public static void AddPossibleSamples(bool randomAllowed) { if (freeIndices.Count > 0) // If there are free slots { if (readyPhenotypes.Count > 0) // If there are phenotypes to use { int range = Mathf.Min(freeIndices.Count, readyPhenotypes.Count); for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { // Create dragons with the stored phenotypes Vector3 position = populationPositions[freeIndices[i]]; GameObject body = DragonFactory.CreateDragon(readyPhenotypes[i], position, Quaternion.Euler(20, 0, 0), freeIndices[i]); population.Add(body); GlobalSettings.SetBodyAndBonesRendering(body, GlobalSettings.renderingBodyAndBones); } freeIndices.RemoveRange(0, range); readyPhenotypes.RemoveRange(0, range); } else if (randomAllowed) { int range = freeIndices.Count; for (int i = 0; i < range; i++) { // Create dragons with the new, random phenotypes Phenotype phenotype = PhenotypeFactory.CreateRandom(); Vector3 position = populationPositions[freeIndices[i]]; GameObject body = DragonFactory.CreateDragon(phenotype, position, Quaternion.Euler(20, 0, 0), freeIndices[i]); population.Add(body); GlobalSettings.SetBodyAndBonesRendering(body, GlobalSettings.renderingBodyAndBones); } freeIndices.Clear(); } } }
void Start() { if (Global.GetCurrentScene() == Global.mainAIScene) { print("Initialisizing Learning Mode"); // Create the first population PopulationControler.ResizePopulation(GlobalSettings.startPopulationSize); LoadRules(); // Add a random phenotype to the evaluated list for the case that the evry first sample cannot be evaluated successfully. float[] em = new float[20]; for (int i = 0; i < em.Length; i++) { em[i] = 1; } PopulationControler.evaluatedPhenotypesGood.Add(new EvaluatedPhenotype(PhenotypeFactory.CreateRandom(), -100, 1, em)); } }
public void ChangeTaskMode(string mode) { GlobalSettings.taskMode = mode; switch (mode) { case "Learning": Debug.Log("Learning Mode"); // Destroy the full dragon and recreate population if (inLearningMode == false) { Destroy(completeDragon); Destroy(bestSample.gameObject); completeDragon = null; bestSample = null; PopulationControler.AddPossibleSamples(); GlobalSettings.SetBodyAndBonesRendering(renderPhTemp); GlobalSettings.SetMembraneRendering(renderMemTemp); ResizeFloorsFitToPopulation(); } renderPhTemp = GlobalSettings.renderingBodyAndBones; renderMemTemp = GlobalSettings.renderingMembranes; inLearningMode = true; if (bestSample == null) { Global.mainCameraScr.GotoWatchObject(PopulationControler.population[0]); } else { Global.mainCameraScr.GotoWatchObject(bestSample); } Global.mainCameraScr.GotoWatchObjectDistance(35 + Mathf.Sqrt(GlobalSettings.populationSize) * 35); testSampleScript = null; break; case "Testing": if (completeDragon != null) { return; } Debug.Log("Testing Mode"); renderPhTemp = GlobalSettings.renderingBodyAndBones; renderMemTemp = GlobalSettings.renderingMembranes; // Enable rendering of the new phenotype GlobalSettings.SetBodyAndBonesRendering(true); GlobalSettings.SetMembraneRendering(true); // // Save the current population for future use PopulationControler.SaveAndDestroyPopulation(); // Copy the phenotype of the best dragon Phenotype bestPhenotype; if (bestSample == null) { bestPhenotype = PopulationControler.GetBestPhenotype(); } else { bestPhenotype = bestSample.GetComponent <DragonScript>().wingSet.phenotype; } if (bestPhenotype == null) { bestPhenotype = PhenotypeFactory.CreateRandom(); } bestPhenotype.SetDependantBonethickness(0.6f, 0.1f); // Sets bone thicknes depending on the distance from the origin bestPhenotype.SetDependantBonecolor(new Color(0.3f, 1, 0.3f), new Color(0.25f, 0.25f, 1)); // Sets bone color depending on the distance from the origin bestSample = DragonFactory.CreateDragon(bestPhenotype, GlobalSettings.originPoint, Quaternion.Euler(20, 0, 0), 0); // // Calculate optimal gravity for floating float curMax; if (Global.GUIControlerScr.sampleToObserve != null) { curMax = Mathf.Max(bestSampleHeight, Global.GUIControlerScr.sampleVisScriptToObserve.localBestHeight); } else { curMax = bestSampleHeight; } customGravityOnBestSample = new Vector3(0, -(curMax / (bestPhenotype.maxFlapSteps * (GlobalSettings.requiredEvaluationFlaps + 0.5f))) * 75, 0); // ResizeFloors(1); inLearningMode = false; // Make everything visible GlobalSettings.SetBodyAndBonesRendering(bestSample, true); // Make body invisible (leaves wings visible) bestSample.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false; // Set interpolation GlobalSettings.SetPhysInterpolation(bestSample, true); // Reenable membrane testSampleScript = bestSample.GetComponent <DragonScript>(); testSampleScript.wingSet.RenderVisualisation(true); Global.mainCameraScr.GotoWatchObject(bestSample); floorOfBest.transform.position = bestSample.transform.position; Global.GUIControlerScr.SwitchObjectToObserve(bestSample); justMovedToWatchNew = true; Global.mainCameraScr.GotoWatchObjectDistance(70); // Create the new surrounding full dragon model completeDragon = (GameObject)Instantiate(CompleteDragonModel, bestSample.transform.position, bestSample.transform.rotation); completeDragon.GetComponent <DragonControler>().followerObject = bestSample; break; } }
void Start() { if (Global.GetCurrentScene() == Global.mainAIScene) { renderPhTemp = GlobalSettings.renderingBodyAndBones; renderMemTemp = GlobalSettings.renderingMembranes; ChangeTaskMode("Learning"); } else if (Global.GetCurrentScene() == Global.cliffScene) { print("Initialisizing Cliff Scene Mode"); PopulationControler.Init(); // Generate a standard-phenotype for a demonstrationd ragon Phenotype mainDragonType = PhenotypeFactory.CreateForDemoDragon(); // Activate some graphical effects (not used during the phenotypes for the genetic algorithm) mainDragonType.SetDependantBonethickness(0.75f, 0.2f); // Sets bone thicknes depending on the distance from the origin mainDragonType.SetDependantBonecolor(new Color(0.3f, 0.6f, 0.2f), new Color(0.5f, 0.8f, 0.4f)); // Sets bone color depending on the distance from the origin GameObject theDragon = GameObject.Find("TheDragon"); GameObject dragonBody = null, dragonHead = null; foreach (Transform child in theDragon.transform) { if ( == "MainBody") { dragonBody = child.gameObject; } if ( == "Head") { dragonHead = child.gameObject; } } PopulationControler.population.Add(dragonBody); DragonFactory.AttachWing(dragonBody, mainDragonType); //Disable the wing movement foreach (HingeJoint joint in dragonBody.GetComponent <DragonScript>().wingSet.joints) { joint.useMotor = false; } dragonBody.GetComponent <DragonScript>().wingSet.running = false; dragonBody.GetComponent <DragonScript>().index = 0; theDragon.GetComponent <DragonControler>().PrepareComponents(); theDragon.GetComponent <DragonControler>().SwitchGravity(true); // Set rendering settings GlobalSettings.SetBodyAndBonesRendering(true); GlobalSettings.SetMembraneRendering(true); // Make the camera keep looking at the head Global.mainCameraScr.SetCameraFocusObject(dragonHead); bestSample = dragonBody; inLearningMode = false; } }