예제 #1
        OnPhysicalLogHandleClose(PhysicalLog.Handle ToClose, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            await _Lock.WaitUntilSetAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                PhysicalLog handleOwner = null;

                ReleaseAssert.AssertIfNot(_Logs.TryGetValue(ToClose.OwnerId, out handleOwner), "_Logs index is inconsistent");

                if (await handleOwner.OnCloseHandle(ToClose, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    // last reference on the PhysicalLog removed - it is closed, remove from this _Logs index
                    if ((_Handles.Count == 0) && (_Logs.Count == 0))
                        var m = _AppDomainPhysLogManager;
                        _AppDomainPhysLogManager = null;
                            await m.CloseAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Close can throw STATUS_OBJECT_NO_LONGER_EXISTS if the log has been deleted while
                            // the opened.  This is benign and so just ignore it.
                            // TODO asnegi: RDBug #10278280 Adding 0xc0190021 as it is expected HResult for exception. However, it seems that it is not being
                            // translated to 0x80071A97 or generated properly in dotnet_coreclr_linux.
                            if ((ex.InnerException == null) ||
                                ((ex.InnerException.HResult != unchecked ((int)0x80071A97)) && (ex.InnerException.HResult != unchecked ((int)0xc0190021))) ||
                                (ex.InnerException.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.InnerException.HResult != unchecked ((int)0xc0190021)))
                                // Only ERROR_OBJECT_NO_LONGER_EXISTS is an expected result code. Any other error should be passed back up