예제 #1
        public override string GetQuestCurrentObjective(QuestData rawdata)
            PigQuestData data      = (PigQuestData)rawdata;
            byte         PigsFound = data.MetPigCount;

            if (data.UnlockedBland)
                return("I managed to be able to fuse all pigs guardians.");
            if (PigsFound == 0)
                return("I didn't found any of the emotional Pig TerraGuardian pieces.");
            else if (PigsFound < 4)
                if (!data.SpokeToLeopoldAboutTheEmotionalPigs)
                    return("I've found a fragmented piece of a TerraGuardian. I should seek someone who could help with this.");
                return("I've found " + PigsFound + " pieces of a TerraGuardian, but I didn't find all of them yet.");
                return("I need to find a way of fusing the pig guardians together.");
예제 #2
        public static void LeopoldsCommentAboutThePigs()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;

            if (data.UnlockedBland)
                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*The result caused by the fusion of each pig piece is really intriguing me.*");
                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I wonder what caused their final form to nullify any trace of emotion.*");
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Maybe happened some kind of negation by the part of the resulting form to them, but that's only a theory.\nAnyways, do you want to speak about something else?*", false);
                if (data.MetPigCount < 4)
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Oh yes, the case of the TerraGuardian shattered into different emotions.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I'm studying what could be the causer of that issue.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*If you manage to know about something, or know of anything they may remember, do tell me. I'm curious to know what actually happened.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Meanwhile, all we can do is either research, or theorize what may have happened.*", false);
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Ah, them. It seems like you managed to find all of them. Funny, I thought there were more.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Oh well, when you find out that they're ready for the fusion, I'll take care of merging them together into their original form.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*I'm curious about what that original form may look like, probably would result in something fascinating.*", false);
예제 #3
        public override Action ImportantDialogueMessage(QuestData rawdata, TerraGuardian tg, int GuardianID, string GuardianModID)
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)rawdata;

            if (GuardianModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(GuardianBase.Leopold))
                    switch (GuardianID)
                    case GuardianBase.Wrath:
                        data.MetPigs[WrathID] = true;
                        if (tg.FriendshipLevel >= 5 && !data.SolidificationRequestGiven[WrathID])
                            data.SolidificationRequestGiven[WrathID] = true;
                            //Wrath speaks about trying to find a way of solidifying his body.
                            return(new Action(WrathTellingYouAboutFormChanging));

                    case GuardianBase.Joy:
                        data.MetPigs[HappinessID] = true;

                        /*if (tg.FriendshipLevel >= 5 && !data.SolidificationRequestGiven[HappinessID])
                         * {
                         *  QuestStartedNotification(rawdata);
                         *  data.SolidificationRequestGiven[HappinessID] = true;
                         *  //Solidifying quest
                         *  return new Action(WrathTellingYouAboutFormChanging);
                         * }*/

                    case GuardianBase.Sadness:
                        data.MetPigs[SadnessID] = true;

                        /*if (tg.FriendshipLevel >= 5 && !data.SolidificationRequestGiven[SadnessID])
                         * {
                         *  QuestStartedNotification(rawdata);
                         *  data.SolidificationRequestGiven[SadnessID] = true;
                         *  //Solidifying quest
                         *  return new Action(WrathTellingYouAboutFormChanging);
                         * }*/

                    case GuardianBase.Fear:
                        data.MetPigs[FearID] = true;
                        if (tg.FriendshipLevel >= 5 && !data.SolidificationRequestGiven[FearID])
                            data.SolidificationRequestGiven[FearID] = true;
                            //Solidifying quest
                            return(new Action(FearTellingYouAboutFormChanging));
            return(base.ImportantDialogueMessage(data, tg, GuardianID, GuardianModID));
예제 #4
        public static void LeopoldsTalkAboutUnlockingSolidification()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;
            List <int>   CompanionsNeedingSolidification = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (data.MetPigs[i] && data.SolidificationRequestGiven[i] && !data.SolidificationUnlocked[i])
                    bool HasCompanionsSummoned = false;
                    switch (i)
                    case WrathID:
                        if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Wrath))
                            HasCompanionsSummoned = true;
                    if (HasCompanionsSummoned)
            Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Some of the emotional pigs are wanting to solidify their body?*");
            if (CompanionsNeedingSolidification.Count == 0)
                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Wait! There is nobody needing solidification following you!*");
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*I can't try solidifying the emotional pig wanting that without them around. Call them the next time.*", false);
                while (CompanionsNeedingSolidification.Count > 0)
                    int PickedPig = CompanionsNeedingSolidification[0];
                    TerraGuardian Leopold = Dialogue.GetSpeaker;
                    switch (PickedPig)
                    case WrathID:
                        int           ParticipantID = Dialogue.AddParticipant(PlayerMod.GetPlayerSummonedGuardian(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Wrath));
                        TerraGuardian Wrath         = Dialogue.GetParticipant(ParticipantID);
                        Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I am sick of this form! It even makes me boil into anger just thinking about it!*", Wrath);
                        Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Let me try doing something...*", Leopold);
                        Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>().PigGuardianCloudForm[WrathID] = false;
                        Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*It worked! Great!*", Wrath);
                    data.SolidificationUnlocked[PickedPig] = true;
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*It's done. Someone else needs their body solidified?*", Leopold);
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*No? alright then. Do you want to speak about something else, [nickname]?*", false);
예제 #5
        public override void UpdatePlayer(Player player, QuestData rawdata)
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)rawdata;

            if (data.CheckIfJustLoaded())
                //Add here the scripts to get the companions player have already met
                data.MetPigs[WrathID] = PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(player, GuardianBase.Wrath);
예제 #6
        public static void FearTellingYouAboutFormChanging()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;

            if (Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithOptions("*I don't like this form. Everyone else is solid, like you, and I look like... This. Could you go talk with [gn:" + GuardianBase.Leopold + "] to see if he has a solution for this?*", new string[] { "Yes, I can.", "Not now." }) == 0)
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Okay... So... Let's go then?*", false);
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*I think I can stay in this form for some more time. But it is really scary sounding like a freak.*", false);
예제 #7
        public static void WrathTellingYouAboutFormChanging()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;

            if (Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithOptions("*I need flesh and muscle to give more impact to my attacks. There must be a way of giving me a solid body,that white bunny needs to help me now, go talk to him and im not accepting no for a answer.*", new string[] { "Who? [gn:" + GuardianBase.Leopold + "]? Sure, Let's visit him.", "Not right now.." }) == 0)
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Great, or else I would give you a pounding.*", false);
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Oh you...! (Insert several different insults here)*", false);
예제 #8
        public static void WhenTalkingToLeopoldAboutThePigs()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;

            if (!data.SpokeToLeopoldAboutTheEmotionalPigs)
                bool HasAnyOfThePigs = PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Wrath) || PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Fear) ||
                                       PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Joy) || PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Sadness);
                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Huh? Emotional pigs? What are you talking about?*");
                if (HasAnyOfThePigs)
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Ah, I see what you mean now.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Hm... Actually, I do know about their condition. It seems like its body has vaporized at the moment its personality was split.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I can try doing something to make its personality solid, but I can only merge its personalities if you find them.**");
                    data.SpokeToLeopoldAboutTheEmotionalPigs = true;
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I don't know of anything like that. Could you bring what you mean to me? Whatever that is, I need to see with my own eyes.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Anyways, is there something else you want to talk about?*");
            List <DialogueOption> dialogues = new List <DialogueOption>();

            if (data.MetAnyPig)
                dialogues.Add(new DialogueOption("What can you tell me about the emotional pigs?", LeopoldsCommentAboutThePigs));
            if (data.AnyPigNeedingSolidification)
                dialogues.Add(new DialogueOption("One of the pigs wants to have their body solidified.", LeopoldsTalkAboutUnlockingSolidification));
            if (data.AnyPigCanBeSolidified)
                dialogues.Add(new DialogueOption("Can you alter the body state of a pig?", LeopoldTalkAboutChangingPigForm));
            dialogues.Add(new DialogueOption("Enough talking about that.", delegate()
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*I'm still trying to understand too, but I can still try figuring out what is going on with the pigs.\n" +
                                                "Feel free to speak to me again in case you have any other question.*", false);
            Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithOptions("*About them? What do you want to talk about them?*", dialogues.ToArray());
예제 #9
 public override List <DialogueOption> AddDialogueOptions(bool IsTalkDialogue, int GuardianID, string GuardianModID)
     if (GuardianModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
         switch (GuardianID)
         case GuardianBase.Leopold:
             PigQuestData          data      = (PigQuestData)Data;
             List <DialogueOption> dialogues = new List <DialogueOption>();
             if (data.MetAnyPig)
                 dialogues.Add(new DialogueOption("About the emotional pigs...", WhenTalkingToLeopoldAboutThePigs, true));
     return(base.AddDialogueOptions(IsTalkDialogue, GuardianID, GuardianModID));
예제 #10
        public static void WhenTalkingToLeopoldAboutThePigs()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;

            if (!data.SpokeToLeopoldAboutTheEmotionalPigs)
                bool HasAnyOfThePigs = PlayerMod.HasGuardianSummoned(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Leopold);
                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Huh? Emotional pigs? What are you talking about?*");
                if (HasAnyOfThePigs)
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Ah, I see what you mean now.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*Hm... Actually, I do know about their condition. It seems like its body has vaporized at the moment its personality was split.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I can try doing something to make its personality solid, but I can only merge its personalities if you find them.*");
                    data.SpokeToLeopoldAboutTheEmotionalPigs = true;
                    Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*I don't know of anything like that. Could you bring what you mean to me? Whatever that is, I need to see with my own eyes.*");
                    Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Anyways, is there something else you want to talk about?*");
            List <GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption> dialogues = new List <GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption>();

            if (data.MetAnyPig)
                dialogues.Add(new GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption("What can you tell me about the emotional pigs?", LeopoldsCommentAboutThePigs));
            if (data.AnyPigNeedingSolidification)
                dialogues.Add(new GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption("One of the pigs wants to have their body solidified.", LeopoldsTalkAboutUnlockingSolidification));
            if (data.AnyPigCanBeSolidified)
                dialogues.Add(new GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption("Can you alter the body state of a pig?", LeopoldsTalkAboutUnlockingSolidification));
            Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithOptions("*About them? What do you want to talk about them?*", dialogues.ToArray());
예제 #11
        public override Action ImportantDialogueMessage(QuestData rawdata, TerraGuardian tg, int GuardianID, string GuardianModID)
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)rawdata;

            if (GuardianModID == MainMod.mod.Name)
                if (NpcMod.HasGuardianNPC(GuardianBase.Leopold))
                    switch (GuardianID)
                    case GuardianBase.Wrath:
                        data.MetPigs[WrathID] = true;
                        if (tg.FriendshipLevel >= 5 && !data.SolidificationRequestGiven[WrathID])
                            data.SolidificationRequestGiven[WrathID] = true;
                            //Wrath speaks about trying to find a way of solidifying his body.
                            return(new Action(WrathTellingYouAboutFormChanging));
            return(base.ImportantDialogueMessage(data, tg, GuardianID, GuardianModID));
예제 #12
        public static void LeopoldTalkAboutChangingPigForm()
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)Data;
            List <int>   CompanionsCanChangeForm = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (data.MetPigs[i] && data.SolidificationRequestGiven[i] && data.SolidificationUnlocked[i])
                    bool HasCompanionsSummoned = false;
                    switch (i)
                    case WrathID:
                        if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Wrath))
                            HasCompanionsSummoned = true;

                    case FearID:
                        if (PlayerMod.PlayerHasGuardian(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Fear))
                            HasCompanionsSummoned = true;
                    if (HasCompanionsSummoned)
            Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue("*You want to change the state of the body of one of the emotional pigs?*");
            if (CompanionsCanChangeForm.Count == 0)
                Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*You should have the companion you want to change their body state following you, or else I can't do anything.*", false);
                string[] Options = new string[CompanionsCanChangeForm.Count + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < CompanionsCanChangeForm.Count; i++)
                    switch (CompanionsCanChangeForm[i])
                    case WrathID:
                        Options[i] = "Change Wrath's Form";

                    case FearID:
                        Options[i] = "Change Fear's Form";
                Options[CompanionsCanChangeForm.Count] = "Nevermind";
                int PickedOption = Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithOptions("*Who do you want to change the body form?*", Options);
                if (PickedOption == CompanionsCanChangeForm.Count)
                    Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Changed your mind? Then I will do nothing. Want to talk about something else?*", false);
                    TerraGuardian tg = null;
                    PlayerMod     player = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <PlayerMod>();
                    string        CloudFormDialogue = "", SolidFormDialogue = "";
                    switch (CompanionsCanChangeForm[PickedOption])
                    case WrathID:
                        tg = PlayerMod.GetPlayerSummonedGuardian(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Wrath);
                        CloudFormDialogue = "*Grrr. I hate this! I hate It!*";
                        SolidFormDialogue = "*Now I can really hurt things.*";

                    case FearID:
                        tg = PlayerMod.GetPlayerSummonedGuardian(Main.LocalPlayer, GuardianBase.Fear);
                        CloudFormDialogue = "*Why? Now people will look weird at me again.*";
                        SolidFormDialogue = "*It's good to be solid again, and I think people will no longer look weird at me.*";
                    if (tg == null)
                        Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Oh well... Something unexpected happened. Want to talk about something else?*", false);
                        if (Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithOptions("*Do you really want to change " + tg.Name + "'s form to " + (player.PigGuardianCloudForm[PickedOption] ? "Astral" : "Solid") + "?*", new string[] { "Yes", "No" }) == 0)
                            player.PigGuardianCloudForm[PickedOption] = !player.PigGuardianCloudForm[PickedOption];
                            TerraGuardian Speaker = Dialogue.GetSpeaker;
                            if (player.PigGuardianCloudForm[PickedOption])
                                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue(CloudFormDialogue, tg);
                                Dialogue.ShowDialogueWithContinue(SolidFormDialogue, tg);
                            Dialogue.ShowEndDialogueMessage("*Well, It's done. Do you want something else?*", false, Speaker);
예제 #13
        public override string QuestStory(QuestData rawdata)
            PigQuestData data      = (PigQuestData)rawdata;
            byte         PigsFound = data.MetPigCount;
            string       Story     = "";

            if (PigsFound == 0)
                Story = "I haven't met any of the emotional Pig TerraGuardians yet. I may end up bumping into them during my travels.";
                bool   MetOnlyOne      = true;
                string CompanionsNames = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (data.MetPigs[i])
                        if (CompanionsNames != "")
                            CompanionsNames += ", ";
                            MetOnlyOne       = false;
                        switch (i)
                        case WrathID:
                            CompanionsNames += "Anger";

                        case SadnessID:
                            CompanionsNames += "Sadness";

                        case HappinessID:
                            CompanionsNames += "Happiness";

                        case FearID:
                            CompanionsNames += "Fear";
                Story = "During my travels, I met ";
                if (MetOnlyOne)
                    Story += "a TerraGuardian. The only emotion they can express is " + CompanionsNames + ".";
                    Story += "some TerraGuardians. Based on the emotions they express, they were " + CompanionsNames + ".";
            if (PigsFound > 0)
                Story += "\n\nThey said that they don't remember what happened to them, and neither how they ended up emotionally divided";
                if (PigsFound < 4)
                    Story += ", but it seems like there's more pieces of them to be found.";
                    Story += ", but gladly it looks like I managed to find all of them.";

                bool First = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (data.SolidificationRequestGiven[i])
                        if (First)
                            Story += "\n\n";
                            First  = false;
                        bool Solidified = data.SolidificationUnlocked[i];
                        switch (i)
                        case WrathID:
                            Story += "The Pig of Wrath said that it was tired of being astral, and asked me to find a way of getting a physical form.";
                            if (Solidified)
                                Story += " Gladly, Leopold helped giving a solution to allow mortalizing their body, and also re-astralizing if needed.";

                        case SadnessID:
                            Story += "";
                            if (Solidified)
                                Story += " ";

                        case HappinessID:
                            Story += "";
                            if (Solidified)
                                Story += " ";

                        case FearID:
                            Story += "The Pig of Fear is fearing that people think of him as a freak, just because of his astral form, and asked me to find out how to turn his body into physical form.";
                            if (Solidified)
                                Story += " Leopold knew a solution for this issue, so he's able to solidify his body, and turn it to astral form when needed too.";
                if (data.UnlockedBland)
                    Story += "\n\nI managed to get Leopold to help me fuse all pigs together into a TerraGuardian, and it resulted into a emotionless TerraGuardian with impressive capabilities and a bland attitude.\n\nTHE END";
예제 #14
        public override bool IsQuestComplete(QuestData rawdata)
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)rawdata;

예제 #15
        public override bool IsQuestStarted(QuestData rawdata)
            PigQuestData data = (PigQuestData)rawdata;

예제 #16
        public override string QuestStory(QuestData rawdata)
            PigQuestData data      = (PigQuestData)rawdata;
            byte         PigsFound = data.MetPigCount;
            string       Story     = "";

            if (PigsFound == 0)
                Story = "I haven't met any of the emotional Pig TerraGuardians yet. I may end up bumping into them during my travels.";
                bool   MetOnlyOne      = true;
                string CompanionsNames = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (data.MetPigs[i])
                        if (CompanionsNames != "")
                            CompanionsNames += ", ";
                            MetOnlyOne       = false;
                        switch (i)
                        case WrathID:
                            CompanionsNames += "Wrath";
                Story = "During my travels, I met ";
                if (MetOnlyOne)
                    Story += "a TerraGuardian named " + CompanionsNames + ", whose nickname is directly tied to their emotion they express.";
                    Story += "some TerraGuardians. They were named " + CompanionsNames + ". Their nicknames were directly tied to the emotion they express.";
            if (PigsFound > 0)
                Story += "\n\nThey said that they don't remember what happened to them, and neither how they ended up emotionally divided";
                if (PigsFound < 4)
                    Story += ", but it seems like there's more pieces of them to be found.";
                    Story += ", but gladly it looks like I managed to find all of them.";

                bool First = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (data.SolidificationRequestGiven[i])
                        if (First)
                            Story += "\n\n";
                            First  = false;
                        bool Solidified = data.SolidificationUnlocked[i];
                        switch (i)
                        case WrathID:
                            Story += "The Pig of Wrath said that it was tired of being astral, and asked me to find a way of getting a physical form.";
                            if (Solidified)
                                Story += " Gladly, Leopold helped giving a solution to allow mortalizing their body, and also re-astralizing if needed.";
                if (data.UnlockedBland)
                    Story += "\n\nI managed to get Leopold to help me fuse all pigs together into a TerraGuardian, and it resulted into a emotionless TerraGuardian with impressive capabilities and a bland attitude.\n\nTHE END";
