예제 #1
        public void PivotTable_ES()
            var pvtData = new PivotData(new[] { "District", "SubCounty", "wrd_name", "Sex", "Quarter", "HES" }, new CountAggregatorFactory());

            pvtData.ProcessData(new DataTableReader(ReturnEconomic_strengthening()));
            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Quarter", "District", "SubCounty" }, //rows
                new[] { "HES" },                              //columns

            var outputWr  = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(outputWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.SubtotalRows           = true;
            pvtHtmlWr.AllowHtml              = true;
            pvtHtmlWr.TotalsRowHeaderText    = "Grand Total";
            pvtHtmlWr.TotalsColumnHeaderText = "Sub County Totals";
            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass             = "table border = '1' table - bordered table-hover";


            var pvtTblHtml = outputWr.ToString();

            LitPivot.Text = pvtTblHtml;
예제 #2
        public ActionResult PivotTable(int year)
            var context = new PivotContext();
            var pvtData = GetDataCube();

            // in this example filter is applied to in-memory data cube
            // for large datasets it may be applied on database level (with SQL WHERE expression)
            var filteredPvtData = new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("Order Year", year).Execute();

            // render pivot table HTML
            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Country" },                   // rows
                new[] { "Order Year", "Order Month" }, // cols

            // sort by row total
                               1,  // lets order by measure #1 (sum of unit price)

            var strHtmlWr = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strHtmlWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass = "table table-bordered table-condensed pvtTable";
            context.PivotTableHtml = strHtmlWr.ToString();

            // prepare data for pie chart (total sum by country)
            var pvtDataForChart = new SliceQuery(filteredPvtData).Dimension("Country").Measure(1).Execute();
            var chartPvtTbl     = new PivotTable(new[] { "Country" }, null, pvtDataForChart);

            // sort by row total
            chartPvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);
            var strJsonWr = new StringWriter();
            var jsonWr    = new PivotTableJsonWriter(strJsonWr);

            context.PivotTableJson = strJsonWr.ToString();

예제 #3
    protected void ShowCode6Wide()
        int labID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLab.SelectedValue.ToString());

        if (labID > 0)
            //var x = lstStudy.SelectedValue;

            var x2 = gridStudy.GetSelectedFieldValues("studyID");

            if (x2.Count == 0)
            //if (lstStudy.SelectedValue == "")
                lblSelectOne.Text    = "Select some studies.";
                lblSelectOne.Visible = true;
            else if (chkDisplayOnPage.Checked == false && chkXLSX.Checked == false)
                lblSelectOne.Text    = "Select the output method.";
                lblSelectOne.Visible = true;

                SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("backend");

                string study_csv = String.Join(",", x2);

                List <SqlParameter> ps = new List <SqlParameter>();
                ps.Add(sql.CreateParam("labID", labID.ToString(), "int"));
                //ps.Add(sql.CreateParam("study_csv", lstStudy.SelectedValue, "text"));
                ps.Add(sql.CreateParam("study_csv", study_csv, "text"));

                DataTable dt = sql.DataTable_from_ProcName("spCode6_person_by_Lab", ps);

                PivotTable pivotTable = utilPivotTable.DataTable_to_PivotTable(dt, new List <string> {
                }, new List <string> {
                }, "ID",
                                                                               new List <utilPivotTable.AggrFx> {

                lblSelectOne.Visible = false;

                if (chkDisplayOnPage.Checked == true)
                    //Write back to page
                    var htmlResult = new StringWriter();
                    var pvtHtmlWr  = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(htmlResult);

                    pvtHtmlWr.TotalsColumn = false;
                    pvtHtmlWr.TotalsRow    = false;
                    pvtHtmlWr.GrandTotal   = false;


                    Literal xtab = new Literal();
                    xtab.Text = htmlResult.ToString();

                if (chkXLSX.Checked == true)
                    var    dataTblWr = new PivotTableDataTableWriter("Test");                  //.Write(pivotTable);
                    var    tbl       = dataTblWr.Write(pivotTable);
                    string filename  = "code6_IDs_wide_" + SpreadsheetGearUtils.DateTime_for_filename();
                    SpreadsheetGearUtils.SaveDataTableToExcel(tbl, filename, true, "xlsx");

예제 #4
    protected void Load_Kappa(int measureID)
        SQL_utils sql = new SQL_utils("data");

        DataTable dt_score_vars = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(" select fldname, minval, maxval from def.vwFld where measureID=" + measureID.ToString() + " and relitem in (1,3) ");

        List <string> vars = dt_score_vars.AsEnumerable().Select(f => f.Field <string>("fldname")).ToList();

        //foreach (string v in vars)
        foreach (DataRow var_row in dt_score_vars.Rows)
            string v = var_row["fldname"].ToString();

            string    x        = "exec spRELv2_Get_Scores_for_var '" + v + "', " + Master.Master_studyID.ToString() + ", " + measureID.ToString() + ", 'exclude missing', 3";
            DataTable dt_kappa = sql.DataTable_from_SQLstring(x);

            var pivotData = new PivotData(
                new string[] { "orig_val", "rel_val", "fldname" },
                new CountAggregatorFactory(),
                new DataTableReader(dt_kappa));

            var pivotTable = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "orig_val" },                // row dimension(s)
                new[] { "rel_val" },                 // column dimension(s)

            //var q = new SliceQuery(pivotData)
            //    .Dimension("orig_val")
            //    .Dimension("rel_val")
            //    .Measure(0);
            //var q2 = q.Execute(true);

            utilStats.Kappa_stats k = utilStats.CalculateKappa(pivotTable);

            var htmlResult = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr  = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(htmlResult);


            Literal xtab = new Literal();
            xtab.Text = htmlResult.ToString();

            Literal kappa = new Literal();
            kappa.Text += utilStats.PrintKappa_stats(k);

            Table     tbl   = new Table();
            TableRow  row   = new TableRow();
            TableCell cell1 = new TableCell();
            TableCell cell2 = new TableCell();



            Label v_title = new Label();
            v_title.Text      = v;
            v_title.Font.Size = 10;
            v_title.Font.Bold = true;


            UpdatePanel_Kappa.Visible = true;

예제 #5
        protected void CreatePivot(DataTable dt, List <string> pivot_rows, List <string> pivot_cols, List <string> stats, string cellfield, int decimal_places)
            List <utilPivotTable.AggrFx> fx = new List <utilPivotTable.AggrFx>();

            if (stats.Contains("N"))
            if (stats.Contains("Mean"))
            if (stats.Contains("SD"))

            _pivot = utilPivotTable.DataTable_to_PivotTable(dt, pivot_rows, pivot_cols, cellfield, fx);

            var strHtmlWr = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strHtmlWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass = "table table-bordered table-condensed pvtTable";

            pvtHtmlWr.FormatValue = (aggr, measureIdx) =>
                if (aggr.Count == 0)

                // apply default number format

                if (decimal_places == 0)
                    return(String.Format("{0:#}", aggr.Value));
                else if (decimal_places == 1)
                    return(String.Format("{0:0.#}", aggr.Value));
                else if (decimal_places == 2)
                    return(String.Format("{0:0.##}", aggr.Value));
                else if (decimal_places == 3)
                    return(String.Format("{0:0.###}", aggr.Value));
                else if (decimal_places == 4)
                    return(String.Format("{0:0.####}", aggr.Value));
                else if (decimal_places == 5)
                    return(String.Format("{0:0.#####}", aggr.Value));
                    return(String.Format("{0:0.##}", aggr.Value));

            _htmlContent = strHtmlWr.ToString();

            _htmlContent = _htmlContent.Replace("Average of", "Mean");
            _htmlContent = _htmlContent.Replace("Variance of", "SD");
            _htmlContent = _htmlContent.Replace("Count", "N");

            string headerRow = String.Join(" > ", pivot_rows);
            string headerCol = String.Join(" > ", pivot_cols);

            _autotitle = String.Format("<b>{0}</b> by <b>{1}</b>", headerRow, headerCol);

            output = String.Format("{0}{1}", _autotitle, _htmlContent);
예제 #6
//        string GetData(IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>> inputData) {
//            var pvtData = new PivotData(
//                new [] {"Tournament","Category", "Gender","Player"}, // list of all dimensions used in pivot table
//                new SumAggregatorFactory("Count"),
//                true);
//            pvtData.ProcessData( inputData );  // use appropriate overload for different data sources

//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Tournament","Category"}, // rows
//                new[] {"Gender", "Player"},
//                pvtData
//            );
//            var strWr = new StringWriter();
//            var htmlPvtTblWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strWr);
//            htmlPvtTblWr.Write(pvtTbl);
//            return strWr.ToString();
//      }
        public override IDisplayResult Display(CrosstabVisualProfile profile, IUpdateModel updater)
            var context = new PivotContext();
            //  var json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
            //  var inputData = json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            // var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(profile.QueryResult.ToString());//json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            //var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(profile.QueryResult.ToString());//json.Deserialize<IEnumerable<Dictionary<string,object>>>(inputDataJson);
            // var pvtData = GetData(inputData);
            var converted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(profile.QueryResult.ToString());
            var inputData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > >(converted);
            // in this example filter is applied to in-memory data cube
            // for large datasets it may be applied on database level (with SQL WHERE expression)
            //  var filteredPvtData = new SliceQuery(pvtData).Where("Order Year", year).Execute();

            var pvtData = new PivotData(
                new [] { "Tournament", "Category", "Gender", "Player" }, // list of all dimensions used in pivot table
                new SumAggregatorFactory("Count"),

            pvtData.ProcessData(inputData);    // use appropriate overload for different data sources

            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
                new[] { "Tournament", "Category" }, // rows
                new[] { "Gender", "Player" },
            // render pivot table HTML
//            var pvtTbl = new PivotTable(
//                new[] {"Country"},  // rows
//                new[] {"Order Year", "Order Month"} ,  // cols
//                pvtData//  filteredPvtData
//            );
            // sort by row total
//            pvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null,
//                1, // lets order by measure #1 (sum of unit price)
//                System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);

            var strHtmlWr = new StringWriter();
            var pvtHtmlWr = new PivotTableHtmlWriter(strHtmlWr);

            pvtHtmlWr.TableClass = "table table-bordered table-condensed pvtTable";
            context.PivotTableHtml = strHtmlWr.ToString();

            // prepare data for pie chart (total sum by country)
//            var pvtDataForChart = new SliceQuery(filteredPvtData).Dimension("Country").Measure(1).Execute();
//            var chartPvtTbl = new PivotTable(new[]{"Country"},null,pvtDataForChart);
//            // sort by row total
//            chartPvtTbl.SortRowKeys(null, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending);
//            var strJsonWr = new StringWriter();
//            var jsonWr = new PivotTableJsonWriter(strJsonWr);
//            jsonWr.Write(chartPvtTbl);
//            context.PivotTableJson = strJsonWr.ToString();

            //var pager = await GetPagerAsync(context.Updater, listPart);
            //var settings = GetSettings(listPart);
            //model.EnablePositioning = settings.EnablePositioning;
            //model.AdminListViewName = settings.AdminListViewName;
            //model.ListViewProviders = _listViewService.Providers.ToList();
            //model.ListViewProvider = GetListViewProvider(model);// _listViewService.GetDefaultProvider();
            //model.ItemsPerPage = listPart.ItemsPerPage;
            //model.Skip = listPart.Skip;
            //model.PagerSuffix = listPart.PagerSuffix;
            //model.MaxItems = listPart.MaxItems;
            //model.DisplayPager = listPart.DisplayPager;

            //   model.ProjectionPart = listPart;
            // model.ContentItems = (await QueryListItemsAsync(listPart, pager, true)).ToArray();
            //model.PageOfContentItems = (await QueryListItemsAsync(listPart, pager, true)).ToArray();
            //model.ContainedContentTypeDefinitions = GetContainedContentTypes(listPart);
            //model.Context = context;
            //model.Pager = await context.New.PagerSlim(pager);

            //model.ListViewShape = model.ListViewProvider.BuildDisplay(context, model);// context.AdminListView.BuildDisplay(context);

                       Initialize <CrosstabVisualProfileViewModel>("CrosstabVisualProfile", model =>
                model.PivotContext = context;
                model.QueryResult = profile.QueryResult;
                model.AutoStart = profile.AutoStart;
                model.Controls = profile.Controls;
                model.Indicators = profile.Indicators;
                model.Interval = profile.Interval;
                model.Keyboard = profile.Keyboard;
                model.Pause = profile.Pause;
                model.Wrap = profile.Wrap;
                       .Location("Detail", "Content:1")//,
                       //Shape<TableLayoutProfileViewModel>("TableLayoutProfile_Summary",   model =>
                       //    {
                       //        model.AutoStart = profile.AutoStart;
                       //        model.Controls = profile.Controls;
                       //        model.Indicators = profile.Indicators;
                       //        model.Interval = profile.Interval;
                       //        model.Keyboard = profile.Keyboard;
                       //        model.Pause = profile.Pause;
                       //        model.Wrap = profile.Wrap;
                       //    })
                       //    .Location("Summary", "Meta:5")

            //return Combine(
            //    Shape("TableLayoutProfile_SummaryAdmin", model =>
            //    {
            //        model.Profile = profile;
            //    }).Location("Content:5")
            //    //Shape("BootStrapProfile_Buttons_SummaryAdmin", model =>
            //    //{
            //    //    model.Profile = profile;
            //    //}).Location("Actions:2")