private void SetPassword(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { if (FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow == null) { return; } if (FPetraUtilsObject.HasChanges) { MessageBox.Show( Catalog.GetString("Please save changes before changing password."), Catalog.GetString("Change password."), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } string username = GetSelectedDetailRow().UserId; string MessageTitle = Catalog.GetString("Set Password"); string ErrorMessage = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("There was a problem setting the password for user {0}."), username); // only request the password once, since this is the sysadmin changing it. // see // for the change password dialog for the normal user PetraInputBox input = new PetraInputBox( Catalog.GetString("Change the password"), String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please enter the new password for user {0}:"), username), "", true); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string password = input.GetAnswer(); TVerificationResult VerificationResult; if (TSharedSysManValidation.CheckPasswordQuality(password, out VerificationResult)) { if (TRemote.MSysMan.Maintenance.WebConnectors.SetUserPassword(username, password, true, true)) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Password was successfully set for user {0}."), username), MessageTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // This has been saved on the server so my data is dirty - I need to re-load: FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow = null; Int32 rowIdx = GetSelectedRowIndex(); LoadUsers(); grdDetails.SelectRowInGrid(rowIdx); } else { MessageBox.Show(ErrorMessage, MessageTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show(ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + VerificationResult.ResultText, MessageTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
/// <summary> /// change the password of the current user /// </summary> public static void SetUserPassword(Form AParentForm) { string username = Ict.Petra.Shared.UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID; // TODO: use old password as well, to make sure the password is changed by its owner PetraInputBox input = new PetraInputBox( Catalog.GetString("Change your password"), Catalog.GetString("Please enter the old password:"******"", true); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { TLoginForm.CreateNewPassword(username, input.GetAnswer(), false); } }
private void OnBtnRcptNumber(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Boolean IntFormatIsOk = false; Int32 ReceiptNum; Int32 NewReceiptNum = 0; do { ReceiptNum = TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.GetLastReceiptNumber(FLedgerNumber); String ReceiptNumString = (ReceiptNum + 1).ToString(); PetraInputBox input = new PetraInputBox( Catalog.GetString("Receipt Numbers"), Catalog.GetString("The next Gift Receipt will have this number:"), ReceiptNumString, false); input.ShowDialog(); if (input.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } ReceiptNumString = input.GetAnswer(); try { NewReceiptNum = Convert.ToInt32(ReceiptNumString) - 1; IntFormatIsOk = true; } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show( Catalog.GetString("Please enter an integer."), Catalog.GetString("Format Problem") ); } } while (!IntFormatIsOk); if (NewReceiptNum < ReceiptNum) { MessageBox.Show( Catalog.GetString("WARNING - new Receipt Number is less than previous number.\r\nDuplicate Receipt Numbers might be printed."), Catalog.GetString("Receipt Numbers"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning ); } TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.SetLastReceiptNumber(FLedgerNumber, NewReceiptNum); }
private void SetPassword(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { string username = GetSelectedDetailRow().UserId; // only request the password once, since this is the sysadmin changing it. // see // for the change password dialog for the normal user PetraInputBox input = new PetraInputBox( Catalog.GetString("Change the password"), String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please enter the new password for user {0}:"), username), "", true); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string password = input.GetAnswer(); TVerificationResult VerificationResult; if (TSharedSysManValidation.CheckPasswordQuality(password, out VerificationResult)) { if (TRemote.MSysMan.Maintenance.WebConnectors.SetUserPassword(username, password, true, true)) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Password was successfully set for user {0}"), username)); // this has already been saved on during the server call to change the password GetSelectedDetailRow().Retired = false; } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("There was a problem setting the password for user {0}"), username)); } } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Catalog.GetString( "There was a problem setting the password for user {0}."), username) + Environment.NewLine + VerificationResult.ResultText); } } }
private void ResetPassword(Object Sender, EventArgs e) { TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResultCollection = null; string OneTimePassword = String.Empty; bool RandomSecurePasswordUtilised = false; if (FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow == null) { return; } if (FPetraUtilsObject.HasChanges) { MessageBox.Show( Catalog.GetString("It is necessary to save any changes before a user's password can be changed." + Environment.NewLine + "Please save changes now and then repeat the operation."), CommonDialogsResourcestrings.StrResetUserPasswordTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } string username = GetSelectedDetailRow().UserId; var UserChoice = MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString( "The resetting of a User Password requires the creation of a one-time password that the user will need to enter.\r\n" + "OpenPetra can generate a 'random secure' password for this purpose (recommended!). Alternatively, you can come up with such a password manually.\r\n\r\nCreate 'random secure' User Password?"), Catalog.GetString("User Password Reset"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); switch (UserChoice) { case DialogResult.Yes: OneTimePassword = TPasswordHelper.GetRandomSecurePassword(); RandomSecurePasswordUtilised = true; break; case DialogResult.No: // only request the password once, since this is the sysadmin changing it. // see // for the change password dialog for the normal user PetraInputBox input = new PetraInputBox( CommonDialogsResourcestrings.StrResetUserPasswordTitle, String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please enter a one-time password for user {0}:"), username), "", true); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { OneTimePassword = input.GetAnswer(); break; } else { ShowResettingOfUserPwdCancelledMessage(); return; } case DialogResult.Cancel: ShowResettingOfUserPwdCancelledMessage(); return; } try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); // give Windows a chance to update the Cursor // Save the new password (server-side checks get performed) if (TRemote.MSysMan.Maintenance.WebConnectors.SetUserPassword(username, OneTimePassword, true, true, TClientInfo.ClientComputerName, TClientInfo.ClientIPAddress, out VerificationResultCollection)) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Catalog.GetString(CommonDialogsResourcestrings.StrChangePasswordSuccess + Environment.NewLine + (RandomSecurePasswordUtilised ? Catalog.GetString( "The 'random secure' password will get copied to the clipboard after you have closed this message. Follow the steps lined out in the next message!") + Environment.NewLine : String.Empty) + Environment.NewLine + "(The user must change the new password for a password of his/her choice the next time (s)he logs on.)"), username), CommonDialogsResourcestrings.StrResetUserPasswordTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (RandomSecurePasswordUtilised) { CopyPasswordIntoClipboard(OneTimePassword); } // This has been saved on the server so my data is out-of-date - re-loading needed to get new // ModificationId etc: FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow = null; Int32 rowIdx = GetSelectedRowIndex(); LoadUsers(); grdDetails.SelectRowInGrid(rowIdx); } else { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(CommonDialogsResourcestrings.StrChangePasswordError, username) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + VerificationResultCollection.BuildVerificationResultString(), CommonDialogsResourcestrings.StrResetUserPasswordTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }