protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ImageButton1.Visible = false; con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("select tsize from tbltheatre where tname='" + Session["tname"].ToString() + "'", con); tsize = Convert.ToInt16(cmd5.ExecuteScalar()); //SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("select ttcost from tbltheatre where tname='") // cmd6 =new SqlDataAdapter("select tsize,ttcost from tbltheatre where tname='" + Session["tname"].ToString() + "'", con); //DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); //cmd6.Fill(ds2); //tsize = Convert.ToInt16(ds2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tsize"].ToString()); SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("select ttcost from tbltheatre where tname='" + Session["tname"].ToString() + "'", con); tcost = Convert.ToInt16(cmd6.ExecuteScalar()); Label1.Text = "Ticket Cost Rs. " + tcost.ToString(); // Label1.Text ="Ticket Cost RS "+ ds2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ttcost"].ToString()+"/"; s = tsize / 5; int i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r; for (i = 1; i <= s; i++) { CheckBox ch = new CheckBox(); ch.ID = i.ToString(); ch.Text = i.ToString(); PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(ch); } for (j = i; j <= s + s; j++) { CheckBox ch1 = new CheckBox(); ch1.ID = j.ToString(); ch1.Text = j.ToString(); PlaceHolder2.Controls.Add(ch1); } for (k = j; k <= s + s + s; k++) { CheckBox ch2 = new CheckBox(); ch2.ID = k.ToString(); ch2.Text = k.ToString(); PlaceHolder3.Controls.Add(ch2); } for (l = k; l <= s + s + s + s; l++) { CheckBox ch3 = new CheckBox(); ch3.ID = l.ToString(); ch3.Text = l.ToString(); PlaceHolder4.Controls.Add(ch3); } for (m = l; m <= s + s + s + s + s; m++) { CheckBox ch4 = new CheckBox(); ch4.ID = m.ToString(); ch4.Text = m.ToString(); PlaceHolder5.Controls.Add(ch4); } string u = ""; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select nooftickets, seatno from tblbooking where tname='" + Session["tname"].ToString() + "' and mname='" + Request.QueryString["mname"].ToString() + "' and showdate='" + Session["bdate"].ToString() + "' and showtime='" + Session["stime"].ToString() + "'", con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); int rcount = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (rcount > 0) { rcount = rcount - 1; while (rcount >= 0) { u = ds.Tables[0].Rows[rcount][1].ToString(); //string u = "32,55,1,4,8"; string[] a = u.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int b, c, d, f, z, y; for (y = 0; y <= a.Length - 1; y++) { for (z = 1; z <= s; z++) { CheckBox lc = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(z.ToString()); if (lc.Text == a[y]) { lc.Enabled = false; } } for (b = z; b <= s + s; b++) { CheckBox lc1 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder2.FindControl(b.ToString()); if (lc1.Text == a[y]) { lc1.Enabled = false; } } for (c = b; c <= s + s + s; c++) { CheckBox lc2 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder3.FindControl(c.ToString()); if (lc2.Text == a[y]) { lc2.Enabled = false; } } for (d = c; d <= s + s + s + s; d++) { CheckBox lc3 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder4.FindControl(d.ToString()); if (lc3.Text == a[y]) { lc3.Enabled = false; } } for (f = d; f <= s + s + s + s + s; f++) { CheckBox lc4 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder5.FindControl(f.ToString()); if (lc4.Text == a[y]) { lc4.Enabled = false; } } } rcount = rcount - 1; } } con.Close(); }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter cmd5 = new SqlDataAdapter("select tsize,ttcost from tbltheatre where tname='" + Session["tname"].ToString() + "'", con); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); cmd5.Fill(ds1); tsize = Convert.ToInt16(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tsize"].ToString()); //tcost = Convert.ToInt16(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ttcost"].ToString()); s = tsize / 5; int ss = 0; string sno = ""; //int s = 100 / 5; int b, c, d, f, z, y; for (z = 1; z <= s; z++) { CheckBox lc = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder1.FindControl(z.ToString()); if (lc.Checked == true) { ss++; if (ss <= 5) { sno = lc.Text + "," + sno; } } if (ss > 5) { lc.Checked = false; } } for (b = z; b <= s + s; b++) { CheckBox lc1 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder2.FindControl(b.ToString()); if (lc1.Checked == true) { ss++; if (ss <= 5) { sno = sno + "," + lc1.Text; } } if (ss > 5) { lc1.Checked = false; } } for (c = b; c <= s + s + s; c++) { CheckBox lc2 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder3.FindControl(c.ToString()); if (lc2.Checked == true) { ss++; if (ss <= 5) { sno = sno + "," + lc2.Text; } } if (ss > 5) { lc2.Checked = false; } } for (d = c; d <= s + s + s + s; d++) { CheckBox lc3 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder4.FindControl(d.ToString()); if (lc3.Checked == true) { ss++; if (ss <= 5) { sno = sno + "," + lc3.Text; } } if (ss > 5) { lc3.Checked = false; } } for (f = d; f <= s + s + s + s + s; f++) { CheckBox lc4 = (CheckBox)PlaceHolder5.FindControl(f.ToString()); if (lc4.Checked == true) { ss++; if (ss <= 5) { sno = sno + "," + lc4.Text; } } if (ss > 5) { lc4.Checked = false; } } if (ss > 5 || ss == 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Select less than or Equal to 5 seats')</script>"); } if (ss <= 5 && ss > 0) { tcst = ss * Convert.ToInt16(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ttcost"].ToString()); string id = Session["uname"].ToString() + DateTime.Now; string bookid; bookid = id.Replace(":", "a"); bookid = bookid.Replace("-", "b"); bookid = bookid.Replace(" ", "c"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into tblbooking values('" + Session["uname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["tname"].ToString() + "','" + Request.QueryString["mname"].ToString() + "','" + Session["bdate"].ToString() + "','" + Session["stime"].ToString() + "'," + ss + ",'" + sno + "'," + tcst + ",'" + bookid + "')", con); if (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { //SqlDataAdapter da4 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from tblbooking where bookid =(select max(bookid) from tblbooking)", con); SqlDataAdapter da4 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from tblbooking where bookid ='" + bookid + "'", con); DataSet ds4 = new DataSet(); da4.Fill(ds4); DetailsView1.DataSource = ds4; DetailsView1.DataBind(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Booking Successfull ')</script>"); ImageButton1.Visible = true; } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Error')</script>"); } } con.Close(); }