private static async Task YieldableActionTask_Generic_Simple_Yield_Async()
            var e = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            var x    = default(int);
            var task = new YieldableActionTask <int>((state, token) =>
                x = state;

                while (!token.IsYieldRequested)

            }, 42);


            Assert.AreEqual(1L, task.Priority);

            using (var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create())
                using (var l = new LogicalScheduler(s))

                    await l.PauseAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(42, x);
예제 #2
        public void Scheduler_ErrorHandling_HandlePhysical()
            using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create();

            var ex  = new Exception();
            var err = default(Exception);
            var evt = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var sh  = default(IScheduler);
            var fs  = default(IScheduler);

            ph.UnhandledException += (o, e) =>
                err       = e.Exception;
                e.Handled = true;
                sh        = e.Scheduler;

            using (var s = new LogicalScheduler(ph))
                s.Schedule(ActionTask.Create(_ =>
                    fs = s;
                    throw ex;
                }, 1));


            Assert.AreSame(ex, err);
            Assert.AreSame(fs, sh);
예제 #3
        public void Scheduler_Access_Physical()
            using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create();

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => ph.VerifyAccess());

            using var l = new LogicalScheduler(ph);

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => l.VerifyAccess());

            var e = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            var b = false;

            l.Schedule(ActionTask.Create(_ =>
                b = l.CheckAccess() && ph.CheckAccess();

            }, 1));


        private static void ItemProcessingTask_Simple_Core()
            var proc = new ItemProcessor();
            var task = new ItemProcessingTask(proc);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, task.Priority);





            using var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var l = new LogicalScheduler(s);


        private static async Task YieldableActionTask_Simple_Yield_Async()
            var e = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            var task = new YieldableActionTask(token =>

                while (!token.IsYieldRequested)



            Assert.AreEqual(1L, task.Priority);

            using var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var l = new LogicalScheduler(s);


            await l.PauseAsync();
        private static async Task YieldableActionTask_Simple_YieldAndResume_Async()
            var e1 = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var e2 = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var p1 = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            var state = 0;

            var task = new YieldableActionTask(token =>

                switch (state)
                case 0:

                    while (!token.IsYieldRequested)



                case 1:




            Assert.AreEqual(1L, task.Priority);

            using var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var l = new LogicalScheduler(s);


            await l.PauseAsync();


예제 #7
 public void Initialize()
     _physicalScheduler = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
     _logicalScheduler  = new LogicalScheduler(_physicalScheduler);
     _logicalContext    = new MockOperatorContext {
         Scheduler = _logicalScheduler
예제 #8
        public void Scheduler_ErrorHandling_Logical_Chain()
            using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create();

            var ex  = new Exception();
            var err = default(Exception);
            var evt = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var log = new List <string>();
            var sh  = default(IScheduler);
            var fs  = default(IScheduler);

            ph.UnhandledException += (o, e) =>

            using (var s = new LogicalScheduler(ph))
                s.UnhandledException += (o, e) =>
                    err       = e.Exception;
                    e.Handled = true;
                    sh        = e.Scheduler;

#pragma warning disable IDE0063 // Use simple 'using' statement (indentation helps to document the parent-child relationship)
                using (var c1 = s.CreateChildScheduler())
                    c1.UnhandledException += (o, e) => { log.Add("c1"); };

                    using (var c2 = c1.CreateChildScheduler())
                        c2.UnhandledException += (o, e) => { log.Add("c2"); };

                        c2.Schedule(ActionTask.Create(_ =>
                            fs = c2;
                            throw ex;
                        }, 1));

#pragma warning restore IDE0063 // Use simple 'using' statement

            Assert.IsTrue(new[] { "c2", "c1", "s" }.SequenceEqual(log));
            Assert.AreSame(ex, err);
            Assert.AreSame(fs, sh);
예제 #9
        public void NopScheduler_SwallowAllWork()
            using var p = PhysicalScheduler.Create();

            var l = new LogicalScheduler(p);


            var n = l.CreateChildScheduler();
            var o = n.CreateChildScheduler();



            var hasError = false;
            var h        = new EventHandler <SchedulerUnhandledExceptionEventArgs>((_, e) =>
                hasError = true;

            n.UnhandledException += h;

            var failed = false;
            var fail   = ActionTask.Create(s => { failed = true; throw new Exception(); }, 1);

            o.Schedule(TimeSpan.Zero, fail);
            o.Schedule(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, fail);


            Task.Run(async() =>
                await o.PauseAsync();

            n.UnhandledException -= h;


            var d = o.Now - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            Assert.IsTrue(d < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

예제 #10
        public void Scheduler_CheckPriorityExecutionOfLongRunningTasks()
            const int BatchSize = 1;

            using var physicalScheduler = PhysicalScheduler.Create(1);
            using var scheduler         = new LogicalScheduler(physicalScheduler);

            var countdown = new CountdownEvent(2);

            var queue0 = new ConcurrentQueue <int>();
            var queue1 = new ConcurrentQueue <int>();

            bool firstHasCalled = true;

            bool action(IScheduler s, ConcurrentQueue <int> q, int batch, int state)
                if (state == 0)
                    Volatile.Write(ref firstHasCalled, true);
                    Assert.AreEqual(true, Volatile.Read(ref firstHasCalled));

                while (!q.IsEmpty)
                    q.TryDequeue(out int result);



            // NB: Tasks don't become runnable before items have been enqueued.

            var task0 = new MessageQueueBasedTask <int>(queue0, BatchSize, 0, action);
            var task1 = new MessageQueueBasedTask <int>(queue1, BatchSize, 1, action);




        public void ContextSwitchOperator_Monitoring()
            var vals = new List <int>();
            var obv  = Observer.Create <int>(vals.Add, _ => { }, () => { });
            var myOp = new MyOp <int>(obv);

            using var ps = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var ls = new LogicalScheduler(ps);


            var opCtx = new Context
                InstanceId = new Uri("test://sub"),
                Scheduler  = ls,

            new SubscriptionInitializeVisitor(myOp).Initialize(opCtx);

            var msgs = new List <int> {
                4, 3, 2, 1

            var enqueueCount = 0;

            myOp.MonitorableQueue.Enqueueing += msg =>
                Assert.AreEqual(msg, msgs[enqueueCount++]);

            var countdown    = new CountdownEvent(msgs.Count);
            var dequeueCount = 0;

            myOp.MonitorableQueue.Dequeued += msg =>
                Assert.AreEqual(msg, msgs[dequeueCount++]);

            foreach (var msg in msgs)

            Assert.AreEqual(msgs.Count, myOp.MonitorableQueue.QueueSize);


예제 #12
        public void OperatorContext_ArgumentChecking()
            var ur = new Uri("bing://foo/bar");

            using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var sh = new LogicalScheduler(ph);

            var tc = new TraceSource("foo");
            var ee = new Environment();

#pragma warning disable IDE0034 // Simplify 'default' expression (illustrative of method signature)
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => new OperatorContext(default(Uri), sh, tc, ee));
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => new OperatorContext(ur, default(IScheduler), tc, ee));
#pragma warning restore IDE0034 // Simplify 'default' expression
        public void YieldableActionTask_Simple()
            var e    = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var task = new YieldableActionTask(token => e.Set());


            Assert.AreEqual(1L, task.Priority);

            using var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var l = new LogicalScheduler(s);

예제 #14
        public QueryEngineEnvironment(bool templatize)
            _templatize        = templatize;
            _stateStore        = new InMemoryStateStore(QeId);
            _keyValueStore     = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            _resolver          = new MockReactiveServiceResolver();
            _physicalScheduler = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            _subjectManager    = new SubjectManager();
            var provider          = new MockLazyReactiveEngineProvider(_subjectManager);
            var deploymentContext = new DeploymentReactiveServiceContext(provider);

#if FALSE // NB: Disabled until reification framework host is ported and artifacts are refactored out of remoting into separate libraries.
            Deployable.DefineStreamFactories(deploymentContext, _subjectManager);

            _context = new ReificationReactiveServiceContext(provider);
예제 #15
        public void OperatorContext_Simple()
            var ur = new Uri("bing://foo/bar");

            using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            using var sh = new LogicalScheduler(ph);

            var tc = new TraceSource("foo");
            var ee = new Environment();

            var ctx = new OperatorContext(ur, sh, tc, ee);

            Assert.AreSame(ur, ctx.InstanceId);
            Assert.AreSame(sh, ctx.Scheduler);
            Assert.AreSame(tc, ctx.TraceSource);
            Assert.AreSame(ee, ctx.ExecutionEnvironment);

            Assert.IsFalse(ctx.TryGetElement <string>("foo", out var s) && s == null);
        public void YieldableActionTask_Generic_Simple()
            var e    = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var x    = default(int);
            var task = new YieldableActionTask <int>((state, token) => { x = state; e.Set(); return(true); }, 42);


            Assert.AreEqual(1L, task.Priority);

            using (var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create())
                using (var l = new LogicalScheduler(s))

            Assert.AreEqual(42, x);
예제 #17
        public void Scheduler_BigStepForHumanKindSmallStepForTimerKind()
            var err = default(Exception);

            var h = new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler((o, e) =>
                err = (Exception)e.ExceptionObject;

                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += h;

                using var ph = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
                using var lg = new LogicalScheduler(ph);

                // The BCL has a limit on 0xfffffffe milliseconds, which is some 49 days (see Worker.NormalizeForTimer).
                // If not handled correctly in Worker.cs, those attempts at scheduling would cause the worker to die.
                lg.Schedule(TimeSpan.FromDays(50), ActionTask.Create(_ => true, 1));
                lg.Schedule(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(50), ActionTask.Create(_ => true, 1));

                // Ensure disposal doesn't happen before the worker thread had a chance to evaluate timer expirations,
                // which is what would cause the test process to die on an invalid call to Timer.Change.
                var e = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                lg.Schedule(ActionTask.Create(_ => { e.Set(); return(true); }, 1));
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException -= h;

            if (err != null)
예제 #18
 public void Scheduler_PhysicalSchedulerWithZeroWorkers()
예제 #19
 public void Scheduler_PhysicalSchedulerWithNegativeWorkers()
예제 #20
 public void Initialize()
     _physicalScheduler = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
     _root = new LogicalScheduler(_physicalScheduler);
예제 #21
        public static async Task RunAsync()
            // Define a stream manager that will be made available to Source<T> and Sink<T> through the operator context.
            // The state of the stream manager itself is not persisted as part of a checkpoint, so we keep the instance alive across engine lifetimes.

            var sm = new StreamManager();

            // Create two streams: xs will be used by Source<T> to send events into the computation, and ys will be used by Sink<T> to receive results.

            var xs = sm.CreateSubject <int>("xs");
            var ys = sm.CreateSubject <string>("ys");

            // For diagnostic purposes, we'll always listen to the sink. Regardless of engine failover, we should see events here.


            // We'll reuse a few more things across engine failovers:
            // - a physical scheduler to obtain logical schedulers from
            // - an in-memory key/value store for the create/delete transactions (note we could save/load this one, but it doesn't intersect with operator local storage functionality)

            var physicalScheduler = PhysicalScheduler.Create();
            var kvs = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();

            // We'll have two generations of the same engine, similating a checkpoint/recover transition. The only piece of shared state will be the in-memory checkpoint store.

            var checkpointStore = new Store();

            // First generation of the engine.

                // Instantiate an engine with:
                // - a no-op resolver; we're never going to rely on binding to artifacts defined outside this engine
                // - a no-op registry; we'll define all artifacts inside the engine rather than relying on a central catalog
                // - a shared in-memory key/value store for transactions (see above)
                // - a logical scheduler, no trace source, and the simplest of compiled delegate caches available
                // - an operator context element added for Source<T> and Sink<T> to get access to the stream manager

                var engine = new Engine.CheckpointingQueryEngine(new Uri("qe://demo/1"), new Resolver(), new LogicalScheduler(physicalScheduler), new Registry(), kvs, s_map, traceSource: null, new SimpleCompiledDelegateCache())
                    OperatorContextElements =
                        { "StreamManager", sm }

                // Get an IReactive wrapper around the engine for programming ergonomics below.

                var ctx = new QueryEngineContext(engine.ReactiveService);

                // For the first instance of the engine, we'll define a bunch of artifacts which will be checkpointed, including our custom buffer operator using operator local storage.

                        new Uri("observable://source"),
                        CastVisitor.Apply((Expression <Func <string, IReactiveQbservable <T> > >)(stream => new Source <T>(stream).ToQbservable())),

                        new Uri("observer://sink"),
                        CastVisitor.Apply((Expression <Func <string, IReactiveQbserver <T> > >)(stream => new Sink <T>(stream).ToQbserver())),

                    ctx.DefineObservable <IReactiveQbservable <T>, Expression <Func <T, R> >, R>(
                        new Uri("rx://observable/map"),
                        (source, selector) => ReactiveQbservable.Select(source, selector),

                    ctx.DefineObservable <IReactiveQbservable <T>, int, int, IList <T> >(
                        new Uri("rx://observable/buffer"),
                        CastVisitor.Apply((Expression <Func <IReactiveQbservable <T>, int, int, IReactiveQbservable <IList <T> > > >)((source, count, skip) => new BufferCountSkip <T>(source.ToSubscribable(), count, skip).ToQbservable())),
                        (source, count, skip) => ReactiveQbservable.Buffer(source, count, skip),

                // For the first instance of the engine, we'll also define our standing query which will be checkpointed.

                    var source = ctx.GetObservable <string, int>(new Uri("observable://source"))("xs");

                    var select = ctx.GetObservable <IReactiveQbservable <IList <int> >, Expression <Func <IList <int>, string> >, string>(new Uri("rx://observable/map"));
                    var buffer = ctx.GetObservable <IReactiveQbservable <int>, int, int, IList <int> >(new Uri("rx://observable/buffer"));

                    var sink = ctx.GetObserver <string, string>(new Uri("observer://sink"))("ys");

                    select(buffer(source, 5, 3), list => string.Join(", ", list)).Subscribe(sink, new Uri("subscription://demo"), null);

                // We'll send events in range [0..9] which should emit two buffers ([0..4] and [3..7]) and have two buffers pending ([6..10] and [9..13]).
                //                                      Failure
                //                                         |
                //   0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,|10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
                // [------------------]                    |
                //             [------------------]        |
                //                         [---------------|--]
                //                                     [---|--------------]
                //                                         |       [------------------]
                //                                         |                   [------------------]
                //                                         |
                // In order to wait for the delivery of the first two buffers, we'll subscribe to ys outside the engine ourselves to obtain a task to await on.
                // This is needed because event processing in the engine happens asynchronously on scheduler threads.

                var afterTwoEvents = ys.Take(2).ToTask();

                for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++)

                await afterTwoEvents;

                // Now it's time to checkpoint the engine.
                // NB: We have to use the "long" overload here because it's the only one we supply in our extension to CheckpointingQueryEngine.

                await engine.CheckpointAsync(new StateWriter(checkpointStore, CheckpointKind.Differential), CancellationToken.None, progress : null);

                // To make our testing easier, we'll call UnloadAsync, which enables our Source<T> to detach from the stream manager.

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Print the store.


            // Second generation of the engine.

                // Re-instantiate the engine with parameters similar to the ones used the first time around.

                var engine = new Engine.CheckpointingQueryEngine(new Uri("qe://demo/1"), new Resolver(), new LogicalScheduler(physicalScheduler), new Registry(), kvs, s_map, traceSource: null, new SimpleCompiledDelegateCache())
                    OperatorContextElements =
                        { "StreamManager", sm }

                // Recover the engine from state.
                // NB: We have to use the "long" overload here because it's the only one we supply in our extension to CheckpointingQueryEngine.

                await engine.RecoverAsync(new StateReader(checkpointStore), CancellationToken.None, progress : null);

                // We'll continue to send events in range [10..19] which should emit the two buffers that were pending ([6..10] and [9..13]) and two new buffers ([12..16] and [15..19]).
                //                                      Failure
                //                                         |
                //   0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,|10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
                // [------------------]                    |
                //             [------------------]        |
                //                         [---------------|--]
                //                                     [---|--------------]
                //                                         |       [------------------]
                //                                         |                   [------------------]
                //                                         |
                // In order to wait for the delivery of the next four buffers, we'll subscribe to ys outside the engine ourselves to obtain a task to await on.
                // This is needed because event processing in the engine happens asynchronously on scheduler threads.

                var afterFourEvents = ys.Take(4).ToTask();

                for (var i = 10; i <= 19; i++)

                await afterFourEvents;
        private static async Task YieldableActionTask_Generic_YieldAndResume_Async()
            const int N = 10;

            var isRunning      = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var stoppedRunning = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            var iterationCount = new CountdownEvent(N);

            var i      = 2;
            var primes = new List <int>();

            var task = new YieldableActionTask <List <int> >((primes2, token) =>
                Assert.AreSame(primes, primes2);


                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                while (true)
                    if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 50 && token.IsYieldRequested)

                    var isPrime = true;

                    for (var d = 2; d <= Math.Sqrt(i); d++)
                        if (i % d == 0)
                            isPrime = false;

                    if (isPrime)



                    if (iterationCount.CurrentCount == 0)

            }, primes);


            Assert.AreEqual(1L, task.Priority);

            using (var s = PhysicalScheduler.Create())
                using (var l = new LogicalScheduler(s))

                    for (var j = 0; j < N; j++)
                        await l.PauseAsync();



예제 #23
        public static async Task Main()
            // Query engines host reactive artifacts, e.g. subscriptions, which can be stateful.
            // Query engines are a failover unit. State for all artifacts is persisted via checkpointing.
            // Query engines depend on services from the environment:
            // - A scheduler to process events on:
            //   - There's one physical scheduler per host. Think of it as a thread pool.
            //   - Each engine has a logical scheduler. Think of it as a collection of tasks. The engine suspends/resumes all work for checkpoint/recovery.
            // - A key/value store for state persistence, including:
            //   - A transaction log of create/delete operations for reactive artifacts.
            //   - Periodic checkpoint state, which includes:
            //     - State of reactive artifacts (e.g. sum and count for an Average operator).
            //     - Watermarks for ingress streams, enabling replay of events upon failover.
            // This sample also parameterizes query engines on an ingress/egress manager to receive/send events across the engine/environment boundary.
            using var ps = PhysicalScheduler.Create();

            using var scheduler = new LogicalScheduler(ps);
            var store = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            var iemgr = new IngressEgressManager();

            // Illustrates the lifecycle of an engine:
            // - Instantiate the object, passing the environment services.
            // - Recover the engine's state from the key/value store.
            // - Use the engine (omitted below).
            // - Checkpoint the engine's state. This is typically done periodically, e.g. once per minute. The interval is a tradeoff between:
            //   - I/O frequency versus I/O size, e.g. due to state growth as events get processed.
            //   - Replay capacity for ingress events and duration of replay, e.g. having to replay up to 1 minute worth of events from a source.
            // - Unloading the engine. This is optional but useful for graceful shutdown. In the Reactor service this is used when a primary moves to another node in the cluster. It allows reactive artifacts to unload resources (e.g. connections).
            Console.WriteLine("Creating brand new engine...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustrates populating the registry of defined artifacts in the engine. This is a one-time step for the environment creating a new engine.
            // - Artifact types that are defined include:
            //   - Observables, e.g. sources of events, or query operators.
            //   - Observers, e.g. sinks for events, or event handlers.
            //   - Stream factories, not shown here. Useful for creation of "subjects" local to the engine.
            //   - Subscription factories, not shown here. Useful for "templates" to create subscriptions with parameters.
            // - All Reactor artifacts use URIs for naming purposes.
            // The key take-away is that Reactor engines are empty by default and have no built-in artifacts whatsoever. The environment controls the registry, which includes standard query operators, specialized query operators, etc.
            // NB: There's an alternative approach to having artifacts defined in and persisted by individual engine instances. The engine can also be parameterized on a queryable external catalog. This is useful for homogeneous environments.
            Console.WriteLine("Defining artifacts in engine...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);
                await ctx.DefineObserverAsync(new Uri("iot://reactor/observers/cout"), ctx.Provider.CreateQbserver <T>(Expression.New(typeof(ConsoleObserver <T>))), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <TimeSpan, DateTimeOffset>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/timer"), t => new TimerObservable(t).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

#if DEMO1
            // Illustrates the user programming surface of Reactor. The environment should provide an IReactiveProxy "context" object to the user. It provides an API similar to LINQ to SQL and Rx:
            // - Get* to obtain artifacts, using their well-known URIs.
            // - Compose queries over those artifacts.
            // - Submit them to the engine using async operations (e.g. SubscribeAsync in lieu of Subscribe in Rx).
            // The sample below shows the most basic subscription, merely connecting a source (observable) and a sink (observer). The resulting subscription has a name, which can be used to delete it later.
            // A few notes on IReactiveProxy:
            // - APIs are asynchronous to cover I/O:
            //   - In a distributed service, this includes submitting a serialized expression tree across machine boundaries.
            //   - At the engine level (shown here), this includes the transaction log operation for the create operation (enabling replay of the creation operation in the event of engine failure before the next checkpoint).
            // - The ReactorContext type shown below implements this interface:
            //   - Think of it being analogous to DataContext in LINQ to SQL, which has methods like GetTable<T>.
            //   - Derived types can provide friendly accessors for artifacts, just like LINQ to SQL could have a NorthwindDataContext providing a Products property to hide GetTable<Product>("Product").
            Console.WriteLine("Creating a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var timer = ctx.GetObservable <TimeSpan, DateTimeOffset>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/timer"));
                var cout  = ctx.GetObserver <DateTimeOffset>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observers/cout"));

                await timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).SubscribeAsync(cout, new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/heartbeat"), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Engine was unloaded...");
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // Illustrates checkpoint/recovery. The subscription is running again after failover.
            Console.WriteLine("Recovering a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustrates user code to dispose an existing subscription.
            // See remarks on IReactiveProxy higher up. The pattern is identical:
            // - Use a Get operation to get a proxy to the artifact, in this case a subscription, using the URI.
            // - Invoke an asynchronous operation to act on it, in this case DisposeAsync to dispose the subscription.
            // The asynchronous nature of the operation is again due to:
            // - The ability to send the operation across machine boundaries.
            // - The transaction log in the engine to persist the deletion operation in the event of failure before the next checkpoint.
            Console.WriteLine("Disposing a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var heartbeat = ctx.GetSubscription(new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/heartbeat"));
                await heartbeat.DisposeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustration of defining query operators, similar to defining other artifacts higher up. A few remarks:
            // - No operators are built-in. Below, we define essential operators like Where, Select, and Take. The URI for these is not even prescribed; the environment picks those.
            // - Implementations of the operators are provided in Reaqtive, similar to System.Reactive for classic Rx. The difference is mainly due to support for state persistence, which classic Rx lacks.
            // - Custom operators are as first-class as "standard query operators". That is, the query engine does not have an opinion about the operator surface provided.
            // Some ugly technicalities show up below, but those are entirely irrelevant to the user experience. The code below is part of the one-time setup provided by the environment. In particular:
            // - Define operations are done through IReactiveProxy, but could also be done straight on the engine (though it brings some additional complexity when doing so, see revision history of this file for details).
            // - There's some conversion friction to build expressions that fit through a "queryable" expression-tree based API but eventually bind to types in Reaqtive. That's all the As* stuff below.
            Console.WriteLine("Defining some query operators in engine...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                await Operators.DefineAsync(ctx, CancellationToken.None);
                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, bool>, T>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/filter"), (source, predicate) => source.AsSubscribable().Where(predicate).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, int, bool>, T>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/filter/indexed"), (source, predicate) => source.AsSubscribable().Where(predicate).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, R>, R>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/map"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().Select(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, int, R>, R>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/map/indexed"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().Select(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, int, T>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/take"), (source, count) => source.AsSubscribable().Take(count).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

#if DEMO2
            // Illustration of a more sophisticated query expression written by the user, using the operators defined above.
            // Note that all Rx operators can be defined and used with Reactor, so this merely serves as an example of a select subset of those.
            // The fluent experience using extension methods (and hence supporting query expression "LINQ" syntax as well) is introduced through the Operators type with method definitions like this:
            //     [KnownResource("iot://reactor/observables/filter")]
            //     public static IAsyncReactiveQbservable<T> Where<T>(this IAsyncReactiveQbservable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
            // This is part of the APIs provided by the environment.
            // Note the use of `KnownResource` to refer to the URI of the defined artifact. Any (extension) method besides the standard query operators can use this mechanism to allow fluent formulation of queries.
            // This again serves to show that nothing is built-in in Reactor: Where, Select, etc. aren't any more special than any other "non-standard" query operator.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating a more fancy subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var timer = ctx.GetObservable <TimeSpan, DateTimeOffset>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/timer"));
                var cout  = ctx.GetObserver <string>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observers/cout"));

                var res = timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)).Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).Select(dt => dt.ToString()).Take(8);

                await res.SubscribeAsync(cout, new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/heartbeat/advanced"), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Engine was unloaded...");
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // Illustrates recovery of a stateful query. The query above has a Take(8), so part of the persistence includes the remaining event count.
            Console.WriteLine("Recovering a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustration of metadata queries on the engine.
            // IReactiveProxy exposes queryable collections such as Observables, Observers, Subscriptions that can be used to enumerate artifacts in the engine, or to formulate queries.
            // Note that LINQ query provider support is limited in the engine today, but the registry can be indexed efficiently (e.g. ContainsKey, SingleOrDefault), and can be enumerated.
            // Work on metadata queries in the engine has been hampered by the lack of IAsyncQueryable<T> support (which is only coming to .NET now, over 5 years later). We could go back to
            // add rich querying support if such a need arises.
            // For the IoT environment, a ContainsKey query could be useful to check whether a query has already been defined, and even to obain its expression tree, e.g. if we wish to do
            // some idempotent Create operation.
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var found = ctx.Subscriptions.ContainsKey(new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/heartbeat/advanced"));
                Console.WriteLine("Found subscription: " + found);

                Console.WriteLine("IoT operators defined in engine:");
                foreach (var observable in ctx.Observables.AsEnumerable(/* NB: See remarks above; no rich query support today :-(. */).Where(kv => kv.Key.Scheme == "iot"))
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + observable.Key);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustration of disposing a subscription, again.
            Console.WriteLine("Disposing a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var heartbeat = ctx.GetSubscription(new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/heartbeat/advanced"));
                await heartbeat.DisposeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustration of defining ingress/egress proxies as observable/observer artifacts.
            // Also see the implementation of IngressObservable<T> and EgressObserver<T>, which use the ingress/egress manager to connect to the outside world. The essence is this:
            // - To the query running inside the engine, these look like ordinary Rx artifacts implemented using interfaces base classes provided by Reactor:
            //   - ISubscribable<T> rather than IObservable<T>, to support the richer lifecycle of artifacts in Reactor compared to Rx.
            //   - Load/Save state operations for checkpointing.
            // - The external world communicates with the engine using a variant of the observable/observer interfaces, namely IReliable*<T>:
            //   - Events received and produced have sequence numbers.
            //   - Subscription handles to receive events from the outside world have additional operations:
            //     - Start(long) to replay events from the given sequence number.
            //     - AcknowledgeRange(long) to allow the external service to (optionally) prune events that are no longer needed by the engine.
            // - Proxies in the engine use the sequence number to provide reliability:
            //   - Save persists the latest received sequence number. Load gets it back.
            //   - Upon restart of an ingress proxy, the restored sequence number is used to ask for replay of events.
            //   - Upon a successful checkpoint, the latest received sequence number is acknowledged to the source (allowing pruning).
            // The Reactor service implements such ingress/egress mechanisms using services like EventHub.
            Console.WriteLine("Defining ingress/egress proxies in engine...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);
                await ctx.DefineObserverAsync <string, T>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observers/egress"), stream => new EgressObserver <T>(stream).AsAsyncQbserver(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <string, T>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/ingress"), stream => new IngressObservable <T>(stream).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

#if DEMO3
            // Mimic the outside world by creating streams in the ingress/egress manager. In reality, this would come from the environment, e.g. sensor data.
            // We create two streams:
            // - bar will be used to receive events from the outside world and to perform event processing queries on those events;
            // - foo will be used to send events produced by the queries to the outside world.
            // Thus:
            // - the query in the engine will subscribe to bar and emit events into foo;
            // - the outside world will emit events into bar and subscribe to foo.
            // Also note that all events outside the engine boundaries have sequence numbers.
            using var stopBarProducer = new CancellationTokenSource();

            Console.WriteLine("Setting up external streams...");
                var bar = iemgr.CreateSubject <int>("bar");
                var foo = iemgr.CreateSubject <int>("foo");

                foo.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("foo> " + x), ex => Console.WriteLine("foo> " + ex.Message), () => Console.WriteLine("foo> Done"));

                _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                    for (int i = 0; !stopBarProducer.IsCancellationRequested; i++)
                        var e = (i, 10 * i);
                        Console.WriteLine("bar> " + e);

                        await Task.Delay(250);

            // Illustrates a simple pass-through query where events are received from external stream bar and forwarded to external stream foo.
            // Note that the observable and observer proxies are parameterized on the external stream name. This can obviously be hidden in a number of ways:
            // - Define non-parameterized observable and observer artifacts for input/output streams, using a descriptive URI, e.g. iot://sensor/temperature.
            // - Create a context derived from ReactorContext that provides properties that provide direct access to those, e.g. ctx.Temperature.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating subscription using ingress/egress...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var input  = ctx.GetObservable <string, int>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/ingress"));
                var output = ctx.GetObserver <string, int>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observers/egress"));

                await input("bar").SubscribeAsync(output("foo"), new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/in_out"), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("Engine was unloaded...");
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // Illustrates the replay behavior in the face of failover. During the 5 seconds of downtime, events were produced. Upon recovery, these events are replayed.
            Console.WriteLine("Recovering a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Get rid of the external producer, for demo purposes (so it doesn't keep printing during subsequent demos).

            // Illustration of disposing a subscription, again.
            Console.WriteLine("Disposing a subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var in_out = ctx.GetSubscription(new Uri("iot://reactor/subscriptions/in_out"));
                await in_out.DisposeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

            // Illustrates the definition of higher-order operators such as SelectMany and GroupBy which operate on sequences of sequences (IObservable<IObservable<T>>) which is one of the most powerful aspects of Rx.
            Console.WriteLine("Defining advanced query operators in engine...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // Average
                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <int>, double>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/average/int32"), source => source.AsSubscribable().Average().AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <long>, double>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/average/int64"), source => source.AsSubscribable().Average().AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <double>, double>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/average/double"), source => source.AsSubscribable().Average().AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, int>, double>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/average/selector/int32"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().Average(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, long>, double>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/average/selector/int64"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().Average(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, double>, double>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/average/selector/double"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().Average(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // DistinctUntilChanged
                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, T>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/distinct"), source => source.AsSubscribable().DistinctUntilChanged().AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // SelectMany
                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, ISubscribable <R> >, R>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/bind"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().SelectMany(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // Window
                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, TimeSpan, ISubscribable <T> >(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/window/hopping/time"), (source, duration) => source.AsSubscribable().Window(duration).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, int, ISubscribable <T> >(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/window/hopping/count"), (source, count) => source.AsSubscribable().Window(count).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, ISubscribable <T> >(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/window/sliding/time"), (source, duration, shift) => source.AsSubscribable().Window(duration, shift).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, int, int, ISubscribable <T> >(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/window/sliding/count"), (source, count, skip) => source.AsSubscribable().Window(count, skip).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, TimeSpan, int, ISubscribable <T> >(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/window/ferry"), (source, duration, count) => source.AsSubscribable().Window(duration, count).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // GroupBy
                await ctx.DefineObservableAsync <IAsyncReactiveQbservable <T>, Func <T, R>, IGroupedSubscribable <R, T> >(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/group"), (source, selector) => source.AsSubscribable().GroupBy(selector).AsAsyncQbservable(), null, CancellationToken.None);

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();

#if DEMO4
            // Add other streams to connect to the environment, simulating a temperature sensor reading and a feedback channel to control an A/C unit.
            Console.WriteLine("Setting up external streams...");
                var readings = iemgr.CreateSubject <SensorReading>("bart://sensors/home/livingroom/temperature/readings");
                var settings = iemgr.CreateSubject <double?>("bart://sensors/home/livingroom/temperature/settings");

                var rand = new Random();

                // Speed and granularity of simulation.
                var timeStep        = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);
                var simulationDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250);

                // Absolute value of temperature gain/loss per unit time of the house adjusting to the outside temperature.
                var insulationTemperatureIncrement = 0.1;

                // Absolute value of temperature gain/loss per unit time due to the A/C unit cooling down or heating up.
                var acTemperatureIncrement = 0.2;

                // Temperature sensitivity of the thermostat to trigger turning off the A/C unit, i.e. within this range from target.
                var thermostatSensitivity = 0.5;

                // Configuration of simulation: minimum and maximum temperature outside, and coldest time of day.
                var outsideMin  = 55;
                var outsideMax  = 85;
                var coldestTime = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0); // 5AM

                // Scale for the temperature range, to multiply [0..1] by to obtain a temperature value that can be added to the minimum.
                var scale = outsideMax - outsideMin;

                // Offset to the midpoint of the temperature range. Outside temperature will vary as a sine wave around this value.
                var offset = outsideMin + scale / 2;

#pragma warning disable CA5394 // Do not use insecure randomness. (Okay for simulation purposes.)

                // Random initial value inside, within the range of temperatures.
                var inside = outsideMin + rand.NextDouble() * scale;

#pragma warning restore CA5394

                // null if A/C unit is off; otherwise, target temperature.
                var target = default(double?);

                // Clock driven by the simulation.
                var time = DateTime.Today;

                // Print commands arriving at thermostat.
                settings.Subscribe(s =>
                    target = s.item;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{time} thermostat> {(target == null ? "OFF" : "ON " + (target > inside ? "heating" : "cooling") + " to " + target)}");

                // Run simulation which adjusts both inside and outside temperature.
                _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                    while (true)
                        var now           = (time.TimeOfDay - coldestTime - TimeSpan.FromHours(6)).TotalSeconds;
                        var secondsPerDay = TimeSpan.FromHours(24).TotalSeconds;

                        var outside = scale * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * now / secondsPerDay) / 2 + offset;

                        var environmentEffect = outside < inside ? -insulationTemperatureIncrement : insulationTemperatureIncrement;
                        var acUnitEffect      = target != null ? (target < inside ? -acTemperatureIncrement : acTemperatureIncrement) : 0.0;

                        inside += environmentEffect + acUnitEffect;

                        if (target != null && Math.Abs(target.Value - inside) < thermostatSensitivity)
                            target = null;

                        Console.WriteLine($"{time} temperature> inside = {inside} outside = {outside} target = {target}");
                        readings.OnNext((Environment.TickCount, new SensorReading {
                            Room = "Hallway", Temperature = inside

                        await Task.Delay(simulationDelay);
                        time += timeStep;

            // Illustration of creating more advanced queries.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating a complex subscription...");
                using var engine = new MiniQueryEngine(new Uri("iot://reactor/1"), scheduler, store, iemgr);

                using (var reader = store.GetReader())
                    await engine.RecoverAsync(reader);

                var ctx = new ReactorContext(engine);

                // *** USER CODE STARTS HERE ***

                var input  = ctx.GetObservable <string, SensorReading>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observables/ingress"));
                var output = ctx.GetObserver <string, double?>(new Uri("iot://reactor/observers/egress"));

                var readings = input("bart://sensors/home/livingroom/temperature/readings");
                var settings = output("bart://sensors/home/livingroom/temperature/settings");

                await readings.Window(4).SelectMany(w => w.Average(r => r.Temperature)).Select(t => t < 70 || t > 80 ? 75 : default(double?)).DistinctUntilChanged().SubscribeAsync(settings, new Uri("iot://reactor/subscription/BD/livingroom/comfy"), null, CancellationToken.None);

                // *** USER CODE ENDS HERE ***

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120));

                using (var writer = store.GetWriter())
                    await engine.CheckpointAsync(writer);

                await engine.UnloadAsync();