private void Start() { StarRangeIncr = maxStarRange * 2; RockPlanetRangeIncr = maxRockPlanetRange * 2; RockMoonRangeIncr = maxRockMoonRange * 2; GasGiantRangeIncr = maxGasGiantRange * 2; GGMoonRangeIncr = maxGGMoonRange * 2; objectsInSimulation = new PhysicsObject(, 0, PhysicsObjectType.GALAXY, random.Next(0, 360)); objectsInSimulation.addComponent(smbh_phy); GameObject blackHole = GameObject.Instantiate(superMassiveBlackHole,, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left)) as GameObject; blackHole.transform.parent = theCore.transform; // add stars starCount = random.Next (maxNumStars - minNumStars + 1) + minNumStars; int tempMinStarRange = minStarRange; int tempMaxStarRanger = maxStarRange; for (int i = 0; i < starCount; i++) { minStarRange += StarRangeIncr; maxStarRange += StarRangeIncr; randX = random.Next ((maxStarRange * -1), maxStarRange); while (randX > (minStarRange * -1) && randX < minStarRange) { randX = random.Next ((maxStarRange * -1), maxStarRange); } randY = random.Next ((maxStarRange * -1), maxStarRange); while (randY > (minStarRange * -1) && randY < minStarRange) { randY = random.Next ((maxStarRange * -1), maxStarRange); } star_phy = new PhysicsObject(new Vector2(blackHole.transform.position.x + randX, blackHole.transform.position.y + randY), 11, PhysicsObjectType.STAR, random.Next(0,360)); star_phy.calcRadius(smbh_phy); smbh_phy.addComponent(star_phy); objectsInSimulation.addComponent (star_phy); GameObject starSystem = Instantiate(stars[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, stars.Length)], new Vector3(star_phy.Position.x, 0, star_phy.Position.y), Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left)) as GameObject; starSystem.transform.parent = theCore.transform; starSystem.GetComponent<rotate>().myObject = star_phy; star_phy.rotateScript = starSystem.GetComponent<rotate>(); //add rock planets to the stars rockPlanetCount = random.Next (maxNumRockPlanetsPerStar - minNumRockPlanetsPerStar + 1) + minNumRockPlanetsPerStar; int tempMinRPRange = minRockPlanetRange; int tempMaxRPRange = maxRockPlanetRange; for (int j = 0; j < rockPlanetCount; j++) { minRockPlanetRange += RockPlanetRangeIncr; maxRockPlanetRange += RockPlanetRangeIncr; // calculate randX between two ranges on equadistant sides of the centre randX = random.Next ((maxRockPlanetRange* -1), maxRockPlanetRange); while (randX > (minRockPlanetRange* -1) && randX < minRockPlanetRange) { randX = random.Next ((maxRockPlanetRange* -1), maxRockPlanetRange); } // same for randY randY = random.Next ((maxRockPlanetRange* -1), maxRockPlanetRange); while (randY > (minRockPlanetRange* -1) && randY < minRockPlanetRange) { randY = random.Next ((maxRockPlanetRange* -1), maxRockPlanetRange); } // create the planet then add it to the parent (star in this case) then add it to the objects the sim tracks rockPlanet_phy = new PhysicsObject(new Vector2(randX + star_phy.Position.x, randY + star_phy.Position.y), 222, PhysicsObjectType.ROCK_PLANET, random.Next(0, 360)); rockPlanet_phy.calcRadius (star_phy); star_phy.addComponent (rockPlanet_phy); objectsInSimulation.addComponent(rockPlanet_phy); GameObject RockPlanet = Instantiate(rockPlanets[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rockPlanets.Length - 1)], new Vector3(rockPlanet_phy.Position.x, 0, rockPlanet_phy.Position.y), Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left)) as GameObject; RockPlanet.transform.parent = starSystem.transform; rockPlanet_phy.rotateScript = RockPlanet.GetComponent<rotate>(); RockPlanet.GetComponent<rotate>().myObject = rockPlanet_phy; //add moons to the rock planets rockMoonCount = random.Next (maxNumMoonsPerRockPlanet - minNumMoonsPerRockPlanet + 1) + minNumMoonsPerRockPlanet; int tempMinRMRange = minRockMoonRange; int tempMaxRMRange = maxRockMoonRange; for (int k = 0; k < rockMoonCount; k++) { minRockMoonRange += RockMoonRangeIncr; maxRockMoonRange += RockMoonRangeIncr; randX = random.Next ((maxRockMoonRange* -1), maxRockMoonRange); while (randX > (minRockMoonRange* -1) && randX < minRockMoonRange) { randX = random.Next ((maxRockMoonRange* -1), maxRockMoonRange); } randY = random.Next ((maxRockMoonRange* -1), maxRockMoonRange); while (randY > (minRockMoonRange* -1) && randY < minRockMoonRange) { randY = random.Next ((maxRockMoonRange* -1), maxRockMoonRange); } rockMoon_phy = new PhysicsObject(new Vector2(randX + rockPlanet_phy.Position.x, randY + rockPlanet_phy.Position.y), 3333, PhysicsObjectType.ROCK_MOON, random.Next(0, 360)); rockMoon_phy.calcRadius (rockPlanet_phy); rockPlanet_phy.addComponent (rockMoon_phy); objectsInSimulation.addComponent(rockMoon_phy); GameObject RockMoon = Instantiate(rockMoons[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rockMoons.Length - 1)], new Vector3(rockMoon_phy.Position.x, 0, rockMoon_phy.Position.y), Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left)) as GameObject; RockMoon.transform.parent = RockPlanet.transform; rockMoon_phy.rotateScript = RockMoon.GetComponent<rotate>(); RockMoon.GetComponent<rotate>().myObject = rockMoon_phy; }// end rock moon for loop minRockMoonRange = tempMinRMRange; maxRockMoonRange = tempMaxRMRange; }// end rock planet for loop minRockPlanetRange = tempMinRPRange; maxRockPlanetRange = tempMaxRPRange; //add gas planets to the stars gasGiantCount = random.Next (maxNumGasGiants - minNumGasGiants + 1) + minNumGasGiants; int tempMinGGPlanet = minGasGiantRange; int tempMaxGGPlanet = maxGasGiantRange; for (int l = 0; l < gasGiantCount; l++) { minGasGiantRange += GasGiantRangeIncr; maxGasGiantRange += GasGiantRangeIncr; randX = random.Next ((maxGasGiantRange* -1), maxGasGiantRange); while (randX > (minGasGiantRange* -1) && randX < minGasGiantRange) { randX = random.Next ((maxGasGiantRange* -1), maxGasGiantRange); } randY = random.Next ((maxGasGiantRange* -1), maxGasGiantRange); while (randY > (minGasGiantRange* -1) && randY < minGasGiantRange) { randY = random.Next((maxGasGiantRange* -1), maxGasGiantRange); } gasGiant_phy = new PhysicsObject(new Vector2(randX + star_phy.Position.x, randY + star_phy.Position.y), 44444, PhysicsObjectType.GAS_GIANT, random.Next(0, 360)); gasGiant_phy.calcRadius (star_phy); star_phy.addComponent (gasGiant_phy); objectsInSimulation.addComponent(gasGiant_phy); GameObject GasGiant = Instantiate(gasGiants[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, gasGiants.Length - 1)], new Vector3(gasGiant_phy.Position.x, 0, gasGiant_phy.Position.y), Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left)) as GameObject; GasGiant.transform.parent = starSystem.transform; gasGiant_phy.rotateScript = GasGiant.GetComponent<rotate>(); GasGiant.GetComponent<rotate>().myObject = gasGiant_phy; //add moons to the gas planets gasGiantMoonCount = random.Next (maxNumMoonsPerGG - minNumMoonsPerGG + 1) + minNumMoonsPerGG; int tempMinGGMoonRange = minGGMoonRange; int tempMaxGGMoonRange = maxGGMoonRange; for (int m = 0; m < gasGiantMoonCount; m++) { minGGMoonRange += GGMoonRangeIncr; maxGGMoonRange += GGMoonRangeIncr; randX = random.Next((maxGGMoonRange * -1), minGGMoonRange); while (randX > (minGGMoonRange* -1) && randX < minGGMoonRange) { randX = random.Next((maxGGMoonRange* -1), minGGMoonRange); } randY = random.Next((maxGGMoonRange* -1), maxGGMoonRange); while (randY > (minGGMoonRange* -1) && randY < minGGMoonRange) { randY = random.Next((maxGGMoonRange* -1), maxGGMoonRange); } gasGiantMoon_phy = new PhysicsObject(new Vector2(randX + gasGiant_phy.Position.x, randY + gasGiant_phy.Position.y), 555555, PhysicsObjectType.G_G_MOON, random.Next(0, 360)); gasGiantMoon_phy.calcRadius (gasGiant_phy); gasGiant_phy.addComponent (gasGiantMoon_phy); objectsInSimulation.addComponent(gasGiantMoon_phy); GameObject GGMoon = Instantiate(ggMoons[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, ggMoons.Length - 1)], new Vector3(gasGiantMoon_phy.Position.x, 0, gasGiantMoon_phy.Position.y), Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left)) as GameObject; GGMoon.transform.parent = GasGiant.transform; gasGiantMoon_phy.rotateScript = GGMoon.GetComponent<rotate>(); GGMoon.GetComponent<rotate>().myObject = gasGiantMoon_phy; }// end gas giant moon for loop minGGMoonRange = tempMinGGMoonRange; maxGGMoonRange = tempMaxGGMoonRange; }// end gas giant for loop minGasGiantRange = tempMinGGPlanet; maxGasGiantRange = tempMaxGGPlanet; } //end star for loop minStarRange = tempMinStarRange; maxStarRange = tempMaxStarRanger; }