/// <summary> /// append password to CSR: csrWithPassword = (csr, password) /// </summary> /// <param name="csr"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns>CSR that contains password</returns> public byte[] AppendPassword(byte[] csr, string password) { if (csr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(csr)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password)); } var originalCsr = new Pkcs10CertificationRequest(csr); CertificationRequestInfo cri = originalCsr.GetCertificationRequestInfo(); DerSet attributesSet = AddPasswordAttribute(password, cri.Attributes); AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey = PublicKeyFactory.CreateKey(cri.SubjectPublicKeyInfo); string signatureAlgorithm = originalCsr.SignatureAlgorithm.Algorithm.Id; // build new CSR from original + password attribute var csrWithPassword = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned(signatureAlgorithm, cri.Subject, publicKey, attributesSet); // this signing key is not used for signing but here only to suppress exception thrown in ctor csrWithPassword.SignRequest(new byte[] { }); var csrWithPasswordBytes = csrWithPassword.GetDerEncoded(); return(csrWithPasswordBytes); }
public void GenerateCsr(Pkcs11KeyInfo privKeyInfo, Pkcs11KeyInfo pubKeyInfo, DnEntry[] dnEntries, HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, out string fileName, out byte[] fileContent) { string signatureAlgorithmOid = hashAlgorithm.SignatureAlgorithmOid[(CKK)privKeyInfo.CkaKeyType]; X509Name x509Name = Utils.CreateX509Name(dnEntries); AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKeyParameters = GetPubKeyParams(privKeyInfo, pubKeyInfo); if (signatureAlgorithmOid.Length == 0) { signatureAlgorithmOid = "SHA256withECDSA"; } Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned pkcs10 = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned(signatureAlgorithmOid, x509Name, publicKeyParameters, null); byte[] dataToSign = pkcs10.GetDataToSign(); byte[] digest = hashAlgorithm.ComputeDigest(dataToSign); byte[] digestInfo = digest; CKM mecha = CKM.CKM_ECDSA; if ((CKK)privKeyInfo.CkaKeyType == CKK.CKK_RSA) { digestInfo = Utils.CreateDigestInfo(digest, hashAlgorithm.Oid); mecha = CKM.CKM_RSA_PKCS; } byte[] signature = null; using (ISession session = _slot.OpenSession(SessionType.ReadWrite)) using (IMechanism mechanism = session.Factories.MechanismFactory.Create(mecha)) signature = session.Sign(mechanism, privKeyInfo.ObjectHandle, digestInfo); pkcs10.SignRequest(new DerBitString(signature)); byte[] csr = pkcs10.GetDerEncoded(); fileName = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(privKeyInfo.CkaLabel)) ? Utils.NormalizeFileName(privKeyInfo.CkaLabel + ".csr") : "pkcs10.csr"; fileContent = csr; }
public bool GenerarCsr(ref authTokenType token, string privateKeyalias, string publicKeyAlias, string subject, string fileName, string challenge) { LunaXml.xmCryptoService client = new xmCryptoService(); try { byte[] modulus = new byte[] {}; byte [] exponent = new byte[] {}; this.Extraer(ref token, publicKeyAlias, ref modulus, ref exponent); RsaKeyParameters param = new RsaKeyParameters(false, new BigInteger(modulus), new BigInteger(exponent)); DerSet derset = null; if (challenge != null) { ChallengePassword chpass = new ChallengePassword(challenge); derset = new DerSet(chpass); //IList oid = new ArrayList(); //IList values = new ArrayList(); //oid.Add(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtChallengePassword); //var pass = new DerPrintableString(challenge); ////Asn1OctetString oct = pass.ToAsn1Object(); //new DerOctetString(pass);//Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("AABBccc22")))); //X509Extension ext = new X509Extension(false,new DerOctetString(pass.GetEncoded())); //values.Add(pass); //X509Extensions extensions = new X509Extensions(oid, values); //derset = new DerSet(extensions.ToAsn1Object()); } else { derset = new DerSet(); } //string sub = //" / GATF730321GG5, SERIALNUMBER= / GATF730321HJCRRR01, O=SERVICIO DE ADMINISTRACION TRIBUTARIA, OU=PACNLC091211KC657202"; //+ ", 1.2.840.113549.1.9.7= NtLink2012" X509Name sub = new X509Name(subject, new ConverterSidetec()); Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned ds = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned("SHA1WITHRSA", sub, param, derset); string pafirmar = Convert.ToBase64String(ds.GetDataToSign()); string firmados = Firmar(ref token, pafirmar, privateKeyalias, SignatureModeType.SHA1withRSA); byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(firmados); ds.SignRequest(bytes); File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, ds.GetDerEncoded()); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex); return(false); } finally { client.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates new csr from given CSR + signature /// </summary> /// <param name="csr">CSR to be used for appending signature</param> /// <param name="signature">signature to be appended to CSR</param> /// <returns>new CSR with signature appended inside</returns> public byte[] AppendSignature(byte[] csr, byte[] signature) { if (csr == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(csr)); } var originalCsr = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned(csr); originalCsr.SignRequest(signature); byte[] csrBytes = originalCsr.GetDerEncoded(); return(csrBytes); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Subordinate CA certificate request using the setup parameters from a CAConfig object /// </summary> /// <remarks>Only System cryptography supported</remarks> /// <param name="Config">CAConfig object</param> /// <returns>PKCS#10 certificate request</returns> public static Pkcs10CertificationRequest CreateSubCA(CAConfig Config) { if (Config.profile != CA_Profile.SubCA) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid profile specified", Config.profile.ToString()); } if (!Config.FIPS140) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Only FIPS mode supported"); } // Serial number BigInteger serialNumber = new BigInteger(1, BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks)); // Key material CspParameters cspParam = SysKeyManager.Create(Config.pkSize, Config.pkAlgo, Config.name); // PKCS#10 Request Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned p10 = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned( Config.sigAlgo, Config.DN, SysKeyManager.getPublicKey(cspParam, Config.pkAlgo), null); // Signature byte[] buffer = p10.GetDataToSign(); byte[] signature = SysSigner.Sign(buffer, cspParam, Config.sigAlgo); p10.SignRequest(signature); if (!p10.Verify()) { throw new SignatureException("Cannot validate POP signature"); } // Create the CA Config file createPendingCAConfig(Config, serialNumber, p10, ""); return(p10); }
private bool saveAs(bool Signed) { //SaveFileDialog dialog; mSubjectItemsOIDs.Add(X509Name.C); mSubjectItemsOIDs.Add(X509Name.OU); mSubjectItemsOIDs.Add(X509Name.CN); mSubjectItemsOIDs.Add(X509Name.TelephoneNumber); mSubjectItems.Add(CountryCodeTB.Text.Trim()); mSubjectItems.Add(OrganizationalUnitTB.Text.Trim()); mSubjectItems.Add(CommonNameTB.Text.Trim()); mSubjectItems.Add(PhoneNumberTB.Text.Trim()); mExtItemsOIDs.Add(X509Extensions.SubjectAlternativeName); mExtItems.Add(new X509Extension(false, new DerOctetString(new GeneralNames(new GeneralName(GeneralName.Rfc822Name, EmailTB.Text))))); string mKeyUsageDescription = "digitalSignature, nonRepudiation"; int key_usage_bit_map = 0; key_usage_bit_map |= KeyUsage.DigitalSignature; key_usage_bit_map |= KeyUsage.NonRepudiation; KeyUsage mKeyUsage = new KeyUsage(key_usage_bit_map); mExtItemsOIDs.Add(X509Extensions.KeyUsage); mExtItems.Add(new X509Extension(true, new DerOctetString(mKeyUsage))); try { /* dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); * dialog.Filter = "CSR files (*.pem)|*.pem|All files (*.*)|*.*"; * dialog.RestoreDirectory = true;*/ //if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //{ X509Name subject = new X509Name(mSubjectItemsOIDs, mSubjectItems); string signatureAlgorithm = "SHA256withECDSA"; DerSet attributes = new DerSet(); if (mExtItemsOIDs.Count > 0) { attributes.AddObject(new AttributePkcs(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Pkcs9AtExtensionRequest, new DerSet( new X509Extensions(mExtItemsOIDs, mExtItems)))); // mExtItemsOIDs.Zip(mExtItems, (k, v) => new { Key = k, Value = v }) // .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value) } AsymmetricKeyParameter local_pub_key; if (Signed) { local_pub_key = mPublicKey; } else { local_pub_key = new RsaKeyParameters(false, BigInteger.One, BigInteger.One); // DUMMY RSA public key - for templates } Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned csr_ds = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned(signatureAlgorithm, subject, local_pub_key, attributes); byte[] dataToSign = csr_ds.GetDataToSign(); byte[] toSave; string header_footer; if (Signed) { byte[] SignedData = uFRSigner(dataToSign); // Rest of the input parameters needed (here accessible directly from UI): // - digest_alg, signature_cipher, card_key_index csr_ds.SignRequest(SignedData); toSave = csr_ds.GetDerEncoded(); header_footer = "CERTIFICATE REQUEST"; } else { toSave = dataToSign; header_footer = "TBS CERTIFICATE REQUEST"; } var file_extension = Path.GetExtension("CSR.pem"); if (file_extension.Equals(".pem")) { //var textWriter = new StreamWriter(dialog.FileName); var textWriter = new StreamWriter("CSR.pem"); textWriter.Write(der2pem(toSave, header_footer)); textWriter.Flush(); textWriter.Close(); } /* else * { * using (var fs = new FileStream(dialog.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) * { * fs.Write(toSave, 0, toSave.Length); * fs.Flush(); * fs.Close(); * } * }*/ // } //else //return false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Generates certificate request in PKCS#10 format defined by RFC 2986 /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Read-write session with user logged in</param> /// <param name="publicKeyHandle">Handle of existing public key</param> /// <param name="privateKeyHandle">Handle of existing private key</param> /// <param name="subjectDistinguishedName">Subject entity's distinguished name</param> /// <param name="digestAlgorithm">Standard digest (hash) algorithm used for the creation of request signature</param> /// <param name="asn1Attributes"><exception cref="Asn1Set"> representing attributes to be added to the certificate request</exception></param> /// <returns>Certificate request in PKCS#10 format</returns> public static byte[] GeneratePkcs10(Session session, ObjectHandle publicKeyHandle, ObjectHandle privateKeyHandle, string subjectDistinguishedName, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm, Asn1Set asn1Attributes) { var pubKeyAttrsToRead = new List <CKA>(); pubKeyAttrsToRead.Add(CKA.CKA_KEY_TYPE); pubKeyAttrsToRead.Add(CKA.CKA_MODULUS); pubKeyAttrsToRead.Add(CKA.CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT); // Read public key attributes var publicKeyAttributes = session.GetAttributeValue(publicKeyHandle, pubKeyAttrsToRead); if (CKK.CKK_RSA != (CKK)publicKeyAttributes[0].GetValueAsUlong()) { throw new NotSupportedException("Currently only RSA keys are supported"); } // Create instance of RsaKeyParameters class usable for BouncyCastle var modulus = new BigInteger(1, publicKeyAttributes[1].GetValueAsByteArray()); var publicExponent = new BigInteger(1, publicKeyAttributes[2].GetValueAsByteArray()); var publicKeyParameters = new RsaKeyParameters(false, modulus, publicExponent); // Determine algorithms Mechanism mechanism = null; string signatureAlgorithm; switch (digestAlgorithm) { case DigestAlgorithm.SHA1: mechanism = new Mechanism(CKM.CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS); signatureAlgorithm = PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha1WithRsaEncryption.Id; break; case DigestAlgorithm.SHA256: mechanism = new Mechanism(CKM.CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS); signatureAlgorithm = PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha256WithRsaEncryption.Id; break; case DigestAlgorithm.SHA384: mechanism = new Mechanism(CKM.CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS); signatureAlgorithm = PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha384WithRsaEncryption.Id; break; case DigestAlgorithm.SHA512: mechanism = new Mechanism(CKM.CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS); signatureAlgorithm = PkcsObjectIdentifiers.Sha512WithRsaEncryption.Id; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(digestAlgorithm), digestAlgorithm, null); } // Generate and sign PKCS#10 request. See RFC 2986 4.2 CertificationRequest var pkcs10 = new Pkcs10CertificationRequestDelaySigned(signatureAlgorithm, new X509Name(subjectDistinguishedName), publicKeyParameters, asn1Attributes); // Use HSM to generate signature for the csr byte[] signature = session.Sign(mechanism, privateKeyHandle, pkcs10.GetDataToSign()); // set the signature BIT STRING of the pkcs#10 request. See RFC 2986 4.2 CertificationRequest pkcs10.SignRequest(new DerBitString(signature)); return(pkcs10.GetDerEncoded()); }