outgoing action is an exceptional step...
            if (edge.ActionType == ActionType.Exceptional)
                // Count the exceptional edge.

                // Create a new problem object.
                newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                // Find a new plan.
                newPlan = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, newDomain, newProblem);

                // If the action was accommodated and the first step of the new plan isn't taken by the player...
                if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                    // Add the action to the system action list.
                    systemActions = GetSystemActions(newPlan, new List <string> {
                    }, new List <IOperator>());

                    // Update the problem object with the system's next move.
                    newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, newProblem, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()), systemActions);

                    // Update the plan with the system's next move.
                    newPlan = newPlan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);
                else if (CEDeletion)
                    // Try to find a domain revision alibi.
                    Tuple <Domain, Operator> alibi = ReviseDomain(planner, newDomain, problem, state, edge.Action as Operator);

                    // If domain revision worked.
                    if (alibi != null)
                        // Remember the new domain.
                        newDomain = alibi.First;

                        // Push the modified action to the edge object.
                        edge.Action = alibi.Second;

                        // Create a new problem object.
                        newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                        // Find a new plan.
                        newPlan = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, newDomain, newProblem);

                        // Add the action to the system action list.
                        systemActions = GetSystemActions(newPlan, new List <string> {
                        }, new List <IOperator>());

                        // Update the problem object with the system's next move.
                        newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, newProblem, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()), systemActions);

                        // Update the plan with the system's next move.
                        newPlan = newPlan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);
            // Otherwise, if the action is a consistent step...
            else if (edge.ActionType == ActionType.Consistent)
                // Count the consistent edge.

                // Create a new problem object.
                newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                // Add the action to the system action list.
                systemActions = GetSystemActions(plan, new List <string> {
                }, new List <IOperator>());

                // Create a new state.
                State newState = new State(newProblem.Initial, state.nextStep, (Operator)plan.Steps.First());

                // Create a new problem object.
                newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, newProblem, newState, systemActions);

                // Create a new plan.
                newPlan = plan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);
            // Otherwise, the action is a constituent step...
                // Count the constituent edge.

                // If there are effects of the constituent action...
                if (edge.Action.Effects.Count > 0)
                    // Create a new problem object.
                    newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                    // Create a new plan.
                    newPlan = plan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, edge.Action as Operator);
                // Otherwise, initialize to the old problem and plan...
                    newProblem = problem;
                    newPlan    = plan.Clone() as Plan;

                // If there are still plan actions...
                if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                    // Add the action to the system action list.
                    systemActions = GetSystemActions(newPlan, new List <string> {
                    }, new List <IOperator>());

                    // Update the problem object with the system's next move.
                    newProblem = NewProblem(newDomain, newProblem, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()), systemActions);

                    // Update the plan with the system's next move.
                    newPlan = newPlan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);

            // Add the system actions to the current edge.
            edge.SystemActions = systemActions;

            // Create an empty child node.
            StateSpaceNode child = null;

            // If there are remaining plan steps...
            if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                // Build a new tree using the first step of the plan as the next step.
                child = StateSpaceSearchTools.CreateNode(planner, newDomain, newProblem, newPlan, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()));
                // Terminate the tree by adding a goal node.
                child = StateSpaceSearchTools.CreateNode(planner, newDomain, newProblem, newPlan, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, newPlan.GoalStep));

            // Store the system actions.
            child.systemActions = systemActions;

            // Record the action that triggered the node's generation.
            child.incoming = edge;

예제 #14
        // Expand an edge.
        public static StateSpaceNode ExpandTree(Planner planner, Domain domain, Problem problem, Plan plan, State state, StateSpaceEdge edge, int depth)
            // Create a new problem object.
            Problem newProblem = new Problem();

            // Create a new plan object.
            Plan newPlan = new Plan();

            // Store actions the system takes.
            List <IOperator> systemActions = new List <IOperator>();

            // If the action is an exceptional step...
            if (edge.ActionType == ActionType.Exceptional)
                // Count the exceptional edge.

                // Create a new problem object.
                newProblem = NewProblem(domain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                // Find a new plan.
                newPlan = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, domain, newProblem);

                // If the action was accommodated and the first step of the new plan isn't taken by the player...
                if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                    // Add the action to the system action list.
                    systemActions = GetSystemActions(newPlan, new List <string> {
                    }, new List <IOperator>());

                    // Update the problem object with the system's next move.
                    newProblem = NewProblem(domain, newProblem, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()), systemActions);

                    // Update the plan with the system's next move.
                    newPlan = newPlan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);
                else if (CEDeletion)
                    StateSpaceNode alibi = GenerateAlibi(planner, domain, problem, plan, state, edge, depth);
                    if (alibi != null)
            // Otherwise, if the action is a consistent step...
            else if (edge.ActionType == ActionType.Consistent)
                // Count the consistent edge.

                // Create a new problem object.
                newProblem = NewProblem(domain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                // Add the action to the system action list.
                systemActions = GetSystemActions(plan, new List <string> {
                }, new List <IOperator>());

                // Create a new state.
                State newState = new State(newProblem.Initial, state.nextStep, (Operator)plan.Steps.First());

                // Create a new problem object.
                newProblem = NewProblem(domain, newProblem, newState, systemActions);

                // Create a new plan.
                newPlan = plan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);
            // Otherwise, the action is a constituent step...
                // Count the constituent edge.

                // If there are effects of the constituent action...
                if (edge.Action.Effects.Count > 0)
                    // Create a new problem object.
                    newProblem = NewProblem(domain, problem, state, edge.Action);

                    // Create a new plan.
                    newPlan = plan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, edge.Action as Operator);
                // Otherwise, initialize to the old problem and plan...
                    newProblem = problem;
                    newPlan    = plan.Clone() as Plan;

                // If there are still plan actions...
                if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                    // Add the action to the system action list.
                    systemActions = GetSystemActions(newPlan, new List <string> {
                    }, new List <IOperator>());

                    // Update the problem object with the system's next move.
                    newProblem = NewProblem(domain, newProblem, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()), systemActions);

                    // Update the plan with the system's next move.
                    newPlan = newPlan.GetPlanUpdate(newProblem, systemActions);

            // Add the system actions to the current edge.
            edge.SystemActions = systemActions;

            // Create an empty child node.
            StateSpaceNode child = null;

            // If there are remaining plan steps...
            if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                // Build a new tree using the first step of the plan as the next step.
                child = BuildTree(planner, domain, newProblem, newPlan, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, (Operator)newPlan.Steps.First()), depth - 1);
                // Terminate the tree by adding a goal node.
                child = BuildTree(planner, domain, newProblem, newPlan, new State(newProblem.Initial, newPlan.InitialStep, newPlan.GoalStep), depth - 1);

            // Store the system actions.
            child.systemActions = systemActions;

            // Record the action that triggered the node's generation.
            child.incoming = edge;

예제 #15
        // Revises a domain to remove any possible exceptional conditional effect.
        public static Tuple <Domain, Operator> ReviseDomain(Planner planner, Domain domain, Problem problem, State state, Operator incoming)
            // Create a new plan object.
            Plan newPlan = new Plan();

            // Examine each exceptional effect.
            foreach (Predicate effect in incoming.ExceptionalEffects)
                // Create a new domain object.
                Domain newDomain = new Domain();

                // Save the domain's name.
                newDomain.Name        = domain.Name;
                newDomain.staticStart = domain.staticStart;

                // If the current effect is conditional...
                if (incoming.IsConditional(effect))
                    // If the conditional effect has not been observed by the player.

                    // Remove the conditional effect from the domain.

                    // Copy the current operator templates into a list.
                    List <IOperator> templates = new List <IOperator>();
                    foreach (IOperator templ in domain.Operators)
                        templates.Add(templ.Clone() as IOperator);

                    // Create a clone of the incoming action's unbound operator template.
                    IOperator temp = incoming.Template() as Operator;

                    // Find the incoming action template in the domain list.
                    Operator template = templates.Find(t => t.Equals(temp)) as Operator;

                    // Remove the incoming action template from the domain list.

                    // Create a clone of the incoming action.
                    Operator clone = incoming.Clone() as Operator;

                    // Create a list of conditional effects to remove from the template.
                    List <IAxiom> remove = new List <IAxiom>();
                    foreach (IAxiom conditional in clone.Conditionals)
                        if (conditional.Effects.Contains(effect))

                    // Remove each conditional effect from the template.
                    foreach (IAxiom rem in remove)
                        template.Conditionals.Remove(rem.Template() as IAxiom);

                    // Add the modified template to the domain list.

                    // Push the modified list to the new domain object.
                    newDomain.Operators = templates;

                    // Write new problem and domain files.
                    Writer.ProblemToPDDL(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks/" + domain.Name.ToLower() + @"/probrob.pddl", newDomain, problem, state.Predicates);
                    Writer.DomainToPDDL(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks/" + domain.Name.ToLower() + @"/domrob.pddl", newDomain);

                    // Find a new plan.
                    newPlan = PlannerInterface.Plan(planner, newDomain, problem);

                    // If the modified domain can accommodate the player's action...
                    if (newPlan.Steps.Count > 0)
                        // Clone the modified incoming action template.
                        Operator newAction = template.Clone() as Operator;

                        // Bind the cloned action with the incoming action's bindings.
                        newAction.Bindings = incoming.Bindings;

                        // Expand the tree using the new domain.
                        return(new Tuple <Domain, Operator> (newDomain, newAction));

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Chooses a set of superposed states based on a simple utility function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observations">The sets of possible literals observed by the player mapped to the sets of states consistent with each observation.</param>
        /// <param name="node">The current node in the mediation tree.</param>
        /// <returns>A set of states chosen by the system.</returns>
        public static HashSet <State> ChooseUtility(Dictionary <List <IPredicate>, HashSet <State> > observations, MediationTreeNode node)
            // Create a dictionary of utilities that map to sets of states.
            Dictionary <float, HashSet <State> > utilities = new Dictionary <float, HashSet <State> >();

            // If there is more than one observation the player can make.
            if (observations.Keys.Count > 1)
                // Loop through each set of observed literals.
                foreach (List <IPredicate> key in observations.Keys)
                    // Store how many wins and losses the set of states has.
                    float wins   = 0;
                    float losses = 0;

                    // Loop through each state in the set of states consistent with the current observation.
                    foreach (State state in observations[key])
                        // Store whether we are at a goal state.
                        bool satisfiesGoal = false;

                        // Store whether a goal state is reached by the planner.
                        bool win = true;

                        // Check whether the current state is a goal state.
                        if (state.Satisfies(node.Problem.Goal))
                            satisfiesGoal = true;

                        // Create a new problem object for the current state.
                        Problem problem = new Problem("rob", node.Problem.OriginalName, node.Problem.Domain, node.Problem.Player, node.Problem.Objects, state.Predicates, node.Problem.Intentions, node.Problem.Goal);

                        // Find a plan from the current state if one exists.
                        Plan plan = PlannerInterface.Plan(Planner.FastDownward, node.Domain, problem);

                        // Check if a goal has been reached by the state or the plan.
                        if (plan.Steps.Count == 0 && !satisfiesGoal)
                            win = false;

                        // Record the win or loss.
                        if (win)

                    // Initialize the utility.
                    float utility = 0;

                    // If none of the states lost, go ahead and return the current state.
                    if (losses == 0)
                    // Otherwise, record the utility as wins divided by losses.
                        utility = wins / losses;

                    // Map the utility onto the current state set in the dictionary.
                    utilities[utility] = observations[key];
                // Store the single set of observations.
                List <IPredicate> key = observations.Keys.ToArray()[0];

                // Use the observations to return the single set of states.

            // Return the set of states with the highest utility value.