protected void PopulatePage(ABPerson contact)
            // save the ID of our person
            contactID = contact.Id;

            // set the data on the page
            txtFirstName.Text      = contact.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text       = contact.LastName;
            tableDataSource        = new AddressBookScreen.PhoneNumberTableSource(contact.GetPhones());
            tblPhoneNumbers.Source = tableDataSource;

            // wire up our delete clicked handler
            tableDataSource.DeleteClicked +=
                (object sender, PhoneNumberTableSource.PhoneNumberClickedEventArgs e) => { DeletePhoneNumber(e.PhoneNumberID); };
        protected void PopulatePage(ABPerson contact)
            // save the ID of our person
            contactID = contact.Id;

            // set the data on the page
            txtFirstName.Text = contact.FirstName;
            txtLastName.Text = contact.LastName;
            tableDataSource = new AddressBookScreen.PhoneNumberTableSource (contact.GetPhones ());
            tblPhoneNumbers.Source = tableDataSource;

            // wire up our delete clicked handler
            tableDataSource.DeleteClicked +=
                (object sender, PhoneNumberTableSource.PhoneNumberClickedEventArgs e) => {
                DeletePhoneNumber (e.PhoneNumberID);