void LoadPlanet() //This method loads a planet depending on the item (spaceship) that the player has obtained. { Console.Clear(); try { Console.WriteLine("========================================================\n" + "You are trying to travel....analyzing ship.....\n" + "Press [Enter]\n"); Console.ReadKey(); if (player.Item == gameManager.Bounty) { player.ResetHealth(); Planet planet = planetManager.ReturnPlanet(gameManager.Bounty - 1); Console.WriteLine($"Your ship has the required components for travelling to {planet.Name}.\n" + $"You enter your spaceship and start navigating through space.....\n" + $"========================================================\n" + "Press [Enter]"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); planet.Soundtrack.PlayLooping(); Console.WriteLine(planet.Text); Console.WriteLine("You start searching for bounty....\nIs that an enemy?\n"); foreach (var enemy in planet.Enemies) { Console.WriteLine($"=================================================================\n" + $"{enemy.Name}: { enemy.AppearMessage}\n" + "=================================================================\n"); Fight fight = new Fight(planet.Op); string answer; do { Console.WriteLine(fight.DisplayFight(enemy, player)); Console.WriteLine("\nWhat's your answer Aster?"); answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (fight.InputAnswer(answer)) { enemy.LoseHealth(1); } else { player.LoseHealth(1); } } while (!enemy.IsDead() && !player.IsDead()); if (player.IsDead()) { Console.WriteLine("You are dead, Aster.\n"); Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to try again..."); Console.ReadKey(); LoadPlanet(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"===================================\n" + $"{enemy.Name} is dead. \n" + $"===================================\n"); } Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to continue traversing through planet."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } gameManager.Bounty += 1; player.AddCoins(planet.Coins); Console.WriteLine("========================================================\n" + "You find no other inhabitants.\n " + $"You have cleared {planet.Name} of imperial rule....\n" + "Press [Enter] to collect bounty and return to Hubb...\n" + "========================================================"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You do not have the proper spaceship to travel to the next planet.\n" + "Press [Enter] to return to the Hubb...."); Console.ReadKey(); } if (gameManager.Bounty > planetManager.ReturnPlanets().Count) { EndGame(); } else { LoadHubb(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }