PgNotification Map(tblRequest request)
     PgNotification note = new PgNotification();
         note = new SmscNotification();
     if ((PgMessageType)request.MessageType == PgMessageType.SMSCP)
         note = new SmscPaymentConfirmation();
     note.Amount = request.Amount;
     note.ApplicationId = request.ApplicationId;
     note.MessageType = (PgMessageType) request.MessageType;
     note.Payee = request.Payee;
     note.ReferenceNumber = request.ReferenceId;
        var smscn = note as SmscNotification;
         smscn.OutletPhoneNumber = request.Smsc_PhoneNumber;
         smscn.TillNumber = request.Smsc_TillNumber;
     return note;
        public int Save(PgNotification entity)
            tblRequest toSave = new tblRequest();
            toSave.Amount = entity.Amount;
            toSave.ApplicationId = entity.ApplicationId;
            toSave.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            toSave.Payee = entity.Payee;
            toSave.ReferenceId = entity.ReferenceNumber.ToString();
            if (entity is SmscNotification)
                SmscNotification smcs = entity as SmscNotification;
                toSave.Smsc_PhoneNumber = smcs.OutletPhoneNumber;
                toSave.Smsc_TillNumber = smcs.TillNumber;
                toSave.MessageType = (int)entity.MessageType;

            } if (entity is SmscPaymentConfirmation)
                SmscPaymentConfirmation smcs = entity as SmscPaymentConfirmation;
                toSave.Smsc_PhoneNumber = smcs.OutletPhoneNumber;
                toSave.Smsc_TillNumber = smcs.TillNumber;
                toSave.MessageType = (int)entity.MessageType;

            if (entity is Eazy247Notification)
                Eazy247Notification smcs = entity as Eazy247Notification;
                toSave.Smsc_PhoneNumber = smcs.OutletPhoneNumber;
                toSave.Smsc_TillNumber = smcs.BillerNumber;
                toSave.MessageType = (int)entity.MessageType;

            if (entity is Easy247Payment)
                Easy247Payment smcs = entity as Easy247Payment;
                toSave.Smsc_PhoneNumber = smcs.OutletPhoneNumber;
                toSave.Smsc_TillNumber = smcs.BillerNumber;
                toSave.MessageType = (int)entity.MessageType;

            return toSave.Id;
예제 #3
        public void ProcessRequest(PgNotification notification, out RequestMessage sms)
            string version = "1.0";
            string password = "******";
            string sourcesAddress = "hewani";
            string AppID = "APP_000007";
            string message = "";
            sms = new RequestMessage();
            if (notification is SmscNotification)
                SmscNotification smsc = notification as SmscNotification;
               message= "Invoice Notification: Thank you for trans ref " + smsc.TransactionId + ". Please pay amount " +
                smsc.Amount.ToString("N2") + " to till No. " + smsc.TillNumber +
                ". " + smsc.Payee;
                var addr = new List<string>();
                addr.Add("tel:" + smsc.OutletPhoneNumber);
                sms = new RequestMessage
                    applicationID = AppID,
                    encoding = RequestEncoding.Text,
                    message = message,
                    address = addr,
                    version = version,
                    binaryHeader = "Content-Type:application/json",
                    chargingAmount = smsc.Amount,
                    password = password,
                    sourceAddress = sourcesAddress,
                    statusRequest = StatusRequest.DeliveryRequestNotRequired,
            else if (notification is SmscPaymentConfirmation)
                SmscPaymentConfirmation smscp = notification as SmscPaymentConfirmation;
                var addr = new List<string>();
                addr.Add("tel:" + smscp.OutletPhoneNumber);
                message = "Payment Confirmation: Thank for your trans ref:  " + smscp.TransactionId +
                          ". Payment amount " + smscp.Amount.ToString("N2") + " to till No.  " + smscp.TillNumber +
                          " Received with thanks. " + smscp.Payee;
                sms = new RequestMessage
                    applicationID = AppID,
                    encoding = RequestEncoding.Text,
                    message = message,
                    address = addr,
                    version = version,
                    binaryHeader = "Content-Type:application/json",
                    chargingAmount = smscp.Amount,
                    password = password,
                    sourceAddress =sourcesAddress,
                    statusRequest = StatusRequest.DeliveryRequestNotRequired,

            else if (notification is Easy247Payment)
                Easy247Payment payment = notification as Easy247Payment;
                var addr = new List<string>();
                addr.Add("tel:" + payment.OutletPhoneNumber);
                message = "Payment Confirmation: Thank for your trans ref:  " + payment.TransactionId +
                          ". Payment amount " + payment.Amount.ToString("N2") + " to Biller No.  " + payment.BillerNumber +
                          " Received with thanks. " + payment.Payee;
                sms = new RequestMessage
                    applicationID = AppID,
                    encoding = RequestEncoding.Text,
                    message = message,
                    address = addr,
                    version = version,
                    binaryHeader = "Content-Type:application/json",
                    chargingAmount = payment.Amount,
                    password = password,
                    sourceAddress = sourcesAddress,
                    statusRequest = StatusRequest.DeliveryRequestNotRequired,
            else if (notification is Eazy247Notification)
                Eazy247Notification easy = notification as Eazy247Notification;
                message = "Invoice Notification: Thank you for trans ref " + easy.TransactionId + ". Please pay amount " +
                 easy.Amount.ToString("N2") + " to Biller No. " + easy.BillerNumber +
                 ". " + easy.Payee;
                var addr = new List<string>();
                addr.Add("tel:" + easy.OutletPhoneNumber);
                sms = new RequestMessage
                    applicationID = AppID,
                    encoding = RequestEncoding.Text,
                    message = message,
                    address = addr,
                    version = version,
                    binaryHeader = "Content-Type:application/json",
                    chargingAmount = easy.Amount,
                    password = password,
                    sourceAddress = sourcesAddress,
                    statusRequest = StatusRequest.DeliveryRequestNotRequired,
예제 #4
 private void SaveNSend(PgNotification notification, RequestMessage msg)
     SendToHSenid(msg, notification.ReferenceNumber.ToString());
예제 #5
 public Thread StartTheSaveAndSendThread(PgNotification smsc, RequestMessage msg)
     var t = new Thread(() => SaveNSend(smsc, msg));
     return t;