private int GetOverlayBoundaryPos(int overlaySize, int boundarySize) { PlacementDirection placementDirection = Trigger.Placement.GetDirection(); if (placementDirection.IsIn(PlacementDirection.Top, PlacementDirection.Left)) { return(0); } else { return(boundarySize - overlaySize); } }
private int GetOverlayPosWithSize(int overlayPos, int overlaySize) { PlacementDirection placementDirection = Trigger.Placement.GetDirection(); if (placementDirection.IsIn(PlacementDirection.Top, PlacementDirection.Left)) { return(overlayPos - overlaySize); } else { return(overlayPos + overlaySize); } }
Vector3 NextFormPos() { //making Sure Old Pos Exists and is parented correctly if (!oldPos) { oldPos = new GameObject("oldPos " +; oldPos.parent = moveTarget; oldPos.localPosition =; oldPos.localPosition -= new Vector3(0, 0, distanceBetweenPoints.y); count = 0; return(oldPos.position); } else if (oldPos.parent != moveTarget) { oldPos.parent = moveTarget; oldPos.localPosition =; oldPos.localPosition -= new Vector3(0, 0, distanceBetweenPoints.y); count = 0; return(oldPos.position); } if (count < maxNumOfColumns / 2) { count++; oldPos.localPosition += (pd == PlacementDirection.right) ? new Vector3(distanceBetweenPoints.x, 0, 0) : new Vector3(-distanceBetweenPoints.x, 0, 0); } else { count = 0; if (pd == PlacementDirection.left) { oldPos.localPosition -= new Vector3(0, 0, distanceBetweenPoints.y); } pd = (pd == PlacementDirection.right) ? PlacementDirection.left : PlacementDirection.right; oldPos.localPosition = (pd == PlacementDirection.right) ? new Vector3(0, 0, oldPos.localPosition.z) : new Vector3(-distanceBetweenPoints.x, 0, oldPos.localPosition.z); } return(oldPos.position); }
public Game(Stream stdOut, SafeFileHandle h, int width, int height) { this.stdOut = stdOut; this.h = h; this.width = width; this.height = height; buf = new byte[width * height]; bufField = new CharInfo[width * height]; playfieldHeight = 20; playfieldWidth = 20; gridSize = 2; displayfieldWidth = playfieldHeight * gridSize; displayfieldHeight = playfieldHeight * gridSize; downCount = 0; // test variable showLowerMessage = true; lowerMessage = ""; currentPlayer = 0; selectionState = SelectionState.Initialization; placementDirection = PlacementDirection.Right; }
public void WriteToBuffer() { int[] index = new int[4]; for (int y = 0; y < playfieldHeight; y++) // 20 = playfield height { for (int x = 0; x < playfieldWidth; x++) // 20 = playfield width { index = ReturnIndexSquare(x, y); AssignColor(index, 0x0001); } } for (int y = 0; y < playfieldHeight; y++) // 20 = playfield height { for (int x = 0; x < playfieldWidth; x++) // 20 = playfield width { switch (selectionState) { case SelectionState.PlayerOneSelection: selectedIndex = highlightedIndex; index = ReturnIndexSquare(x, y); if (index[0] == selectedIndex) { AssignColor(index, 0x0004); switch (placementDirection) { case PlacementDirection.Right: { if (CheckIfRightPlacementValid(shipBeingPlace.length)) { for (int i = 1; i < shipBeingPlace.length; i++) { index = ReturnIndexSquare(x + i, y); AssignColor(index, 0x004); } } else { placementDirection = PlacementDirection.Down; } break; } case PlacementDirection.Down: { if (CheckIfDownPlacementValid(shipBeingPlace.length)) { for (int i = 1; i < shipBeingPlace.length; i++) { index = ReturnIndexSquare(x, y + i); AssignColor(index, 0x004); } } else { placementDirection = PlacementDirection.Left; } break; } case PlacementDirection.Left: { if (CheckIfLeftPlacementValid(shipBeingPlace.length)) { for (int i = 1; i < shipBeingPlace.length; i++) { index = ReturnIndexSquare(x - i, y); AssignColor(index, 0x004); } } else { placementDirection = PlacementDirection.Up; } break; } case PlacementDirection.Up: { if (CheckIfUpPlacementValid(shipBeingPlace.length)) { for (int i = 1; i < shipBeingPlace.length; i++) { index = ReturnIndexSquare(x, y - i); AssignColor(index, 0x004); } } else { placementDirection = PlacementDirection.Right; } break; } } } break; break; case SelectionState.PlayerTwoSelection: break; case SelectionState.PlayerOneTurn: case SelectionState.PlayerTwoTurn: index = ReturnIndexSquare(x, y); if (index[0] == highlightedIndex) { AssignColor(index, 0x0002); // Make selection green. } else { AssignColor(index, 0x0001); // Make non-selected blue } break; default: break; } } } }
private void ReadPlayerInput(ConsoleKey readKey) { downCount++; // Remove top padding and left padding to get index of 0,0 to calculate other x,y values. int selectionZeroed = ((topPad * width) + leftPad); int displayX = (highlightedIndex % width) - leftPad; int displayY = ((highlightedIndex - selectionZeroed) / (width)) % width; int playfieldX = displayX / 2; int playfieldY = displayY / 2; if (readKey == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { if (playfieldX == 19) { highlightedIndex -= (playfieldWidth * 2) - 2; } else { highlightedIndex += 2;; } } else if (readKey == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { if (playfieldX == 0) { highlightedIndex += (playfieldWidth * 2) - 2; } else { highlightedIndex -= 2; } } else if (readKey == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { if (playfieldY == 19) { highlightedIndex = selectionZeroed + displayX; } else { highlightedIndex += 2 * width; } } else if (readKey == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { if (playfieldY == 0) { highlightedIndex = highlightedIndex + ((displayfieldHeight) - 2) * width; } else { highlightedIndex -= 2 * width;; } } else if (readKey == ConsoleKey.Enter) { switch (selectionState) { case SelectionState.PlayerOneSelection: PlayerOneSelectLocations(new int[] { playfieldX, playfieldY }); break; default: break; } } else if (readKey == ConsoleKey.Spacebar) { showLowerMessage = false; RemoveRighthandMessage(); isChangePlayer = true; } else if (readKey == ConsoleKey.R) { placementDirection = placementDirection == PlacementDirection.Right ? PlacementDirection.Down : (placementDirection == PlacementDirection.Down ? PlacementDirection.Left : (placementDirection == PlacementDirection.Left ? PlacementDirection.Up : PlacementDirection.Right)); } }