} /* SaveConfiguration */ private bool AreParametersValid() { ValidateTrainingModel(); if (!trainingModelValid) { return(false); } trainingLevel = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(TrainingLevel.Text); predictionLevel = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(PredictionLevel.Text); if ((trainingLevel < 1) || (trainingLevel > maxLevel)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Training Level Specified, must be between[1 - " + maxLevel.ToString() + "]"); return(false); } if ((predictionLevel < 1) || (predictionLevel > trainingLevel)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Prediction Level Specified, must be between[1 - " + trainingLevel.ToString() + "]"); return(false); } if (!Directory.Exists(GroundTruth.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Ground Truth Directory is not valid"); return(false); } return(true); } /* AreParametersValid */
} /* PopulateScreen */ private bool ChangesMade() { float newScanRate = PicesKKStr.StrToFloat(ScanRate.Text); float newDepth = PicesKKStr.StrToFloat(Depth.Text); String newDepthStr = newDepth.ToString("#,##0.00"); String oldDepthStr = sipperFile.Depth.ToString("#,##0.00"); char extractionStatus = ExtractionStatusCodeFromStr(ExtractionStatus.Text); uint extractionScanLineStart = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(ExtractionScanLineStart.Text); uint extractionScanLineEnd = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(ExtractionScanLineEnd.Text); bool changesMade = (sipperFile.SipperFileName != SipperFileName.Text) || (sipperFile.Description != Description.Text) || (sipperFile.ScanRate != newScanRate) || (oldDepthStr != newDepthStr) || (sipperFile.Sp0 != SerialPort0.Text) || (sipperFile.Sp1 != SerialPort1.Text) || (sipperFile.Sp2 != SerialPort2.Text) || (sipperFile.Sp3 != SerialPort3.Text) || (sipperFile.CtdExt0 != CTDExt0.Text) || (sipperFile.CtdExt1 != CTDExt1.Text) || (sipperFile.CtdExt2 != CTDExt2.Text) || (sipperFile.CtdExt3 != CTDExt3.Text) || (sipperFile.DateTimeStart != DateTimeStart.Value) || (sipperFile.Latitude != latitude) || (sipperFile.Longitude != longitude) || (sipperFile.ExtractionStatus != extractionStatus) || (sipperFile.ExtractionScanLineStart != extractionScanLineStart) || (sipperFile.ExtractionScanLineEnd != extractionScanLineEnd); return(changesMade); } /* ChangesMade */
} /* WriteLine */ private void ParseTabDelStr(string s, int[] fieldIndexes, ref bool valid ) { valid = true; ctdDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); string[] fields = s.Split('\t'); if (fields.Length != fieldIndexes.Length) { valid = false; return; } int x = 0; for (x = 0; x < fields.Length; x++) { string field = fields[x]; float floatValue = PicesKKStr.StrToFloat(field); int fieldIndex = fieldIndexes[x]; if (fieldIndex < numDataFields) { data[fieldIndex] = floatValue; continue; } switch (fieldIndex) { case LatitudeIndex: latitude = PicesKKStr.StrToDouble(field); break; case LongitudeIndex: longitude = PicesKKStr.StrToDouble(field); break; case DateIndex: time = PicesKKStr.StrToDateTime(field); break; case ActiveBatteryIndex: activeBattery = PicesKKStr.StrToInt(field); break; case BatteryStatusesIndex: batteryStatuses = field.Trim(); break; case CTD_DateIndex: ctdDate = PicesKKStr.StrToDateTime(field); break; case ScanLineIndex: scanLine = PicesKKStr.StrToInt(field); break; case ByteOffseIndex: byteOffset = PicesKKStr.StrToUInt64(field); break; case CropLeftIndex: cropLeft = (UInt16)PicesKKStr.StrToUint(field); break; case CropRightIndex: cropRight = (UInt16)PicesKKStr.StrToUint(field); break; case ActiveColumnsIndex: activeColumns = (UInt16)PicesKKStr.StrToUint(field); break; } } } /* ParseTabDelStr */
private void ValidateExtractionScanLineEnd() { uint extractionScanLineStart = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(ExtractionScanLineStart.Text); uint extractionScanLineEnd = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(ExtractionScanLineEnd.Text); ExtractionScanLineStart.Text = extractionScanLineStart.ToString("###,###,##0"); ExtractionScanLineEnd.Text = extractionScanLineEnd.ToString("###,###,##0"); if ((extractionScanLineEnd > 0) && (extractionScanLineEnd < extractionScanLineStart)) { errorProvider1.SetError(ExtractionScanLineEnd, "End Scan-line must be greater than start scan-line or '0'."); validationErrorsFound = true; return; } }
public SipperDateStamp(string dateStr) { dayOfWeek = 1; day = 1; month = 1; year = 8; bool validDate = true; // Expect string in format of 'mm/dd/yy' string[] fields = dateStr.Split('/'); if (fields.Length != 3) { return; } month = PicesKKStr.StrToByte(fields[0]); if ((month < 1) || (month > 12)) { validDate = false; } day = PicesKKStr.StrToByte(fields[1]); if ((day < 1) || (day > 31)) { validDate = false; } uint xxx = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(fields[2]); if (xxx > 2000) { xxx = xxx - 2000; if (xxx < 100) { year = (byte)xxx; } } if (!validDate) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; month = 1; day = 1; year = 1; } return; }
private void SipperFileDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { allowUpdates = PicesSipperVariables.AllowUpdates(); if (runLog == null) { runLog = new PicesRunLog(); } LoadValidCTDExtrnlPorts(); String[] fieldNames = { "NumScanLines", "DateTimeStart", "NumImages" }; String[][] results = DbConn().QueryStatement("call SipperFilesCalcStats(\"" + sipperFile.SipperFileName + "\")", fieldNames ); if ((results == null) || (results.Length < 1)) { return; } uint numScanLines = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(results[0][0]); uint numImages = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(results[0][2]); if (numScanLines > 0) { ScanLines.Text = numScanLines.ToString("###,###,##0"); } if (numImages > 0) { NumImages.Text = numImages.ToString("###,###,##0"); } latitude = sipperFile.Latitude; longitude = sipperFile.Longitude; PopulateScreen(); } /* SipperFileDialog_Load */
} /* PopulateScreen */ private void UpdateFromScreen() { sipperFile.SipperFileName = SipperFileName.Text; sipperFile.Description = Description.Text; sipperFile.Latitude = PicesKKStr.StrToLatitude(Latitude.Text); sipperFile.Longitude = PicesKKStr.StrToLongitude(Longitude.Text); sipperFile.DateTimeStart = DateTimeStart.Value; sipperFile.ScanRate = PicesKKStr.StrToFloat(ScanRate.Text); sipperFile.Depth = PicesKKStr.StrToFloat(Depth.Text); sipperFile.Sp0 = SerialPort0.Text; sipperFile.Sp1 = SerialPort1.Text; sipperFile.Sp2 = SerialPort2.Text; sipperFile.Sp3 = SerialPort3.Text; sipperFile.CtdExt0 = CTDExt0.Text; sipperFile.CtdExt1 = CTDExt1.Text; sipperFile.CtdExt2 = CTDExt2.Text; sipperFile.CtdExt3 = CTDExt3.Text; sipperFile.ExtractionStatus = (sbyte)ExtractionStatusCodeFromStr(ExtractionStatus.Text); sipperFile.ExtractionScanLineStart = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(ExtractionScanLineStart.Text); sipperFile.ExtractionScanLineEnd = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(ExtractionScanLineEnd.Text); } /* PopulateScreen */
private void ReTallyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint zed = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(PredictionLevel.Text); if (zed < 1) { predLevel = 1; } else if (zed > trainLevel) { predLevel = trainLevel; } else { predLevel = zed; } PredictionLevel.Text = predLevel.ToString(); ReCalcMatrix(); }
private void PredictionLevel_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { PredictionLevel.Text = (PredictionLevel.Items [PredictionLevel.SelectedIndex]).ToString(); predictionLevel = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(PredictionLevel.Text); InitializeTrainAndPredLevelFields(); }
private void LoadConfiguraionData() { StreamReader f = null; try { f = new StreamReader(configFileName); } catch (Exception) { return; } string txtLine = f.ReadLine(); while (txtLine != null) { if (txtLine.Substring(0, 2) != "//") { String[] fields = txtLine.Split('\t'); if (fields.Length > 1) { string rowType = fields[0].ToLower().Trim(); if (rowType == "crossvalidation") { crossValidation = ((fields[1] == "Y") || (fields[1] == "T")); CrossValidation.Checked = crossValidation; } if (rowType == "trainingmodelselected") { if (fields.Length >= 2) { TrainingModelSelected.Text = fields[1]; trainingModelName = fields[1]; } } else if (rowType == "groundtruth") { if (fields.Length >= 2) { GroundTruth.Text = fields[1]; } } else if (rowType == "traininglevel") { if (fields.Length >= 2) { trainingLevel = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(fields[1]); TrainingLevel.Text = trainingLevel.ToString(); } } else if (rowType == "predictionlevel") { if (fields.Length >= 2) { predictionLevel = PicesKKStr.StrToUint(fields[1]); PredictionLevel.Text = trainingLevel.ToString(); } } else if (rowType == "endoffile") { break; } } } txtLine = f.ReadLine(); } ValidateTrainingModel(); InitializeTrainAndPredLevelFields(); f.Close(); } /* LoadConfiguraionData */