public void PhraseLiteralTest_EmptyStringException_ReturnsEmpty()
            PhraseLiteral   phrase = new PhraseLiteral("");
            IList <Posting> result = phrase.GetPostings(index, processor);

            result.Should().BeEmpty("because an empty string is passed to the constructor");
        public void GetPostingsTest_PhraseNotExist_ReturnsEmpty()
            PhraseLiteral   phrase = new PhraseLiteral("snowing in the town");
            IList <Posting> result = phrase.GetPostings(index, processor);

            result.Should().BeEmpty("because there's no document that contains the phrase 'snowing in the town'");
예제 #3
        public void ParsingPhraseQueryTest_ReturnsPhraseLiteral()
            string        query    = "\"ice smoothie\"";
            PhraseLiteral expected = new PhraseLiteral("ice smoothie");
            IQueryComponent actual = parser.ParseQuery(query);


            //Case2: query without ending quote
            query  = "\"ice smoothie";
            actual = parser.ParseQuery(query);
        public void GetPostingsTest_PhraseExist_ReturnsPostingsWithFirstPosition()
            IList <Posting> result;
            IList <Posting> expected;

            //1. Test for exact words
            PhraseLiteral phrase1 = new PhraseLiteral("full of mystery");

            result   = phrase1.GetPostings(index, processor);
            expected = index.GetPostings("full");
            result.Should().HaveCount(2, "because there are 2 files that contain the phrase 'full of mystery'");
            result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected, "because 'full of mystery' should have the same postings with 'full'");

            //2. Test for stemmed words
            PhraseLiteral phrase2 = new PhraseLiteral("hello worlds");

            result = phrase2.GetPostings(index, processor);
            //position of 'hello' in the doc that has "hello" and "world"
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
                expected = new List <Posting> {
                    new Posting(4, new List <int> {
                expected = new List <Posting> {
                    new Posting(0, new List <int> {
            result.Should().HaveCount(1, "because 'worlds' should be processed and include result of 'world'");
            result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected, "because postings for 'hello worlds' should have the position of 'hello'");