public int UpdatePlan(PlanModel Plan) { PlanDal Dal = new PlanDal(); Dal.UpdatePlan(Plan); return(1); }
public int AddPlan(PlanModel Plan) { PlanDal Dal = new PlanDal(); Dal.AddPlan(Plan); return(1); }
public ActionResult Details(string id) { RecipeModel details = recipeDal.RecipeDetail(Convert.ToInt32(id)); details.TagsList = recipeDal.GetTagsFromId(Convert.ToInt32(id)); details.Categories = recipeDal.GetCatsFromId(Convert.ToInt32(id)); if (Authorize.Registered((int?)Session["authorizationlevel"]) == true || Authorize.Admin((int?)Session["authorizationlevel"]) == true) { UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; PlanModel p = new PlanModel(); DropDownPlans model = new DropDownPlans(); model.selectedRecipe = Convert.ToInt32(id); List <PlanModel> plans = planDal.GetAllUserPlans(user.UserID); foreach (PlanModel plan in plans) { string planname = planDal.GetPlanName(plan.PlanId); plan.PlanName = planname; } List <string> days = p.Days; List <string> meals = p.Meals; //model.Recipes = recipes; model.PlanModels = plans; model.Days = days; model.Meals = meals; Session["dropDown"] = model; } return(View(details)); }
public ActionResult DeletePlans(string Plan_ID) { objResponse Response = new objResponse(); try { Response = objSubscriptionManager.DeletePlan(Convert.ToInt64(Plan_ID)); if (Response.ErrorCode == 0) { var planService = new StripePlanService(); planService.Delete(Plan_ID); PlanModel objPlanModel = new PlanModel(); objPlanModel.plans = objSubscriptionManager.GetPlans(); return(View("AjaxAddPlan", objPlanModel)); } else { return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { BAL.Common.LogManager.LogError("DeletePlan Post method", 1, Convert.ToString(ex.Source), Convert.ToString(ex.StackTrace), Convert.ToString(ex.Message)); return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult AddMealToPlan() { UserModel user = Session["user"] as UserModel; PlanModel p = new PlanModel(); DropDownPlans model = new DropDownPlans(); List <RecipeModel> recipes = recipeDal.GetRecipes(); List <PlanModel> plans = planDal.GetAllUserPlans(user.UserID); foreach (PlanModel plan in plans) { string planname = planDal.GetPlanName(plan.PlanId); plan.PlanName = planname; } List <string> days = p.Days; List <string> meals = p.Meals; model.Recipes = recipes; model.PlanModels = plans; model.Days = days; model.Meals = meals; return(View(model)); }
public void addNewPlan(PlanModel plan) { if (plan.component_id < 1) { throw new Exception("Please select component"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(plan.model_name) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plan.model_name)) { throw new Exception("Plan model cannot leave empty"); } if (plan.plan_data < 0) { throw new Exception("Plan data must greater than 0"); } if (plan.plan_line < 0) { throw new Exception("Plan line must greater than 0"); } decimal model_id = BomModelModelDAO.getInstance().getIdByName(plan.model_name); plan.model_id = model_id; if (PlanDao.getInstance().isExist(plan)) { throw new Exception("Plan existed"); } PlanDao.getInstance().add(plan); }
public static void ReadDataFromFile() { using (var db = new PlanContext()) { string html = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\StartPage.html"; HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(html, Encoding.UTF8); doc.Load(reader); var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants().Where(n => n.Name == "a").Select(n => new { Name = n.InnerText, value = n.Attributes[0].Value }).ToList(); string tempLink; foreach (var item in nodes) { tempLink = "" + item.value + "&winW=500&winH=300&loadBG=000000"; GetFile(tempLink, item.Name); var t = new PlanModel { Name = item.Name, Link = tempLink, FileName = @"C:\ICSFiles\" + item.Name + ".ics" }; db.PlanModel.Add(t); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult Edit(PlanModel model, bool continueEditing, FormCollection form) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageHyip)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } var plan = _planService.GetPlanById(model.Id); if (plan == null || plan.Deleted) { return(RedirectToAction("List")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { plan = model.ToEntity(plan); _planService.UpdatePlan(plan); _eventPublisher.Publish(new ModelBoundEvent(model, plan, form)); //activity log _customerActivityService.InsertActivity("EditPlan", _localizationService.GetResource("ActivityLog.EditCategory"), plan.Name); NotifySuccess(_localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Catalog.Categories.Updated")); return(continueEditing ? RedirectToAction("Edit", plan.Id) : RedirectToAction("List")); } return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// Udate existing Plan in client model session /// </summary> /// <param name="model">Existing plan instance to update</param> /// <returns>Returns true if updating was succesfull. Otherwise false.</returns> public bool UpdatePlanToClientModelSession(PlanModel model) { ClientFullModel fullModel = GetFullModelFromClientModel(); if (fullModel != null) { var record = fullModel.Plan.Where(p => p.idPlan == model.idPlan).FirstOrDefault(); if (record != null) { int index = fullModel.Plan.IndexOf(record); if (index != -1) { fullModel.Plan[index] = model; } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } AddValueToSession(Enums.ClientSession.ClientModel, fullModel); return(true); } return(false); }
public IActionResult AddNew([FromBody] PlanModel userInput) { try { PlanModel NewPlan = new PlanModel() { Type = userInput.Type, Description = userInput.Description, Day1 = userInput.Day1, Day2 = userInput.Day2, Day3 = userInput.Day3, Day4 = userInput.Day4, Day5 = userInput.Day5, Day6 = userInput.Day6, Day7 = userInput.Day7 }; _planData.AddPlan(NewPlan); return(Ok($"Plan added with and have the Id {NewPlan.Id} and type {NewPlan.Type}")); } catch (Exception ex) { _apiErrorHandler.CreateError(ex.Source, ex.StackTrace, ex.Message); } return(StatusCode(500)); }
public ResponseModel AddPlan([FromBody] PlanModel planModel) { FeaturePlanCaller newFeaturePlanCaller = new FeaturePlanCaller(); ResponseModel objResponseModel = new ResponseModel(); int statusCode = 0; string statusMessage = ""; try { ////Get token (Double encrypted) and get the tenant id string token = Convert.ToString(Request.Headers["X-Authorized-Token"]); Authenticate authenticate = new Authenticate(); authenticate = SecurityService.GetAuthenticateDataFromTokenCache(Cache, SecurityService.DecryptStringAES(token)); planModel.CreatedBy = authenticate.UserMasterID; int result = newFeaturePlanCaller.AddPlan(new FeaturePlanService(Cache, Db), planModel); statusCode = result == 0 ? (int)EnumMaster.StatusCode.RecordNotFound : (int)EnumMaster.StatusCode.Success; statusMessage = CommonFunction.GetEnumDescription((EnumMaster.StatusCode)statusCode); objResponseModel.Status = true; objResponseModel.StatusCode = statusCode; objResponseModel.Message = statusMessage; objResponseModel.ResponseData = result; } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(objResponseModel); }
public PlanModel ViewPlan(PlanModel model) { if (model != null && model.Id != 0) { using (IDbConnection connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(GlobalConfig.CnnString(db))) { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("@Id", model.Id); model = connection.Query <PlanModel>("dbo.spPlan_GetById", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).First(); model.FoodList = connection.Query <FoodModel>("dbo.spPlanItems_GetFood", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); model.RecipeList = connection.Query <RecipeModel>("dbo.spPlanItems_GetRecipe", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); foreach (RecipeModel r in model.RecipeList) { p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("@Id", r.Id); r.FoodList = connection.Query <FoodModel>("dbo.spRecipeItems_GetFood", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); } } } return(model); }
//done ??? code review public PlanModel GetMeal(int mealID) { PlanModel p = new PlanModel(); try { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(GetMealSql, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mealid", mealID); SqlDataReader results = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (results.Read()) { p.Meal = Convert.ToString(results["meal_name"]); p.Day = Convert.ToString(results["day_of_week"]); } } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw; } return(p); }
public HttpResponseMessage UpdatePlan(PlanModel Model) { try { PlanBl Bl = new PlanBl(); int Status = Bl.UpdatePlan(Model); if (Status == 1) { return(new Response <string>("Added Succesfully", "", HttpStatusCode.Created)); } else if (Status == 2) { return(new Response <string>("already exist", "", HttpStatusCode.Ambiguous)); } else if (Status == 3) { return(new Response <string>("updated Successfully", "", HttpStatusCode.Created)); } else if (Status == 4) { return(new Response <string>("Not found", "", HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } else { return(new Response <string>("Failed", "", HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new Response <string>("Something went wrong", "", HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)); } }
public static ICollection <PlanModel> GetAll() { ICollection <PlanModel> results = new List <PlanModel>(); var conStr = DbHelper.GetConnectionString(); var query = "usp_plan_GetAll"; using (var conn = new SqlConnection(conStr)) { var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlDataReader dr = null; conn.Open(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { var obj = new PlanModel(); obj.PlanId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); obj.PlanName = dr["plan_Name"].ToString(); obj.Descr = dr["plan_descr"].ToString(); obj.Deductable = Convert.ToDouble(dr["plan_deduct"]); results.Add(obj); } } return(results); }
public static bool Update(PlanModel obj) { var result = false; SqlConnection conn = null; try { var conStr = DbHelper.GetConnectionString(); var query = "usp_plan_update"; conn = new SqlConnection(conStr); var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PlanId", obj.PlanId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PlanName", obj.PlanName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PlanDescr", obj.Descr); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("PlanDeduct", obj.Deductable); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; conn.Open(); result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0 ? true : false; conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { conn?.Close(); } return(result); }
public void ClosePlanTest() { const string accountName = "ExpenseManagerAccount01"; const string typeName = "Food"; var account = new AccountModel { Badges = new List <AccountBadgeModel>(), Costs = new List <CostInfoModel>(), Name = accountName }; var type = new CostTypeModel { Name = typeName, CostInfoList = new EditableList <CostInfoModel>(), Account = account }; var plan = new PlanModel { Description = "I want money for food!", PlanType = PlanTypeModel.Save, PlannedMoney = 10000, IsCompleted = false, }; using ( var db = new ExpenseDbContext( Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePersistent(TestInstaller.ExpenseManagerTestDbConnection))) { db.Accounts.Add(account); db.CostTypes.Add(type); db.SaveChanges(); var accountId = account.Id; plan.AccountId = accountId; plan.PlannedType = type; db.Plans.Add(plan); db.SaveChanges(); var item = new CostInfoModel() { Description = "bread", AccountId = accountId, TypeId = type.Id, IsIncome = true, Money = 10001, Created = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(100, 0, 0, 0)), Account = db.Accounts.Find(accountId), Type = db.CostTypes.Find(type.Id), Periodicity = PeriodicityModel.None, PeriodicMultiplicity = 3 }; db.CostInfos.Add(item); db.SaveChanges(); } var closeable = _balanceFacade.ListAllCloseablePlans(account.Id); var balance = _balanceFacade.GetBalance(account.Id); Assert.IsTrue(closeable.Count == 1, "Plan not found as closeable"); _balanceFacade.ClosePlan(closeable.Single()); Assert.IsTrue(balance == _expenseFacade.ListItems(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, null).Single().Money + _balanceFacade.GetBalance(account.Id)); }
public void CheckAllMaxSpendDeadlinesTest() { const string accountName = "ExpenseManagerAccount01"; const string typeName = "Food"; var account = new AccountModel { Badges = new List <AccountBadgeModel>(), Costs = new List <CostInfoModel>(), Name = accountName }; var type = new CostTypeModel { Name = typeName, CostInfoList = new EditableList <CostInfoModel>(), Account = account }; var plan = new PlanModel { Description = "I want money for food!", PlanType = PlanTypeModel.MaxSpend, PlannedMoney = 10000, PlannedType = type, IsCompleted = false, Start = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(100, 0, 0, 0)), Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1, 0)) }; using ( var db = new ExpenseDbContext( Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePersistent(TestInstaller.ExpenseManagerTestDbConnection))) { db.Accounts.Add(account); db.CostTypes.Add(type); db.SaveChanges(); var accountId = account.Id; plan.AccountId = accountId; plan.PlannedType = type; db.Plans.Add(plan); db.SaveChanges(); var item = new CostInfoModel() { Description = "bread", AccountId = accountId, TypeId = type.Id, IsIncome = true, Money = 999, Created = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(100, 0, 0, 0)), Account = db.Accounts.Find(accountId), Type = db.CostTypes.Find(type.Id), Periodicity = PeriodicityModel.None, PeriodicMultiplicity = 3 }; db.CostInfos.Add(item); db.SaveChanges(); } _balanceFacade.CheckAllMaxSpendDeadlines(); Assert.IsTrue(_balanceFacade.ListPlans(null, null).Count == 1); Assert.IsTrue(_balanceFacade.ListPlans(null, null).Single().IsCompleted); }
public async Task <IResult> UpdateAsync(PlanModel model) { var validation = await new UpdatePlanModelValidator().ValidateAsync(model); if (validation.Failed) { return(Result.Fail(validation.Message)); } var plan = await _repository.GetAsync(model.Id); if (plan == default) { return(Result.Success()); } if (model.Status == (int)Status.Active) { plan.Activate(); } else { plan.Inactivate(); } await _repository.UpdateStatusAsync(plan); await _unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Result.Success()); }
protected void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IAction <PlanModel> actionobj = new PlanAction(); var model = new PlanModel(); model.PlanName = txtPlanName.Text; model.Descr = txtDescr.Text; if (txtDetuc.Text == string.Empty) { txtDetuc.Text = ""; } int val; var result = int.TryParse(txtDetuc.Text, out val); if (!result) { return; } model.Deductable = Convert.ToDouble(txtDetuc.Text); if (actionobj.Insert(model) == true) { lblResult.Text = "Plan Has Been Added Successfully! "; } else { lblResult.Text = "Plan Is Not Added "; } }
public void UpdatePlan(PlanModel p) { Plan ph = db.Plans.GetItem(p.Plan_PK); db.Plans.Update(toPlan(ph, p)); db.Save(); }
public ActionResult ListCommission(GridCommand command, PlanModel model) { var gridModel = new GridModel <PlanModel>(); if (_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageCatalog)) { var plancommission = _planService.GetPlanCommissionPlanId(model.PlanId); gridModel.Data = plancommission.Select(x => { var planModel = new PlanModel(); planModel.Id = x.Id; planModel.PlanId = x.PlanId; planModel.Commission = x.CommissionPercentage; planModel.LevelId = x.LevelId; planModel.Name = _planService.GetPlanById(x.PlanId).Name; return(planModel); }); gridModel.Total = plancommission.Count; } else { gridModel.Data = Enumerable.Empty <PlanModel>(); NotifyAccessDenied(); } return(new JsonResult { Data = gridModel }); }
public ActionResult Plans() { PlanModel objPlanModel = new PlanModel(); objPlanModel.plans = objSubscriptionManager.GetPlans(); return(View(objPlanModel)); }
public List <PlanModel> GetAllUserPlans(int userID) { List <PlanModel> result = new List <PlanModel>(); try { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getAllUserUserPlansSql, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", userID); SqlDataReader results = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (results.Read()) { PlanModel p = new PlanModel(); p.PlanId = Int32.Parse((results["plan_id"].ToString())); result.Add(p); } } } catch (SqlException ex) { throw; } return(result); }
public int AddPlan(PlanModel plan) { int result = 0; try { conn = Db.Connection; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SP_AddPlan", conn); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Tenant_ID", TenantId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", plan.CreatedBy); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Planname", plan.PlanName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MonthlyPlanPrice", plan.MonthlyAmount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@YearlyPlanPrice", plan.YearlyAmount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TotalUsers", plan.TotalUsers); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsPublish", plan.IsPublished); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsMostPopular", plan.IsMostPopular); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FeatureID", plan.FeatureID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AddOnsID", plan.AddOnsID); result = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var obj = new PlanModel(); obj.Descr = descr.Text; obj.Deductable = Convert.ToDouble(dectVal.Text); obj.PlanName = ddlPlan.SelectedItem.Text; obj.PlanId = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Plan_id"]); var result = new PlanAction().Update(obj); if (result) { Label1.Text = "Plan Has Been Updated Successfully!"; } else { Label1.Text = "Error to delete -> " + result; } BindData(); udp.Update(); }
private int UpdatePlanWithNewPlanId(PlanModel existingPlanModel) { Plan objNewPlan = new Plan(); objNewPlan.PlanName = existingPlanModel.PlanName; objNewPlan.Price = existingPlanModel.Price; objNewPlan.NoOfUsers = existingPlanModel.NoOfUsers; objNewPlan.CreatedBy = existingPlanModel.CreatedBy; objNewPlan.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; objNewPlan.ModifiedBy = existingPlanModel.ModifiedBy; objNewPlan.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; objNewPlan.PlanModules = new List <PlanModule>(); if (existingPlanModel.PlanModulesModel != null) { List <PlanModuleModel> listPlanModulesModel = existingPlanModel.PlanModulesModel.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < listPlanModulesModel.Count(); i++) { PlanModule objPlanModule = new PlanModule(); objPlanModule.PlanId = listPlanModulesModel[i].PlanId; objPlanModule.ModuleId = listPlanModulesModel[i].ModuleId; objPlanModule.HasPermission = listPlanModulesModel[i].HasPermission; objPlanModule.HasPermissionAfterTrail = listPlanModulesModel[i].HasPermissionAfterTrail; objNewPlan.PlanModules.Add(objPlanModule); } } planRepository.Insert(objNewPlan); return(objNewPlan.PlanId); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sPlanId = this.Request["PlanId"]; List <Tbl_User> lUsers = ViewState["lUsers"] as List <Tbl_User>; int iPlanAdm = 1; int iDesignAdm = lUsers[DropDownList2.SelectedIndex].ID; int iProductAdm = lUsers[DropDownList3.SelectedIndex].ID; int iCenterStorateAdm = lUsers[DropDownList4.SelectedIndex].ID; int iSiteStorageAdm = lUsers[DropDownList5.SelectedIndex].ID; Tbl_Plan oPlan = new Tbl_Plan(); oPlan.PlanID = int.Parse(sPlanId); oPlan.ProjectName = txtProjectName.Text; oPlan.DesignAdm = iDesignAdm; oPlan.ProductAdm = iProductAdm; oPlan.CenterStorageAdm = iCenterStorateAdm; oPlan.SiteStorageAdm = iSiteStorageAdm; Msg msg = PlanModel.EditPlan(oPlan); if (msg.Status) { PageHelper.ShowAlertMsg(this, "您已成功提交项目"); } else { PageHelper.ShowAlertMsg(this, msg.Message); } }
public bool AddUpdatePlan(PlanModel planModel) { Plan objPlan = new Plan(); if (planModel.PlanId == 0) { AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(planModel, objPlan); planRepository.Insert(objPlan); } else { objPlan = planRepository.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PlanId == planModel.PlanId); if (objPlan != null) { bool planchanged = false; if (planModel.PlanName.Trim().ToLower() != objPlan.PlanName.Trim().ToLower()) { planchanged = true; } else if (!planchanged && planModel.Price != objPlan.Price) { planchanged = true; } else if (!planchanged && planModel.NoOfUsers != objPlan.NoOfUsers) { planchanged = true; } if (planchanged && objPlan.CompanyPlans.Count > 0) { UpdatePlanWithNewPlanId(planModel); //DeaActivate the old plan objPlan.Active = false; objPlan.ModifiedBy = planModel.ModifiedBy; objPlan.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { //DeaActivate the old plan objPlan.PlanName = planModel.PlanName; objPlan.Description = planModel.Description; objPlan.Price = planModel.Price; objPlan.NoOfUsers = planModel.NoOfUsers; objPlan.Active = planModel.Active; objPlan.ModifiedBy = planModel.ModifiedBy; objPlan.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; planRepository.Update(objPlan); } } } return(true); }
public PlanModel CreatePlan(PlanModel plan, APIRequest apiRequest) { apiRequest.RouteName = "import/plans"; _ihttp.ApiRequest = apiRequest; var response = _ihttp.Post <PlanModel, PlanModel>(plan); return(response); }
public SchedulingProblemFrame(MdiContainer parent, PlanModel planModel, NewProblemModel initialData) { InitializeComponent(); this.parent = parent; LayoutRoot.DataContext = model = planModel ?? CreateFakePlanModel(); this.initialData = initialData; }
private PlanModel CreateFakePlanModel() { var firstJob = new Job(1, 10, null, .1, 2); var secondJob = new Job(2, 10, new List<int> {1}, .1, 2); var thirdJob = new Job(3, 20, new List<int> {1, 2}, .1, 2); var fourthJob = new Job(4, 20, null, .1, 2); var jobs = new List<Job> {firstJob, secondJob, thirdJob, fourthJob}; var resource1 = new Resource(1, 20); var resources = new List<Resource> {resource1}; var dependencies = new List<double[]> {new double[] {7}, new double[] {14}, new double[] {10}, new double[] {6}}; var planBuilder = new JobPlanBuilder(); var plan = planBuilder.GetBasePlan(resources, jobs, dependencies); var planModel = new PlanModel(plan); return planModel; }