예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                DirectoryInfo imagename = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/pictures/"));

                Picture1.DataSource = imagename.GetFiles("*.*");
예제 #2
        //public string TvType
        //    get { return comboBox1.Text; }
        //    // set { tvType = value; }

        private void dgv1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < dgv1.RowCount; i++)
                if (e.RowIndex == i)
                    this.Picture1.Paint += Picture1_Paint;
예제 #3
		public void Picture1_Click(System.Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs)
			short Index = Picture1.GetIndex(eventSender);
			if (System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(Picture1[Index].BackColor) == Information.RGB(0, 255, 0))
				SET_BUFF(0x11, 0, (byte) Index);
			else if (System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(Picture1[Index].BackColor) == Information.RGB(255, 0, 0))
				SET_BUFF(0x12, 0, (byte) Index);
    //save picture and upload
    public void OnClick4()
        byte[] bytes = texture.EncodeToPNG();

        //save to local directory
        //File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/../SavedScreen.png", bytes);

        string shopID      = "02";
        string shopName    = "麥當勞";
        string shopAddress = "公園北路3號";
        string telephone   = "091234";
        Gps    gps         = new Gps("12.3", "2.4");

        List <TimePeriod> timePeriod = new List <TimePeriod>();

        timePeriod.Add(new TimePeriod("10", "30", "15", "00"));
        List <Item> item = new List <Item>();

        item.Add(new Item(true, timePeriod));
        OpenTime openTime = new OpenTime(item);

        List <Item2> item2 = new List <Item2>();

        item2.Add(new Item2("哈哈", "笑你"));
        InfoList infoList = new InfoList(item2);

        List <Item4> item4 = new List <Item4>();

        item4.Add(new Item4(bytes, "png"));
        Picture1 picture = new Picture1(item4);

        WWWForm formData = new WWWForm();

        formData.AddField("shopID", shopID);
        formData.AddField("shopName", shopName);
        formData.AddField("shopAddress", shopAddress);
        formData.AddField("telephone", telephone);
        formData.AddField("gps", JsonUtility.ToJson(gps));
        formData.AddField("openTime", JsonUtility.ToJson(openTime));
        formData.AddField("infoList", JsonUtility.ToJson(infoList));
        formData.AddField("picture", JsonUtility.ToJson(picture));

예제 #5
 private void Text1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //this.Picture1.Paint += Picture1_Paint;
예제 #6
        public void ShowRegion()
            if (SourcePic == null)

            //TODO finish this line
            //StretchBlt Picture1.hDC, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, Picture1.ScaleHeight, SourcePic.hDC, CenterX - GridHalfSide, CenterY - GridHalfSide, GridSide, GridSide, SRCCOPY; //Print image into picturebox with Stretch style
            //update pixel value labels
            long X          = 0;
            long Y          = 0;
            long i          = 0;
            long h          = 0;
            long j          = 0;
            long color      = 0;
            bool UseHistory = false;

            if (StatsEnabled & HistCount < m_HistoryLength)
                HistCount = HistCount + 1;
                labelHistCount.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                labelHistCount.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            labelHistCount.Text = HistCount.ToString();

            LastI = (LastI + 1) % m_HistoryLength;

            for (Y = -GridHalfSide; Y <= GridHalfSide; Y++)
                for (X = -GridHalfSide; X <= GridHalfSide; X++)
                    // TODO replace the following Line
                    //PixHistory(X, Y, LastI) = GetPixel(SourcePic.hDC, CenterX + X, CenterY + Y) & 0XFF;
                    if (LabelsEnabled | lblPixVal(i).ForeColor == vbGreen)
                        if (StatsEnabled)
                            lblPixVal(i) = System.Convert.ToInt32(PixelAverage(X, Y));
                            lblPixVal(i) = PixHistory(X, Y, LastI);
                        lblPixVal(i).Visible = true;
                        lblPixVal(i).Visible = false;
                    i = i + 1;

            lblStats.Visible = StatsEnabled;
            if (StatsEnabled)
                //compute stats
                for (Y = -2; Y <= 2; Y++)
                    for (X = -2; X <= 2; X++)
                        PixAverageHistory(X, Y, LastI) = PixelAverage(X, Y);
                //lblStats = "Center Avg " & F(PixAverageHistory(0, 0, LastI), 1) & _

                lblStats = "Avg all " + f(PixelAverageAll, 2) + ", STD " + f(PixelSTD(0, 0), 2) + ", STD(avg) " + f(STDofAverage(0, 0), 2);
                if (GridHalfSide >= 2)     //find the average stats of a 5x5 grid at the center
                    Avg5x5      = 0;
                    STD5x5      = 0;
                    STDofAvg5x5 = 0;
                    for (Y = -2; Y <= 2; Y++)
                        for (X = -2; X <= 2; X++)
                            Avg5x5      = Avg5x5 + PixAverageHistory(X, Y, LastI) / 25;    //average of pixel, including this one
                            STD5x5      = STD5x5 + PixelSTD(X, Y) / 25;
                            STDofAvg5x5 = STDofAvg5x5 + STDofAverage(X, Y) / 25;
                    lblStats = lblStats + System.Environment.NewLine + "5x5 Avg " + f(Avg5x5, 1) + ", STD " + f(STD5x5, 2) + ", STD(avg) " + f(f(STDofAvg5x5, 2), 2);

            lblXY = "X: " + CenterX + "  Y:" + CenterY;
            if (XPEnabled)
                double[] Pos   = new double[2];
                double[] TCPos = new double[2];
                double[] UnitV = null;
                int[]    Val   = new int[3];
                long     XPI   = 0;
                object   SideI = null;
                if (SourcePic == fMain.PictureB(0))
                    SideI = 0;
                    SideI = 1;
                XPI = NearbyXpointI(fMain.CurrCamera, SideI, CenterX / fMain.DisplayScale, CenterY / fMain.DisplayScale, 5);
                if (XPI >= 0)
                    if (GetXpoint(fMain.CurrCamera, SideI, XPI, Pos[0], Pos[1], TCPos[0], TCPos[1], UnitV, Val[0], Val[1], Val[2]))
                        //draw the lines
                        double[] PC      = new double[2];
                        double   LineLen = 0;
                        PC[0]   = 0.5 * Picture1.ScaleWidth + (Pos[0] * fMain.DisplayScale - CenterX) * Picture1.ScaleWidth / (2 * GridHalfSide + 1);
                        PC[1]   = 0.5 * Picture1.ScaleHeight + (Pos[1] * fMain.DisplayScale - CenterY) * Picture1.ScaleHeight / (2 * GridHalfSide + 1);
                        LineLen = Min(Picture1.Width, Picture1.Height);
                        DrawLine PC[0] - LineLen * UnitV[0, 0], PC[1] - LineLen * UnitV[1, 0], PC[0] + LineLen * UnitV[0, 0], PC[1] + LineLen * UnitV[1, 0], vbBlue;