예제 #1
    public void StartDialog(Dialog dialog, bool freezeGame, bool zoom, float zoomValue = 0f)
        //animator.SetBool("IsOpen", true);
        zoomCamera = zoom;

        if (zoomCamera)
            // just a reminder, zoom should always be postive
            ppc.targetCameraHalfHeight = zoomValue <= float.Epsilon ? 2.5f : zoomValue;

        stopTime = freezeGame;

        nameText.text = dialog.name;


        //Debug.Log("Open dialog");

        foreach (string sentence in dialog.sentences)

예제 #2
    public override void Execute(GameObject GameActor)
        //Grab the cameras I need to adjust, this assumes that the gameobject passed in has both cameras attatched
        PixelPerfectCamera PixelCam  = GameActor.GetComponent <PixelPerfectCamera>();
        Camera             ActualCam = GameActor.GetComponent <Camera>();

        //Check if a new zoom level has been requested
        if (z != 0)
            //The pixel camera will only allow orthographic sizes that don't distort pixels. So by adjusting z, a desired size is being requested not set.
            PixelCam.targetCameraHalfHeight -= Mathf.Clamp(z, -1, 1);
            PixelCam.targetCameraHalfHeight  = Mathf.Clamp(PixelCam.targetCameraHalfHeight, 2, 10);

        //This returns a valid orthographic size to be lerped to. (I can probably figure out a way to not call this every frame)
        float newZoom = PixelCam.adjustCameraFOV(true);

        //Now we lerp to the closest valid size. this can be smoothed out better, but good enough for now.
        ActualCam.orthographicSize = Mathf.Lerp(ActualCam.orthographicSize, newZoom, Time.smoothDeltaTime * sens);