public ETTask <List <ComponentWithId> > GetJson(string collectionName, string json, long skip, long limit)
            ETTaskCompletionSource <List <ComponentWithId> >           tcs      = new ETTaskCompletionSource <List <ComponentWithId> >();
            PipelineStageDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId> _match   = PipelineStageDefinitionBuilder.Match <ComponentWithId>(json);
            PipelineStageDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId> _skip    = PipelineStageDefinitionBuilder.Skip <ComponentWithId>((int)skip);
            PipelineStageDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId> _limit   = PipelineStageDefinitionBuilder.Limit <ComponentWithId>((int)limit);
            PipelineDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId>      pipeline = new PipelineStagePipelineDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId>(
                new PipelineStageDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId>[] { _match, _skip, _limit });
            DBQueryPipelineTask dbQueryPipelineTask = ComponentFactory.Create <DBQueryPipelineTask, string, PipelineDefinition <ComponentWithId, ComponentWithId>, ETTaskCompletionSource <List <ComponentWithId> > >
                                                          (collectionName, pipeline, tcs);

            this.tasks[(int)((ulong)dbQueryPipelineTask.Id % taskCount)].Add(dbQueryPipelineTask);
예제 #2
        private static void ApplyProjection <TEntity, TProperty>(AggregateQueryable <TEntity> aggregateQueryable, string asFieldName, string navigationElementName)
            var isEnumerable = typeof(TProperty).IsEnumerable();

            if (!isEnumerable)
                //Set first element as navigation field
                PipelineStageDefinition <TEntity, TEntity> addFields = "{ \"$addFields\": { \"" + navigationElementName + "\": { \"$arrayElemAt\": [\"$" + asFieldName + "\", 0] } } }";
                //Exclude temp @as field
                PipelineStageDefinition <TEntity, TEntity> project = "{ \"$project\" : { \"" + asFieldName + "\" : 0 } }";

                aggregateQueryable.AggregateFluent = aggregateQueryable.AggregateFluent
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a distinct aggregation stage to a fluent pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Any class that implements IEntity</typeparam>
        public static IAggregateFluent <T> Distinct <T>(this IAggregateFluent <T> aggregate) where T : IEntity
            PipelineStageDefinition <T, T> groupStage = @"
                                                            $group: {
                                                                _id: '$_id',
                                                                doc: {
                                                                    $first: '$$ROOT'

            PipelineStageDefinition <T, T> rootStage = @"
                                                            $replaceRoot: {
                                                                newRoot: '$doc'

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Appends a match stage to the pipeline with an aggregation expression (i.e. $expr)
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Any class that implements IEntity</typeparam>
        /// <param name="aggregate"></param>
        /// <param name="expression">{ $gt: ['$Property1', '$Property2'] }</param>
        public static IAggregateFluent <T> MatchExpression <T>(this IAggregateFluent <T> aggregate, string expression) where T : IEntity
            PipelineStageDefinition <T, T> stage = "{$match:{$expr:" + expression + "}}";

예제 #5
        private RenderedPipelineStageDefinition <TOutput> RenderStage <TInput, TOutput>(PipelineStageDefinition <TInput, TOutput> stage)
            var registry   = BsonSerializer.SerializerRegistry;
            var serializer = registry.GetSerializer <TInput>();

            return(stage.Render(serializer, registry));
예제 #6
 // private methods
 private RenderedPipelineStageDefinition <ChangeStreamDocument <BsonDocument> > RenderStage(PipelineStageDefinition <BsonDocument, ChangeStreamDocument <BsonDocument> > stage)
     return(stage.Render(BsonDocumentSerializer.Instance, BsonSerializer.SerializerRegistry));
        public static BsonDocument Render <TInput, TOutput>(PipelineStageDefinition <TInput, TOutput> stage, IBsonSerializer <TInput> inputSerializer, LinqProvider linqProvider)
            var rendered = stage.Render(inputSerializer, BsonSerializer.SerializerRegistry, linqProvider);

예제 #8
 public IAggregateFluent <TNewResult> AppendStage <TNewResult>(PipelineStageDefinition <BsonDocument, TNewResult> stage)
     return(BlockProvider.AppendStage <TNewResult>(stage));