예제 #1
        //Write the state that each AI agent is currently in to the left of the screen
        private void DrawAIState(Graphics displayDevice)
            Physics.Vector2D drawLocation = new Physics.Vector2D(10, 10);
            foreach (AI.AIEngine AIbrain in mAImanager.aiControllers)
                //setup the string to be written
                string currentState = "NULL";
                switch (AIbrain.currentState)
                case AI.STATES.WAITING:
                    currentState = "waiting";

                case AI.STATES.WALKING:
                    currentState = "walking";

                case AI.STATES.JUMPING:
                    currentState = "jumping";

                case AI.STATES.FALLING:
                    currentState = "falling";

                //write the string
                mRenderer.Draw(currentState, drawLocation, displayDevice);

                //update the position to draw to
                drawLocation.Y += 20;
예제 #2
        //Draw a red eight pointed star of lines around the provided position
        public void DrawAISpawn(Physics.Vector2D position, Graphics g)
            //offset is the distance between the centre and the outer edges of the star
            float offset     = 20.0f;
            float halfOffset = offset / 2.0f;
            Color starColour = Color.Red;

            //create the 8 points of the pentagram
            Physics.Vector2D point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6, point7, point8;

            point1 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(-halfOffset, -offset);
            point2 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(halfOffset, -offset);

            point3 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(-offset, -halfOffset);
            point4 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(offset, -halfOffset);

            point5 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(-offset, halfOffset);
            point6 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(offset, halfOffset);

            point7 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(-halfOffset, offset);
            point8 = position + new Physics.Vector2D(halfOffset, offset);

            //draw lines between the 8 points
            DrawLine(point1, point6, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point6, point5, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point5, point2, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point2, point8, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point8, point3, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point3, point4, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point4, point7, g, starColour);
            DrawLine(point7, point1, g, starColour);
예제 #3
        //return the node from the lowest level that is closest to the specified location
        public Node GetNearestNode(Physics.Vector2D point)
            //If this node is at the lowest depth then return it
            if (internalNodes == null || internalNodes.Count == 0)

            Node nearestNode = internalNodes[0].GetNearestNode(point);
            Node tempNode;

            //get the nearest point from each child node and return the one which is closest to the specified point
            foreach (Node n in internalNodes)
                tempNode = n.GetNearestNode(point);

                float currentDistance = (GetNodePosition(nearestNode) - point).Length();
                float newDistance     = (GetNodePosition(tempNode) - point).Length();
                if (currentDistance > newDistance)
                    nearestNode = tempNode;

예제 #4
 //Draw a given point as a circle with radius 3, with colour Azure
 public void Draw(Physics.Vector2D point, Graphics g)
     Physics.RigidBody temp = new Physics.RigidBody();
     temp.Shape        = new Physics.Circle(3);
     temp.Shape.mColor = Color.Azure;
     Draw(temp, g);
예제 #5
        //Draw a line between two points with a specified colour
        public void DrawLine(Physics.Vector2D p1, Physics.Vector2D p2, Graphics g, Color chosenColour)
            mPen.Color  = chosenColour;
            mPen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.NoAnchor;

                       new Point((int)p1.X + (int)cameraLocation.X, (int)p1.Y + (int)cameraLocation.Y),
                       new Point((int)p2.X + (int)cameraLocation.X, (int)p2.Y + (int)cameraLocation.Y));
예제 #6
        //Draw an arrow between two points with the default colour of LightSteelBlue
        public void DrawArrow(Physics.Vector2D p1, Physics.Vector2D p2, Graphics g)
            mPen.Color  = Color.LightSteelBlue;
            mPen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor;

                       new Point((int)p1.X + (int)cameraLocation.X, (int)p1.Y + (int)cameraLocation.Y),
                       new Point((int)p2.X + (int)cameraLocation.X, (int)p2.Y + (int)cameraLocation.Y));
예제 #7
        public float GetHeuristic(Physics.Vector2D destination)
            //Apply a simple euclidean distance heuristic
            //Intended to give nodes a higher cost the further they are from the final goal
            //If a different destination node is used as an argument then this heuristic may work better or worse
            WorldGraph mainGraph = WorldGraph.GetWorldGraph();

            Physics.Vector2D currentPosition = mainGraph.topLevelNode.GetNodePosition(index);
            return((currentPosition - destination).Length() * 10);
예제 #8
        //move left/right towards the destination node.
        //if hard deceleration would result in overshooting the destination, decelerate.
        //This is to stop the AI from going too fast and driving off the edge of a platform
        private void stepWalking(float dt)
            if (destinationNode == null)
            Physics.Vector2D displacement = mainGraph.topLevelNode.GetNodePosition(destinationNode) - AIPlayer.playerBody.Position;

            //Get the direction of the displacement (-1 = dest is to the left)
            float sign = displacement.X / Math.Abs(displacement.X);

            //Get the displacement if the AI were to hard brake
            float naturalDisplacement      = Physics.SuvatEquations.SFromUVA(AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X, 0.0f, AIPlayer.GetHorizontalAcceleration()) * -1;
            float currentDirectionOfMotion = 1;

            //force natural displacement to be positive
            if (AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X != 0)
                currentDirectionOfMotion = AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X / Math.Abs(AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X);
            naturalDisplacement *= currentDirectionOfMotion;

            //If the displacement with deceleration results in overshooting, slow down
            if (displacement.X * sign < naturalDisplacement * sign)
                if (sign > 0)
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_LEFT, 0.0f));
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_RIGHT, 0.0f));
                //if travelling the wrong way, or travelling below walkingSpeed, accelerate towards the destination
                if (currentDirectionOfMotion != sign || Math.Abs(AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X) < walkingSpeed)
                    if (sign < 0)
                        actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_LEFT, 0.0f));
                        actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_RIGHT, 0.0f));
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.DO_NOTHING, 0.0f));
예제 #9
        //convert a coordinate into it's corresponding node
        public Node GetNodeAtPoint(Physics.Vector2D point)
            Node temp = topLevelNode.GetNearestNode(point);

            //if the node is not close enough to the specified point then return null
            if ((topLevelNode.GetNodePosition(temp) - point).Length() > 25)
예제 #10
        public UI()
            //initialise everything
            message       = "Climb the tower!";
            livesLeft     = 12;
            timeRunning   = 0.0f;
            messageColour = Color.Black;

            messageLocation = new Physics.Vector2D(GlobalConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2.0f, 20);
            timerLocation   = new Physics.Vector2D(GlobalConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH - 160, 50);
            livesLocation   = new Physics.Vector2D(GlobalConstants.WINDOW_WIDTH - 160, 100);
예제 #11
        public SimpleRenderer()
            mBrush         = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            mPen           = new Pen(Color.Black, 4);
            mPen.Alignment = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PenAlignment.Center;

            //Note: requires the Arial font to be installed for the game to run
            mFont = new Font("Arial", 16);

            //Camera location defaults to 0,0
            cameraLocation = new Physics.Vector2D();
예제 #12
        //spawn an AI at a given coordinate
        public void AddAIAt(Physics.Vector2D spawnLocation)
            if (aiControllers.Count < MAX_AI_COUNT)
                Physics.Player newAIPlayer = new Physics.Player();
                newAIPlayer.playerBody.type = Physics.RBTypes.ENEMY;
                aiControllers.Add(new AI.AIEngine(newAIPlayer));

예제 #13
        //create a net moving away from the player along the vector from the player to the mouse
        public void FireNet(Physics.Vector2D worldSpaceMouse)
            if (currentState == GAMESTATE.RUNNING)
                //get the direction of motion
                Physics.Vector2D direction = (worldSpaceMouse - thePlayer.playerBody.Position).Normalised();

                //get the distance from the centre of the player the centre of the net will be spawned
                float spawnDistFromPlayer = 20.0f;

                //create the net
                thePhysicsEngine.addNet(new Physics.DynamicNet((direction * spawnDistFromPlayer) + thePlayer.playerBody.Position, direction * thePlayer.gunForce));
예제 #14
        //use logic similar to stepWalking, move towards the destination X
        //the intent is to approximate the velocity needed to fall in a straight line to the destination
        //this is done by determining if the AI is going faster or slower than the intended line
        //then the AI is accelerated or decelerated towards this line
        private void stepFalling(float dt)
            //note that destination node is determined based on straight line distance
            //this function would be improved if it's destination was chosen from the list of destinations it is capable of falling to
            if (destinationNode == null)
            Physics.Vector2D displacement = mainGraph.topLevelNode.GetNodePosition(destinationNode) - AIPlayer.playerBody.Position;

            //Get the direction of the displacement (-1 = dest is to the left)
            float sign = displacement.X / Math.Abs(displacement.X);

            float fallDuration             = Physics.SuvatEquations.TfromSUA(displacement.Y, AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.Y, physEng.gravity.Y).Item1;
            float currentDisplacement      = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X, 0.0f, fallDuration) * -1;
            float currentDirectionOfMotion = 1;

            if (AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X != 0)
                currentDirectionOfMotion = AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X / Math.Abs(AIPlayer.playerBody.LinearVelocity.X);
            currentDisplacement *= currentDirectionOfMotion;

            //If the displacement with acceleration results in undershooting, then accelerate
            if (displacement.X * sign > currentDisplacement * sign)
                if (sign < 0)
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_LEFT, 0.0f));
                if (sign > 0)
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_RIGHT, 0.0f));
            //else decelerate
                if (sign > 0)
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_LEFT, 0.0f));
                if (sign < 0)
                    actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_RIGHT, 0.0f));
예제 #15
        public Node(Physics.Vector2D aPosition, NodeIndex nodeIndex, NODE_TYPE nodeType)
            type = nodeType;

            index         = new NodeIndex(nodeIndex);
            connections   = new List <Connection>();
            internalNodes = new List <Node>();

            lastDestinations = new List <NodeIndex>();
            lastOrigins      = new List <NodeIndex>();
            lastPaths        = new List <List <NodeIndex> >();

            position = aPosition;
예제 #16
        //check all dynamic objects for collisions against dynamic and static objects, then resolve them
        public void updateCollisions()
            //Check collisions of all dynamic objects
            for (int i = dynamicPhysicsObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Physics.RigidBody a = dynamicPhysicsObjects[i];

                //against other dynamic objects
                for (int j = dynamicPhysicsObjects.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    if (i != j)
                        Physics.RigidBody b = dynamicPhysicsObjects[j];

                        if (a.Shape.IsCollided(b.Shape, a.Position, b.Position))
                            Physics.Vector2D          normal = a.Shape.GetCollisionNormal(b.Shape, a.Position, b.Position);
                            Physics.CollisionPairData pair   = new Physics.CollisionPairData();
                            pair.BodyA         = a;
                            pair.BodyB         = b;
                            pair.ContactNormal = normal;


                //and against all static objects
                for (int j = staticPhysicsObjects.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    Physics.RigidBody b = staticPhysicsObjects[j];

                    if (a.Shape.IsCollided(b.Shape, a.Position, b.Position))
                        Physics.Vector2D          normal = a.Shape.GetCollisionNormal(b.Shape, a.Position, b.Position);
                        Physics.CollisionPairData pair   = new Physics.CollisionPairData();
                        pair.BodyA         = a;
                        pair.BodyB         = b;
                        pair.ContactNormal = normal;


예제 #17
        //Use the current set of inputs to apply various forces to the player
        public void step(float dt)
            Physics.Vector2D appliedForce = new Vector2D();

            //apply forces to the left and right
            if (controls[(int)CONTROLS.RIGHT])
                appliedForce.X += motionForce;
            if (controls[(int)CONTROLS.LEFT])
                appliedForce.X -= motionForce;

            //apply a jump if the player is on the ground
            if (OnGround() && controls[(int)CONTROLS.UP])
                //create the jump vector
                Physics.Vector2D temp = playerBody.collisionNormal;
                temp.X *= -jumpInitialVelocity;
                temp.Y  = jumpInitialVelocity;

                //apply the jump to the velocity
                playerBody.LinearVelocity += temp;
                controls[(int)CONTROLS.UP] = false;
            else if (controls[(int)CONTROLS.DOWN])
                //speed up the player's fall
                appliedForce.Y += gravityAssistForce;

            //update the player's force to include these input forces
            playerBody.SetForce(playerBody.Force + appliedForce);

            //update all cooldowns
            if (gunReload > 0.01f)
                gunReload -= dt;
            if (collisionCooldown > 0.0f)
                collisionCooldown -= dt;
예제 #18
        //The following four methods determine AI activity during each state

        //When waiting, move towards the current node.
        //If a jump is possible from the node but the AI is slightly off and cannot jump, moving towards the node should move the AI to a position from which the jump is possible
        private void stepWaiting(float dt)
            if (currentNode == null)

            Physics.Vector2D displacement = mainGraph.topLevelNode.GetNodePosition(currentNode) - AIPlayer.playerBody.Position;

            if (displacement.X < 0)
                actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_LEFT, 0.0f));
                actionPlan.Add(new act_dur((int)ACTIONS.MOVE_RIGHT, 0.0f));
예제 #19
        public DebugDisplay(Physics.Player thePlayer, AI.AIManager aManager, SimpleRenderer aRender)
            //get references to the useful game classes
            playerCharacter = thePlayer;
            mAImanager      = aManager;
            physEng         = Physics.PhysicsEngine.GetPhysicsEngine();
            AIgraph         = AI.WorldGraph.GetWorldGraph();

            mRenderer = aRender;

            //initialise the bools
            showCurrentPlayerJump = false;
            showNodes             = false;
            showPath              = false;
            showJumpRange         = false;
            showFallRange         = false;
            showJumpBoxCollisions = false;
            showFallBoxCollisions = false;
            showCollisionNormals  = false;
            showLocalNodes        = -1;

            jumpDestination = null;
예제 #20
        //given a rigidbody, create its node and its child nodes, then return its node
        public static Node CreateNodesFromRB(Physics.RigidBody theRB, NodeIndex parentIndex, int localIndex)
            //create the node for the rigidbody
            Node rigidBody = new Node(theRB.Position, new NodeIndex(parentIndex, localIndex), NODE_TYPE.RIGIDBODY);

            //this temporary position is used to place the child nodes
            Physics.Vector2D nodePosition = new Physics.Vector2D();
            nodePosition.Y = theRB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MIN.Y - (Physics.Player.playerRadius + 1);

            //Create the leftmost fall node
            nodePosition.X = theRB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MIN.X - (Physics.Player.playerRadius + 1);
            rigidBody.AddNode(new Node(new Physics.Vector2D(nodePosition), new NodeIndex(rigidBody.index, rigidBody.internalNodes.Count), NODE_TYPE.FALL));

            //Move the node position so it is not above a sheer drop
            nodePosition.X = theRB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MIN.X + (Physics.Player.playerRadius / 2);

            //Create the regular nodes an even distance apart
            float surfaceWidth  = theRB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MAX.X - theRB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MIN.X;
            int   numberOfNodes = (int)(surfaceWidth / (Physics.Player.playerRadius * 2) + 0.5);
            float step          = (surfaceWidth - Physics.Player.playerRadius) / numberOfNodes;

            for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfNodes; ++i)
                rigidBody.AddNode(new Node(new Physics.Vector2D(nodePosition), new NodeIndex(rigidBody.index, rigidBody.internalNodes.Count), NODE_TYPE.FLOOR));
                nodePosition.X += step;

            //Create the rightmost fall node
            nodePosition.X = theRB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MAX.X + (Physics.Player.playerRadius + 1);
            rigidBody.AddNode(new Node(new Physics.Vector2D(nodePosition), new NodeIndex(rigidBody.index, rigidBody.internalNodes.Count), NODE_TYPE.FALL));

예제 #21
        //find the path to the goal from a given position
        //the AI index is used to cache each AI's path for quick lookup
        public void GeneratePathToCurrentGoal(int aiAgentIndex, Physics.Vector2D start)
            if (paths == null || paths.Count <= aiAgentIndex)

            Node startNode = topLevelNode.GetNearestNode(start);
            Node endNode   = topLevelNode.GetNearestNode(goalCoords);

            if (startNode == null || endNode == null)

            List <NodeIndex> temp = topLevelNode.GetPath(aiAgentIndex, startNode.index, endNode.index, topLevelNode);

            //update the ai's path to the path retreived from the nodes
            if (temp != null)
                paths[aiAgentIndex] = new List <NodeIndex>(temp);
예제 #22
        //check to see if the player could jump or fall between the provided nodes
        private static CONNECTION_TYPE GetConnectionBetween(NODE_TYPE sourceNodeType, NODE_TYPE destNodeType, Physics.Vector2D sourceNodePosition, Physics.Vector2D destinationNodePosition)
            //a fall node should never be the destination of a jump or a fall, just the sourcepoint for a fall
            if (destNodeType == NODE_TYPE.FALL)

            Physics.Player        examplePlayer = new Physics.Player();
            Physics.PhysicsEngine physEng       = Physics.PhysicsEngine.GetPhysicsEngine();

            //if a fall connection is possible, return it
            if ((sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.FALL ||
                 sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.WALL) &&
                physEng.CanPlayerFallFromTo(examplePlayer, sourceNodePosition, destinationNodePosition))

            //if a jump connection is possible, return it
            if ((sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.FLOOR ||
                 sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.WALL) &&
                physEng.CanPlayerJumpFromTo(examplePlayer, sourceNodePosition, destinationNodePosition))

예제 #23
 //draw the provided text with the default colour of black
 public void Draw(string textToDisplay, Physics.Vector2D position, Graphics g)
     Draw(textToDisplay, position, g, Color.Black);
예제 #24
 public void Draw(string textToDisplay, Physics.Vector2D position, Graphics g, Color chosenColour)
     mBrush.Color = chosenColour;
     g.DrawString(textToDisplay, mFont, mBrush, position.X, position.Y);
예제 #25
 public void AddSpawnLocation(Physics.Vector2D newLocation)
예제 #26
 //Draw a line with the default colour LightSteelBlue
 public void DrawLine(Physics.Vector2D p1, Physics.Vector2D p2, Graphics g)
     DrawLine(p1, p2, g, Color.LightSteelBlue);
예제 #27
 public void SetJumpDestination(Physics.Vector2D newDest)
     jumpDestination = newDest;
예제 #28
        //the same as the above method but for falling
        //this method is effectively just copy/pasted from Player.FallCollidesWithRB() with modifications to display the results
        private void DrawFallCullingPoints(Graphics displayDevice)
            Physics.RigidBody temp = new Physics.RigidBody();
            temp.Shape        = new Physics.Circle(3);
            temp.Shape.mColor = Color.OrangeRed;

            //store the start and endpoints of the fall
            Physics.Vector2D source      = playerCharacter.playerBody.Position;
            Physics.Vector2D destination = jumpDestination;
            if (destination == null)
                destination = new Physics.Vector2D(0, 0);
            Physics.Vector2D displacement = destination - source;

            Tuple <float, float> timeToFall = Physics.SuvatEquations.TfromSUA(displacement.Y, 0.0f, 98);

            if (timeToFall == null)
            if (float.IsNaN(timeToFall.Item1) && float.IsNaN(timeToFall.Item2))

            //calculate the acceleration needed to fall to the destination
            float acceleration = Physics.SuvatEquations.AfromSUT(displacement.X, 0.0f, Math.Max(timeToFall.Item1, timeToFall.Item2));

            //calculate the four points where the path defined by acceleration could potentially collide with the rigidbody
            Tuple <float, float> timeToReach;

            float leftmostX;
            float leftmostY;

            float righttmostX;
            float righttmostY;

            float topY;
            float topX;

            float bottomY;
            float bottomX;

            //draw the points where the fall arc could collide with each rigidbody
            foreach (Physics.RigidBody RB in physEng.staticPhysicsObjects)
                //obtain the X positions of the sides of the rigidbody
                leftmostX   = (RB.Position.X + RB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MIN.X) - source.X;
                righttmostX = (RB.Position.X + RB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MAX.X) - source.X;
                //obtain the Y positions of the top and bottom of the rigidbody
                topY    = (RB.Position.Y + RB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MIN.Y) - source.Y;
                bottomY = (RB.Position.Y + RB.Shape.ComputeAABB().MAX.Y) - source.Y;

                //calculate the time to reach the left side of the rigidbody
                timeToReach = Physics.SuvatEquations.TfromSUA(leftmostX, 0.0f, acceleration);

                //calculate the first Y position, draw the first point, calculate the second, draw the second point
                leftmostY = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, 98, timeToReach.Item1);
                if (!float.IsNaN(leftmostY))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(leftmostX, leftmostY) + source);
                leftmostY = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, 98, timeToReach.Item2);
                if (!float.IsNaN(leftmostY))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(leftmostX, leftmostY) + source);

                //calculate the time to reach the right side of the rigidbody
                timeToReach = Physics.SuvatEquations.TfromSUA(righttmostX, 0.0f, acceleration);

                //calculate the first Y position, draw the first point, calculate the second, draw the second point
                righttmostY = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, 98, timeToReach.Item1);
                if (!float.IsNaN(righttmostY))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(righttmostX, righttmostY) + source);
                righttmostY = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, 98, timeToReach.Item2);
                if (!float.IsNaN(righttmostY))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(righttmostX, righttmostY) + source);

                //calculate the time to reach the top of the rigidbody
                timeToReach = Physics.SuvatEquations.TfromSUA(topY, 0.0f, 98);

                //calculate the first X position, draw the first point, calculate the second, draw the second point
                topX = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, acceleration, timeToReach.Item1);
                if (!float.IsNaN(topX))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(topX, topY) + source);
                topX = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, acceleration, timeToReach.Item2);
                if (!float.IsNaN(topX))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(topX, topY) + source);

                //calculate the time to reach the bottom of the rigidbody
                timeToReach = Physics.SuvatEquations.TfromSUA(bottomY, 0.0f, 98);

                //calculate the first X position, draw the first point, calculate the second, draw the second point
                bottomX = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, acceleration, timeToReach.Item1);
                if (!float.IsNaN(bottomX))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(bottomX, bottomY) + source);
                bottomX = Physics.SuvatEquations.SfromUAT(0.0f, acceleration, timeToReach.Item2);
                if (!float.IsNaN(bottomX))
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                    temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D(bottomX, bottomY) + source);
예제 #29
        //draw the jump arc of a specified player to a specified destination
        //if specified destination is null then draw the jump assuming the player jumped with no acceleration or deceleration

        //This function is useful for debugging the "Player.GetJumpFromSourceToDest()", "Player.GetJumpYFromX()", and "Player.GetJumpXFromY()" methods
        private void DrawJumpArc(Graphics displayDevice, Physics.Player thePlayer, Physics.Vector2D goal)
            //a temporary variable used in draw calls
            Physics.RigidBody temp = new Physics.RigidBody();

            //stores how long the player accelerates after hitting jump
            float accelerationTime = 0.0f;

            //if a goal was specified
            //	calculate the amount of time the player would need to accelerate after jumping in order to reach the goal
            //	draw the goal point
            if (goal != null)
                accelerationTime = thePlayer.GetJumpFromSourceToDest(thePlayer.playerBody.Position, goal, physEng.gravity);

                //draw the goal
                temp.Shape        = new Physics.Circle(6);
                temp.Shape.mColor = Color.Purple;
                mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);

            //set the object to be drawn to a circle of radius 3
            temp.Shape = new Physics.Circle(3);

            //Temporary variable used to store the coordinates returned from the GetJumpYFromX() and GetJumpXFromY() methods
            Tuple <Physics.Vector2D, Physics.Vector2D> resultingPoints;

            //loop through the 1200 X coordinates around the player, calculating the Y position of the jump at that point
            //Draw a circle at each combined X,Y coordinate in Green
            temp.Shape.mColor = Color.Green;
            for (int i = -600; i < 600; i += 1)
                //Get the two possible X,Y coords of the jump given a specific X coord
                resultingPoints = thePlayer.GetJumpYFromX(thePlayer.playerBody.Position, accelerationTime, 15.0f, physEng.gravity, thePlayer.playerBody.Position.X - i);

                //draw any valid returned coordinates
                if (resultingPoints.Item1 != null)
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                if (resultingPoints.Item2 != null)
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);

            //loop through the 1200 Y coordinates around the player, calculating the X position of the jump at that point
            //Draw a circle at each combined X,Y coordinate in red
            temp.Shape.mColor = Color.OrangeRed;
            for (int i = -600; i < 600; i += 10)
                //Get the two possible X,Y coords of the jump given a specific Y coord
                resultingPoints = thePlayer.GetJumpXFromY(thePlayer.playerBody.Position, accelerationTime, 15.0f, physEng.gravity, thePlayer.playerBody.Position.Y - i);

                //draw any valid returned coordinates
                if (resultingPoints.Item1 != null)
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
                if (resultingPoints.Item2 != null)
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);
예제 #30
 public NodeOnRails(Node coreNode, Physics.Vector2D point1, Physics.Vector2D point2) : base(coreNode)
     railPoint1 = point1;
     railPoint2 = point2;